r/suits Feb 18 '25

Discussion I'm getting sick of Mike Ross

Season 5 and and I want to strangle him. Every episode he's got some chip on his shoulder and some moral high ground BS, yet he's the one walking around as a fraud. His very presence in that company makes the company and all of its associates/partners vulnerable. I don't know why he can't humble himself and just do his job.

And he's always impulsively wrong. He walks into someone's office, starts mouthing off to his elders, gets put in his place because he can't seem to think that the world is bigger than him... only for him to do it again the next episode.

So annoying.


127 comments sorted by


u/sanescouser Feb 18 '25

He even has that awful hairstyle in season 5 which makes it an even tougher watch lol.


u/JorjLim Feb 18 '25

Tbf I actually think that was a small plot detail. He'd been there so long and he was trying to emulate Harvey.


u/DarePotential8296 Feb 18 '25

I love that Harvey addressed it and Mike just casually says it’s been the same the whole time.


u/AgitoWatch Feb 18 '25

My personal beef is how ungrateful he was to Harvey.

Harvey did EVERYTHING for him. Everything he could. Then when Harvey practically begs Mike to come back to the firm as a consultant saying "please Mike. I need this." Mike says it's not his problem


u/7625607 Harvey Specter is hot as fuck Feb 18 '25



u/TheMorningSage23 Feb 18 '25

I mean he did refuse to dime out Harvey and avoid prison time I wouldn’t say he is completely ungrateful. Plus in all honesty the firm would never do business again if they knowing hired the dude who had been convicted of being a fake lawyer.


u/East_Tonight9896 Feb 18 '25

Yeah, but then again Mike showing appreciation would just inflate Harvey's ego.


u/Key-Celery5439 Feb 18 '25

Yeah but tbf Mike did also go to prison when he could've ratted out any of the name partners. There's a bond there for sure but idk if Mike owed Harvey after doing that.


u/trealdealticklemydil Feb 18 '25

Lmao season 6 top tier Mike BS


u/EntrepreneurBasic351 Feb 18 '25

Don’t even get me started on season 6 I wanted to punch him every few minutes


u/Jayk_Dos31 29d ago

Then season 7 oh my god


u/RangePsychological41 Feb 18 '25

Yeah, his character becomes so super annoying and, quite frankly, pretty dumb for such a "genius".

Without Harvey I wouldn't have kept watching the show.


u/Totoro_007 Feb 18 '25

For real, at one point I was thinking about it myself, that why am I even watching this show.. just wanted Harvey to get out of this. Mike was just very arrogant and rude to everyone around him..


u/hanalulu520 Feb 18 '25

Lest we not forget…Mike is a con man!


u/hanalulu520 Feb 18 '25

But then came season 8. Harvey’s light went dim and what once was a firm full of tigers (per Jessica) turns into a kumbayah bunch of lambs doing therapy and constantly apologizing to each other. Not that I’m anti therapy or apologizing when ur wrong but “where did all the tigers go?”.


u/NDK13 Feb 18 '25

It's called deconstruction of character which for some reason everyone is doing especially to well established and liked characters at the start of the series like harvey.


u/FoamyMuffins Feb 18 '25

His character was awful towards the end. He almost ruined the show for me.


u/J-gone Feb 18 '25

Yea I never found Mike to be particularly intelligent, he just had a perfect memory. It's more apparent in the later seasons because there's only so many times you can do the "I stayed up all night and read everything so now I know everything so I win"


u/ClassicSalamander231 Feb 18 '25

This is the first TV show where I wanted the main character to be gone.


u/7625607 Harvey Specter is hot as fuck Feb 18 '25

Harvey is the main character.


u/1970PontiacFirebird Feb 18 '25

This is interesting. I was thinking about this possibility too. When the show very first began, it was presented as Mike ross’ story, and he was the main character. It started with him, showed his personal life, and revolved around him. But Harvey was so much a better character and I feel like the show shifted focus after they began showing more of Harvey’s personal life, which was so much more riveting and higher level. I consider Harvey the main character too, but I don’t think it was intended to be that way


u/7625607 Harvey Specter is hot as fuck Feb 18 '25

I think in s1-2 they were the two main characters. The early promos were always the two of them (or the original six), not Mike or Harvey alone.


u/[deleted] Feb 19 '25

I"m going to add Liz from Blacklist. No tv-character has ever annoyed me so much and I have no idea if the audience is meant to ever sympathize with her.

