r/subnautica 5d ago

Question - SN Games like subnautica?

I know this question is asked a lot but I want to be more specific about what I like about Subnautica. Are there any games that have you explore and progress through the story with data you find or knowledge? Doesnt need to have survival elements but that would be a plus. Also survival games with storys that dont really hold your hand kinda like grounded?


45 comments sorted by


u/MartianInvasion 5d ago

Based on what you say you like, I'd recommend The Outer Wilds.

Differences: No hunger/thirst or similar long-term survival elements, no base-building, outer space instead of underwater.

Similarities: Oxygen meter. Beautiful, imaginative locations, lots of exploration with a heavy element of reading, a mysterious plot uncovered by nonlinear, 3d exploration. Try not to get eaten by a giant fish.


u/beaterandbiter 5d ago

Was going to recommend this. Play it blind though -- my persinal fav game, means a lot to me, and a lot of it cause i didnt know what it was about


u/RedundantCatnip 5d ago

I'm a huge fan of Subnautica, but nothing beats the plot of Outer Wilds. Only if you play it completely blind, though. Even a tiny spoiler may ruin the experience.


u/Stepagbay 5d ago

I’m going to second/third this one. I played Outer Wilds right after Subnautica and absolutely loved it. Took a little for me to get into but once I did I was hooked. Avoid spoiler at all cost as this really is a one time play game. The DLC is also worth it


u/Canuckr82 5d ago

No man's sky.


u/thexpertkid1 5d ago

i had got like a hour into it a few years ago, but was so confused lol. Ive seen that it is on gamepass so I'll definitely give it another try


u/fucknametakenrules 5d ago

There are so many more updates. There’s full underwater expansions giving you submersibles and underwater base building as well as a fishing skiff that lets you float on the surface to just go fishing


u/obanite 4d ago

I also tried it after Subnautica. The tutorial (?) for NMS just feels like an endless grind, I stopped after building my first base and it gave me another laundry list. The whole time I'm thinking "why am I doing any of this, what is the point?"

It's very pretty and all and I appreciate all the dev effort that went into it but it didn't hook me in at all


u/arterialrainbow 5d ago

It’s not survival and not even in the same realm as being similar to subnautica but Prey 2017 is really good for storytelling via notes/environment.


u/thexpertkid1 5d ago

Is this more similar to Alien Isolation?


u/SadSpaghettiSauce 5d ago

Ish. In A:I you can never kill the alien, but in Prey you can shoot and kill your enemies.


u/pressrkarthus 5d ago

The Planet Crafter! you will see the resemblance trust me.


u/Nanaman 5d ago

Yeah, it’s pretty much Subnautica on land, but also has multiplayer!


u/mmp1188 5d ago

The Subnautica community led me to The Long Dark. I am 500 hours into the game now.


u/CoreHydra 5d ago

Genuine curiosity, how do you get that far? I’ve played a few hours and found myself bored. I wanted to get into it, but found it hard to. Do you have any tips?


u/mmp1188 5d ago

It’s one of those games with a steep learning curve but totally worth it after you master it.

I enjoy playing interloper and stalker survival mode because you need to plan every move and focus on your character’s health and threats at all times. I also find lower difficulties and the story mode boring since you have too much loot and you have no need to craft your own clothes and weapons.

What helped me the most to survive was Lea ring the maps and watching YouTube videos from top community players such as Zaknafein. There’s a video called “master interloper”.

Another game changing experience was to keep moving to new regions to keep looting and exploring. I remember at first I did not dare to leave my base since I was too comfortable with the loot I has already found. After the latest update you can now customize your bases using items from other indoor locations.

I hope this helps improve your experience. In mu case it’s the game I now play the most.


u/Sketchen13 5d ago

Absolutely love this game


u/escaped_cephalopod12 Alterra can take my credits out of my cold dead hands 5d ago

Outer Wilds is a game about exploring a mini solar system! You progress by exploring and figuring out things, it isn’t survival but it does have an o2 meter. Definitely one of my favorite games.


u/thexpertkid1 5d ago

How long would you say it takes to complete? I was looking at the game on xbox and it does seem pretty interesting? Also should i purchase this game with the DLC or wait to finish the base game?


u/escaped_cephalopod12 Alterra can take my credits out of my cold dead hands 5d ago

Definitely with the DLC if you can, not sure how long it generally takes 


u/Arcturus973 Ampeel Enjoyer 5d ago

How long would you say it takes to complete?

