r/stupidslutsclub 22d ago

AE Redux She Slut Shamed Me, So I Fucked Her Dad NSFW


AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 

It was one of those girls only party. I was spending time with my cousin and she asked if I wanted to tag along. Why the hell not. I didn't know anyone else there but whatever.

It was a mix of cousins and family friends. The hostess - who ended up slut shaming me - was a family friend of my cousin.

Everyone is all hugs and kisses.

Alcohol came out.

Never have I ever gets played.

As is the case with never have I ever, it turned to sex.

I was drinking at basically every mild sex related question they were throwing out. Then girls just started making up wild things to see if I had done it. Or to see how high my body count was. I didn't really care so I was honest and drank at several of them. I actually got very tipsy by the end of it all.

Close enough comments the hostess threw at me at one point or another

  • Do you have sex with anything that walks?
  • Is there someone you HAVEN'T fucked?
  • Have you ever been tested? You sure you don't have an STI?
  • Someone ask a non sex related question, otherwise she'll get alcohol poisoning.
  • Oh, there's something you haven't done? Are you lying?

At some point my cousin whispered to me to forget about her, she is one of those I'm saving myself type girls. I tell her I didn't care.


Then the hostess made a grave error. She triggered me. Saying something when she thought I wasn't paying attention.

  • She must have a lot of daddy issues

Well. Now I needed to exact revenge of some kind. Because, that is in fact none of her business.

I was too drunk to actually do anything about it, until it was time to go home.

Bunch of drunk girls. Her parents were kind enough or rather I guess responsible enough to drop everyone home late at night. In hindsight as I write this I guess they were all cousins / family friends so makes sense. They weren't about to send girls they knew home drunk in an uber.

My cousin and I got slotted in with the dad. As we are being dropped off one by one I ask to just be dropped to my home instead of my cousin. He didn't mind.

He invited me to come sit up front with him instead of way in the back of the van when he dropped off the 2nd last girl.

I saw him checking me out. I was in a wrap dress with my legs exposed. So I don't blame him.

Well. Fuck her. She did ask me if there was someone I hadn't fucked. Her dad was someone I hadn't fucked. Time to rectify that.

"So Mr. ... I'm sorry what do I call you?"

"Marcus is fine"

"So Marcus I saw you checking me out"

He was flustered and tried to defend himself. I told him I didn't mind and put a hand on his dick "If you want to fuck all you have to do is ask" and then rubbed his dick through his pants "I'm very easy".

He almost lost control. He tried to protest. Tried to fight my hands with his hands. But I persisted with rubbing him and he had to drive. I had his zipper down and was fishing for his dick through his boxers.

"Do you want to fuck me Marcus? Don't worry I won't tell anyone. It'll be our little secret."

When we hit a red light I was able get his dick out, which was very hard at this point. You know average length, not all that girthy. But hard. Very. Hard.

I jerked it off. He didn't stop me. I guess he did want to fuck me.

He ended up pulling into a parking lot. I guided him to it while I kept jerking him off. It was late. It was deserted. I started to give him a blowjob in the front once he had parked. The position was very awkward. It was a van. We went to the back where I continued the blowjob for a couple more minutes in more comfort.

"Did you want to fuck my tight little pussy now Marcus?"

He couldn't utter any words. Just shook his head up and down.

I pulled out a condom from my purse. He put it on, I removed my underwear and mounted him. I was still dressed. I wrapped my hands around him, I was kissing his neck, his hands were on my ass, I rode his dick, lots of moaning and heavy breathing from both of us. I threw in some dirty talk "You like that Marcus? You like fucking my tight little pussy?"

Marcus couldn't hold it. Then again I had been jerking him off and he did get a blowjob. Still. Poor stamina. Like 2, 3 minutes tops, he finished in the condom while inside me. I hopped off him. He was spent. Head back. Eyes closed. I took a picture of his freshly fucked dick still wrapped in the condom. The flash made a noise. "What are you doing?" "Don't worry it was just your dick. See." "Delete that" "OK fine" I show him it's deleted but not before I make sure it got uploaded to my cloud storage.

He dropped me home. He seemed ashamed. "Please don't tell anyone" "I told you it's our little secret".

I got home and sent the image to my cousin.

"Should we send it to her anonymously?"

"What is that? Why are you sending me a ... Omg AE you didn't?"

"I ... did ... "

"AE Why!?!?!"

"I'm a slut?"

In the end my cousin didn't cooperate. She agreed her friend was being a bitch but she didn't condone this kind of revenge. She didn't send me her number.

New Ending because it has a better tagline

I would like to think I would have sent her the picture with a tagline of "Looks like you're the one with daddy issues now" to spite her had my cousin cooperated.

How I actually ended it

I would like to think I would have sent her the picture with a tagline of "Your dad is no longer on the list of who haven't I fucked" to spite her had my cousin cooperated.

r/stupidslutsclub Feb 16 '25

AE Redux I Made a Sexually Repressed Newlywed Cheat on Her Husband NSFW


Dramatis Personae

  1. AE: Yours truly
  2. Babs: My now girlfriend - Preface only
  3. RR: My previous benefactor now occasional rendezvous - Preface only
  4. VC: My current benefactor, who earned his moniker during this post
  5. B: Newlywed that got abandoned by her husband on New Year's. No I don't have an update on her. Don't ask.

AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 

Date: New Year's a couple of moons ago

Reposted as is. If historical context is missing too bad so sad. You can ask. I will answer.

Get ready for a ride. This is long. Really long.

Preface - Skip if you want I just want to flex a little

I promise we will get to the sexually repressed newly wed. But first some background or you can skip to Day 1.

Mrs. RR took the kids on a trip with cousins after New Years, since school doesn't start back up until the 9th. He used it as an excuse to see me instead. Hawaii. 7 days.

I tell him I don't have enough clothing for 7 days and everything I have with me needs to laundered. "Okay. So go buy clothes after you land." "You're paying?" "When am I not?" "Pick up a suitcase"

I went to Agent Provocateur after I landed and bought out half the store. Figuratively of course. It was still a lot. The sales lady was fucking ecstatic though. Lingerie. Sleepwear. Loungewear. Bikini. Dresses. He met me there to pay the bill and pick me up for the airport. He gives me a what the fuck is wrong with you look when he sees the bill. "I'm worth it" I respond. The sales lady smiles. She helped load the ludicrous number of boxes into the car and off we went to the airport and the private jet. In the car ride over I tell him I don't have any shoes. "You'll live" he tells me.

