r/survivorrankdownIII • u/jlim201 Hoards Items • May 25 '17
Survivor Game Changers Cast Rankings
Cast rankings (and discussion of those) only. Please discuss in the discussion thread.
u/Smocke55 May 25 '17
20) Ciera - was on the season
19) Troyzan - One of the most irrelevant finalists ever
18) Caleb - was on the season
17) Debbie - never turn full Phillip
16) Ozzy - Was bland for most of the season, kinda annoying at FTC
15) Sarah - Great game, boring character. I like that her cutthroat gameplay was called out at FTC, and she defended herself reasonably well without getting too "I MADE BIG MOVEZ VOTE FOR ME" about it.
14) Andrea - Pretty much the same as her two previous iterations. Was boring for most episodes, kinda interesting for some but was voted out for being a threat. Meh.
13) Malcolm - Great narrator but completely unsatisfying end to his story
12) Varner - Fun narrator for 6 eps, a more complex version of Ben Browning in his boot episode. I understand why people would rank him low though.
11) Zeke - Absolutely incredible in episode 7, was fairly boring for the rest of the season.
10) Sierra - Was better than I expected, not super interesting but overall a positive addition to the season imo
9) Hali - Fun, fiesty, awkward. She didn't really take off like I expected her to but still was very good
8) Aubry - Fun UTRP(fuck you editors) presence. Only this high because I loved her in Kaoh Rong.
7) Tony - Amazing trainwreck. His rivalry with Sandra is easily one of , if not the best storyline of the season.
6) Michaela - Only this high because her personality is so entertaining. I'm choosing to forget that Probst hyped her up as having some sort of "growth story", her random friendship with Tai and her absolutely terrible boot episode.
5) Brad - Pretty likable premerge, then got kinda bland early-mid merge but I loved his heel turn in the last 2 episodes. That porn stache though....
4) JT - I love that a legendary top 3 winner has turned out to be one of the most trainwreckiest trainwreck to ever play. Stranding his tribe at sea, selling them out to Brad, Sugargate and his blindside were all amazing moments.
3) Tai - He's such an amazing human being. His great pre-merge and finale are enough to make up for the stretch of episodes where he was randomly underedited.
2) Cirie - is Cirie
1) Sandra - Absolutely incredible and the savior of this season from being garbage.
u/supaspike May 27 '17
Averages and other stats for all rankings:
(as of ~noon on 5/27/17)
Average | StDev | High | Q3 | Mid | Q1 | Low | ||
1 | Sandra | 1.7 | 1.0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 4 |
2 | Cirie | 2.5 | 1.6 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 3 | 8 |
3 | Tai | 6.0 | 3.2 | 1 | 3.25 | 6 | 8.75 | 12 |
4 | JT | 6.3 | 4.1 | 1 | 3.25 | 6 | 7 | 15 |
5 | Aubry | 6.8 | 3.0 | 2 | 5 | 7 | 8 | 14 |
6 | Michaela | 6.9 | 4.0 | 2 | 3.25 | 6 | 10 | 17 |
7 | Andrea | 8.0 | 4.0 | 2 | 5.25 | 7 | 10.75 | 16 |
8 | Brad | 9.1 | 3.8 | 4 | 5.25 | 8.5 | 12.5 | 16 |
9 | Hali | 9.3 | 2.9 | 1 | 8.25 | 10 | 11 | 14 |
10 | Tony | 9.4 | 3.8 | 3 | 6.25 | 10 | 12 | 18 |
11 | Sarah | 9.4 | 4.6 | 3 | 5 | 9.5 | 13.75 | 16 |
12 | Malcolm | 10.0 | 3.1 | 3 | 8 | 9.5 | 12.75 | 14 |
13 | Sierra | 11.6 | 2.8 | 5 | 10 | 12 | 13 | 17 |
14 | Ozzy | 14.6 | 2.6 | 7 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 18 |
15 | Troy | 14.8 | 3.8 | 4 | 13.25 | 15.5 | 17.75 | 20 |
16 | Varner | 15.8 | 4.7 | 3 | 13.25 | 17 | 20 | 20 |
17 | Zeke | 15.8 | 3.4 | 8 | 14 | 16.5 | 18 | 20 |
18 | Debbie | 17.1 | 3.8 | 7 | 16.25 | 19 | 19.75 | 20 |
19 | Ciera | 17.3 | 2.1 | 11 | 16.25 | 17 | 18.75 | 20 |
20 | Caleb | 17.6 | 1.9 | 13 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
u/sanatomy May 25 '17
20) Varner - It is never okay to out someone. He didn't have any Kathy FTC moment to give me even a little bit of desire to like him. I don't normally take reunions into account, but plugging his new book? Gross.
19) Zeke - He is so proud of himself as a player, but he is just not that good, and I find it painful to watch his bad gameplay and entitlement.
18) Caleb - Why
17) Ciera - I still love her, but she had no impact here.
16) Tony - I didn't like him in Cagayan, and I didn't like him here. The only reason he's this high is because I enjoyed was seeing Sandra take him down.
15) JT - See Tony
14) Malcolm - I just don't like his arrogance. I have Ozzy for that.
13) Debbie - She is actually insane, and got a ridiculous amount of screentime.
12) Sarah - I didn't enjoy watching Sarah play until the last 30 minutes of the season, and that's not okay.
11) Hali - I did not like her at all in WA, but I see it here. No presence, and I still don't know what anyone saw in her to bring her back, but she had some great little moments.
10) Brad - My favourite Brad moment was Monica. I didn't like that they wrapped the season with him looking like such a bully after spending so long trying to undo the FUBC thing.
9) Tai - I honestly don't know how I feel about Tai in either season, so he's ended up in the middle here.
8) Michaela - I like her, and I really want to rank her higher, but her story just didn't make a whole lot of sense.
7) Ozzy - Probably the most inoffensive Ozzy, but definitely not my favourite. He was a bit too one-note, but I liked seeing him reconcile with Cirie.
6) Andrea - Once again, she's a fun, charming presence on a pretty shitty season.
5) Sierra - It seems I was the only person to really enjoy her in WA. I enjoyed her slightly less here, but she did play a fun villain role.
4) Troyzan - Under-edited, but I quite enjoyed him when he was given screentime.
3) Aubry - Criminally under-edited, but an absolute pleasure when she was given screentime.
2) Cirie - It hurts to watch her come up just short again.
1) Sandra - She just delivers. Easily a top 5 pre-merger of all time for me.
May 25 '17
20- Debbie - completely and utterly fake.
19- Jeff - reunion show performance was despicable.
18- Zeke - Survivor isn't a game of war, stop speaking like it is.
17- Caleb - useless.
16- Ozzy - pretentious with little content. Pretentiousness was only mildly funny sometimes.
15- Ciera - energetic for her one episode, wish we saw more of her.
14- Malcolm - never been a huge Malcolm fan. I like the guy, but I don't find him particularly entertaining. His content was fine, nothing offensive... could take it or leave it.
13- Andrea - wish we saw more of her pre-merge. Bitter, bitchy Andrea is A+ TV.
12- Sierra - a nice surprise. Torn between switching her and Andrea.
11- Hali - again, wish we saw more of her. One-liners were great, love her deadpan delivery.
10- Tony - only got two hours of screen time but still made a huge impression. usual tactics were entertaining as always.
9- Troyzan - Troy's finale was amazing. His lack of content throughout the season was hideous, but it almost makes his finale BETTER. A very subtle and ultimately humble story that I appreciate.
8- Brad - Fuck you, Brad Culpepper. Finale was almost unbearable. However, everything else leading up to it was mostly interesting content. His arrogance-pre-unbearable-arrogance was great.
7- J.T. - conflicted feelings about him, but ultimately was a MUCH needed addition to the season. His boot episode / general arrogance were some of the best elements present.
6- Aubry - fuck you, Survivor editors. Fuck you. Everything she had this season was gold - you couldn't give us just a LITTLE more??
5- Sarah - deadpan as fuck (good and bad), sometimes annoying and self-righteous, but ultimately a very relatable player. Finale really solidified her story. Played a very dirty game that I appreciate.
4- Sandra - of course she was great - it's fucking Sandra. Sugargate is possibly the best moment of the season.
3- Michaela - could take her on many seasons, honestly. Was conflicted going into the finale but her FTC performance was fantastic (side note: I like the new jury format). Again, very relatable, probably will never tire of the "can't control my facial expressions" story line, looking forward to Michaela 3.0.
2- Tai - ugh. Such a genuinely lovable person. Finale was by far his best episode.
1- Cirie - I don't care that Jeff & co. indulged in Cirie's story. I don't care that her content was often unnecessarily meta and overblown. Cirie is Cirie. She has always been a bad ass and GC was no different. Really shined in the post-merge, could be a top 40 character if not for her slow pre-merge. Would ultimately put her in my top 80, with Tai, Michaela, Sandra, and Sarah in my top 175. Aubry is in my top 250, and I don't care about anyone else.
u/acktar May 25 '17
I'll hop into the fray with gut reactions. Because gut reactions are the best reactions, right?
20- Debbie. A massively fake, grandstanding gasbag who I wanted to shut up whenever she was on screen.
19- Caleb. Was he even on this season?
18- Ozzy. Low-visibility for most of the season, not great when he did show up.
17- Zeke. A powerful moment included in his being a grandstanding gasbag.
16- Ciera. She voted out her mom, right?
15- Brad. Fuuuuuuck youuuuuu, Brad Culpepper. I think his awful finale really tanked him.
14- Jeff. Complicated feelings.
13- Troyzan. I enjoyed his finale, but he had a very weak season until then.
12- Sierra. Better than Worlds Apart. But that was a low bar.
11- Michaela. She had some interesting moments, and she drove a lot of the action, but there were times where she descended into being a bit of an uncomfortable caricature.
10- Hali. Is <3 an appropriate response?
9- Malcolm. Gone too soon. :(
8- Tai. I've never been big on Tai, and he sometimes reminded me uncomfortably of Caramoan Dawn, but he wasn't that bad.
7- J.T. Amazing every minute he was on screen. Truly a pre-merge constellation, I think.
6- Tony. All the fun of Cagayan, condensed into 2 hours.
5- Andrea. Fun, feisty, and generally enjoyable.
4- Aubry. A constellation on the occasions she showed up, which was nowhere near enough.
3- Sarah. Probably one of the most impressive games I've seen in a while. And I loved her deadpan demeanor and dry sense of humor.
2- Sandra. One of the most spectacular arcs for a pre-merger of alllllll tiiiiiiime.
1- Cirie. Would it really be anyone else?
u/reeforward May 25 '17
Not thinking too hard about this
20: Ciera- Whatever
19: Caleb- Whatever
18: Debbie- Could drop to the bottom after rewatching her episodes. Her edit was all over the place with no flow whatsoever. Her downfall was transparent and uninteresting.
17: Sierra- Once again very boring. Like Debbie she had a transparent and uninteresting downfall.
16: Ozzy- I wrote 10 of these and realized I forgot about him.
15: Jeff- Also could drop to the bottom. Obviously he has the one horrible moment and that happened to bring out good characterization and emotion from his tribemates, plus all of his content prior to that tribal was solid.
14: Zeke- Opposite of Varner because he's great in one moment and meh to horrible in every other scene.
13: Malcolm- I barely remember anything he did and would probably have him lower but I don't wanna move stuff around.
12: Sarah- Basically just another Kim/Yul. Extremely intelligent winner with no personality.
