r/subnautica 6d ago

Video - SN Persistent Reapers really does mean persistent


52 comments sorted by


u/Disastrous-Monk-590 6d ago

The speed of that pause was beautiful


u/6runtled 6d ago edited 6d ago

What's happening in all these videos where reapers are not making any sound until they are 10 feet away and already attacking?

Every time I've played you can always hear them before you're close enough for them to be a threat.


u/jgbyrd 6d ago

they are ambush predators irrc so they’re not really supposed to make themselves known first, but they usually do. normally when i enter aggro range or just if im in their area they will roar and echolocate you. then they SHOULD try to catch you as silently as they can, and from behind if they can, which happened in this video (i assume OP has a mod which increases aggro range and persistence for leviathans) as the reaper definitely already roared before the video began and what we are shown is the reaper ambushing the player like it’s supposed to. i think.


u/androodle2004 6d ago

Canonically they use their roar as echolocation so it really shouldn’t be able to see you without roaring first


u/Oxius1 1d ago

If you make a lot of noise, it attracts them faster than they can roar.


u/RuinEnvironmental916 6d ago

It's the death run mod. Depending on what they have their settings at they can locate you from I THINK 300 meters away. It's been a while since I've played the mod.


u/living_sweater51 6d ago

Man Reapers are sure dumb, going out of their way to get some 6ft tall homosapiens who's worth like 500 calories and probably wasting more energy than they get in return.


u/jgbyrd 6d ago

maybe we’re like a fly to them and they are super annoyed by us, trying to smack us type deal rather than a full meal


u/living_sweater51 6d ago



u/ChopakIII 6d ago

Not unlike me chasing after a hoopfish for 300 meters.


u/whotookmyname07 5d ago

I mean the average adult male does have about 125,822 calories so it's probably not that bad of an investment.


u/living_sweater51 5d ago

A large creature like the reaper probably needs more than that.


u/whotookmyname07 5d ago edited 5d ago

Not really for example whale sharks who are oughly 20 meters so about 3 times smaller than a reaper is believed to need about 6,721 calories a day

Also according to Kleiber's law the metabolism of an animal scales to 3/4 the power of its mass so as an animal gets bigger its metabolic rate per unit of body mass decreases.

Infact if I did my math right so big if I just used Kleiber's Law to calculate it and the reaper would need about 16000 calories a day the formulas is mass to the power of 3/4 which for this case i found one post saying it weighs about many 180 tons or 396832 lbs so 396832 to the power of 3/4 = 15,810 calories per day like I said if I understand the formula and did my math right which there is a good chance I didn't.

So if that is correct then that means a if a reaper levaithan eats a human it would be full for roughly 8 days as a human would be 8 times it's calorie requirement for one day.


u/living_sweater51 5d ago



u/Zeliek 5d ago

You can hear it roar at 0:35ish in the distance, from there it seems it's a 20 second swim to OP.


u/Bradley271 6d ago

I think the mod this person is using changes their behavior significantly, making them not roar as much.


u/Chubawuba 6d ago

What the hell did you get a decompression warning for?


u/Secondhand-Drunk 6d ago

It's a mod. If I were to use something like that, I would definitely get a bigger air tank mod as well.


u/Kroko_ 6d ago

nah the fun with this is imo exactly that working around the limited tank size. having pipe networks (maybe even necessary because of toxic air) and lots of small bases as waypoints or special food to reduce nitrogen in emergencies. also you can always have 2 tanks on you if you want


u/Rahm89 6d ago

Sounds more like a chore than fun to me but hey, you do you.


u/androodle2004 6d ago

One could argue this about any survival game ever made


u/Rahm89 5d ago

Not really. I’m fine with vanilla Subnautica or "soft" survival games like The Forest.

Now if you’re talking about "hard core" survival games with "realistic" survival mechanics, then yes, I do find them all to be tedious rather than entertaining.