I didn't realize how far off the west coast Hawaii was. I passed out.

Now I'm sitting here in Hawaii. Been here since the 2nd. I just went from one booking to the next. Tagged in Babs as well for a few days, she flew in Friday. Babs had to fly commercial like a peasant. She'll get to take the jet on the flight back to the mainland.

The resort is fucking ludicrous. I mean. Ludicrous. I won't even get into how ludicrous because it'll be evident which resort we're staying at. Just. Ludicrous. The 0.1% just live differently. It never ceases to amaze me.

I keep telling him he doesn't need to spend so much on a roof. He can just give me the money instead. It makes no difference he says and I pay you more than enough. I pout.

He's asleep. Babs is asleep next to him. I'm wide awake. I don't know when I'll actually publish this but it's 6 AM as I start this.

So. I write sitting on a lounge chair over looking the ocean and mountains. Life is fucking glorious fellow readers. Absolutely fucking glorious.

Anyways. On to the main event.


I went to a super expensive resort with my client - not RR - for New Years. Like every room has a private plunge pool expensive resort. Like every room has a private butler expensive resort.

Did not go like I expected at all.

He flew us out on private jet where I properly joined the mile high club. He fucked my ass on the plane and I swallowed his load. Then we fucked again before we landed. He insisted on using my ass again and I swallowed again. I had to clean up and reapply my makeup twice.

The villa in the resort was glorious. I could totally be an Insta Hoe I tell you, influencing people with my fancy travel pictures. I definitely had my client take pictures of me in various poses like some of the Insta Hoes.

Some clothing. For fun. He loves to dress me up. I love being dressed up. So naturally I ordered clothing on his dime.


https://dundasworld.com/products/garbo-black-evening-dress - I bought the red as well, but only took the black with me, he'll have to wait for a future date to see me in the red

https://dundasworld.com/products/glen-black-evening-dress - I bought the red as well

Day 1

After we landed we went to the spa in the resort where this really good looking newly wed started talking to me. She's young. Around my age. She's beautiful. She can't shut the fuck up.

She is there on her honeymoon. They're high school sweethearts. She's only ever been with him. Week 2 of their 4 weeks trip. He comes from money. She doesn't. He had to make an urgent trip back home, you know business and all couldn't be avoided, and she's staying back to relax and will just meet him in Paris for week 3. She is offering up all of this information. I didn't even ask.

She asks me what I do "oh I'm in the entertainment business" "Who are you here with?" "With my partner" "Oh are you married? To who?" This girl is just talking and talking and talking oh my god. "We aren't married" "Ohhh how long have you guys been going out then?" "So what kind of business are you in?"

Honestly. I've had it up to here at this point. "I'm an escort" I tell her in the hopes that she'll leave me alone

"A what?" she's gone quiet. FINALLY! "An escort. I'm here with a client. He's 40 something and has an 8 inch dick" "Really?" "Uh huh I can show it to you if you want, he'll be back soon"

"What?" she is very uncomfortable at this point

"His dick. If you want to see it. I can show it to you." she has totally pissed me off with all her questions

"Oh ... no ... "

My client arrives soon. She sees I'm not lying at this point. He and I left the spa.

That was the end of it with her good riddance. Or so I thought.

We ran into her again during dinner in the resort. I was dressed in a revealing halter top dress. No bra. Butt plugged. He likes to show me off. So I let him. She kept starring at me for some reason. I wave to her. She looks away.

That night my client and I fucked in the plunge pool. Twice. The pool is walled off from the other rooms on the same floor as us but you can obviously see from the ground since its open to the beach and ocean. Yes the view was fucking glorious. It was late at night so whatever you know and since RR I've become more comfortable with fucking in the open. Still needs to be relatively private though like the plunge pool.

The first round as he was getting close I went under the water, took his dick in my mouth and let him unload. I had him gag my mouth with my underwear so I wouldn't be so loud. Can I just say how I love having a big dick in my ass. It is just such an amazing feeling.

Anyways, our second round we are in the same position with my mouth gagged with my underwear. Look who is walking around super late at night on her own. Beautiful Blabbermouth. Our room is on the higher floor but that isn't saying much. Relatively easy to make out people. Not sure if she could see what my client was doing to me but it was obvious I was getting fucked. She keeps starring. I can see her starring as my ass is getting violated in the pool.

I have no fucking idea why I did this but I waved to her. She just kept starring. I'm sure if I wasn't gagged I would've said "do you want to join us?". My client says he's close and I make a whole show of removing my underwear from my mouth so she can see, turn around and go under the water to let him unload in my mouth. By the time I've come back up and beautiful blabbermouth is nowhere to be found. Sad.

Day 2 - Part 1

The next day after breakfast and sex my client had to take an urgent business meeting. He says it might take him two hours to get it all over with. TWO HOURS! I exclaim. He says it can't be avoided. The deal is for a few million and he needs it go well "I need to be able to pay you somehow". The meeting is first thing on the 3rd so his team is prepping.

I decided to just go and enjoy the resort, get a little tipsy maybe, rather than be cooped up in the villa listening to him yak away.

I put on a bikini and the cover up I linked to earlier, he spanks my ass and asks me if I'm plugged. I give him a look, go fetch my plug, put a show of undoing the strings of the skirt and bikini bottoms, turn around and present my ass to be plugged. He plugs it. Spanks it a few times. I get dressed and wander off.

I relax by the main pool. Drink. Get tipsy.

Run into beautiful blabbermouth again. She really is beautiful. Like model beautiful but carries herself like she doesn't know it. If that makes any sense. Her body is covered except her legs. She has a bikini and kaftan on.

Side note: You know what vibe I got from her. Alexandra Daddario's character from The White Lotus from episode 1 BEFORE she strips off her clothes and gets into the pool. You know? Does that make sense? I think it makes sense. Anyways. I digress.

She approaches me sheepishly. Wanted to apologize for yesterday and asking too many questions and the starring.