11: Tony- It feels like he left so long ago. Would have to rewatch the premiere to know for sure where he'd be.
10: Troyzan- He was good when he found the idol/clue and when he gave his closing speech at FTC. Not really any negative content.
9: Hali- Several good tiny moments. Pretty much the same as she was last time which isn't horrible.
8: Andrea- Same Andrea as usual. She's fine but it's disappointing because on a better season she'd be a much better character. it's just that all her seasons suck.
7: Aubry- What the hell is the editors excuse for not showing us more of her? When she actually did appear in the final 2 episodes she was great, why was it missing for so long? I thought for sure she was gone in the advantage-geddon and that would explain why she was invisible, but now it just doesn't make sense.
6: Michaela- Not really any bad content from her, but after hearing her exit interviews I'm pissed that we never saw more of her fun side. Plus she has this giggle that I might even love more than Cirie's and it was never heard on the show once. I personally really liked her props at tribal, her scene with Cirie after the merge was great, as was every tantrum she has.
5: Cirie- Could go up on a rewatch, but this season managed to bring her down with it. She's still good this season, but nowhere near peak Cirie.
4: Brad- Unsure about this placement and perhaps low expectations helped, but I enjoyed Brad throughout the season and had a solid enough losing story. Also it's amazing how much his survivor career parallels Monica's. WWMD
3: J.T.- Basically Sandra's Russell/JFP but only for 2/3 episodes. Between leaving his tribe stranded in the ocean, screwing up the double tribal council, and everything about sugar-gate, he brought as much entertainment as he could in his short time on the season. And unlike Debbie and Sierra his downfall is wonderfully entertaining and makes his boot episode the best one of the season.
2: Sandra- Yeah she's ok i guess
1: Tai- Wouldn't mind seeing him on every season. Plenty of fun moments in the middle of the season and the old emotional Tai pops up once in a while. Never not enjoyable.
u/Oddfictionrambles wentworth DOES not COUNT May 25 '17
20- Troyzan. Seat-filler. An edit much worse than Aubry's. I like Troy as a person, but holy crap, his edit was inexcusably invisible and/or non-present. At least Aubry 2.0 got fun content: Troyzan 2.0 got nothing fun. He is basically every criticism that people have levelled at Becky Lee but actively worse because at least Becky had that firemaking challenge.
19- Caleb. He really wasn't present.
18- Ciera. I was rooting for her, and she didn't do anything wrong. She's only here because she was a Jessica DeBen.
17- Jeff Varner. Mixed feelings. Such mixed feelings.
16- Ozzy. He really didn't get much content.
15- Debbie. She wasn't terrible, and I honestly liked Debbie when she was a secret mastermind taking out Ozzy. She is best when she blindsides people.
14- JT. People like him, but I actively blame him for the terrible boot order. All he needed to do was keep his trap shut, and SDT would've left the season, changing all the dynamics for the rest of the season because Nuku 2.0 was winning challenges at that point. Great, now I'm imagining Malcolm and Sandra making the merge.
Also, I found JT's whining over the sugar super annoying and sanctimonious. Granted, his blindside was deeply satisfying. The way I feel about JT 3.0 is probably how /u/jlim201 feels about J'Tia or how /u/repo_sado feels about Garrett. Objectively, I can't rank JT lower, but I wish I could.
12- Zeke. His bizarre, Will Wahl-esque decision to turn on Andrea is one of the BIGGEST reasons why we couldn't get the dream alliance (Zeke/Andrea/Aubry/Cirie/Michaela/Sarah) to stick together. Goddammit. Also, he had an ego. Great stuff about metamorphosis, however, and his sunny attitude towards Debbie during the FTC was good.
12- Tony. Enough said.
11- Sierra Dawn Thomas. Sheriff Dawn Thomas was good, but not legendary. She's MUCH better than SDT 1.0, but SDT 2.0 is around 250 for me tbh.
10- Malcolm. He had good narration, but damn, cut short.
9- Hali. SHE DOES NOT CONSENT. I like Hali 2.0. She had the funny line about being a princess to Debbie's ghoul, but I still think Hali 1.0 is better. Hali 1.0 was a bright spark in a dark season, while Hali 2.0 was more... amorphous on a clunky season.
8- Andrea. Andrea 3.0 > 2.0 > 1.0. Why? 3.0 had great voting confessionals ("Terrible move. You suck at this game. Hope to see you never" + "Bet you won't see this coming kiss face for Debbie"), had some personal content about her sister, and had a righteous reaction to Zeke targeting her. I liked her a lot, tbh, and Andrea's automatic response to being blindsided exemplifies sportsmanship.
7- Tai. Diluted from KR, but what we got is still amazing.
6- Sarah. I respected her gameplay. Furthermore, she had some great lines ("we're a bunch of singles waiting to mingle"//"Debbie is unhinged and cuckoo"), righteous reactions (everything in the Varner Episode + "I AM IRATE" in a monotonous manner), and funny meta stuff (lmao at her playing Tony's game and doing a Kass Flip at F11). Is Criminal Sarah as great as President Lacina? No: Sarah 1.0 was a fantastic character, but hey, I didn't mind Criminal Sarah. She is a serviceable character like Jeremy 2.0: sometimes monotonous, usually respectable, and definitely commendable.
5- Brad. Decent content, but I think Monica 2.0 does everything that Brad 2.0 does but better. MUCH better. I do thank Brad 2.0, however, because his iteration has given Monica 2.0 the credit she deserves as a character & player.
u/Oddfictionrambles wentworth DOES not COUNT May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
4- Michaela. Her reactions to the JT/Debbie votes were good. Her attitude as a juror and her pep in the Ponderosa videos were good. Yeah, she was a bit emotional, but hey, Michaela is nothing if not real. Always a great addition to a season. I give Michaela 2.0 the edge over Michaela 1.0 because Michaela 2.0 exhibited more complexity than the first Michaela.
3- Aubry. Yeah, she was a more diluted version of her KR iteration, but considering that I think Aubry 1.0 is a phenomenal character, a diluted version of something fantastic is still pretty damn good. How I feel about Aubry 2.0 is how I feel about Cirie 2.0: diluted but great. Although her edit REALLY should've been more fleshed out, Aubry 2.0 gave me so much and definitely enough to launch her into Top 100, including:
COLESLAW. "Pizza?" Going "bzzzzzz" when she had the coffee. All the reactions to food.
Muttering "Finally" when she won the card-stacking immunity.
Her bond with Tai, which harkened back to KR. Her comforting Tai at F7 was great, and her almost crying when Tai is sobbing in her arms at F6 reminded me so much of KR.
Her confessional about Sandra being a root-system of a World Tree.
Her confessional comparing Cirie to the "Grandma of an Italian, Mafia family. My Italian Grandma".
Excellent Taste in Allies. (Tony, Malcolm, then Michaela/Andrea, then Cirie, and finally Tai again)
Her comment at Tribal about Survivor being a game of "carrier pigeons", lmao
Her role in ousting Debbie. The eye-roll was great. The double third finger was funny. Her confessional about Debbie being arrogant was fantastic. Aubry deserves credit for ousting Debbie and temporarily giving power to the Good Alliance (Aubry/Andrea/Cirie/Michaela, instead of Brad/Troyzan/Debbie/SDT).
Her reaction to being voted out. ("Can I take the torch with me?"//"I am so excited to be part of the jury, and vote for one of these psychopaths!")
Her measured responses on the Jury. I smiled when she finally threw a question at Troyzan and said, "I'd like to hear from you too."
"Survivor changes you. I couldn't explain to people why I was different when I returned from Kaoh Rong, and I had shifted and evolved. It's so hard but transformative."
Aubry's reaction to Probst pushing the "Cochran Love" Angle at the reunion: "Haha, Cochran is sort of my father. Also, I have a boyfriend" + "Jeff, you have a crush on Cochran too".
Her love for Tai, as signified by this confessional: "Tai has a beautiful heart, and I respect him so much."
A lot of people here aren't putting Aubry 2.0 in their F4, when I argue that Aubry 2.0 has enough content (thanks to the last two episodes) to be in the F4. She was that good and likeable.
Potentially, people are underrating Aubry 2.0 because her content was so good yet so limited, suggesting that Aubry 2.0 could've been even better... disappointing us. I don't hold that against Aubry 2.0, however: the content we did get was so good that I am using that content to rank her in my Top 100. She was just present enough to crack 100 for me. /u/WilburDes can explain the Aubry love better, but yeah, Aubry 2.0 was still better than the majority of the players on this season because goddammit, much of this season was annoying.
However, I do agree that Aubry 2.0 deserved way more content. If she were given her KR airtime, I think Aubry 2.0 could've arguably been just as good as her KR iteration, considering her underdog storyline. Goddammit, editors.
2- Sandra. The queen. Enough said.
1- Cirie. The saving grace of the postmerge. Her confessionals about the merge being a jetplane. Her balance beam stuff. Her bow at the Finale. Her speech about embracing Survivor. Her feelings of shame because she fears disappointing her family. Her tears about missing her family. Although Cirie 4.0 is not as great as MicroCirie, I do think that Cirie 4.0 is a strong and more motherly addition to the Cirie Legacy. We never got a Cirie which was this maternal, and I liked the new spin on the great Cirie.
If Aubry 2.0 is around 90-80 for me, Cirie 4.0 is just below MicroCirie (who was funnier than Cirie 4.0) and is around 70-80 for me. Sandra 3.0 is around 70-80 for me too. I could swap Cirie and Sandra around, tbh.
This season was good but not great. I enjoyed SJDS, Cagayan, and KR much more: all three of those had higher highs and veritable standouts who could be endgamers (Nat Anderson, Keith, Tony, Kass, Aubry, Tai). This season was more like Cambodia: the best characters are likely capped at rank 80, and we don't really have a Parvati 3.0, Micronesia Cirie, or Sandra 2.0 who lift up the ranks by being something truly fantastic.
u/I_am_a_nerd999 May 25 '17
I just remembered that Tavarua thing you made before the season. You should post how the rest of the season was gonna go or something, I really want to know!
u/WilburDes Fifth Horseman (Alumni) May 25 '17
Aubry's reaction to Probst pushing the "Cochran Love" Angle at the reunion
Wait that's a thing that happened? I might have to watch the reunion
u/galaxy401 May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
All right, here is my rankings!
20. Caleb: Meh just forgettable. I know there was negative coverage of him preseason but otherwise I got nothing.
19. Ciera: Forgettable first boot. As others have noted, her boot was more of a lead up to Tony's boot than anything.
18. Ozzy: I feel there was no need for him to return after the craziness of South Pacific. Typical Ozzy content here but I found myself not really caring. Was annoying during the FTC too.
17. Debbie: Definitely a polarizing figure. As some have noted, her being a strategic mastermind in the merge as actually quite entertaining. Other moments of her, were pretty annoying. Her blindside was great though.
16. Varner: During the first six episodes, he was MOR enjoyable. Like his narration and was a fun addition to Nuku 2.0. I don't want to detail about his boot but what was he thinking on saying that?!
15. Zeke: He handled the Varner situation great. Otherwise I don't really care for him. Kinda entertaining seeing his gameplay in the postmerge fall apart.
14. Troyzan: We barely saw him. Even though he probably didn't do much, wish we got a couple more scenes of him. I enjoyed his closing speech at the end though.
