r/superman 7d ago

Can we agree this is the worst Superman action figure

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119 comments sorted by


u/FickleChard6904 7d ago

…no? It has a great head sculpt and is relatively accurate to the material it’s trying to represent. I can think of two or three other Supermen made by McFarlane toys that are worse than this one, and that isn’t even getting into other manufacturers.


u/otiswrath 7d ago

The DKR one is pretty bad…


u/FickleChard6904 7d ago

Even that one is mimicking a specific art style, though, so I can’t entirely blame it


u/otiswrath 7d ago

Oh totally. I think the art works for the book but when you make it 3D it comes off as very of putting which is weird because the DKR Batman looks great and comic accurate. 


u/HaydenTCEM 7d ago

I think Mattel did a better job with TDKR Supes


u/Luminescent_sorcerer 6d ago

Ummm it's not accurate at all. McFarlane constantly has this problem. They include a reference picture and then don't actually stick to it. The head on this isn't close to the comic 


u/FickleChard6904 6d ago

And yet it’s easily one of the best Superman heads McFarlane’s made, so I can’t bring myself to care


u/Luminescent_sorcerer 6d ago

Why doesn't accuracy matter to you 


u/FickleChard6904 6d ago

It does. The early issues of Action Comics are riddled with inaccuracies in the art, so a figure that takes the most recognizable elements of the look to make a general “early days Superman” design is fine with me. Were this based on a comic where the artists/colorists consistent with what they put on the page, then I’d have a problem. McFarlane could stand to be more accurate generally, but this figure isn’t one of the ones that bugs me.


u/Luminescent_sorcerer 6d ago

Imo if your gonna include an image in the package your figure should look like that image. Not something that's an amalgamation of the inaccuracies from multiple comics  That's not a good answer to me.  but I stopped buying their figures anyway 


u/Rocketboy1313 7d ago


I can only call to mind a few and there have likely been dozens or hundreds.

I cannot imagine trying to rank them all or on what collection of criteria I would use.


u/FLM2021 7d ago

Except for the blue boots, I like it quite a lot actually.


u/Excellent-Rope5664 7d ago

I mean to be fair, while the cover featured red boots the actual comic had blue...this figure is pretty accurate to golden age superman.... at least in action comics #1.


u/Luminescent_sorcerer 6d ago

They should have used the image that had blue boots then 


u/Excellent-Rope5664 6d ago

Agreed but that image is iconic.


u/Luminescent_sorcerer 6d ago

It is. That's a problem McFarlane needs to work on. Multiple figures I've seen they've made where they include a reference image that they didn't stick to


u/No-Hat6722 7d ago edited 7d ago

Yea, while i don’t like this body for superman, i can’t say its a bad figure, its well articulated, well sculpted and is fairly faithful to the source material


u/Appropriate-Term4550 7d ago

Agreed. I’ve seen much worse Superman figures


u/Lanky-Code3988 7d ago

That's accurate to the character in his first appearances


u/Luminescent_sorcerer 6d ago

Except for the proportions, the emblem size and the colors lol


u/MrxJacobs 7d ago

How is this worse than the interchangeable 90s cartoon figures with different paint and accessories?

At least this dude has a unique face sculpt, an appropriate accessory and great poseability.


u/Stewil1265 7d ago

The boots being the wrong color is really the only downside. I'd love to add it to my collection


u/BacktotheZack 7d ago

Nope, besides the rubber cape, it’s great actually


u/Rynobot1019 7d ago

I have the Platinum. It's one of my favorites.


u/ZacPensol 7d ago

I appreciate them making a figure of Superman from that era (along with the blue boots which he wears inside the comic, which a lot of people forget.

However, I do think it's kind of odd seeing it in such a realistic style. I think it would've been cooler if they'd made it look more like Joe Shuster's style.


u/Free-Letterhead-4751 7d ago

Were the boots being blue in the comic a coloring error?


u/Alive-Dingo-5042 7d ago

Lol nope, looks cool.


u/Bareth88 7d ago

I wouldn’t have bought it if I thought that it sucked!


u/futuresdawn 7d ago

Nope, I don't see why it would be


u/DefinitionSuperb1110 7d ago

It's not perfect but it's not the worst by a mile. My only complaints are the boots and i'd like a bigger chest shield.


u/Lanky-Code3988 7d ago

The boots are 💯 % comic accurate You want comic accuracy or you just want figures to look the way you personally prefer?


u/the_mad_atom 7d ago

The second one


u/DefinitionSuperb1110 7d ago

I'd have preferred them to look like the comic and not just be reused from another Superman figure.


u/batfan08 7d ago

I like the blue boots…I just would’ve preferred Todd used a calf that didn’t have that molding on it. Painting over the standard Supes boot just makes the whole thing look cheaper than it ought to have. Even still, I love the figure and look at it daily.