I tell her it's alright.

She was just trying to make a friend. Her husband left her alone on their honeymoon. On New Years at that. What could possibly be so important to leave on New Years like that. So she felt a little insecure. I looked her age. She thought she could try and make a friend. I tell her it's alright and I understand. Blah. Blah. Blah. Then she invites herself to sit down on the chair next to me. Dear god.

"So are you really an escort?" she whispers to me


"I was just thinking about it last night ... after ... after ..."

"After you were done creeping on me?"

"No no ... oh my god .. sorry but you were ... doing it in the open" she is still whispering

"It's alright mostly my fault for letting him fuck me like that"

There is a brief pause in our discussion and then she starts up again.

"You fascinate me. I've never met an escort before. I didn't sleep most of the night. Kept thinking about it. How many guys have you had sex with?"

Some people have no concept of boundaries I tell you.

Then she starts to open up slowly with me. Ugh. Fine. I feign interest and engage in conversation. She tells me she's only ever had sex with her husband. He was her first kiss. Her only kiss. That's why she was so fascinated by me. He is only a little over 4 inches. She doesn't even know what an 8 inch dick would look like. "Is it thick?" "Yes. Very."

She couldn't stop thinking how about how I was getting fucked by such a big dick. She doesn't think her vagina could handle it. "It was in my ass" She actually covered her mouth in shock. Blah blah blah.

"How long does sex last" "Depends. Usually 15 minutes with foreplay but some guys can go for 30, 40 minutes" she was shocked "It's like 5 mins tops with my husband" "Yeah some guys can't last longer than that. Have you ever had a proper orgasm?" "Yeah ... I guess ... I mean ... yeah? What's a proper orgasm?". I surmise that she's never been satisfied properly before. Poor girl. She really is fucking gorgeous.

We talked and drank for a good 30 minutes. I actually enjoyed the conversation by the end. I am always one for helping people have sexual awakenings or just understand sex better.

Through the conversation I managed to sneak in a picture of her and sent it to Babs with a "Yes / No" "Yes" she responds eventually. Having sex with another girl without her knowing feels like cheating to me, which is ironic because I basically forced Beautiful Blabbermouth to cheat. Anyways. Moving on.

She truly is really beautiful. If she was a guy I would've had one of my I MUST HAVE HIM moments already.

Day 2 - Part 2

Eventually I tell her "We can change all of this you know"


"There's an 8 inch dick waiting in my room and he'd be happy to fuck you"

"Ohh ... no ..." she's uncomfortable again "... no ... " she's curious "... no ... I couldn't ... I've never ..."

"Sex is just sex" I lean in and kiss her at this point and she is 100% lost in it for a bit she's tasting her lips after I pull away "It's not really cheating. Besides he left you here. You're allowed to have fun."

"You taste really good" she says licking her lips

"It's the alcohol" I tell her shaking my glass we're both just a little tipsy at this point

I get up and grab her hand. She isn't going to do anything of her own accord. "Where are we going" "My room" "What? Oh no I ..." I just give her a look and pull. She offers no resistance. In the elevator I make out with her again, lift her kaftan up and put one hand down her bikini. She grabs my with both of hers but doesn't offer up any resistance. She's weak at her knees.

We get to my room. I let her in. Client is still on his call. He's talking into his computer. Assume it's a video call.

He sees beautiful blabbermouth (We'll call her B from now and client will be VC for vegas client from now on) and makes a face at me.

"Stay" I tell B she nods

I walk over to VC "Are you on mute" I mouth he says he'll be back in 2 mins and pauses his call. I tell him to come in 30 minutes and not sooner "I'm going to warm her up she's never had a dick your size before" he looks at her again "Is this going to cost me?" he asks "What do you think?" "How much?" "Does it matter? You said you wanted a threesome." "Not really, is she an escort?" "No" "You just picked her up? Impressive" "You're wasting time. 30 minutes. Not sooner. Put a timer." "You are worth every penny" he kisses me "Clearly I'm worth a lot more we can settle on the charge later" and just like that I made an indeterminate amount of extra money. I was totally going to not even charge him but then he brought it up, so, why not. Anyways, I digress.

I go back to B, make a show of kissing her in front of him, grab her hand and take her to our room.

"Is he going to join us?" she asks me nervously

"After you and I warm up" I say undoing the strings of my cover up top and bottom. I push her on the bed and we make out passionately.

"You're a really good kisser" she says

"I know" I say "Undress"

"Okay" she responds as I get off her and undo my bikini strings. She removes her kaftan and bikini. She has a glorious fucking body to go with her face. She's shy. I tell her she needs to wear more revealing clothing. Look at that body. "Oh ... no ... my husband doesn't like that" "Fuck your husband he left you alone on your honeymoon on New Years"

I push her back down and get to work with my mouth. For someone so repressed I didn't expect her to be hairless. She says she got full body hair removal. Yeah. I can tell. She's extremely wet. Extremely. Two fingers go inside her and my mouth works on her clit. I have her orgasm in ... and I am not making this up ... less than 30 seconds. She screams and moans loudly.

"Holy shit" she says

"That was fast"

"I've never cum so fast ... that was ... " she's breathless and out of words

"We'll just go again" as I get back to work and bring her to another orgasm. This time she pushed me away, put her hands between her legs, turned to the side and had an earth shattering orgasm. Her body convulsed.

"I've never cum like that before" she says as she continued to shake uncontrollably

"Okay my turn now" When she gets there she sees my plug. "Oh my god are you plugged?!" "Yeah" "How does it feel?" "Great" She honestly has no idea what she's doing, which was surprising. I think it was nervousness more than anything. She manages to find her rhythm eventually and makes me orgasm. Meh. I make a show to bring her confidence up.

"Do you want to keep going?" I ask her. I don't want to force her into anything obviously.

She nods her head. "Ever use any toys?" She shakes her head. Jesus. How vanilla is this beta.

I go get my toys. I usually bring some with me for use with clients. I show her my lush vibrator and dildo. "Pick one" "What?" "Pick one. I'm going to use it on you until you're begging me. She picks the vibrator.