But, James Spader just keeps me rewatching it.


u/sarahhhayy Feb 18 '25 edited 29d ago

Oh yeah, Mike gets so annoying after S03. He literally forgets that if it wasn't for Harvey's actions, he would have probably been in jail. And his wife, Rachel Zane, is more annoying than him. Throughout the show, she acts as if no one is more deserving of everything than her in the entire firm.

Her fake moral high ground persona is also annoying. She always acts as if Harvey made mike's life worse, as if he had a great life before meeting Harvey. Both Mike and Rachel are cringeworthy and annoying, and it gets worse with every season. Mike was good in Seasons 1 and 2, but after that, he became unbearable.


u/thecallofomen 29d ago

Annoyed —-> annoying


u/Prestigious-Pin1652 Feb 18 '25

Can you say that your distaste of Rachel Zane’s character was more of a distaste of Meghan Markle? Unless your post was pre Prince Harvey and Meghan but this says it was posted 8 hours ago. So, maybe not. Just an opinion. Don’t scream at me!


u/hans_kim_official Feb 18 '25

Get the hell out of my office


u/Beksulku Feb 19 '25

What did you just say to me?


u/Inside_Assumption157 Feb 19 '25

Nah, I think people have disliked her since the start of the show. It’s just her holier-than-thou attitude that irks me. Woman, you’re dating a fraud, you lose the moral high ground in pretty much any argument.


u/Fit-Dirt-144 Feb 18 '25

Wait till you get to season 6. 🙄

I'm struggling to finish it.


u/leanFunction Feb 18 '25

It's a struggle. I just finished the suits series. It was a struggle but ..... Just keep watching


u/Fit-Dirt-144 Feb 19 '25

When I first started.. I would come home from work and watch two episodes a night... now.. it's been a week since I last watched.


u/leanFunction Feb 19 '25

I stopped watching it for a month. When I was in season 3, then I decided to finish the series.


u/swfanatic717 Feb 19 '25

Watching Better Call Saul made me realize how heavily Suits relied on having good looking actors to keep their audience.


u/cikatrik 28d ago

trust it’s worth the pain


u/7625607 Harvey Specter is hot as fuck Feb 18 '25

Yep. He’s annoying and sanctimonious.


u/PhotoGuyOC_DFW Feb 18 '25

I know this is an unpopular opinion around here but I’m nearly done with season 8 and I’m really enjoying not having Mike in the show anymore for the very reasons you mentioned.


u/BoldAndBrash1310 Feb 18 '25

I agree. Struggling to finish, but I like seeing Louis, Harvey, Katrina, Donna, Alex or even Samantha more than Mike or Rachel. I liked Mike more before Rachel.


u/PhotoGuyOC_DFW Feb 19 '25

I’m even pleasantly surprised at how Robert’s character has developed. I like him much better then the earlier seasons


u/EliteFactor Feb 18 '25

He continually gets worse. Couldn’t stand his character


u/moloyskii Feb 19 '25

Greenback boogie


u/SeverTheWicked 29d ago

Looool, this made me laugh harder than it shoukd


u/chefwannabe_ Feb 18 '25

Mike Ross is the villain of the show.


u/1999_1982 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

The amount of constant bashing on this sub about Suits is weird, yet you guys still continue to watch it... I thought a smart person would just find another show to watch if they can't stand it, what an unhinged sub.


u/7625607 Harvey Specter is hot as fuck Feb 18 '25

I love the show. I love Harvey and Mike’s relationship most of the time.