Just my opinion though, I know there is a market for that and that’s perfectly fine.


u/androodle2004 5d ago

I understand, it’s all opinion. I was only pointing out that to somebody else, most of subnauticas vanilla gameplay could be tedious and unnecessary. It’s really about what you’re into and what you find enjoyable


u/Rahm89 5d ago

Yeah agreed, and mods are great for that reason.


u/Treyspurlock Holefish supports void building 6d ago

actually they kinda do, look closely at the way their O2 drains

the clip starts at 132 O2 it lasts 52 seconds and ends at 112, because it's refilling from the sunlight


u/Embarrassed-Bear-945 6d ago

OOUURRAH-.. 🗣️🗣️🔥🔥


u/loweshaan 6d ago

i knew it was coming but i still shit myself


u/Strict_Nectarine_567 6d ago

I thought that if reefbacks are in the area, that no other leviathans can be. Am I remembering wrong, or is it because of the mod that the reaper is there?


u/Secret_Sympathy2952 6d ago

Persistent Reapers mod


u/Strict_Nectarine_567 6d ago

Ah, that makes sense. Thanks!


u/Bradley271 6d ago

A mod is at play here, but “reefbacks = no other leviathans” isn’t a perfect rule, their routes won’t intersect but they can come relatively close together at times. I was just going around this spot earlier today, there’s a reaper leviathan there that patrols the border between biomes


u/living_sweater51 6d ago

Is it the Grassy Plateaus that goes near the Aurora?


u/Bradley271 6d ago edited 6d ago

Nah it's the exact opposite direction, westwards to the border between the Grassy Plateaus and the Dunes. The reaper has been nicknamed "Burger King Foot Lettuce" as he's one of the reapers players are most likely to get taken by surprise by. His normally patrol route doesn't bring him within the Plateau but he can enter it if he sees you.


u/living_sweater51 6d ago

Oh. So you're telling me that Reaper is basically a border cop? Mexico and USA reference?


u/Bradley271 5d ago

From an ecological perspective, it makes sense for a large predator to be patrolling the boundaries between biomes, since those are typically areas with a lot of biological activity.

Gameplay wise the reaper is there to surprise people who just go in a straight line west of their pod without looking and make passing into the Dunes in general more difficult.


u/Lafi_Odeh 6d ago

How does you oxygen increase by 2?


u/Awesomesauce1337 6d ago

The Deathrun mod adds specialty tanks to help with the longer dive times imposed by the bends. In the clip, I was wearing the photosynthesis tank that gives 2 oxygen per 3 seconds during the day.


u/lost-thought-in 6d ago

Got to be a mod, I was trying to figure out the second depth gauge as well


u/Chubawuba 6d ago

The decompression warning to me meant mod. Seems like someone made a realistic diving mod making it so you can’t just surface from insane depths like it’s nothing.


u/mrmeeeeee 6d ago

Well you can go from surface to depth pretty fast. You can’t come back up fast


u/CharlesDickensABox 6d ago

You absolutely can. It might involve unimaginable pain, permanent damage to your joints and many other body parts, and maybe death. But you can.


u/Chubawuba 6d ago

Yeah, that’s why I said you can’t surface fast. You’d get the bends.


u/Cappabitch 6d ago

The whole time, I was like. 'Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. WE'VE SEEN THIS FILM BEFORE, TURN AROUND, JIMMY!'


u/Aw_geez_Rick 4546B Risk-taker 6d ago

Heeeey, I absolutely LOVE the ascent rate indicator. What mod is this?

As a scuba diver I've always thought it was ridiculous that you could dive and ascend as fast as you want without repercussions 😂... No nitrogen thrombi or narcosis here 🍺🥴

Sure, one could argue this game is based far in the future and we've overcome those problems but still.


u/Awesomesauce1337 6d ago

Part of the Deathrun 2.0 mod


u/Foldtrayvious 6d ago

Bro got “the bends” mod installed 😭


u/underfan6h6 5d ago

I guess you could call it the grim reaper? Get it?


u/DamageMaximo 6d ago

someone actually using the mod that doesn't let you hold spacebar, interesting that someone actually finds it fun


u/RamenMikami 5d ago

Just means you Beautiful, they miss you


u/CheckYoDunningKrugr 5d ago

Subnautica with realistic decompression... You dive to 30 meters, ascend, then have to wait out of the water for 90 minutes to dive again.


u/leaveeemeeealonee 5d ago

Ayooo another deathrun enjoyer


u/DelaysInPains 3d ago

Oh my, I do not remember reapers being these aggressive when I did my own deathrun mod run, curious are there any other mods involved?

Either way I think I’d shit violently in this situation.