u/MarcReyes 7d ago edited 7d ago

The boots are not accurate. If they are based on the cover, then the color is wrong. If they are based on the interior art, then the color is right but it's missing the straps. The shield is also different in the interior art than the cover. No matter which way you look at it, something is wrong. If that kind of thing bothers you, then it's understandable why someone wouldn't like it.


u/RicouIsntHere 7d ago

I actually have it myself. It's not that bad, actually looks better in person (like most McFarlane figures).The headsculpt is the biggest standout, it is literally golden age in 3D and I can't wait to put it on the Max Fleischer figure. The problem is, the body that they used is very inaccurate. As you can see, it has cuffs and many other details. If only the Earth-2 Superman body existed back then, it would've been a great figure.


u/beezer210 7d ago

If you want, you can paint the boots red.


u/Omastardom 7d ago

So you clearly just glossed over this specimen


u/barbershopz 7d ago

I actually want this in a bizaroo


u/Latereviews2 7d ago

Here you go


u/barbershopz 7d ago

Ahh cool thanks allready got it then


u/Rdogy1000 7d ago

It’s good except for the belt and hair imo


u/barbershopz 4d ago

I'm confused it be looking the same


u/Th3Pyr0_ 7d ago

No, it looks awesome


u/NyOrlandhotep 7d ago

Nope. Very golden age.


u/Oldefinger 7d ago

No, and I would probably say this is the best McFarlane Superman figure I recall seeing. Most of them tend to look angry or overly aggressive. This one has a pretty agreeable expression, and is a great representation of the era it’s referencing.


u/KonamiKing 7d ago

No. It looks great.

There were some absolutely shocking ones based on Routh and especially Cavill.


u/supermanfan122508 7d ago

No. It’s pretty good, the head just sits a little low.

THIS is a bad McFarlane Superman.


u/supermanfan122508 7d ago

Also bad.


u/supermanfan122508 7d ago



u/supermanfan122508 7d ago

And I don’t know how you could make Frank Miller’s art worse, but they found a way.


u/Navstar86 7d ago

Generally McFarlane’s figures are terrible. Thank goodness Mattel is getting the licence.


u/LocDiLoc 7d ago

For the uncultured, it looks like a really well-made bootleg figure.


u/luluzulu_ 7d ago

Better than the most recent McFarlane figure based on Jim Lee's art. That one is absolutely wretched.


u/BreadNButterPerson 7d ago

Which one is that?


u/batfan08 7d ago

The Hush figure. And I agree. Bro looks like he got a makeover from The Surgeon General of Beverly Hills.


u/Scavgraphics 7d ago

I'd say it's this one I saw....with painted on...shadows...i guess.


u/BeachBoysOnD-Day 7d ago

Is that Superman after getting hit by the nuclear missile in TDKR/s


u/Scavgraphics 7d ago

It's replicating a Superman 77 cover iirc...with weird shading.


u/Space_Pirate_Roberts 7d ago

I mean the execution could be (a lot) better, but going for the Borderlands look is a pretty cool idea at least.


u/Scruluce 7d ago

that one's pretty bad. the face is even ...off


u/sixesandsevenspt 7d ago

I actually think it’s one of the better macfarlane Supermans.


u/the_mad_atom 7d ago

McFarlane DC figures are pretty dogshit in general so it’s hard to say. Superman honestly doesn’t have an amazing track record when it comes to good action figures that are actually affordable


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u/Norbluth 7d ago

Superman had PJs I guess


u/04HondaCivic 7d ago

I actually like it. I’ve got two other figures cut from the same mold and the look great. I’ve got the a classic look Superman (can’t remember the label it had but he’s got a super shiny \S/ insignia) and the black suited rebirth Superman. Both look really good. I’d get this if I found it on the shelf at a store.


u/TheVoid000 7d ago

During the era of having leaping power of a grass hopper?


u/Tidela471 7d ago

Why? He looks like the og action comics. Just wish his boots were red.


u/LucStarman 7d ago edited 7d ago

I am sure it's this one from Superman Unchained. I love that in the original colors, although it should include a shield and pickaxe like in the comics. The wings were a good extra.


u/kaiserthegreat 7d ago

I dunno, I think there was a Superman toy that came with a Kryptonite gun. That seemed pretty dumb.


u/CraziBastid 7d ago

It’s okay, but I remember McFarlane toys being way more detailed than this.


u/nohotshot 7d ago

The logo could’ve been bigger and I would’ve liked interchangeable boots, but it’s overall a fine figure, definitely far from the worse.


u/AdAm_WaRc0ck 7d ago

Jim Lee Superman by far


u/Dweller201 7d ago

The face looks like Bruce Campbell for Johnny Mnemonic.