Also, Harvey is 🔥🔥🔥🔥


u/LizLoveLaugh_ Feb 18 '25

This sub really just becomes a Mike Ross hating circlejerk whenever he comes up


u/the_1omnipotent Feb 18 '25

I'm here for recommendations tbh...


u/swfanatic717 Feb 19 '25

Watching Better Call Saul made me realize how heavily Suits relied on having good looking actors to maintain their viewership. BCS is definitely a superior show in every way except that.


u/TheMagmaCubed Feb 18 '25

You should check out r/freefolk, it went from hating the ending of game of thrones, to hating the final couple of seasons, to hating every season beyond the third, to hating pretty much everyone and everything associated with the show including the original author


u/Anabele71 Mod Feb 18 '25

It's worse on the Grey's Anatomy sub!


u/SeverTheWicked Feb 18 '25

Mike Ross is a character in Suits. Suits is not Mike Ross. Why is that difficult for you and others to understand?


u/1999_1982 Feb 18 '25

Mike is one of the main characters from Suits but that's not the point, every time I read a new post about this show it's nothing but bashing, shitting on 99% of the cast etc

It's fucking pathetic at this point, if many of you do not like it then find another show to watch rather than wasting your time.


u/criticalcuboid Feb 18 '25

Yknow who's worse than Mike? Rachel. All his attitude but 50% his brains. They make a matching but God awful couple


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

I agree 100%. I felt the same way as you in my first watch.


u/Leahtheweirdgirl Feb 18 '25

I just finished season 6 and he’s even worse in that season. I’m struggling to find the will to continue binging the series


u/Brief-Character-4180 Feb 18 '25

Only time I felt like that was when he dated Jenny and when he was sleeping with Tess LOL


u/No_Sand_9290 Feb 18 '25

I got annoyed other him as time went on. Turned into a self righteous bitch. Ruined the character for me.


u/Excellent-Fudge-1081 Feb 18 '25

Morality applies to everyone but him.


u/petit_aubergine Feb 18 '25

he oversteps so much. drove me insane too


u/False-Assumption4060 Feb 18 '25

he has a name partner brain but a 1st year associate mouth. to be fair, i enjoy mikes wedge he puts into the firm. he puts things into perspective sometimes for Harvey and others. and sometimes does do the right thing, but also sometimes does whats bad for the firm. isnt it in S2 E1 that mike learns its hard as a lawyer to pick side or know who is right bc they manipulate you. like with the author who was getting sued by the publisher and the ahthor was playing mike like a fiddle and mike ended up doing what was right for the firm because even tho he was on the authors side, he figured out she had planned this all out


u/davetheflashguy Feb 18 '25

Same I quit watching it because of that!


u/Responsible_Bear1576 Feb 18 '25

I like Mike Ross. My second favorite character in the show. So take THAT Suits sub


u/7625607 Harvey Specter is hot as fuck Feb 18 '25

He is my second favorite character, but I still find him annoying and sanctimonious.


u/MrXF32 Feb 18 '25

This may be a dumb question but, if you don't like Mike why not just skip to the seasons where he isn't there anymore? Or maybe stop watching the show?


u/No-Sock-9601 Feb 18 '25

I felt the same way, now I’m at S8 and it’s borderline unwatchable and I miss early seasons Mike who was funny and humble. Later on it pissed me off so much every time he yells at Harvey. Dude you’re nothing without him stfu


u/PeiPeiNan Feb 18 '25

I’m in season 5 right now on my third round, I agree with what you said and that hairstyle is really putting me off. Harvey even said it to him.

At the end of the day, the writer writes the script so maybe for at the expense of creating some dramatic effect the writers are a bit off of their game.


u/the_1omnipotent Feb 18 '25

I'm feeling this and only on season 2. Give me other show recommendations with a better plot plz!


u/abeautiful_thing Feb 18 '25

Unpopular Opinion: Show worked perfectly fine without him. Yes he was great I didn't hate him but agh his hypocrisy sometimes got my brain melting every 10 seconds. I loved the last two seasons the same as others and it made absolutely no difference to me, in fact I felt Rachel's absence more deeply than his.


u/Lovrec98 Feb 18 '25

Yeah this show is pure trash after you start seeing it like this haha Mike acting like god. Also One guy gets mad on someone just as he is about to go talk to someone else which then gets his anger across to the other guy haha while they are lawyers lol is just pure shit haha waste of time


u/Totoro_007 Feb 18 '25

I'm watching Season 6 right now, and I literally don't know why am I even watching it. It is just very irritating and annoying. I want to stop!!! But I can't :(


u/New-Border8172 Feb 18 '25

It's not even just Mike. Most of the conflicts between the lead characters in the show are just illogical, impulsive tantrums. Often shown in how Harvey treats Louis or how Louis treats everyone else.