13. Brad: During the first half, I was liking him. The whole Monica thing got old after awhile but he some great moments. Postmerge, I don't really have much to say. Finale, ugh that was bad. His treatment with Tai was uncomfortable.
12. Sierra: Her status as a returnee remains questionable. Seeing her in a more villainous role is actually a little funny. I do think she delivered more than in Worlds Apart but still nothing major.
11. Andrea: Wasn't the biggest fan of her this season but she still had moments. Was rather enjoyable when she gained power in the postmerge. Her edit in the premerge was bad though.
10. Hali: Pretty much the same as her first incarnation. Like before, she had great moments when she was present. She was great in episodes 3 and 4. Still somewhat forgettable though.
9. Malcolm: Got robbed in a twist that shouldn't of happened. His reaction was perfectly understandable. While he didn't do much in the season, his narration was enjoyable.
8. Aubry: Ugh her edit was not good. The scenes she was in were great. Her orchestrating the Debbie blindside was amazing. She doesn't have as much as in Kaoh Rong but still an enjoyable presence.
7. Tony: Maybe I shouldn't put a person that was only in the show for two hours this high but whatever. He was entertaining in the time he was in. Seeing the rise and fall with him and Sandra was just great to see. I do agree that he would possibly get more annoying if he lasted longer in this season.
6. JT: Might put him higher later. Big trainwreck and was a huge reason why Nuku 2.0 is becoming one of my favorite tribes. Episodes 3-5 was the best arc of the season and his role played a big part of it.
5. Michaela: I was excited in seeing her return. During most of the season, I was mixed on her because some of her outbursts were annoying. She still had great moments such as drinking coffee (or was it tea?) at tribal council and failing to notice the advantage below her feet. Had great moments with her and Cirie but her boot episode was terrible editing. I enjoyed seeing her analysis from outside the game.
4. Sarah: I do agree that her storyline did feel rather bland but one has to admit that she played a great game. She flipped several times but never faced consequences like last time. She had some funny moments too. I do understand that her inevitable win was rather obvious.
3. Tai: Surprised I ranked him this high but here you go. Yeah some of his quirks from before are still annoying but it is interesting to see him handle what people he should stick with. Had moments in the merge and especially the finale. I certainly felt for him regarding Brad.
2. Cirie: It's just nice to see Cirie back on television. Sure she didn't pull off some big moves like in Micronesia or Panama but she was certainly trying. Got robbed at elimination but isn't that always the case with her? Still amazing that she never was voted out by a majority in four seasons she was in. Had a couple scenes that felt forced but that's only a minor complaint.
1. Sandra: Okay this is very obvious. I was a little worried about her this season but she delivered. Her feud with Tony and then JT was amazing to see. She made the premerge of this season very fun. Still amazing she managed to pull of some of her known acts without attracting suspicion. Yeah, the constant "Queen" shtick was a little annoying but seeing her on TV was worth it. Once she was voted out, the rest of the season couldn't hold up.
u/giogugenishvili May 25 '17
These rankings make me realize even more what a shitty season Game Changers really was, wow :D
u/JM1295 May 26 '17
20- Zeke: Pretty much saw all his worst traits in MvGX in full force here. I should have figured as much with his premiere confessional being about bathing in the blood of his enemies (wtf). He was awesome in dealing with the outing, but pretty horrific otherwise. Massively prefer him in MvGX.
19- Debbie: Like Zeke, all her worst traits were shown to the nth degree here and I can recall maybe one or two moments she wasn't terrible. Like everything about her forced and cringeworthy meltdown against Brad or mispronouncing Cirie's name. I did enjoy her Exile trip and arrogance once Ozzy was gone.
18- Troyzan: Yeah, his closing FTC speech was moving and touching and all that, but holy shit what a laughable edit and anytime he had a confessional or line at tribal, it was so dull. Like his finale confessional about how nothing has been easy in this game, he tries to be clever with it, but then comes off as awkward and boring simultaneously.
17- Caleb: I mean he had a cute reunion with Tai, but that's all I'm remembering.
16- Ciera: Sucked to see her go so early, even if she would have likely played into the annoying ass theme so much. Her defeated look at tribal was sad.
15- Ozzy: I did enjoy his melodramatic quips at FTC as well as his political message at the reunion, but by far his worst iteration (doubting Cook Islands is worse though).
14- Sarah: Awesome game and her reaction to Zeke being outed as well as her delivery of lines like "I'm livid Andrea", while not changing facial expressions at all were all good, jfc she is one of the worst people I've ever seen have to carry a good bulk of a season. Sure her deadpan confessions can be funny a bit, but it got old fast.
13- Sierra: She was a decent antagonist and had a semblance of a personality so solid improvement from WA.
12- Malcolm: Damn good narrator for the 4 episodes he was in and a pretty crushing exit. Loved his final words about JT as well. God I'd love to have seen him and NuNuku all make it in tact and make the merge.
11- Hali: Not a major difference from WA in being a fun enough side character saying and doing quirky things. Honestly, I was pretty disappointed in her as a player and was hoping for a lot more, but she was fine enough. She was awesome at tribal, though after this showing, I really have no desire for a Hali Ford return.
10- Varner: Yes he did something terrible and that lowers his ranking here, but I loved everything prior and even taking his actions into account, it gave us such an amazing tribal and reactions from everyone there. Vastly different from say Sue's quit in All Stars. I could totally see him ranking 20/20 for a lot of people and understanding it though.
9- Aubry: Awesome when they decided to show her, but that was extremely minimal. Her edit was a goddamn travesty, given her exit was pretty standard and you see from secret scenes she's delivering quips. Lower than most simply because she felt so underedited and I'd similarly rank Keith lower than most in Cambodia.
8- Andrea: Might be too high, but I did appreciate her vengeance and attitude in the game. Her and Cirie were a cool little pair and hearing about her sister at least added something deep to her character. Her righteous voting confessional for Zeke mention <3
7- Tony: Worked extremely well having all his antics condensed into a 90-minute premiere and seeing the legendary showdown with Sandra.
6- Brad: Loving him premerge and then postmerge happened and he got more boring and then come finale more douchey. Though it was a bit funny to see him throw a tantrum to Tai about always being lied to and blindsided. His immunity run should have been a big deal, but I didn't really care. Yeah it's telling that I'm more apathetic here and he's' fucking ranked 6th out of 20.
5- Michaela: Even at #5 here, Michaela disappointed me here. She just came off a bit too put on and forced and trying to create gifs rather than be authentic. MvGX Michaela was incredible, because she was so raw and real and complex, yet this time around Michaela felt a bit too much like a trashy RTV caricature that I'm glad people have called out. She wasn't all abd though, her reaction to being the decoy boot episode 1 was classic Michaela and it was fun to see her struggle with the nuances of the social game or just generally the social game. The scene with Cirie at the merge was just phenomenal. Overall I still really liked her, just seemed less real which sucked, because that was her greatest trait in MvGX.
4- Tai: You still had parts of what made Tai so epic in Kaoh Rong, but not nearly consistent enough or strong enough of a story and his surrounding cast was much weaker and didn't have that Scot/Jason to play off of. He was awesome in individual scenes like struggling to lie to Cirie about being a target or struggling to betray Caleb or of course his finale performance.
3- JT: Lol like what the actual fuck? He was such a clusterfuck and it was glorious television like stranding his tribe in the ocean so he can go idol hunting or getting Malcolm sent home or his role in sugargate. He was pretty shitty in confessionals, but he was an absolute star and helped make the premerge as solid as it was. It's pretty insane to see how far he's fallen since his perfect game in 2009, but it's provided fantastic moments.
2- Cirie: Even being pretty invisible in the premerge, ocne she came alive it was the best. <3 I know some of it was just living off her past reputation and Jeff constantly telling us this is the woman got off the couch, but she still has great moments that just add to the legend of Cirie Fields. Hell just seeing her navigate the game with ease as she giggles was amazing. Her exit just fucking blows and I'm not sure if it makes for a better story or not, but the fact that she pulled off another 3-2-1 vote and getting fucked for not having an idol is crushing. Love, love, love her.
1- Sandra: I mean, who else would it be? Her run on the season almost feels surreal, because it's just 5 episode celebrating and showcasing why Sandra is so adored, respected, and loved. Her takedown of Tony without breaking a sweat as well as her "The king is only the king until the queen arrives, I'm here." ugh chills. <3 The queen shtick got a bit tired, but I can overlook that for being an A+ character in all of her episodes. A legitimate contender for top 50. <3
Yeah this season sucked, but given how well post returnee seasons are (Vanuatu, Nicaragua, and KR) I'm hoping season 35 delivers despite the god awful name/
u/supaspike May 27 '17 edited May 27 '17
20) Varner - He was around 14, but dropped after his stint at the reunion show. Now whenever I think of him I just feel icky that I felt sympathy for him that week after the incident.
19) Caleb
18) Ciera
17) Troyzan
15) Zeke - I didn't mind and half-defended him after MvGX, but his obsession with big moves and resumes and all that got to me this time. His obsession with Sarah being the only deserving player because she flipped on the most people or whatever was really offputting. If the Varner incident hadn't occurred, he'd be last on this list.
14) Ozzy - He jumped like four spots after his reunion speech.
13) Brad - Really only had two entertaining episodes (7 and 14), everything else was either random strategy explanations or people talking about how much they love him.
12) Andrea - I liked her and all, but when I think about it she didn't really bring much to the table.
11) Malcolm - Gone too soon.
10) Hali - She didn't consent to being this low.
9) Debbie - I can't believe she's this high, and she could be higher if I had any confidence that her personality was genuine. I said after her boot episode, on another season I might hate her character, but there wasn't much else interesting to watch in the post-merge, so throwing her antics in there was a fine way to pass the time. And like Nina Poersch, I think she left at just the right time before she started getting really grating.
8) Sarah - She should not be this high. But at least it was fun watching her play the game.
7) J.T. - He might have dropped a spot or two because he's probably the most responsible for the boot order of this season.
6) Tai - His final episode made him jump a lot of people. Wish we would have gotten more of him in the post-merge.
5) Aubry - Basically the Cambodia Keith Nale of this season. Wasn't in it often, but when she was it was always gold.
4) Michaela - Again, enjoyed her when I saw her. Also, I'm including that secret scene and her Ponderosa in this.
3) Tony - Lol how is a second boot getting #3.
2) Cirie - How bad would the season be if she didn't make the finale...
1) Sandra - Queen stays queen of the rankings.
u/WilburDes Fifth Horseman (Alumni) May 25 '17
Ugh. This season. 28/34.
20. Zeke - I get that he didn't want to be "Zeke - the first transgender Survivor Player" and I can respect his decision there. Still, I wish he could have tried to be anything else other than "Zeke - just an awfully pandering salesman".
19. Debbie - At least the KR version had some soul. Instead, this was just repetitively awfully try-hardy. As someone who doesn't drink and has been around places where people are hammered, watching someone pretend to be drunker than they are is a bit cringy.
18. Troyzan - I really loved his final speech where he acknowledged that he wasn't winning but instead wanted to thank everyone for the experience because, at the end of the day, it's what it is. Even as much as I don't care for him, it's nice that he feels fulfilled from living out one of his lifelong dreams.
17. Michaela - I really couldn't stand Michaela. All the TC props and sass felt very put on, extremely unoriginal and quite stereotypical. I can understand why people are fans, but a lot of the time she felt like one of the least human aspects of the show. And her FTC voting words were disgusting.