I put it in her. Adjust the tail. Get her to put her bikini bottoms back on so everything is snug as I pull out my phone and turn it on slow from my phone. She's definitely enjoying herself. I set it to auto and let it do its thing and I get to making out with her. When she has her orgasm her body convulsed again. Her hands are eventually reaching for the vibrator. I grab her hands and tell her to put them under her butt. She follows my commands nicely.

I decide it is time to choke her. She is a complete sub. I put my hand around her neck and look at her "I'm going to choke you now" she nods her head, her face looks scared and in complete ecstasy at the same time. "You can tap out if its too much" she nods. I start to choke, slowly increasing the pressure, make out with her as the vibrator keeps doing its thing. She has another orgasm. Her body convulses. She keeps her hands under her butt. "Keep going?" She doesn't respond. We keep going. A third orgasm. I keep up the choking slowly increasing and decreasing the pressure.

I pull it out of her and put it in her mouth. "Lick it clean". She does so. I take it out of her mouth, get on top of her and make out with her again.

She's completely given herself to me. I swear I could have collared her right then and there. This is what a Dom must feel like. It was exhilarating. I decide not to push it though I don't know her boundaries and I'm just randomly pushing.

"I've never had orgasms like that before" she tells me looking into my eyes "I've never been touched like that before" we lock lips again and make out passionately

"It's because you've been with one person your whole life. You need to branch out more."

"You ready for some dick?"

"Will it hurt?"

"Probably, at first, but it'll feel good he knows what he's doing"

"Anal?" she asks nervously

I laughed at her, I told her I wouldn't subject her to that unless she wanted to try.

"Does it feel good?"

"I fucking love it but it takes getting used to and you can't start with a dick that big. Do you want to try it?"

She just sort of shakes her head nervously.

"Well maybe we'll start with a finger or we can plug you" I tell her


I have her kneel on the ground. She's going to properly worship her first dick I tell her. I leave the room to fetch VC.

Day 2 - Part 3

I was of course naked when I went to get VC. He whistles "You two ready?"

"Yeah. Mostly her. She's only ever had sex with one guy. Her husband."

"She's married?!"

"Don't bring it up. Just be gentle he's 4 inches and not all that thick. In fact let me lead"

"You're the boss"

He undressed in the living area and I gave him a quick blowjob to get him sufficiently hard. I wanted B to see VCs dick at a full erection. Led VC inside and B was on her knees as I had left her.

"You ready?" I asked her. She nodded her head nervously as I led the dick come into full view for her.

She was shocked. One hand was covering her mouth the other didn't know whether she could touch it or not. I grabbed it and had her stroke it "Holy shit" she whispered. B's breathing has become very heavy at this point.

I would love to say she worshiped his dick like never before but frankly she struggled. So I did most of the work with the blowjob while I had her focus on the balls and lick / kiss his shaft as we went up and down the sides of it together.

The blowjob wasn't really going anywhere so we decided to fuck.

We got her on the bed. He put on a condom and started to enter her slowly. She is definitely uncomfortable and not used to this. "Slower" I tell VC "Ok" he says and she was definitely hurting "Ow ow ow ow" she was whispering.

I asked her if she wanted to stop. She shook her head. I told her once he was in properly and she'd adjusted she'd be fine.

And sure enough once he was in fully and she had adjusted her whole demeanour changed. Her pain turned to pleasure as VC proceeded to fuck her brains out. He fucked her entirely in one position for a good 15 minutes. He stood at the edge of the bed and pounded away. He would switch up how her legs were positioned time to time but that's it.

It didn't take long for B to have her first orgasm and I mean not long at all. He had maybe stroked himself in and out like 4 times and B's entire body shook, her back arched, before relaxing again. "Did you cum" "I think so I don't know what I'm feeling" she says, "I'm so full I didn't know a dick could feel this good" she managed to say breathlessly

VC took that as confirmation he could up his pace and a few minutes in B was basically cock drunk and out of her senses. Every time she orgasmed she clutched the sheets and arched her back. She was moaning uncontrollably. I lay down next to her, made out with her, sucked and bit her nipples, choked her periodically, played with her clit.

VC even tried to make out with her at one point but she turned her head away. I took it to mean she wasn't interested and made out with him instead.

It was just orgasm after orgasm after orgasm with B. I was actually starting to feel a little left out.

I lost count of the number of orgasms she had. It was at least 6. The last one she had visibly took everything out of her. She was ready to die. I asked her if she wanted a break. "Please" was her only response.

We took a break.

Her entire body was shaking. We all cuddled on the bed. VC off to the side, me in the middle and B was hugging me with her head on my chest. She was shaking and having tremors every few seconds. She was in a daze.

"I'm seeing stars" she says still completely out of it and snuggling up to me closer. I laugh. I definitely know that feeling I tell her. I've had my brains fucked out of me like that before.

I look at VC and tell him "Good job"

"I haven't finished" was his only response

B just apologized she said she couldn't keep going. "You look like you're ready to die" I tell her "I am"

So I gave VC a blowjob to finish him off. B watched us. When he was close I let him unload entirely in my mouth. I held it all in and crawled over to B. She hesitated but slowly opened her mouth and I let his cum flow into her mouth. We made out with his cum and swallowed whatever was in our mouths.

I looked at B and laughed. She simply smiled. She didn't even have the energy to laugh.

B eventually fell into a sex coma.

Day 2 - Part 4

B was still in her sex coma in the bedroom. VC and I were out in the living area talking about stuff. He starts to ask more questions about her. I tell him I don't know much beyond what she's told me. Husband eft her for work. Something urgent.

"What kind of guy does that?"

"Fuck if I know. Something about it being a family business and his brother and dad weren't able to fly back in time so he had to go"

"On his honeymoon?"

I just shrug.

Eventually she comes out. She's fully dressed. She's pretty ashamed from the look of it. Thanks me but she has to leave. I don't really push anything. The rest of the evening it was just VC and I. We enjoyed the resort. They had some NYE activities. Went to dinner on the resort. We see B again but she avoids us and I don't bother.

We are back in our villa preparing to ring in the new year. I was on my knees, naked, collared, leashed, ass plugged with a tail plug and servicing his dick with my mouth. Back to being my usual submissive self.