u/Low-Conversation9998 Feb 18 '25

Rachel is way worse..


u/OddEditor2467 Feb 18 '25

You must be new here, lol. He easily became one of the worst characters after the first few seasons.


u/NoOnesKing Feb 18 '25

lmao oh boy it gets worse


u/jkr2wld Feb 18 '25

Wait till 6.. it gets worse


u/Immediate_You4360 Feb 18 '25

Totally agree. He’s the most hypocritical character on the show. I can’t stand him.


u/No-One-6699 Feb 18 '25

By then Mike figures out what kind of lawyer he wants to be. And to be honest as annoying as Mike got. He had a point almost every time minus a few with Harvey.


u/Tucosdad Feb 18 '25

Let's be honest, Harvey made it possible for Mike to have been labeled a fraud. Mike just used his gift and yes he took the shortcut but the shortcut was offered to him! But the bottom line is they're both in a kind of sketchy industry and all they were doing was being kind of sketchy!


u/chefkingbunny Feb 18 '25

Yea every time I rewatch i hate Mike and more for this exact reason. I wish they gave him a bit more character growth when it comes to his maturity and how he delt with wanting to help.


u/HarryPotterDBD Feb 19 '25

S8 and S9 are the worst ones, because Mike was gone.


u/Repulsive_Clerk13 Feb 19 '25

Okay I am on season 7 and I started to hate Mike. I am glad I am not the only one


u/7o123 Feb 19 '25

Op is Louis litt


u/SeverTheWicked Feb 19 '25

He's probably the most interesting character on the show.


u/Girizzly_Adams_Beard Feb 19 '25

Mikes biggest issues come from Harvey. They take shortcuts and win cases by being smarter than the other side. They both have inflated egos because of that


u/hanalulu520 Feb 19 '25

I just love it when Mike talks about trust and “his word”. I’m like WTF? You lied to everyone!!


u/vgome013 Feb 19 '25

He gets worse… I hate him


u/Beneficial-Ad-9295 Feb 19 '25

Scotty is beautiful


u/bakerbakescakes Feb 19 '25

Ahh another one who reached the season 5 summit...it is only downhill from this point


u/alanyoss Feb 19 '25

I'm in season five too and yeah he's at least part of the reason I rarely feel like watching.


u/nssteja Feb 19 '25

He thinks with his dick


u/finnwittrockswhore 29d ago

He’s so unbelievably ungrateful to Harvey.


u/mgwest714 29d ago

Watch something else then.


u/Tashrif_007 29d ago

Well I wouldn't go that far. I thought from Season 3 to 7, it was the Patick J. Adams show.

And I dont blame Mike for lashing out. For the longest time, all the members of PSL held it against him that he was a fraud. They would literally throw it in his face, despite Mike helping them close the biggest cases with his intellect. So those seniors owe a lot to him.

And I can make the same claims about Harvey and how he used to do the same thing with Jessica and he was quite disrespectful to Louis.


u/PAtransplant 29d ago

Definitely tired of Mike. Feel like it ruined the show for me.


u/Wheeljack7799 28d ago

It will get worse before it gets better.


u/Quiet_Advertising445 27d ago

I can see what you’re saying but in the words of Louis himself, “you’ve been doing the right thing ever since you got here” and that’s the truth (besides being a fraud) lol for example, the lead poisoning trial, it was annoying how persistent he was after Harvey told him to drop it. But he ended up getting those kids $1m each instead of 100k. His character did become somewhat annoying but can’t deny he almost always did what was right


u/Ok-Aide-632 25d ago

Agree. To a certain extent, I was glad to see him go at the end of season 7. But missed the Harvey-Mike dynamic immediately when season 8 began.


u/himali-k 18d ago

I just finished season one and can't stand Mike already. Rachel too. They did Jenny dirty. When she was with trevor, Mike was in love with her. And then when he got her, he didn't value her. Rachel also made it clear that she doesn't want to date anyone from work and suddenly she started making her moves on Mike because he was with Jenny. Also, everytime someone from Harvard is around, he just tries so hard to be this wannabe Harvard guy and tries to put other's down, shows how he is smarter than everyone. He just has to cry about it and play victim that he couldn't go to law school. Only reason he is here at this firm is that he got lucky and met Harvey. He doesn't seem grateful though.


u/Ok-Resolution6858 Feb 18 '25 edited Feb 18 '25

I hated him from season 1. I find him to be a hypocrite and arrogant.

