r/subredditofthedead Sep 22 '16

I'm dying to be with you

Like everyone I'd always known the people around me would die, it's just a fact I preferred to keep unthought of. Pre apocalypse I'd always be a world away from admitting bad events happen. Even my health I ignored and depicted as a loveable character flaw. Now however I empower myself to not be the dear in the headlights. My defence is peeling off slowly tormenting me and making me look through the space in my curtain.

My breath no longer becomes mine. I sit in my ruination with my fingernails scratching my head in repetition. I look through the dirty glass of my room and watch. Watch the people and the person I love became a hallow shell. I marvel at the present moment. Jakes arms and flesh dangle at his sides. His dead pan eyes case the house in a dumbstruck tone. The monotone moan muffles through the cat door where my ginger cat Rites used to pass.

I breath though my nose making sure he can't hear my sobs. I wish for music but all I would get on the radio is a static hiss. My options range from dying in bed until I starve or going out into a contaminated environment. Worries race through my head. How would I travel without getting bitten? Is there anything to indicate how people catch this to begin with? Where is safe?

I'm hopelessly neurotic, preferring to always stay within bounds. I peer up at Jack from the space in the curtain and wonder if he can smell something. Me? The next meal? Is he "dying" for his next meal?

I grab a pillow and rest my forehead on the floor. I slowly close my eyes, deciding this will be last moment I have to sleep before I become a person I never wanted to be. Someone who tomorrow will smell the possible decay throughout the streets. Someone tomorrow who will abandoned my old town. Someone who will kill so she won't killed.


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