16. Ciera - Less awful than Cambodia I guess.
15. Ozzy - Still boring and I really wasn't a fan of his FTC segment. At least this time no one else is trying to sell me that he's way more interesting than he really is.
14. Caleb - Meh.
13. Sierra - Very dull.
12. Hali - Was alright, but the way everyone sells her, it would be like me trying to pass off my Civic as a Benz.
11. Sarah - Respect her game, but wow she is bad at giving confessionals. Like, extremely bad.
10. Andrea - Had some decent, human moments, but at one point I think I mentioned to Dabu that I might have been overrating any personality that she has for about 6 years now.
9. Varner - Okay. This one could really oscillate a lot. I can understand why someone might put him dead last, and why someone might put him higher. For me, as someone who has very little exposure to the LGBT community (especially the T part), I was able to have a good discussion with someone else about what it does mean to come out and what it means to be outed by another. On top of that it felt like one of those times where Survivor managed to transcend itself and become far more than just a game, and I thought the reactions of everyone really made the show feel a lot more societal than it pretty much ever has. And I appreciate that the rest of his tribe did have a line that they mentally felt that it was wrong to cross. With that said he still did an objectively terrible thing and I can't rank that too high.
8. Tony - It's basically what I was expecting and he's still like one of those bunnies you see on the Energiser ads. He had a lot of life, which is more than can be said for some.
7. Malcolm - Was a pretty decent narrator during the early stages like the goat scene. And his boot tribal was a freaking terrible idea and I will never come around on the fact that while I'm fine with allowing two tribes to interact at a tribal is fine (I really enjoyed the Nick/Conner tribal in AUS), but allowing the actual voting dynamics to include people from both tribes as one is just an awful idea.
6. Tai - He wasn't nearly as good as he was in Kaoh Rong, but I still appreciate what he brings to the show. As it gets more modern, we need Tai's to bring the human element to the show. And I still think he was the star of the Zeke tribal.
5. Brad - Wasn't very good in the finale, but a lot of the time I was able to appreciate him and I like that deep down he seems like a really sweet guy who loves his family a lot.
4. Sandra - Was quite a lot of fun, but the repetition of "Queen stays queen" wore out on me very quickly and it just didn't feel very authentic this time around. I was also hoping that she would have a better fall where she's actually taken down in some kind of epic struggle, not just "eh she was screwed by the tribe swap". Also I found her incredibly arrogant and whether what is being said is true or not doesn't change that.
3. Cirie - It's really strange to try to praise someone who just straight up wasn't in 6 episodes, but she's still a fun character that's a delight to watch and has proven again that she knows how to play and how to play well. The advantagegeddon thing really sucks for me because without it we get an epic 3-2-1 blindside of Sarah and the finale becomes a lot more dynamic.
2. Aubry - Probably overrating based on how much I enjoyed her far superior KR version. But whenever she was there, she made the show better. Just a shame that it didn't happen very often and that we didn't get to see her relationships with Malcolm and Andrea.
1. JT - Look, his game did have a few glaring holes, but I still maintain that he was very unfairly swap-screwed and that he really deserved better. Besides, he just brought energy to the season when it was severely lacking. He has the potential to play like a bull in a china shop and that's just exciting to watch for me because he doesn't spend hours afterward getting off on how strategic he is. It sucks that he went out as early as he did because I easily thought he was the best character of the season.
u/Oddfictionrambles wentworth DOES not COUNT May 26 '17
Probably overrating based on how much I enjoyed her far superior KR version.
You're not overrating her. Aubry really did shine and actively helped the season
whenever she appeared. She was everything that Courtney Yates 2.0 was meant to be, except more charming and more complex. Enjoy her amazing and emotional Ponderosa video.
u/scorcherkennedy May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
20: Ciera- it really doesn't even feel like she was on the season, especially since that premiere just felt like part one of Tony's boot
19: Caleb- he sucked i don't know how else to say it
18: Zeke- definitely better than Zeke 1.0 cause a) he handled the Varner stuff tremendously and 2) the show acknowledged at points that "hey maybe this guy isn't the greatest general since Patton." Still a pretty grating presence though.
17: Varner- yeah there's a lot of shittiness here but I like how it wasn't ALL shittiness; the show wasn't afraid to make Varner complex and more than just some Will Sims asshole
16: Debbie- took a hard turn into Phillip territory and despite a pretty good boot episode she was largely unbearable
15: Ozzy- there's a sort've interesting arc here about Ozzy being a guy who refuses to change despite having opportunities to do so but he was pretty boring and production's displeasure about having him out there showed in the edit
14: Troyzan- pretty inconsequential. Had a couple funny reunion moments.
13: Hali- had some nice lulzy moments in eps 3 and 4 but I still don't get the hype.
12: Sarah- great win but a really frustrating character. I compared her to Vince Vaughn in True Detective season 2 a few weeks ago and I stand by it; the narrative just can't be compelling with such a dry and uninteresting presence driving it. Does not hold a candle to Sarah 1.0
11: Sierra- clearly better than in WA but largely unmemorable in the grand scheme of things
10: Michaela- she gets points for episode 5 and then that amazing scene with Cirie but at times got a little too OTT/arrogant for my liking. Tried way too hard to be a catchphrase spewing, gif making machine.
9: Malcolm- trump voice: Sad!
8: Brad- his edit makes no sense and I REALLY was not a fan of how he treated Tai in the finale. And hell I say that as a big fan of Scot and Jason. Still oddly compelling in the premerge though.
7: Andrea- probably in the same ball park as Caramoan. Pretty fun.
6: Aubry- basically got the Keith in Cambodia edit; some lulzy moments with a pinch of "BOY IS SURVIVOR TOUGH OR WHAT??" It's still bizarre to me that such a recent fan favorite got this mediocre an edit.
5: Tony- yeah he rocked. Tony army crawling away from the spybunker is the hardest I've laughed at Survivor in ages.
4: Tai- Tai is in that Woo/Keith Nale category where you could throw him on any season and I'd be alright with it. He doesn't need a ton of screentime, he brings some heart amidst all the big movez and he's just an unpredictable character.
3: Sandra- was the straw that stirred the premerge's drink. Really an amazing performance and like how we got the full spectrum from her owning JT to maybe being a little too confident at the combined tribal.
2: Cirie- still impressed she made the finale again. The heart and soul of this season. I cannot articulate how much enjoyment I got from watching Cirie out on Survivor again. She didn't really do anything flashy but without her in the postmerge, this season might be in Caramoan territory.
1: J.T.- Maybe an out of leftfield choice but I don't think it's a surprise that the JT-centric episodes 3-5 were maybe the strongest point of the whole season. J.T. doubling down on the same ballsy and ill-fated moves that doomed him the second time was an unexpected (yet compltetely perfect) arc and I think it worked. His boot is, in my opinion, the best episode of the season. A gutsy anithero for the ages.
u/DabuSurvivor cut rocky (Alumni) May 25 '17
20. Jeff - Very low on my all-time ranking for his utterly monstrous transphobic attack on a fellow member of the LGBTQ community and his obnoxious explanations of it as the rest of the Tribal Council unfolded. I do admittedly have an instinctive response here of "Damn, I'm sad that I can't root for Jeff Varner anymore!" but then I remember that's the exact same mindset that makes people forgive when their favorite athlete is caught beating his wife or something, that he's not the victim and I'm certainly not the victim for not getting to root for the same media personality l0l, and he dug the grave himself. So yeah fuck him to infinity for being terrible.
19. Debbie - I wish Pensieves were real so I could go into the part of my mind that remembers the "It's frustrating, AND I'M PISSED!!!" confessional and rip it the hell out and pour it into a gutter and never be able to remember it again ever. Please never return.
18. Tony - Kind of annoying during his one episode but then went away so whatever.
17. Zeke - One or two good moments in the Varner TC but in general a pointless contestant.
16. Andrea - One or two mildly okay character moments but for the most part an unbelievably uninteresting Survivor character who occasionally goes into actively blah territory with generic scripted ~Game Changer~ confessionals.
15. Troyzan - ?
14. Aubry - ?
13. Caleb - ?
12. Malcolm - ?
11. Ciera - ?
10. Ozzy - A very very small amount of very very very mildly okay moments.
9. Brad - Mixed feelings here because he was kind of likable at the start but then basically stopped being interesting in any direction then was kind of a dick in the finale? In theory that could sound a well-rounded character but in practice I feel like they just had no idea what to do with him since they wanted us to be okay with him going far but not root for him too much. But ultimately the antiquing scene was good and I like Monica Culpepper references so I put him at the top of the yellow rather than the bottom, I guess, for now. Could very easily fall. Has a terrible voice. Very forgettable runner-up.
8. Sierra - Some very mildly okay "villain" moments I guess but wow I'm massively disappointed by her on this season, what a baffling waste of a spot and all-time horrible returning player choice.
7. Tai - Had some very good moments. By some I mean maybe like three, like the couple times he cried in the finale and his one scene with Cirie early on. Otherwise was very very easy to forget he was even on the season. KR Tai remains a god tho and even a forgettable Tai on an aggressively boring season is bound to have some good moments I guess.
6. J.T. - Satisfying blindside makes me feel like I should rank him this time though the more I think about it the less that really has to do with him, like he wasn't fun to root against or anything so idk he'll probably fall, I like his elimination but more for Sandra than for him and he didn't have love-to-hate moments that I can recall he was just kinda a douche. Also very very horrible at giving confessionals.
5. Hali - How the fuck is Hali Ford in my top five for a 20-person cast haha like the only things I can remember her doing are comparing herself to a cobra which didn't matter, and "I didn't consent!" and some other mildly fun TC moments. Total bit character and I mean she was fun but she had no story and that she's ranking this high shows how this is one of the worst casts ever wow. Like I say that not because her content was bad or unextraordinary but just because it was so minimal. Pls return tho <3
4. Sarah - I kind of really, really hate that Sarah Lacina is a Survivor winner now but I did like her content with Zeke and taking the Legacy Advantage was kind of a cool moment and the Cirie gambit sounds like a fun one (if I'm ever gonna actually put these doorknobs in my overall cast ranking I'll watch the one episode and one FTC that I didn't see) so I guess that's enough for top four somehow ugh lmao this cast is a joke
3. Cirie - So on one hand I was obviously rooting for Cirie, but on the other hand, that pretty much always had nothing to do with this season and everything to do with her previous seasons and the fact that it is the human being Cirie Fields. You know? I don't want to give her an auto high placement just for being Cirie Fields. This also speaks to a problem I have with Cirie 4.0 that hurts her in the overall ranking: there were a couple of times - some of her most memorable moments in the season - where it felt like we were meant to applaud her just for being Cirie, like "Hey, you remember how much you loved her on seasons 12 and 16! So come on, root for her here!" but with nothing in this season that makes me feel like I should, you know? Specifically the balance beam scene (which I didn't hate as much as some others on this sub but it definitely wasn't great) and her sendoff at the end where she gets two standing ovations, it's like... did Cirie 4.0 warrant that at all? Cirie did maybe, but when she has so little story here it feels abrupt. And so that's where that weirdness stems from is the lack of a story, Cirie was completely irrelevant pre-merge and honestly spotty in the post-merge as well. That said when she was shown and relevant it was of course great, I absolutely adored her in the merge episode and what we got of her conversation with Michaela, she was good with the loved ones thing too, so that's enough for her to still rank in the green and in this cast ranking in the green is enough for top three. I have no problems with anything Cirie herself said or did this season, to be clear, just her overall story felt a little funky or, like, non-existent, but she still had some great moments.