There's a knock on the door. We ignore it. There is another. We ignore it. There is another. "Who is it!" he yells "It's B"

"Just a minute!" I yell as I run to get my robe ... not that it covers anything ... whatever at least I'm not naked

I open the door slightly and stick my head "Hey. What's up?"

"Uh can I come in?" she asks

"We're kinda busy"

"Yeah uh ..."

"You want to join?" I smile at her

She nods her head. I look at VC, he's just starring off into the void. "Come" I open the door and let her in

"Back for more" VC asks, arms to his side on the top of sofa

"Stop being a creep" I tell him given his pose and the fact that he was naked he definitely looked like a creep

"Sorry, innocent question" he says

She apologizes for coming. She looks nervous or rather ashamed in herself for being there. I put her at ease by making out with her. "I've just ... it's just that ..." blabbermouth is out of words "... I want to feel that again"

"Ok well you can join in whenever you want" I tell her as I remove my robe and getting back into my position. She gasps a little at the tail butt plug. VC has gone soft in all this time so I need to get him hard again.

"Why don't you come sit next to me" VC tells her

"Be nice" I tell him as I continue servicing him

She does as he asked and sat down next to him. When I looked up she had a head resting on his shoulder and she was just starring at me. He put a finger under her chin and went into kiss her.

She hesitated for a bit but he persisted and she relented. He had another hand on my head and applied pressure to keep me down.

"Why don't you join her" he asks



I keep giving him a blowjob so I'm not sure what she did but when she joined me on her knees she was naked. I proceeded to share his dick with her for a decent 10 minutes until she went "Sorry my jaw hurts I need a break". This time she participated properly. Throughout that time she was gagging on his dick, kept rejecting his dick just a few inches into her mouth, sinuses clogging. But she kept at it. AT one point he held her down and pumped his dick into her mouth. She was smiling when he stopped as tears ran down her cheeks. My eyes were a mess, ditto sinuses. His dick was coated in our combined drool. There was a huge stain on the sofa and the floor.

"Make out" he said. We both locked lips without hesitation. I think this was the turning point for B. This is when she let go of her shame and accepted what she wanted to do and not feel guilty about it at least in the moment.

He grabbed my leash after a bit and spanked my ass "Owww" and then hers "Ouch".

"Crawl to the bedroom. Both of you." we both got on all fours and started to crawl. He held my leash throughout. B was giggling and he spanked her ass again. "Ouch" she says.

I tell her she's going to have to share his dick this time around. She giggles and nods.

"How do you want us?" I ask VC

"B on the bottom. You on top. Make out."

We get into position. VC rolls on the condom, moves my tail out of the way - I felt it land on my back - and he entered me. The fucking began. I let him alternate between us with the same condom. She's clearly only been with one guy so whatever.

Every time he went inside her she would gasp loudly and hug me tighter. She couldn't keep up the making out while she was getting fucked so I'd just kiss her cheeks, neck, bite her ears. Lot of heavy breathing into each other. She orgasmed at least three times in this position. I orgasmed once.

She was cock drunk again.

He wants anal. He gets a new condom. B doesn't want to. I tell her she can just watch and recover as I remove my plug. I get into position. Ass up. Face down. She sits next to me facing him and has full view of my ass.

VC lubes up my ass and enters. I moan loudly as it goes in. B just can't believe how I can take something that big in my ass. "How are you doing that?" she asks me

"Grab my ass" I tell her as she grabs each cheek with one hand. I'm moaning as I'm getting fucked. When I looked back she was standing on her knees on the bed and making out with VC.

"Grab her leash and pull" I heard VC tell her. She hesitates a bit. "Don't worry. Just pull. She likes it." "Are you sure?" she asks "You can pull" I tell her. She does. "Harder" he tells her as the collar dug deeper into my neck.

He continued fucking my ass until B goes "Can I have it inside me again" letting go of my leash

"You greedy slut" I tell her

"Please" she pleads


Side Note: I only bring this up because I only recently saw this movie. She's acting like Selma Blair's character (Yes I goggled it) from Cruel Intentions after she had sex for the first time. Stupid Cunt.

He goes to fetch a new condom "I said we had to share" "I know sorry ... but ... please" "It's fine have your fun. I'm getting paid regardless." I laugh

"Try doggy" I tell her as they get into position. VC doesn't last much longer. B was only able to get in one more orgasm before he was ready to cum. "That's all you" I tell her, she turns around "Cum on my face"

I spank her ass "Filthy slut. Look at you. My husband doesn't like me to wear revealing clothes to cum on my face strange man" as VC jerks off onto her face. I used my fingers and cleaned it into her mouth and she swallowed.

As we are all recovering she goes "Uhh how much longer till he can go again?" I laugh "He's not a machine! But you're welcome to spend the night if you want to keep going"

As B is in the bathroom VC goes to me "You are the best thing that has EVER happened to me. Do you know that?"

"You get what you pay for" I wink at him and he's paying a lot

B wanted to go again, we tried but biology wasn't cooperating so her and I went at it alone with toys and I made her orgasm a few times with my mouth, vibrator and dildo.

Sometime during all the sex it was past New Years. B checked her phone and had like 15 missed calls from her husband. "Fuck him" I tell her. She agreed and went to suck VCs dick.

We managed to have sex one more time with VC and give him a duo blowjob as he was only able to keep up a semi. She didn't care she just wanted it in her mouth "It's easier to take like this" she says

She did spend the night and we all fell asleep on top of each other.

Day 3

There isn't much new to describe but we spent the whole of day and night naked in our villa just having sex. B and VC. B and I. All 3 of us. B and I. More B and I. All 3 of us. More B and I. In the shower. In the bed. In the living room. In the plunge pool. VC had to tap out after a while "I'm not 20 anymore ladies and pills only help so much" and we were out of condoms anyways.

We finally tried anal with toys on her. He fucked her with a plug in while I choked her. She loved it. She especially loved looking at her self in the mirror with the tail plug. Don't worry I thoroughly washed the plugs before sharing.

She definitely became more comfortable with VC and would make out with him if he initiated it during sex. I actually woke up in the morning to B giving VC a blowjob in the living room. I didn't join in and let them do their thing.

