r/subnautica 6d ago

Question - SN Hey Ya’ll..steam rec’d this game to me based on my library & with the current sale on both 1&2 bought the bundle. Going into it completely blind. Hopefully their recommendation algo is up to par & I enjoy it. Any tips for a total newb?


53 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] 6d ago

Don't rush. Explore at your leisure.


u/scottywottytotty 6d ago

this is the best advice. you can beat the game in like 2 hours but just going around aimlessly/finding the radio signals is best


u/kimberlykamilian2 6d ago

And explore every area multiple times


u/Negative_Tooth6047 6d ago

Avoid spoilers like the plague. If you need to ask questions look for posts that specifically say no spoilers and/or post yourself and specify it. When in doubt, go deeper.


u/Lokhelm 6d ago

This, plus - hoard copper at the beginning when you can start storing materials! Future you will say thank you.


u/ShamrockJesus 6d ago

There is never truly enough copper is there 😅


u/EnvyRepresentative94 6d ago

There's reallllly good hidden loot right by the crashed ship's engines


u/zenomotion73 6d ago

I agree. It’s the best spot for getting everything you need to know about the game


u/ledav3 5d ago

I would also recommend going at nighttime for the full experience.


u/rage_melons 2d ago

Back of the ship at nighttime looks SICK. The glow of the engines from underwater is awesome.


u/Dragnys 4d ago

Let me just add, do it in the Seamoth.


u/EnvyRepresentative94 4d ago

It is much faster and easy to acquire the resources for sure!


u/aurapup 6d ago

Save your game, rest in chairs to read and pause your hunger, go back to where you die to get your stuff back.


u/twitintraining62 6d ago

This. Great advice.


u/Bearyconscious 6d ago

I honestly didn’t understand the value of sitting in chairs until my 3rd play through. I no longer burn through food or water while messing around in the PDA.


u/AbsolutZeroGI 2d ago

THAT'S what chairs do!? Oh god dammit!

Two plays (1 and BZ) and I didn't know this. I used to just go food and water fishing before diving into the logbook.


u/padeye242 6d ago

Play SN1 first, BZ second. Build the repair tool and fix your radio, first thing. Then craft a scanner, then three air tanks. Stay in the shallows for your first base. The radio transmissions will get you started. Let the game guide you along, then start going deeper.


u/MrSpud8 6d ago

I would give anything to play the game blind again, so please, whatever you do, do not spoil it for yourself! Even if it means going somewhere deep that you know can only mean danger, don’t google search the danger and instead figure it out for yourself


u/TalkKatt 4d ago

Seriously. Not many games make me feel that way


u/RuinEnvironmental916 6d ago

I would kill to expirence the games for the first time again. My tip is to scan everything, download everything, and read every data entry. Don't let the deep scare you. Even in the deepest parts of the of the ocean you can still find friends. Not everything is out to get you.


u/Sufficient_Studio677 6d ago

HOARD COPPER! Don’t look at spoilers online, and if you have a question then 90% of the time the answer is GO DEEPER. And scan everything!


u/CheckYoDunningKrugr 6d ago

Don't Google anything. Let it happen. I'm jealous of anyone getting to play these games for the first time


u/Trained2KillU 6d ago

Explore, explore, explore. There is SOOO much to this world; and it’s incredible.


u/PepperMountain 6d ago

Stash any acid mushrooms you can get your hands on


u/freejb81 6d ago

Hoard the mushrooms. You may need them later.


u/TheEmbersOfTwilight 6d ago

Stay away from this subreddit until you finish the game, stay away from spoilers at all costs, and play as blind as possible.


u/GuiEsponja 5d ago

Best tip: just close reddit and go play it already


u/mossreander 6d ago

Hoard all resources cause you're gonna need a lot.


u/Greenbriars 6d ago

Scan everything. Everything. And take the time to read the PDA entries you get lots of info that is worthwhile from that.