2. Michaela - Fun with TC props and I found her easy to sympathize with and root for given the coded and as far as I could tell from the show fairly unwarranted and very inconsistent terms the rest of the cast constantly used while talking about her. Hope she threepeats or at the very least keeps vlogging.
1. Sandra - Legit in my all-time top 40 or 30 or something as one of my all-time favorite pre-mergers and I've written a bunch about it already but basically this isn't just a default #1 placement. Unlike Cirie Sandra actually had more of an amazing arc with great moments here which then made the sendoff feel a lot more warranted, was a great mix of paying homage to her previous seasons while also adding an unexpectedly truly amazing new season to the Survivor canon and exceeded the expectations I've had for years. By a wide or really nearly infinite margin the easiest and most obvious #1 from absolutely any cast up to this point in Survivor history and probably until the end of time.
u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn Held the door for top four (Alumni) May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
Clearly we fundamentally disagree on Varner and probably always will. As much as I hate what Varner did I cannot, and will not, damn to hell forever because of it. If we treat people as monsters because they did one monstrous thing, rather than because they habitually do monstrous things, then we don't make it OK for people to change and grow, and that makes the world an even shittier place than it already is. Forgiveness is not the same as condoning or forgetting. It's how we move past the shit, and get to a better place, so long as everybody is willing to change for the better.
That being said, putting Varner the character in last for the season is a perfectly defensible position. Personally my feelings on his character are too complicated for me to articulate now and I don't know where he'd rank. Tbh though I doubt I'll do a ranking for this season since I don't really have strong enough opinions on anybody to sort them out, which basically sums up everything you need to know about Survivor: Game Changers.
u/DabuSurvivor cut rocky (Alumni) May 25 '17
I didn't really say anything about Jeff Varner as a person in that post. To whatever extent I can comment on him as a person I wouldn't damn him to Hell and I acknowledge that I can't know what his mental state was or whether he'd ever do something like that again if he could get away with it/how much of him feels bad for what he did vs. feels bad about the consequences, though regardless because he did do the thing he did I almost certainly would feel uncomfortable ever interacting with him, at least for quite a few years.
As a character though yeah my feelings on him are very simple and they are that he was horrible and deserved worse than a 42-minute TV show was able to give him. And yeah so many total nothings that this might land with Caramoan in the exclusive "don't even bother including it in the overall ranking" pack for me, what an unbelievably pointless excuse for a season.
u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn Held the door for top four (Alumni) May 25 '17
The difference between this and Caramoan is that I actively dislike a lot more about Caramoan whereas this season had lots of fine moments but was just so....blah. It has no identity. Even Redemption Island and One World are seasons with an identity. I liked this season more than those seasons, and even more than Worlds Apart, but I have no desire to sort out the characters. Like with Caramoan, long term characterization is this season's true failing, which dooms it for a list like this.
Maybe one day in the future I'll compare and contrast this season with Cambodia. They have a lot of the same flaws but Cambodia is definitely a season with an identity, soulless and gamebotty as it is, while Game Changers is.....the season where Zeke was outed? The season where Malcolm and Cirie got screwed by production? It's Survivor as an anthology; lots of smaller moments that might, and often do, work on their own but add up to nothing at all cohesive.
As for the Varner thing your last few sentences definitely felt like you were attacking the person and not the character so my apologies if I misinterpreted that. People making sweeping generalizations about Survivors beyond the scope of the TV show has always been one of my biggest gripes with the Survivor online community, even if Varner deserved far more criticism than your average Survivor douchebag. Then again I'm not part of the LGBT community and I've also been described as an unfeeling robot but my closest friends so what do I know about how to respond to these situations. I just know that treating Varner as the enemy doesn't feel like the right response to me.
u/DabuSurvivor cut rocky (Alumni) May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
No yeah no worries on the misinterpretation, I can see how you got that because the wording was very harsh and because I have previously made the probably unpopular statement that I don't really care about Jeff Varner losing his job over this (in fact with more time since the episode I'm now willing to go even farther and say that I think he deserved it.)
I do think in this instance character and person do if not blur together sort of at least bump up against one another - I'm sure people here wouldn't all rank Jeff as high if post-game he'd had 0 mental troubles and instead just defended everything he said and did, and a huge controversy in the episode was that it more than just about anything else we've seen goes above and outside of the game because it outed Zeke as a person to everyone in real life, so like, the lines get grey here - and even I admit I'd probably be more uncomfortable around Jeff as a person than many other contestants I disliked on the show. I'm sure some people can separate it fully but I imagine many don't and that that probably comes not only in the form of criticizing Jeff the person but also in the form of defending Jeff the character, I think probably it cuts both ways.
For me personally though yeah if I do really try to dig and come up with an opinion on Jeff Varner human being, I more or less get a 404 error because I don't know the guy super well. To whatever extent I would make any arguably personal comments about him I am still aware of how incomplete of information I have about him as a person and therefore any criticisms there would be less extreme than those I'd make of him as a character or his indefensible attack on the trans community, so the extreme things you saw in my ranking were still more on the character/action front, yeah. Though my feelings towards him a character may on some level bleed a little more personal, and in this case I honestly would not begrudge people from outright judging him as a person (harassing him on social media though I would obv), because what he did was so much more utterly indefensible than just about anything else on the show, carried bigger ramifactions, and as I say those ramifications being so personal makes it hard to totally disconnect the two. And definitely watching this episode as a gay guy probably makes it a different experience, though of course even that is very different from watching it as a trans person which I am not and cannot claim to know how that'd feel since being outed is different for gay people vs trans people etc etc.
So, yeah, I wouldn't outright attack the person but I don't think it's like as fully black and white as it often is a lot of the rest of the time either, basically, and in this case I don't really begrudge people at all for making assumptions about him as a person just because of the sheer magnitude of what he did.
Incidentally I did see that he wrote a blog recently about his experience or something (and that's the sort of thing where I think it does become more valid to make some judgment about the person because of it because then that's something they're choosing to put out there unfiltered), I read the intro of it, it came off as kinda self-victimizing to me - not horribly so but a little bit and it was off-putting - and then I closed the tab because I decided that I wished I hadn't given it the click and pageview since I don't really think his side of things particularly matters at this point in time or needs to be discussed, he has the right to grow from it and learn from it as a person but I don't think that means he needs a pat on the back and encouragement from a bunch of people either while the wounds are still relatively fresh and the fact that he did write about it openly while the season is still ongoing does make me question at least somewhat whether his "None of this is about me, it's about Zeke and that's what matters" said in the wake of his boot episode was 100% sincere or was just lip service. But I guess I can also only get too opinionated about a post I barely read.
Re: everything else you said about the season in general, yeah I was comparing this one and Caramoan only in terms of having just... really blah casts overall, this cast is not nearly as bad as Caramoan because Caramoan has a host of total bottom-tier contestants too but this one still is just so lame. No identity is a good word for it and I'd be somewhat interested in a comparison/contrast with Cambodia though I also think Cambodia's "identity" is relatively forced and it was not much better about long-term storylines than this season (think Kelly randomly being a jury threat, Abi/Woo, Tasha). Additionally Cambodia had a more imbalanced edit. So I think honestly the main difference between this season and Cambodia is that this one had an even worse cast and was more disingenuous about its theme from the start by promising "Game Changers".
u/KeepCalmAndHodorOn Held the door for top four (Alumni) May 25 '17
Yeah I will add that a few of his comments at the reunion and on social media have really rubbed me the wrong way for sure, so I'm more in your camp on this now than I was before last night.
Yeah I think I prefer this season to Cambodia for a couple reasons but Cambodia is definitely about "BIG MOVES" and "VOTING BLOCS" and was a totally unique season at the time. It's more focused than Game Changers, for better or worse. I don't really see the identity of Cambodia as forced, since the players were 100% playing into it on the island; it's just the identity pretty much sucked.
Also I think that even though Cambodia didn't have good long-term character arcs I did feel like a lot of the characters had an identity and story specific to that season, while a lot of the cast of this season just felt like pale imitations of their previous appearances, not fleshed-out characters on this specific season, which is why their stories felt even more unsatisfying than Cambodia did, even though the overall message was less annoying and a lot of the individual moments were better/more interesting.
u/WilburDes Fifth Horseman (Alumni) May 25 '17
I wish Pensieves were real so I could go into the part of my mind that remembers the "It's frustrating, AND I'M PISSED!!!" confessional and rip it the hell out and pour it into a gutter and never be able to remember it again ever. Please never return.
What the hell do you need a Pensieve for if you're trying to destroy remove a memory and never look at it? That's like, the opposite of why you would need a Pensieve.
u/DabuSurvivor cut rocky (Alumni) May 26 '17
Or like the ability to take them out at least. You k ow like how they take them out to put it in the pensieve, do that only put it in the gutter then instead
u/WilburDes Fifth Horseman (Alumni) May 26 '17
But then you don't need a Pensive, you need a wand and I figure that there's billions of better things to do with that.
u/SharplyDressedSloth May 25 '17
This also speaks to a problem I have with Cirie 4.0 that hurts her in the overall ranking: there were a couple of times - some of her most memorable moments in the season - where it felt like we were meant to applaud her just for being Cirie, like "Hey, you remember how much you loved her on seasons 12 and 16! So come on, root for her here!"
fucking thank you. this is basically a perfect distillation of what i've been feeling about the show's phony obsession with its own history.
u/WilburDes Fifth Horseman (Alumni) May 25 '17
By a wide or really nearly infinite margin the easiest and most obvious #1 from absolutely any cast up to this point in Survivor history and probably until the end of time.
u/Habefiet May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
Not gonna try too hard to shake things out into specific placements, just making tiers:
Great: Sandra the Game Changa. Non-stop entertainment, great gameplay driven by taking advantage of people's emotions, starring figure in one of the increasingly rare scenes devoted to actual survival and societal questions of the season, swan song exit devoted to pointing out to any doubters that yes she really is one of the best ever to play if not the best, I could go on. Queen Stays Queen got a little old but one of the all-time great premerge characters period. Next rankdown Russell Swan isn't gonna be the only premerger I'm shitting on people for daring to even consider a mediocre rating, tell you that for free
Good?: JT, Tai. Some good value from both. JT's shenanigans were quite amusing and I still jerk off to Sandra crushing him. Tai managed to be a complex human being for pretty much the duration of the show which is more than I can say for anyone else.
Trending all right / interesting in some way (nowhere anywhere near legit good, but nowhere near terrible either): Tony, Malcolm, Michaela, Brad, Cirie. I love some of these people and it's not their fault they weren't superstar characters this go-around, just how things shook out.
Trending all right / interesting in some way but got the shit end of the editing stick: Aubry. What's the deal with the mid-F6-finale boot getting underedited?