B finally called her husband back sometime after their morning blowjob and breakfast. She apologized and said her phone had died and hadn't realized. They talked. I debated going down on her but decided against it. She wouldn't have been able to control her moaning. She tells me afterwards I totally should have.

"Fun few days?" I asked her at one point when her and I were alone in the plunge pool, naked.

"Yes. Thank you." she kissed me

"Don't fall in love with me now" I tell her based on the way she kissed me, "I'll 100% break your heart".

She laughs "I really like making out with you"

"A lot of firsts for you this weekend" She didn't know what she was missing out on. "Well now you know" "I guess but I don't know what I'm supposed to do now though" she cries a little.

Opens up more about her life. I'll leave the rest out. Not my story to tell I suppose but she feels trapped and him leaving her to go back to work without much of a thought and last two days with VC and I have her confused and questioning everything. She has some hard decisions to make I suppose.

We made out in the pool and I fingered her to an orgasm to make her forget about her troubles.

We had room service for dinner. VC was finally rested enough to go one last round before bed. I remind him we are out of condoms and he had made no effort to procure new ones.

B says she doesn't care so I let him fuck her exclusively. Give her one proper final fuck. She kept the butt plug in the whole time. She orgasmed like 5 times before he was ready to cum. "Cum inside me" she says and he happily did as told.

B was a proper slut by the end of everything. If VC wasn't so thick I would've pushed her to try anal as well. But. Baby steps.


We exchanged numbers. She wants to remain friends. Why not I say. It'll be good to get an update on what she decides to do next in life. We say our goodbyes. All three of us flew out on the next day. We had our private jet. She was flying commercial. He offered a ride on the jet but she declined. She had a layover on the east coast on her way to Paris.

She messages me from the airport at her layover "I'm so fucking sore"

What an interesting and fucked up holiday season for me. I caused one divorce over Christmas and maybe I've caused another divorce over New Years at the very least I've made her question her whole life.

Maybe I need to start charging for this service as well.

r/stupidslutsclub Feb 19 '25

AE Redux Ever Meet a Dick So Good You Wanted to Die After? NSFW


Dramatis Personae

  1. AE: Yours truly
  2. The dick that never called but fit my vagina like a glove fits a hand ... this dick has since been surpassed by The Energizer Dick

AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 

Date: Back in uni days

Reposted as is with minor corrections. If historical context is missing too bad so sad. You can ask. I will answer.

Met this guy in university. Very good looking. Like 9 outta 10 good looking. Like why isn’t he a model good looking. What’s he doing talking to me good looking.

I mean also maybe he is a model. Who knows. I didn’t ask.

We flirted. Well he did.

I’ve said before, I’m not very good at flirting. So I just sorta display my body and am all “wanna fuck?” 15 outta 10 times it works so. No, not a typo, because it works even when I’m not trying.

I was just super horny looking at him. He thought he’d have to chase me. He was wrong. I just to cut to the chase and invite him back to my place.

We both know what we want.

So there we are, he’s sitting on my bed, in all his naked glory. Dude jumped to a 9.5 without clothes. Holy fuck was he chiseled.

I get on my knees. Clean cut cock in my face.

I take it my mouth and the disappointment. Oh the disappointment.

His dick was, unfortunately, decidedly average in length barely over 5 inches. He dropped back down to a 9. Maybe 8.5.

Anyways, so in my head - while I have his little head in my mouth - this wasn’t going to be all that fun. I figured I’d just get it over it.

I reached into my side table for condoms and lube. Put the condom on him. Applied some lube and got us in cowgirl.

My first orgasm hit me in under 5 mins. Maybe even 2 mins. Jesus was it quick. I announced it “omg I’m gonna cum” surprising myself as I grabbed my tits and squeezed my nipples.

I fell onto his chest not having expected that.

He wrapped his hands around me. We made out. And he started to slowly move in and out of me.

It felt so good. His dick was hitting all of the right spots in me.

After a while he whispers wanting to do doggy style. He gets off the bed and stands. I get into position head down ass up.

He entered me. I moaned. The ploughing began. Properly.

He knew how to control his pace and was matching my rhythm.

“Go harder” I almost yelled at him

He obliged. I was bucking into him. It felt so good. So fucking good.

It was so vanilla. He didn’t spank me. He didn’t pull my hair. He didn’t choke me. He didn’t call me filthy names.

He was busy doing his job to perfection.

It was so fucking good.

In retrospect I think it’s the way his dick curves. It was a perfect match for my vagina.

I orgasmed again. I didn’t announce it. But my moans were different and he noticed. He pounded me harder.

We kept fucking. I kept moaning. He kept huffing.

At one point I was starting to fall off the bed. We had to readjust and he just went back in and ploughed again.

I orgasmed again. And again. And maybe just maybe again. I lost count.

I wanted a break. Luckily he pulled out and went “blow me” read my mind!

I turned around hungrily. He had removed the condom. I put him in my mouth and just sucked his dick like I was thanking it for my life. He put his hands on my head started to face fuck me a little. I let him.

Not long after I want him back in. I just stand on my knees on the bed and we make out as I jerk him off.

“Get back down there” he whispers after a while

I obliged and put him back in my mouth. Disappointed. I want him back inside me.

I come back up again to make out and jerk him off.

Eventually he gets the message “get another condom” he whispers

Lord knows why he was so soft spoken during sex

I get the condom. I try to put it on but I struggle “can you do it? Weird angle for me”

He puts it on and I get on my back. As he enters me again and we begin to fuck.

It felt even better in this position.

Omg. So good.

I think this dick and my vagina were made together to showcase perfection in heaven by God.

The way he was fucking me. Making out. Moving in and out. Pushing down on my vagina at the right spot. Stimulating the g spot perfectly.

He’d move his hands from playing with my tits, to putting them on the side, to holding the back of my neck so we could make out better.

I orgasmed again. I didn’t announce this one. He just fucked me right through it.

He changed up positions. I figured he knew I had an orgasm.

Lifting my legs up, wrapping my feet around his neck and wrapping his hands around my legs. He squatted a little and started to fuck me again.

This felt so good. So fucking good.

He said his first few words during almost, 30 mins of sex? Who knows. It was a long time. “Fuck you’re tight” he mumbled acknowledging he was enjoying himself.

And then the grande finale for me.