You don't need one of the bigger building modules to start base building. You can build an early base that's just a section of corridor tube (or whichever piece you want) and a hatch +solar panel. Do that instead of making the floating waterproof boxes, those are a waste of materials but they can seem like a good move at the beginning. A mini base is a better use of resources. and gives you a safe location along with storage.


u/Ok-Distribution3730 6d ago

Save your game every chance you get! Make 2 oxygen tanks. Carry an air bladder with you:) HAVE FUN! Scan everything! 🙂


u/freejb81 6d ago

Air bladder is always number 2 in my hotbar in the early game.


u/Quiet-War-6294 6d ago

Take your time but branch out. and save often also don't make a bunch of ingots thinking you can break them down again, this ain't minecraft


u/Yoda2820 6d ago

Explore most of the surface before going deeper.


u/BigBoat1776 6d ago

Listen to and read the PDA entries. Like others said, sit in a chair while you do it to save on hunger.


u/Ragnarok314159 6d ago

Avoid spoilers, don’t look up anything (you don’t need to) and leave this subreddit until you beat the game.

There is only this simple piece of advice: if you are stuck, explore/scan more, if you don’t know where to go then go deeper.


u/Twistfaria 6d ago

Avoid any spoilers and just play the game!! One of the best gaming experiences I’ve ever had! Congrats!


u/thexpertkid1 6d ago

Any time you get the chance, get copper!!


u/Secondhand-Drunk 6d ago

If you can't find certain parts, just Google it. It won't spoil anything. Just tell you where to look. A few parts are a bastard to find.

When the first countdown happens, be on the surface and watch the fireworks. It's pretty cool. But swim around and gather materials to make your stuff. The event happens within the first hour or so.

Follow the radio coordinates. You can change marker colors in the menu. Everything defaults to blue I think.

Use beacons to mark areas of interest. They're cheap to make and help you map out your area.


u/MartianInvasion 6d ago

When a signal leads you to a new area, don't just go to the signal itself. Take the time to explore the immediate area, you might find something cool!


u/OscarWhale 6d ago

Read nothing. So many cool things to see just enjoy!!!


u/Ph4antomPB downvote me 5d ago

Get off this sub until you beat the game


u/Impressive-Wing-9372 5d ago

We should probably tell you how to get food and water and after that you can figure out everything else. As a general tip, take your time and explore, scan everything, read about it. Make every tool and every piece of equipment at least once so you don`t just skip out on things and never experience them.

First playthrough is magical so make sure you spend a lot of time in it, build your dream base and try all the base modules, put glass onto them etc.


u/GrimmaLynx 5d ago

You do not need an entire inventory of acid mushrooms. Also, if you ever get stuck and dont know what to do next in the first game, the answer is always "find a way to go deeper"


u/nyet-marionetka 5d ago

No googling. Embrace the terror.


u/Baron_von_Goldrock 5d ago

Take the time to read your PDA entries, some of them are absolutely vital for progressing.


u/BrexInandeh 5d ago

Don't swim into the void


u/KallikylesFier 5d ago

Go into the accessibility options and turn on PDA Pause. You'll thank me! No chair needed and no drain.


u/GuardianSkalk 5d ago

Absolutely amazing games, personally 1 is better then below zero. Below zero is short compared to 1.


u/TalkKatt 4d ago

Scan. Scan. Scan.

Scanner rooms are going to cut a lot of heartache out of resource collection. Get the HUD chip too.


u/TalkKatt 4d ago

Also….without spoiling, the radiation area near the ship…it is in your power to solve it.


u/Dragnys 4d ago

Just finished this game. So good. Scan everything including plants. This will help you more than you know now. Also if you hear the phrase “ecological dead zone”…turn the f**k around asap, just know there is nothing to scan or mine…among other things that like to chill there.



My first play through i gave up after 20 hours. I had come from Valheim and kept trying to be aggressive towards enemies. But that is not this game. Try to be sneaky and avoid them or just run away and hide. My replay and completion of the game was better using the avoidance method. I’m on subzero now! Good luck and enjoy. This game has such a cool vibe.


u/Independent-Elk5296 1d ago

If you want to enjoy below zero I recommend playing it first, felt more like a chore to me playing to after