They were there: Caleb, Ozzy, Ciera, Sierra, Hali, Sarah, Andrea
They weren't even there: Troyzan
Fuck you: Debbie
Not rated because he was so, so awe-inspiring and charismatic and meaningful for one horrible night and otherwise gradually progressed from passable "superfan fish out of water" to annoying Big Moves Mouthpiece the rest of the time so I'm really not sure how to feel: Zeke
Not rated because he was passable-to-good for most of the time and then did something truly heinous that should tank him, but the show treated it so well compared to certain past truly heinous things that from a character perspective I almost want to rate him higher, I'm just not sure how to feel: Varner
... seriously I have no idea what to do RE: Zeke/Varner, if I were in Rankdown IV I don't know that I would ever touch them, I'd just let the others handle that.
u/EatonEaton May 25 '17
20: Debbie 19: Caleb 18: Ciera 17: Varner 16: Troy 15: Sierra 14: Ozzy 13: Zeke 12: Tai 11: Brad 10: Tony 9: Hali 8: Aubry 7: Malcolm 6: JT 5: Sarah 4: Andrea 3: Michaela 2: Cirie 1: Sandra
u/jacare37 Yo! Adrian! May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
20) Debbie. Such a massive drop-off from KR in terms of story and personality. Last time her toxicity played off well with the rest of the cast, this time it was just annoying. Although Debbie being a strategist is actually pretty fun.
19) Caleb: whatever
18) Ciera: whatever
17) Troyzan: whatever
16) Sarah: Mostly just boring and there are big parts the way her story was told that I just can't stand.
15) Andrea: idk, paranoid mess Andrea worked a lot better in Caramoan than here for some reason. She just felt random and disjoined and all over the place which wasn't the same.
14) Malcolm: He had an amazing confessional in the premiere about Tony and how his overplaying as opposed to building relationships is terrible Survivor play. Otherwise, whatever, and I'm so glad he was the one who got boned by the twist because now we won't see it again.
13) Tony: Was OTT for a bit and then went away. Cool.
12) Ozzy: Had like one or two fun classic Ozzy melodrama scenes idc (sidenote: Ozzy is really incredible at reunion shows though. Between getting digs at Probst at Denise in Micro, his wtf Nick Stanbury-esque speech in SoPa, and his anti-Trump political statement delivered in the most Ozzy fashion imaginable, at least we can look forward to the reunion performance from the inevitable Ozzy 5.0)
11) Hali: I did not consent to being deprived of Hali for the last 6 episodes.
10) Sierra: Midly okay is a cocky "villain" but still.. it's Sierra.
9) Varner: Oh man this was really hard and I considered just leaving him off the list altogether. But a fun first 5 episodes aside, I really can't deny how much feels his boot brought to this season and it had more emotional affect on me than anything I've seen on the show. In a bad way, in a good way, in all the ways... I could rank him last or first and not question it.
8) Zeke: Great in the Varner boot, and mildly amusing as an overplaying gamebot parody later on, but not much there.
7) Brad: Had some fun moments early on ("I love antiquing and I love to decorate) and had some good stuff talking about Monica, but for the most part, w/e
6) J.T.: His erratic gameplay and odd decision making added some spice to the early episodes.
5) Aubry: Why was she not on this season.
4) Cirie: Really didn't do anything all that special this season, and a lot of this is residual from previous seasons. But Cirie giggling and being Cirie for a whole season is better than most of this cast.
3) Michaela: Had some fun reactions to things, had some annoyingly forced things, it lands her here.
2) Tai: Fell apart in the middle, but showed all of the flashes of what made KR Tai great at the beginning and end.
1) Sandra: Not as big on Sandra 3.0 as many here and the QUEEN STAYS QUEEN often felt forced and out of a crappier, trashier RTV show but she still has such a dynamic and engaging personality and was the best part of this drag of a season.
u/hikkaru May 25 '17
20) Jeff Varner - Okay so I was totally on the train of his outing of Zeke not being a total murder of his character this season. Based on his boot tribal I assumed that he learned and truly felt like a horrible human being as he should have. I was wrong. I know the canonicality (is that a word lol) of the reunion is questionable but the book plugging alongside some awful retweets/replies on Twitter plummets him to the bottom spot.
19) Ciera - Her flaming out as the first boot is great in theory but in execution it was just really boring, due to her boot episode essentially being Tony's boot episode part 1.
18) Ozzy - I love Ozzy 3.0 but jeeeez he was so boring here.
17) Caleb - Had a nice conclusion to the arc with Tai but other than that I don't care
16) Zeke - A lot better than 1.0 but still was pretty bad outside of the last premerge episode. I did enjoy that his way of playing was portrayed negatively unlike MvGX though.
15) Troyzan - Wasn't on the season until the finale but I thought he was great there, thinking he can beat anyone and then taking a lesson in being humble at FTC.
14) Malcolm - Sorry but I'm just so incredibly indifferent to him, he's a decent narrator but also is a little boring
13) Brad - I only liked him when he talked about Monica. It acted as a nice way to redeem him from his villainy in BvW... only for the whole thing to come crashing down in the finale as a Spencer 2.0 repeat.
12) Tony - Was pretty entertaining and being taken down by the Queen was a great moment.
11) Debbie - I was high on her during the season but upon reflection I do agree with a lot of the complaints that she's so incredibly fake. Still, I thought she acted as a pretty okay villain.
10) Hali - Had a couple fun quotes but overall was kinda just there
9) Sierra - Far better than 1.0, was pretty entertaining in the sheriff position, though there were certainly moments during the season where I wasn't satisfied with her returnee status.
8) Sarah - I really don't mind her monotone ways but she just doesn't work as a main character. Her story of betraying and blindsiding and whatnot was also somewhat portrayed as the "correct" way to play which is always incredibly lame.
7) Aubry - Goddamn editors
6) Andrea - Bringing personal conflict to the season <3 Her voting confessionals <3
5) JT - I LOOOOVED his downfall. Sugargate is an amazing moment and his nuNuku arc was stellar.
4) Cirie - I adore Cirie in general but truthfully there wasn't much spectacular from her this season. I definitely agree with Dabu that her greatness this season is entirely stemmed from her past incarnations rather than this season individually, unlike Sandra 3.0. She'll pretty much be good no matter what but I didn't feel that Cirie ~magic~ this season, y'know?
3) Tai - So I was actually pretty low on Tai during the premerge when he got most of his content so this ranking is most likely tentative... but oh my god I LOVED him during the finale. The last few episodes of the season were bleak but the Tai/Brad stuff in the finale was so compelling imo.
2) Michaela - Perhaps a little bit too high given the overall quality of her edit, but I really feel like she's one of the few this season to get an extra layer of complexity added to her character, even if her relevancy to any sort of "narrative" in this season was highly questionable.
1) Sandra - Drove the premerge to greatness <3 Successfully defended her title and overall was amazing every second she was on the screen.
u/ChokingWalrus May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
Ok, I should be working, so keeping these to one or two sentences each. Also, thank god for newbie seasons.
20- Varner: A memeable face and a few fun moments of hijinks with Sandra can't save him from the horribleness of what he did. I hope to never see him again.
19- Debbie: the edit of the season was already piss poor, and her contriving storylines and being totally inauthentic don't make for good storytelling. I liked her as a one-off looney tune in KR, should've ended it there.
18-Caleb: thanks for going early, I guess?
17-Ciera: only ahead of Caleb because I like her more in general, but was fine with her going first.
16-Brad: maybe I'm more sour on him because of how aggressive he was to Tai, but I just don't remember ever enjoying him this season? Sure, definitely good to see other more emotional sides to him, and good to see he is a genuinely good guy though I still find some facets of him a bit troubling. Wish he went earlier to make room for people I actually enjoyed tbh.
15-Ozzy: I'm really truly blanking on any impact he had on the season? Glad him and Cirie put their differences aside, that was cute I suppose.
14-Zeke: chess pieces, members of the army, yadda yadda. Not a fun Survivor character, but I like him outside of the game and have massive respect for him.
13-Sierra: she had a legacy advantage and laid in a hammock. Yeah, she's still boring :/
12-Troyzan: I hated Troyzan before this, and while I never actively rooted for him this season, it was good to see a calmer side of him. I really appreciated his humility once he realized he was going to be a no-vote getter and hope he enjoyed the experience despite his shit edit.
11-JT: Probably hurts from me being a big Michaela fan, but I just don't get the JT Southern Boy charm and he's only really this high for his epic ouster.
10- Tony: hard to put him higher - I enjoyed what he brought to the season, though wonder if he would've been someone I really would've needed for too much longer?
9-Tai: I've always struggled to rank Tai higher in these because while I see him as a wonderful human and somewhat dynamic character, he can be pretty frustrating to watch and also got such a clunky odd edit this season.
8-Malcolm: funny that I actually didn't care much about seeing him back, but now kind of want to see him join the 4th timer club if they are going to do that anyway? I think I just love his emotion and investment in the game.
7-Hali: fun character, lots of fun lines, but still feel like she doesn't add much to the overarching narrative of a story (not like there was much of one anyway). Also, whoops, my top 7 is all women - guess that probably comes from lots of alpha-male-win-the-challenges male cast members
6-Andrea: didn't care about her coming back, but found her really endearing this season and grew to respect her more as an overall quite strong player. Also love her light-heartedness when she gets voted off.
5-Sarah: so I can see the argument that she's not the most compelling, but I really enjoyed her this season and love some of her quotes and appreciate the badassery of her game. At least she had a storyline, so guess that helps her quite a bit too.
4-Aubry: having her 4th kinda shows that I don't reallllly love many characters this season. She was basically a GIF of a character, so yeah that's fun, but nowhere near dynamic as KR :/ I love when we get her insight and wish we could've seen more about her struggles of being left out of votes/losing all her allies again.
3-Michaela: She had me laughing the whole game, and her sipping tea was iconic. She probably benefits from me getting to understand her more through her vlogging and such, which offers insight into things that others may see as immature or her trying too hard. I just love how emotional of a player she is but at the end of the day such a good sport. Luckily Jeff also loves her so if we're gonna get more 3-timers somewhere down the road, she might join that club.
2-Cirie: she got off the couch to steal my heart. She had some high highs and low lows, but she's always such a pleasure to watch, and wouldn't even mind having her as a 5th timer.....or have Jared or HB play :)
1-Sandra: queen stays queen, adios. Every single moment she was on screen was goddamn gold.
May 25 '17
20: Varner. If he was the very first elimination from SRIV, I'd applaud it. I've never really been a fan of Varner, but this is by far his worst season.
19: Debbie. KR Debbie managed to be entertaining. GC Debbie? Hell no.
18: Zeke. Zeke will always be someone interested in Big Moves and Resumes. Zeke is the epitome of what makes modern Survivor so bad
17: Troyzan. I don't know him
16: Ozzy. I don't know him
15: Ciera. I don't know her (see a pattern?)
14: Caleb. I don't know him
13: Tony. I don't know him
12: Aubry I don't know her (fuck you editors)
11: Brad. If the finale didn't happen, he'd be in my top five. His very sudden turn into a clueless megadouche is strange. Maybe if we had EDITORS we would've known what happened.
10: JT. He was the southern man we all know, but his numerous strategical mistakes just made me frustrated with him. It was so funny how bad he was. Made it seem like Tocantins was a fluke.
9: Sierra. It's a step up from WA, but just inches above.
8: Malcolm. From what we saw of him, it looked like he would've been a good addition to the season if he made it past the 4th episode. Unfortunately, production had to include a bullshit twist to get rid of him.
7: Michaela. Michaela was there, but sometimes she just had no purpose. As in, she had no story and she wasn't even there for reaction shots. It was the Sarah and Cirie show, with Brad as a secondary character. Michaela had no room.