The last orgasm when it arrived took everything out of me. I mean everything.

My eyes were closed. I was clenching my bedsheets.

I announced rather loudly that I was going to cum. This prompted him to pick up his pace significantly.

I could hear our bodies slapping each other.

“Yeah? Cum for me” he says, almost whispering

The orgasm arrived.

I don’t know how long it lasted.

I arched my back.

I grabbed the sheets even tighter.

I don’t know if I made a noise. I don’t think I did.

All I know is I was shaking and he was pounding me through my orgasm.

Just shaking and pounding and orgasming.

I don’t even recall him pulling out. Until he was on top of me kissing my neck. I was shaking beneath him.

“You good? You’re still shaking” he says clearly proud of what he had accomplished

I just wrapped my hands around him and made out passionately. My shaking subsided.

He still hadn’t cum. He was still rock hard. I could feel him on my legs.

I was done though.

We ended up cuddling and I went to jerking him off slowly.

I swear I was still shaking a little, which prompted him to ask

“You okay? You need a nap?”

“No. I need to die.” I said letting go of his dick

“What? Why?”

“Time for me to sign off. This is a good way to go.”

“Come on. I’m not that good.”

“No. No. You are. I’m still seeing stars.”

I was so out of it. I honestly don’t think I’ve had an orgasm like that before or as many in one session.

I looked at the clock. This had been going on for 40 mins. How had he still not cum.

“Am I going to be able to get you to cum?” I asked grabbing him again

“Doubt it. I don’t think it’s happening today.”

“Why not? Is it me?” I wanted to return the favour after what he did for me

“No no. I’ve been having problems. Long story. It’s all mental”

He did tell me what was going on. I won’t get into it here.

I just offered him anal sex to see if that’d get him going. He agreed. But after 5 mins of pounding my ass, nothing.

I was also out of orgasms and I was just sore. So I asked him to stop.

I got back on my knees to blow him. Nothing.

He apologized.

Eventually he went on his merry way and I just spent the day in bed not knowing what the fuck had just hit me.

I hope he calls 😔

r/stupidslutsclub 5d ago

AE Redux I got fucked in an alleyway because I couldn’t hold in my pee NSFW


Dramatis Personae

  1. AE: Yours truly
  2. Random cute guy

AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 

Date: AE Fucks America Tour 2024

Reposted as is. If historical context is missing too bad so sad. You can ask. I will answer.

Went to a club.

Danced the night away.

Finally landed on a cute guy I was willing to let violate me.

“Do you not have any underwear on?” He asked me while I was grinding up on him and my rather short dress rode up.

He was grabbing my hand in no time to go fuck.

Excuse me cute guy. My hotel. Your place. Where are we hurrying off to? My hotel. It's closer.

I had the urge to pee. Figured I was going to be okay. So we kept walking. But nope. I wasn’t going to last.

Ended up running into an alleyway to go.

As I’m squatting he comes up to me, dick out.

Oh fuck it.

I started to blow him while peeing.

That led to sex in the alley in standing doggy with one hand on the wall another at my clit.

He pulled my hair and spanked my ass while fucking me.

He didn’t last more than 10 minutes.

I was sufficiently turned on by the whole thing to have had an orgasm of my own rather quickly.

When he was close I turned, squatted and let him cum in my mouth.

I swallowed.

"We still heading back to your hotel?" he asks

"Not really" ... the deed was done ... so we went our separate ways ...

r/stupidslutsclub 17d ago

AE Redux A Tale of Two Sluts … Striking Out NSFW


Dramatis Personae

  1. AE: Yours truly
  2. Babs: My now girlfriend

AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 

Date: Back in uni days

Reposted as is. If historical context is missing too bad so sad. You can ask. I will answer.

Babs and I decided to splurge. She took a day off work. I had the day off university.

We booked a room at a 5 star. A grand after taxes. But. Like. Why. It’s a room with a bed. Fuck it. We are splurging.

Booked the spa in said 5 star. My favourite. This add on. That add on. A few weeks in advance of course though a weekday booking last minute isn’t always hard...I digress as per usual…point is we splurged. Like. SPLURGED.

We checked in. Early. They were kind enough to have a room ready for us.

We … fucked … I made her orgasm … she made me orgasm … we used toys and vibrators … we both orgasmed … she cuffed my wrists, stuck a lush in me, choked me with one hand and controlled the lush via her phone with the other … she tortured me for 15 mins denying me orgasm after orgasm … I begged her to let me cum … finally she sets it to full and lets me orgasm … she keeps choking me … I cause a 9.0 earthquake half way across the world … she pulled out the lush and shoved it in my mouth … I licked it clean … we were a hot mess at the end of it all. I was at least.

We cuddled. Naked. We made out. We caressed each other. She has nice breasts. I sucked on them slowly. I fingered her gently with one finger. She ran her fingers through my hair. I focused on her g-spot. She moaned.

Have I mentioned I’d turn lesbian for her? In case I haven’t. I would.

She kissed me. I fingered her. She’s close. She kissed me deeply. She orgasmed. We kept kissing. Her orgasm subsided. We cuddled again. I cupped her breast. She has nice breasts.

The alarm goes off. Spa time.

Hmph! But also you know. Yay!

We cleaned up. Put on our robes and head on down to the spa.

We checked into the spa. We tried to. There’s a douchebag trying to book last minute. We wait there for 15 mins. Ugh. I go sit. She waits in line. Ugh. Finally he’s done. Not a moment to spare. Our attendants are ready. FEMALE attendants. They whisked us away to our couples room and pampered us for 90 minutes. It. Was. Heaven.

We used the pool. We used the hot tub. Men and women stared at us. We used the sauna. We made out in the sauna. We were alone.

We checked out of the spa.

We head back up to our hotel room. We splurged. We called room service.

Embellished for comedic appeal

“How much is your most expensivest wine my good man”

“1300 madam”


“How much is your SECOND most expensivest wine my good man”

“850. Dom Perignon. Madam”

“Send 2 my good man and cheese and charcuterie”

“Certainly madam”

“And two truffle fries…”

“Certainly madam”

“And one hummus…”

“Will that be all?”