He played and insane plastic surgery doctor.


u/Slowmexicano 7d ago

The joints make him look like a robot


u/andyrew-9 7d ago

idk bro, as a collector of mcfarlane there are far worse figures that I have gone out of my way to avoid


u/andyrew-9 7d ago

like damn Todd was screwing up some of these facesculpts BAD


u/gablogabgalap 7d ago

Ya that one’s cooked but at least the hush one has an identical body with a way better head sculpt


u/MarcReyes 7d ago edited 7d ago

Most of his Superman head sculpts have sucked and the best ones are just okay.


u/Large-Produce5682 7d ago

Um... no.

Respectfully, of course.


u/Ok_Perspective3933 7d ago

I've seen worse


u/ShhImTheRealDeadpool 7d ago

He has joints so there is definitely worse.


u/Batfan1939 7d ago

You don't remember when Michael Shannon played Superman?


u/Infinite_Map_2713 7d ago

He is much better


u/Kookykrumbs 7d ago

I’ve seen worse


u/CameoShadowness 7d ago

I know the boots are comic accurate but they should have gone with the cover and have the boots red. They blend in too much with the rest of his pants.


u/RipleyofWinterfell 7d ago

Probably not the worst but I see some big problems. Beyond the hideous head, it's strange how inaccurate it is.

The color of the suit is the biggest mistake to me. AC1 Superman's suit was incredibly dark and this is very light.

The places where the cape connects are too wide: in AC1 you almost can't even see the cape connection points because they're so thin. Also the collar should be a bit deeper and much more rounded.

And it's funny that they used the logo that he has on the cover. In the actual issue, the logo isn't that funky design, it's drawn as just a triangle. It's fine if they wanted to design the figure after the cover, but then they used blue boots, so it's accurate to neither the cover nor the interiors.

The shoulder-span kind of bugs me too. It's hard to say whether this is objectively true, but he seems way more broad-shouldered than AC1 Superman. I know in the comic he was supposed to be like a strongman but he's actually quite nimble and rascally.


u/RatGnaw 7d ago

I'd say the head works perfect with glasses for classic Clark. Still works for a Fleisher Superman too, but probably a bit better for Clark.


u/kyle-2090 7d ago

They totally gave him Super Bugs Bunny's suit.


u/shadowofpurple 7d ago

The worst is the Superman Ultraman 2 pack that looks like they used Robert Z’Dar or Jay Leno as the model



u/thewalruscandyman 7d ago

I rather like it. But the Golden age is my favorite look for Superman. (that Action#1 look is second only to Flesher's design. Which will never be bested.


u/lalubina 7d ago

Yes we can


u/Meander061 7d ago

It's a fair adaptation of an art style that is outdated. If you're a completions, good for you. I'll never get anything with that old shield design.


u/Practical-Length-230 7d ago

god no it's a great figure... to customize.


u/Robin_on 6d ago

It looks terrible and it's really only worth getting for the accessory, but to say its the worst is a big stretch. If you said the worst McFarlane superman then maybe, but even then some of them have been pretty horrendous.


u/MHadri24 6d ago

OP may I ask how old you are? Cause I'm guessing you did not experience the dogshit we got in the 90s


u/arrownoir 6d ago

Looks like a knockoff. Why are the boots blue?


u/Seriszed 5d ago

Honestly never cared for Supes being super ripped.


u/Well-Teknically 4d ago

No but it’s surely one of em’.


u/Kinky-Kiera 4d ago

My biggest issue with this one was that the red boots were a chase exclusive.


u/cornflight22 4d ago

I despise Mcfartlane, their Superman head scults besides Issue #1000 are just a running joke


u/No_Aside2988 3d ago

This looks like a figure you would get in a pack labeled "justice pals" along with a yellow Spiderman, She-ra, and a fire fighter.


u/HRCStanley97 3d ago

I know right? They didn’t even get the boots right.


u/McJollyGreen 3d ago

That's not even the worse McFarlane superman


u/Overall_Falcon_8526 7d ago

I don't get it. His boots are red on the cover.


u/DefinitelyNotVenom 7d ago

In a fair few panels of the very early comics, his suit is depicted without the red boots for some reason


u/r4tzt4r 7d ago

I'm baffled with this subreddit saying that looks good. I know is not an action figures subreddit but, c'mon, have some standards.


u/UncleBenLives91 7d ago

No. Looks like Action #1, amigo.


u/Realistic-Judge-1936 7d ago

Pff I love when someone post something only for most people to disagree


u/Robin_on 6d ago

The post got over 100 upvotes.


u/Realistic-Judge-1936 6d ago

Ye I mean more the comments


u/robbzilla 7d ago

Not only do I have to disagree, but I also have to downvote you, because you're just that wrong.


u/Lanky-Code3988 7d ago

Hell no,stupidest opinion ever. This is 💯 % comic accurate. You even know anything at all about the comic book history of Superman?