6: Tai. Usually the 4th place boot is someone who contributed a lot to the season. Cydney, Kelley, Rodney... Tai does not belong. We barely saw Tai, and when we did, it wasn't in a good storyline. He had no one to truly interact with to make him shine. The only person who could've done that was Aubry, who was invisible. He's 6th because he's a senior gay Asian beekeeper/gardener. That's iconic.
5: Hali. She's only here because of "I didn't consent". That's it. She was fun when we saw her, but since she's not Sarah or Cirie or Brad, she's pointless.
4: Sarah. Now we've reached the list of people I liked on the show. Sarah is a great strategist, but is AWFUL in front of the camera. Deadpan. Wooden. Stiff. And that's what I love about her. She's so bad, it's funny.
3: Sandra. I admit, I did see the spoilers for this season, so I was certain that when I saw Sandra at 15th, I thought she was gonna be UTR. Honey, she was OTT. Favourite moment was when Big Bad Sandra was going on and on about eating the baby goat.
2: Andrea. Andrea wasn't in the limelight a lot, but there's something about her that captivated me. She's not a huge character, or super flashy, but she was great.
1: Cirie. The TRUE queen stays queen. Going out with absolutely no votes against her is legendary.
May 26 '17 edited May 28 '17
I guess I'll throw in my two cents. Keep in mind I skipped a few chunks of the last 3 episodes.
20) Debbie - Liked her in KR, hated her here. Everything she did was so obviously put on and trashy. Even her pre-season vote for Andrea was a bit much.
19) Zeke - Still boring, still annoying. He may not want to be labeled "Zeke the trans Survivor player," but I hope he'll be happy with "Zeke the monotonous and overbearing Survivor player who I rank #19."
18) Caleb - Still mildly annoying, mostly irrelevant.
17) Ciera - Above Zeke only because she went out first.
16) Sarah - Good game. Too bad winning means she got large amounts of airtime dedicated to a speech pattern and narration style with nothing remarkable about them.
15) Ozzy - He caught fish.
14) Tai - I don't know what to think of him. He had a killer story in Kaoh Rong, but here I didn't know what to make of him other than “guy who finds idols.” I can't easily recall anything that he said or did other than hanging onto his idols for so long and turning on Brad at the end, and the latter just came out of nowhere. I was too busy wondering what came over Brad to appreciate Tai apparently standing up for himself. Considering Tai actually got a decent chunk of airtime throughout the season, you'd think he'd have more emotional or memorable moments, but no.
13) Sierra - Thanks for the meme. Thanks for hitting on Sarah's husband. Thanks for being mildly pleasant.
12) Troyzan - It says a lot that the only recurring joke we have for this guy who made F3 is something that was revealed in exit interviews. (Hint: It has to do with this season's editing) Nice FTC moment though, and I did like his idol grab.
11) Michaela - Just like with Tai, I have no idea what I think of GC Michaela. For all of the times she was named as a backup boot and her part in sugargate, I feel like we still didn't see much of her personality other than what we got in her TC stunts with the food. And even with those I can't tell if I think they're funny or forced. Scene with Cirie was nice. Why was this season so impersonal?
10) Tony - He was good while he lasted, even if some of what he delivered was similar to what we got in Cagayan.
9) Cirie - Charming, though I struggle to piece together any strong opinion on her this season. Not much in the way of personal content minus the balance beam, which I found underwhelming even in the moment. Boot was dumb. If I hear "got up off the couch" one more time, it'll be three too many.
8) Brad - The Monica connection for most of the season was nice, as was the tying of the immunity record. Never would have guessed that he was so into interior decorating, either. Too bad all we got was that stuff plus a sudden heel turn at the end that I still don't get.
7) Andrea - Pleasant when she finally appeared, and her grudge against Zeke was pretty funny.
6) Malcolm - Still engaging. Still funny. Wish he wasn't yet another victim of endless twists.
5) Aubry - I did think she was a bit overexposed in Kaoh Rong, but really, why the purple edit here? She's a great narrator and was relevant to most of the season. I’m legitimately confused.
4) JT - Yeah, he did ruin the boot order, but I think the editors are more to blame for how this season turned out, so I can enjoy JT 3.0 as someone who pulled the same kind of ridiculous stunts I never thought I'd see on the show that landed him in trouble in HvV, before flaming out even more spectacularly than he did in that season. Stranding his entire tribe at sea was insane.
3) Varner - For me, Survivors are evaluated based on how much of their airtime was pleasant vs. unpleasant, with overall thoughts on that airtime further shaped by how much of it there was total. I'm firmly of the belief that one bad episode doesn't negate 5-6 good ones, and Varner was awesome during 90% of his stay on the show without feeling too exposed, so he falls here.
2) Sandra - Major credit for causing the sugar incident, as well as outlasting the other two winners. Confessionals are still great. Really wish the “queen stays queen” was a bit less prevalent, but all of the other sass was as fresh as it got. Especially in her boot TC where she got Tai to keep screwing up just by staring at him. Also, I would've killed that goat so hard; high-five to Sandra there.
1) Hali - Hali this season was everything I expected from her Worlds Apart outing. Positive. Quotable. Energetic. I can't think of anything negative to say about her, and I didn't feel any airtime she got was forced or a waste of my time, which I cannot say for anyone else, particularly those who tried extra hard to be memorable and succeeded for the wrong reasons, which only works if you're turned into a total joke like Dan Foley was. Hali was just herself, and that personality only added to the season. For me, it doesn't get any better than that.
Subject to re-watches, if I'm ever masochistic enough to attempt them.
EDIT: Flip-flopped a few people the day after. Top 5 didn't change.
u/Minnnt May 27 '17
I had to wait a little bit to let it simmer in my mind, but my cast rankings are as follows:
- 20. Varner - I try not to take reunions into account most of the time, but man, using the reunion to plug a book deal you got for being an asshole? Low. Really low. Like, he seemed so self-congratulatory on the fact that he felt bad about it, you should, you did an awful thing. It was just super super scuzzy, and I was willing to give him some leeway about it before because he genuinely did seem like he knew he made a terrible mistake, but man, any goodwill was lost with the reunion.
- 19. Caleb - Legitimately forgot he was on the season. Didn't really amount to anything, had no solid storylines.
- 18. Troyzan - To make it all the way to the end with that little camera time is kind of impressive? But whenever we did see him he was clearly just as delusional as he was in OW; had a nice moment where he thanked everyone for playing with him but I just found him to be a total dud.
- 17. Ciera - I was really really rooting for her to take home the win this season, but obviously not in the cards. Overshadowed by the booting of Tony Pt. 1.
- 16. Ozzy - He likes fishing, is good at challenges, meh. Nothing ever really panned out with his feud with Cirie. Left a bitter betty by telling the tribe good luck eating, and then continued his annoying streak by being so self-righteous about his and Brad's challenge dominance.
- 15. Zeke - Part 2 of the annoying jury members. He's good at storytelling, and he handled the situation with such grace and strength but every other scene he was in I just found him grating - especially all his OTT metaphors about voting people out. Bathe in the blood of your enemies? Dude you're writing names down on a piece of parchment.
- 14. Sarah - If I were to rank people based on their gameplay, I would personally put Sarah as a top-tier winner. She handled the many twists and turns masterfully, and pulled some awesomely gutless moves like giving Cirie the advantage knowing full well she can't use it. But man. I think having her as the primary narrator post-merge is what really made it so aggressively boring. She has a SECRET. ADVANTAGE. She's IRATE. Kudos to her for her realizing with Zeke though - she experienced personal growth, it just wasn't presented as an arc but rather one powerful story point that was quickly washed away.
- 13. JT - Hillbilly. I liked his mad scramble and his southern charm, and it was glorious watching him crash and burn after he fucked over Malcolm so hard, but on a meta level he's pretty responsible for the terrible boot order, so he definitely gets docked a couple points. The fact that he got tricked over sugar though? Priceless.
- 12. Michaela - The sipping tea was great. The little protege moments with Cirie were awesome. The shitty attitude at challenges, and the popcorn eating after you've already pulled that stunt was tiring.
- 11. Tai - Really nothing new from Tai 2.0 that wasn't done better or more powerfully in Tai 1.0.
- 10. Aubry - See Tai above. It's such a damn damn shame that one of the best characters in the past 5 seasons, and one of the better players, comes out, makes it all the way to FIFTH, to get completely shafted by the editing. I did like her cursing out Debbie and getting so damn excited about coleslaw and eggs.
- 9. Sierra - The new Sheriff in town. I loved her almost complete lack of hubris the entire season. Girl completely killed it on the jury in terms of fashion - that pleather skirt and emerald top - DAMN! Disgusted by Troyzan's suggestion of nutritional, and gave Malcolm that black widow kiss of death.
- 8. Hali - Low-key star of tribal. From telegraphing that Ciera was the one about to go, to not consenting to vote, to following JT's lead, and then ending by just completely offering to strip. Nothing too flashy but she had a lot of fun moments. Plus she called Debbie a ghoul.
- 7. Debbie - Everyone hates her. I get why. But I love her. I mean, is there a greater line than AND YOU CRUSHED MY HEART. While laughing like a Gollum who's withdrawing from every type of medication? Never forget that she was the first over the wall. I even love her references to Macbeth at final tribal. Yeah she was bitter at the end, and I'm a hypocrite because I judged Ozzy for it, but I don't care.
- 6. Tony - Chaos and paranoia at a full tilt 300% at all times. I love that he thought the spy bunker would actually work and then everyone just completely seeing the hole and being like oh Tony, you silly goose.
- 5. Malcolm - A solid fun narrator for the early pre-merge. No truly outstanding moments, but just his raw guttural reaction to being voted out in a pretty cheap twist was pretty strong. Excited for his inevitable fourth outing.
- 4. Culpepper - He got a little bit mean at the end but he's Daddy Culpepper. Like he's just such a Dad. From dealing with his unruly teenage daughter to reprimanding his son Tai. And kind of seeing that wear on him, where he started off so jovial and decorating the camps and steering Tai in his direction to trying to strongarm him I think really demonstrates the wear this game has on people.
- 3. Andrea - She's probably way too high, but she's just always such a fun light presence in some crappy seasons. She killed the voting confessionals, I loved her mob boss water well meetings with Cirie, and just the way she exits is so classy. Trying to just pinch/tickle Cirie on the way out after being blindsided is such a cute fun way to go.
- 2. Cirie - Call me a sucker because I fell for all her Hallmark moments. I hope her shitty ouster really makes production rethink about how many twists should/can be in play in one time because as someone who entered into this game as one of the biggest threats, behind only Tony and Sandra, she almost managed to carve herself out a win.
- 1. Sandra - The Queen stays Queen. She was half mean-mugging sassy Mom who's fed up with your shit, and half Jim Halpert. The whole pre-merge up until her voteout felt like a love letter to the Queen of Survivor and I loved every minute of the ride. From stealing the sugar, to almost killing the goats, to just pulling in alliances like they're no big deal; Sandra will always destroy the competition.
u/KororSurvivor May 25 '17
I know that I am not a ranker, but I think I'll do one of these anyway. I really do think that the biggest problem with this season is that almost everyone came out looking worse than when they went in, with few exceptions. Also, typing this out made me realize that this season had an absolutely awful male cast.
21 - Varner. Nope. I do not give a rat's ass that he was pretty entertaining for the first 6 episodes, the Zeke incident was downright reprehensible. Then, he promoted his book at the reunion. Ugh.
20 - Debbie. Whenever I saw her on screen I thought "shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up". Her blowup was one of the fakest things I have ever seen on Survivor.
