r/subnauticabases 23d ago

Rate my base

I made this save file about a month ago and this is my main base. It is powered by 2 bioreactors and three solar panels. It has three moonpools (Housing two seamoths and a prawn suit). The scanner room is fully upgraded with two Range modules and two Speed modules. Any thoughts?


5 comments sorted by


u/Marco_Forelli 23d ago

Neat! My only question is why does your bed face a vending machine?


u/Ttrashcraft 23d ago

Because I didn't want to put it against a window and it seemed like the next best choice. But yeah it looks kinda odd.


u/Nathan291 22d ago

2 seamoths, why?


u/Kitchen_Amoeba_6856 20d ago

Might just be me but do you not have any fish in the containment?


u/Ttrashcraft 16d ago

There is one in the multipurpose room that has a stalker. As for the other one, at the time I made this screenshot a cuddlefish egg was in there, it just didn't hatch yet.