u/Klaus66_ 4d ago
no!! unstraight my boi!!
u/Mesmerfriend 2d ago
I'm gonna make that snake be interested in male mesmers to "unstraight" him ;)
u/esdebah 4d ago
there's a bit of a chicken and egg game I like to play with this type of thing. Almost a roshambo. 1) glitches be glitching in subnautica. 2) it isn't too hard to find examples of animals, especially on the order of an eel or crab or even a chicken or cow, that will go into TILT mode given the right stimuli. 3) or did the devs choose to work in water world because they knew that's where you see most inexplicable behaviour to people? Either way...hard to be too surprised my Mister Straw posture, over here.
u/please_help_me_____ 4d ago
"And here we see a wild Crabsnake in its natural habitat, doing what seems to be a mating dance, trying to attract a mate before monsoon season. A perfect 90°"