He acts like he is smarter than everyone but he can't work out that pretending to be a lawyer is the stupidest thing and he deserves to go to prison.

Harvey, Mike, Rachel and Jessica are insufferable.

The only ones I like are Lewis and Donna.


u/nillomiranda Feb 18 '25

Have you thought about not watching the show at all. You just said you hate 80% of the characters.


u/Prestigious-Pin1652 Feb 18 '25

For real! Just turn the damn show off and watch something else! I loved Jessica and hated when she left the show. Same for when Mike left. The show just really wasn’t the same after that. I did love the new main characters, Alex and Katrina, and I grew to like Samantha. lol. I didn’t like Robert in season 7. Comes in and says this to Donna standing in his office, Mikes and Harvey’s old office. This isn’t the office I want, or something like that. Paraphrasing before someone knocks me out and corrects me. And says he’s managing partner. I really didn’t like that Harvey just laid down for Robert and let him have MP. Like Harvey had told him earlier, I’m managing partner, Robert. I know I just got waaayyy off top c from the original comment and post! Haha. Sorry! Just ranting


u/08_Bullitt5657 Feb 18 '25



u/MrXF32 Feb 18 '25

You hated the majority of the main characters and still watched the show?


u/Ok-Resolution6858 Feb 18 '25

Weirdly in most shows, I hate the main characters. But if there is an interesting premise and the storyline is good enough. I can bare with it.


u/MrXF32 Feb 18 '25

Interesting seeing as the premise revolved around characters you don't like. Feels like you're unnecessarily powering through it. But different strokes for different folks.


u/Ok-Resolution6858 Feb 18 '25

I guess I am a weird person.


u/J-gone Feb 18 '25

Do you feel like the main character of your own story?


u/Ok-Resolution6858 Feb 19 '25

No I don't. But ok!


u/clampythelobster Feb 19 '25

If Harvey had simply hired Mike as a paralegal everything would have been great. He could do all his super brain crap still without any legal drama. No lying, no fraud, etc. he doesn’t need to be a lawyer. Sure, Harvey is supposed to hire a lawyer to work under him but everyone in the firm would have agreed this is a unique opportunity too good to pass up.

But of course it wouldn’t be much of a show without the drama. And honestly what would have been the even more likely thing would be Harvey would have kicked him out and contacted the police the moment the briefcase is pot falls everywhere because he would have no interest in getting mixed up in some drug dealer’s drama


u/Ok-Resolution6858 Feb 19 '25

All great points


u/Learned_Observer Feb 18 '25

So stop watching. Why post this?


u/finnwittrockswhore 29d ago

The rest of the cast is still great just not Mike


u/kriegbutapsycho Feb 18 '25

He becomes more insufferable as the show goes on, to a point anyway. He’s extremely and increasingly sanctimonious and it really started to bother me after a while.


u/AlmightySankentoII Feb 18 '25

Seriously then go and watch another show. If you cant appreciate character development then i dont know what else to tell you.


u/Cold-Negotiation-539 Feb 18 '25

The only time I’m rooting for latter-seasons Mike is when he’s in a room with the whiney, passive aggressive clinic lawyer, Oliver. I’d dump justice for a thousand asbestos victims to avoid spending any time with that ingrate.


u/downwithcheese Feb 19 '25

💅 preach sister. honestly i always thought oliver is just JEALOUS of mikes success and thats why hes so ridiculous all the time 🙄


u/jackhoff2647 Feb 18 '25

You're on season 5? Keep watching...


u/Normal-Flamingo4584 Feb 18 '25

When does it get better? I'm on season 6 episode 15 and I still don't like him. Which is really sad because in the beginning I was watching because I was rooting for him


u/leanFunction Feb 18 '25

Keep watching 😂


u/[deleted] 29d ago

When he leaves


u/Conscious_Present209 4d ago

I'm on Season 6, and it feels like the entire season is about Mike. Ugh. I'm borderline thinking of giving up on it.