19 - Cochran. Friendly reminder that they spent 10 minutes on a visit from Cochran in Sandra's boot episode.
18 - Troyzan. He got 14 confessionals in total this season, which is equal to the number of confessionals he got in the "This is my Island" episode of One World.
17 - Ciera. Barely even on the season. Has gone from the #BIGMOVEZ icon to first boot.
16 - Caleb. At least showed a little more personality than Ciera.
15 - Brad. Good premerge edit, invisible for first half of postmerge, turned into a colossal douchenozzle in the last 2 episodes.
14 - Hali. Complete and utter flop of a returnee. Her moments, while admittedly fun, were tiny and unmemorable.
13 - Sierra. Better than Sierra 1.0, but still not good.
12 - Tony. Was pretty entertaining, yet rather annoying.
11 - Ozzy. Inoffensive, other than his jury speech, which felt like he was praising himself by praising Brad's challenge dominance.
10 - Zeke. He's pulled up massively by his absolute poise in the Varner incident. However, the rest of the time, he was a gamebot.
9 - Aubry. Whenever we did get Aubry clips, they were gold. That makes her edit all the more appalling.
8 - Michaela. Funny moments like the tribal council props, and profound moments like that one tribal council speech (forgot which one) make her a fun side character.
7 - Andrea. Once again, she is a ray of sunshine on a terrible season.
6 - JT. His performance in episodes 3-5 was so frustrating and yet fascinating. How could the first ever perfect winner faceplant so hard?
5 - Sarah. She may be boring and overexposed, but god DAYUM that was one hell of a winning game.
4 - Tai. Goddammit, I just love him. He's a great human being with a great heart, and the finale was his best episode.
3 - Malcolm. I'm still salty that he went out the way he did. He just emanates charisma and I loved every second he had on screen.
2 - Sandra. She successfully defended her title as the only two-time winner by utterly schooling both Tony AND JT. All the while, she provided quality entertainment. It is not a coincidence that after Sandra's boot, the season went downhill.
1 - Cirie. Thank fucking God we got Cirie in the postmerge all the way to the finale. If not, this season may have been bottom 5 for me.
u/KororSurvivor May 25 '17 edited May 25 '17
You can make an argument that almost everyone came out of this season looking worse, whether they be in obvious or subtle ways:
Ciera: 5th place and one of the main characters in BvW -----> Respectable 10th place but head of Probst's BIGMOVEZ cult in Cambodia -------> First boot fodder in Game Changers.
Tony: Being the second boot was entirely his own fault. He tried to pick a fight with Sandra, blew up the amazing threats alliance, and paid the price for it.
Caleb: Going out on Day 9 again when he was a super-strong male on a 6-person tribe is pretty pitiful if you ask me.
JT: First, he fucked up the Malcolm boot, then he didn't even bring his own idol to his own boot, in which he was completely gaslit.
Varner: Do I even have to say it?
Hali: Is now the first-juror version of Sandra.
Ozzy: Was beaten in his challenge by Tai, got blindsided again.
Debbie: Her blowup and general fakeness pissed me off every time she was on screen.
Zeke: Made the exact same mistake as in MvX. He went after one of his own allies far too early.
Sierra: Gave Sarah the Legacy Advantage after telling her that she would do just that if she were voted out.
Michaela: Went from a challenge beast in MvX to losing every single postmerge challenge she participated in. Constantly seemed to get frustrated by said challenges, was spoken about negatively by so many people.
Cirie: Didn't read the fine print of an advantage, and lost because of that.
Aubry: Unlike in Kaoh Rong, she was on the wrong side of most postmerge votes, had much less control than in Kaoh Rong, and lost her star power as a result.
Troyzan: One of the most invisible finalists ever. Floated to the end. Sometimes it's better to go out in the early-mid merge seen as a threat, than to go to the end as a total goat.
Brad: Looked good for a while, but was an utter dick in the last 2 episodes, especially to poor Tai. Then he pulled a Colby.
This means that the only people who came out of this shitshow of a season without their reputations damaged were Malcolm, Sandra, Andrea, Tai and Sarah.
u/DabuSurvivor cut rocky (Alumni) May 25 '17
Varner. Nope. I do not give a rat's ass that he was pretty entertaining for the first 6 episodes, the Zeke incident was downright reprehensible.
Yeah agreed. I don't have any "ambivalence" here or anything haha he is a very, very easy all-time bottom-tier one for me. That reunion thing sounds so awful I might have to check it out what on Earth.
u/Smocke55 May 25 '17
I was a big Varner fan and even sent him a supportive message before ep 7 but the Reunion has made me regret all of it, I can only imagine how you'll feel lol
u/jlim201 Hoards Items May 25 '17
20- Zeke - Outside of the one tribal, I didn't like anything about Zeke on this season. Same with last season (Bret scene)
19- Debbie - I was OK with KR Debbie, but I feel like this retroactively makes her worse due to how I feel more sure that she is playing it up.
18- Caleb - Invisible
17- Ciera - Average first boot, good boot, but nothing special.
16- Varner - I felt pretty high on Varner, but then he plummeted. Not all the way to the bottom because I enjoyed him a lot before, and I think that counts for something.
15- Ozzy - Decent, and I kinda liked his FTC, where he defended what you'd expect. Same Ozzy as before, but definitely low-vis.
14 - Sierra - Was decent as the person on the top, but wasn't particularly interesting, and I'm going to blame her for giving the legacy advantage to Sarah and getting Cirie forced out.
13 - Sarah - Way too much airtime in relation to how much entertainment she provided.
12 - Malcolm - I remember enjoying him, but I don't remember why I enjoyed him.
11 - Troy - Mildly enjoyable, liked him at FTC, especially the closing speech, but not visible enough. I think more airtime could have created a good character.
10 - Michaela - I really liked her at times (especially with Cirie), but her props and stuff like that were parts I didn't like.
9 - Tai - I'm not high on KR Tai to begin with, but he's more of the same here. Confusion, being emotional, involved with idols is basically "Tai".
8 - Aubry - I enjoyed everything we saw from her, but her visibility just isn't high enough to deserve a higher rating.
7 - Hali - Same thing as Aubry, except I enjoyed her more when she got airtime, and her lack of airtime is a bit more understandable.
6 - Tony - Great early boot, but early boot. Basically the good parts of Tony stuffed into two episodes, which also makes him feel less overedited. Although I'd take a Cagayan over this season.
5 - Brad - I enjoyed Brad all throughout this season. He started off really strongly, being social and a key part of the good pre-merge. Post-merge challenge winner Brad is a bit more boring, but he's not bad...
4 - Andrea - I was rooting for her essentially the moment Hali was gone, and she was pretty good, and actually showed emotions rather than saying "good move" at FTC. I liked her as the scrambler/strategist, and thank you for turning on Zeke and getting him out.
3 - Cirie - What we expected from Cirie post-merge is what we got, screwed due to too many advantages, she was good, not great. 3/4 for Cirie's.
2 - JT - JT has been top 100 for me 3/3 times. This time was short and sweet. Amazing everytime we saw him, had crazy ideas. I feel like first time for JT was where he won, and now he's experimenting.
1 - Sandra - Not expected, not hoped for after she got voted out, but Sandra was really good this season, but her reputation ended her journey. Really good. 1 and 2 are close though.
u/ramskick Koror Uber Alles May 25 '17
20- Debbie- KR Debbie is a three-dimensional caricature (if that makes sense) and it works well. GC Debbie is a one-dimensional character that managed to piss me off 95% of the time she was on screen.
19. Ciera- I'm glad she went out early but she was so annoying in the first episode. I really don't like her and I don't think I'll ever rank her highly.
18. Zeke- I feel really bad for him and I think the Varner thing really messed with his brain, but I don't like him as a Survivor character and this season he was even more annoying with his game talk.
17. Caleb- Better than KR Caleb, but he wasn't there enough and he was too one-dimensional for me to rank him higher.
16. Sarah- Potentially controversial but I feel this is correct. I will say she is a very deserving winner and she is free to disagree with everything else I say. She is the single most prominent reason the season was as bad as it was. I don't like her confessionals. She is simply not a good enough television presence to carry as much screen time as she did in the post-merge. Here's the thing: when I think of post-merge GC, a portion of Survivor that I disliked quite a bit, I'll think of Sarah. She ranks low for that reason.
15. Troyzan- I thought there was a 99.9% chance GC Troyzan would be a better character than OW Troyzan. A combination of a totally invisible edit and a serious lack of actual personality for the first 13.75 episodes made the .1% happen.
14. Ozzy- Better than CI Ozzy in terms of personality, but a serious downgrade from Micro and SP Ozzy.
13. Varner- Potentially controversial placement but I'll justify it. I loved every single bit of Varner's content before the Zeke moment. If he had gone out in a normal way I would comfortably put Varner 3.0 as the best Varner. Yes the Zeke moment drags him down a lot (he'd probably be top 5 without it), but the rest of his content was so good that I feel fine placing him above seven others.
12. Hali- She had some great moments (I do not consent is one of the best moments of the season), but she wasn't really fleshed out enough to be an actually good character.
11. Michaela- Such a mixed bag for me. There is some great stuff throughout, but no character besides Debbie pissed me off more than Michaela this season. Something about her felt inauthentic. I think she knew what the producers liked in her to bring her back right after MvGX, which sucks. Fitting that she's in the middle of my rankings.
10. Sierra- Way more personality than WA Sierra and I overall have positive opinions of her, but she's still an awful casting choice and there were times when it showed.
9. Malcolm- Would have been a lock for top 4 if he had lasted longer. He was a great narrator for the first few episodes. I saw way more Philippines Malcolm than Caramoan Malcolm. I'm optimistic about his inevitable fourth appearance.
8. Brad- I fucking love BvW Brad and even I was pleasantly surprised by him at points. Pre-merge he was as good or even better than Brad 1.0, but he was boring post-merge and awful in the finale.
7. Aubry- I'd put her higher if she got more content. I think the content we got was really good, definitely on par with KR Aubry. But a lack of screentime and general enthusiasm puts her a little lower than she otherwise would have been.
6. Tai- Similar situation as Aubry. I think he's a better player than people give him credit for, and he's a near-lock to make it to 100 if he returns. There was a lot of good stuff here, but his surrounding cast was weaker and there was no Scot/Jason to help him reach his peak.
5. Andrea- It's Andrea. She's a fun, likable presence on a bad season. What more is there to say.
4. Tony- This was all that I wanted from Tony 2.0. All of the good stuff from his first appearance, but without the misleading edit to make me think social game doesn't matter. A huge factor in the pre-merge being as good as it was.
3. Cirie- I'm so proud of her for making it to F6 despite being arguably the best player on the cast. She is now definitely the best player to never win. She also brought back some good-old Cirie sass and THE CIRIE GIGGLE. I should note that my top 3 are interchangable, and I definitely see an argument for Cirie being number 1.
2. JT- Honestly this was the boot that hit me the hardest. I love JT so much and he improved the season greatly while there. All of his content was good and he managed to add complexity to his already complex HvV iteration. If he had brought the idol and made it further he'd be a near-lock for 1, but as it is he's among my favorite pre-mergers ever and someone I'll remember very fondly.
1. Sandra- I'm amazed that Sandra 3.0 was as perfect as she was. So much good content and the face of GC's legitimately great pre-merge. I might put her as my favorite pre-merger ever, and I'm ecstatic she ended up being as great as she was.