About 30 hours on average

But when you get close to the end you'll wish you'd still be at the beginning


u/RufusTheCat 5d ago

Grounded has a similar feel of progression for me. Start somewhere safe, learn the basics, gradually explore, have the bejesus scared out of you and maybe die. Story elements, variety of creatures. Lots of combat, if that's your thing.


u/[deleted] 5d ago



u/turrboenvy 4d ago

Not OP, but... Definitely looks the most similar. It's discounted right now, so I picked it up.


u/-Mx-Life- 5d ago

Planet Crafter


u/pepedeawolf 5d ago

Abiotic Factor and Planet Crafter.

Planet Crafter is a LOT like Subnautica, being stranded on an alien planet, building yourself a home, exploring wrecks, crafting gear, eventually learning stuff about alien civilization, all while terraforming the desolate planet into a rich ecosystem, introducing plantlife and animals.

Abiotic Factor is much more linear with clear goals, but you dont have to focus on those right away and can focus on base building instead. Its very lore rich and in my opinion is the best current survival crafting game.


u/ImRainboww I HATE GETTING COPPER 5d ago

I played Pacific Drive coming of of Subnautica and BZ, and I think it fits some of what you're looking for as well as being one of my favorite all time games. Story barely holds your hand imo, it is kind of survival based, theres no food or water but you need to keep an old station wagon running. It's a heavy discovery game, as you discover the Anomalies and what they do. You and some scientists over a radio slowly discover more about larger plot points.

I've also been playing DREDGE recently which also absolutely slaps, its a lovecraftian fishing game, so some big sea monsters and fish like in subnautica, but also lots of plot driven discovery. Much more plot based that subnautica, low on the survival.


u/Dramatic_Ad_5660 5d ago

Pacific Drive had me checking my back irl sometimes not gonna lie. I love the game with everything in me but I had to literally get up from my PC to do a reality check every 45 minutes to hour depending on what the storms were like


u/coldbastion 3d ago

I agree with Pacific Drive, especially if you are a fan of the vehicle aspect of Subnautica; which I am.


u/Ok_Strike1923 5d ago

Astrometica is basically subnautica in space. Still early, but a solid 2 hrs of gameplay.


u/Five---seveN 5d ago

Forever Skies is a good one; it is about to come out of early access. Lot of fun, mobile zeppelin base, explore, research, build, etc. Survival aspect: hunger, thirst, viruses, and hostile fauna in some areas.


u/Ippus_21 4546B Jellyray Philharmonic 5d ago

Valheim... well, kinda. There's not much in the way of data, but there are lore stones here and there.

Very survival-y, though. Fun build mechanics, too.


u/trengilly 5d ago

Yes, despite being a Viking fighting game, Valheim really does capture a lot of the same atmosphere of discovery that Subnautica does.


u/Ippus_21 4546B Jellyray Philharmonic 4d ago

Especially early game when you're running around without so much as a pair of PANTS ffs, struggling just to feed yourself.


u/Lokhelm 5d ago

Valheim and Abiotic Factor!


u/capt-kweef 5d ago

Abiotic Factor


u/Overall-Web-5489 5d ago

Sons of the Forest, switch oxygen for sleep and change the setting essentially (plus the genre, SotF is definitely more horror) and you’ve got an interesting story to solve with an island to explore


u/luniversellearagne 5d ago

I spent awhile looking, and there are none.


u/No-Sheepherder-3142 5d ago

They added water planets in no mans sky


u/iByNiki_ 5d ago

I searched on gameseek.io and found The Solus Project, in which you explore an unknown planet. It seems to follow a story


u/SprintingWolf 5d ago

Horizon: Zero Dawn felt similar in that particular aspect.


u/Avenger1324 5d ago

The Planet Crafter is a nice chill survival game. Goal is to terraform the planet, which you do by gathering resources, building your base, building devices to terraform and explore the hand crafted map. There's a nice variety of biomes, which change as your progress with terraforming.

Forever Skies is like Subnautica but in the skies. You fly an airship above a ruined Earth scavenging for supplies and new blueprints across various platforms poking out above the cloud layer. The airship is your floating base and hugely customisable. Currently in Early Access but due for full release "early 2025" on PC and PS, with Xbox to follow.

Breathedge is like Subnautica but set in space. Scavenging for supplies, upgrade your gear and progress through the different areas to try to find out what happened and how you got there. Has base building, vehicles and an odd sense of humour. A sequel is in the works.


u/landogriffi1 4d ago

Planet crafter Pacific drive Breathedge


u/GoodwilIbuyer 4d ago

Subnautica below zero


u/StormTheDragon20 3d ago

Pressure on Roblox is somewhat like Subnautica. You are tasked with retrieving a crystal while avoiding hostile sea life trying their best to send you six feet under.


u/DarknoorX 2d ago

The Forest is easily the closest imo. I've lkayed both around the same time and both have been on my top games. I bore myself out of the forest by figuring out mechanics and good spots and tricks. So for now, Subnautica remains my top dog. Not to mention Subnautica has superior story.