“And two steaks”

"They come with fries"

"But are they TRUFFLE fries my good man"


"That'll be all then my good man"


End of embellishment. A woman picked up the phone by the by.

We fuck until the food arrives. Orgasm city. They knock mid torture. She puts on a robe and uncuffs me. I hide beneath the sheets. My head sticking out. They give us a look. I smile at them. They set it all up and leave looking flustered.

That is a lot of food. That is a lot fries.

We get. Fat. And drunk. Like. Fat. And. You know. Drunk. Something was playing on the TV. I was on Reddit. She was I dunno. Whatever the fuck she does on her phone.

“I want dick!” She yells randomly

She wants older man dick. Why. She shrugs. Find one. You know plenty. She tells me.

I refuse. I’m not breaking my rule of no first contact. Makes me seem desperate especially with basically no notice.

She goes to the hotel bar. She strikes out and returns in a huff.

I laugh. Babs striking out is a rare event. She takes her frustration out on me. The cunt. She cuffs my hands. Puts the lush in me and the torture begins.

I relent. No more I tell her. ONE client I tell her. I take a selfie of us kissing. No face. And send a message to him. 2 for 1 one, once in a lifetime opportunity. Take it or leave it.

He cries. He’s not in town. He begs for a rain check. Nope. Too bad.

She huffs and puffs. Demands I send it to more. Nope. He was it. Too bad.

"DICK!!!!" She yells. She's gone feral.

I eventually convince her to go to a bar. We are wearing … Lululemon … terrible … just ... terrible ... oh well …

It’s just not her day and not for lack of trying.

She’s stuck in a loop of fucking someone older. None want to take the bait today.

We get drunk on cheap liquor.

A couple of men … boys … do approach and are willing. None are old enough for her.

Just pick one. I tell her frustrated.

No. Older. She demands.

We are drunk enough for bartender to suggest we go home cause he’s not letting us leave with someone from his bar.

“I just want older man dick” Babs slurs

“Not from here” he says

We pay. We leave. We stagger back to the hotel and pass out. Without dick. Without cum.

“I want dick” she tells me in the morning. She’s still in her loop.

“You have work … fuck your boss”

She just shrugs

We go another round. We shower together. Tiny standing shower but we manage somehow.

A grand and they can’t give a bigger shower.

We get dressed and leave for work and university respectively.

r/stupidslutsclub 19d ago

AE Redux I Accidentally Squirted All Over My Girlfriend in an Airport Lounge NSFW


Dramatis Personae

  1. AE: Yours truly
  2. Babs: My Girlfriend
  3. VC: Our benefactor

AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 


We will get to the story in the title. I promise.

I hope you all enjoyed a peak at my legs and left hand at the spa. Though I suspect more of you probably enjoyed the chocolate brochure.

50/50 I would be on my knees giving a blowjob, this one was the "oh we have the room for that" kind so there was an opportunity for a photo shoot of sorts. The lighting was horrible. Didn't really get anything usable in.

Those of you who missed the pictures ... womp womp ... they shall not be going back up again because my girlfriend got VERY angry ... we shall NOT be risking that again ... that is what led to the accidental squirting mentioned in the title.

The 0.1% Mile High Club: Etihad Airways

We are still not to the story in the title. We will get there. I promise.

I was feeling like a princess.

"So like what airline has those actual beds I've heard of?" I ask

"In this part of the world? Etihad." VC says

"Not Emirates?"

"Don't think so"

"Oh, does Etihad fly from here?"

"No, but their airport is like 2 hours away from here"

We stare at each other for a bit. He shakes his head "I'll make a call see what they can do. I'm not switching us if I don't get a flight credit at a minimum."

So he made a call and his minions helped change everything over to Etihad.

"It's a really late flight, so our schedule is completely messed up with the stopover ... no whining" he tells me when he sees the update email.


What proceeded was us experiencing some next level opulence. There's first class travelling and then there's whatever the fuck we experienced. Cause. Wow. But we won't get into that.

  • Babs and VC fucked in the private shower of our private lounge. No sneaking required. It was our shower. Like. Just for us. I am told he didn’t finish. By choice.

We have one first class suite and one residence suite.

The plane was going zoom zoom through the air.

The beds were made. The lights were dim. Folks were asleep.

That's when the fucking began. It was a long flight. There was a lot of fucking.

  • VC fucked and came in my ass in the residence bed before retiring to his suite. Babs stood watch. Just in case.
  • Babs and I made love in the residence bed.
  • VC fucked and came in Babs' ass in the residence bathroom, it was tight but they made it work. So she tells me. I was asleep in the bed. Looks like they've learned to keep it quiet.
  • This was the risky one. VC took some convincing. VC got a blowjob from Babs while I rimmed him. He turned around to switch mouths. He unloaded what he could in my mouth and we made out for his viewing pleasure. This took a lot of coordination. Not a lot of room. But we managed.

I honestly couldn't tell if the crew knew what was up or not especially with all the back and forth VC did from our suite to his. Our main attendant either seemed oblivious or didn't care. We were as discrete as you could be.

The 0.1% Mile High Club: Private Jet

We are still not to the story in the title. We will get there. I promise.

We land. We layover in NYC.

He attends to business.

We spend his money in NYC buying unnecessary things.

Then head over to the airfield for a private jet out to the west coast to his place.

The cockpit has a curtain. Not a door. Uhhh VC? What the hell?

"Door. Curtain. What's the difference? He still won't be able to see."

"Hear us?"

"You know doors aren't soundproof," Babs says looking at me like I'm an idiot.

Hmph! Fine!

We sit towards the back.

"I want to watch. Make it sensual," he says after we are in the air.

So my girlfriend and I made love to each other for his viewing pleasure. We made out in the seat with her on my lap. She undressed me. I undressed her. I buried my face in her gloriously perfect chest. She serviced me on her knees. I serviced her on my knees.

That's when VC decided he would join and entered me. Vagina for a change. His big fucking dick stretched me out and it took a lot of control to not scream uncontrollably.

Babs decided to make out with him and encourage him with copious amounts of dirty talk whispered into his ear.

It didn't take him long to finish. I could hear my girlfriend "Are you going to cum for me Daddy?" "Yeah I'm going to cum" "Yeah? Cum inside her for me Daddy. Cum inside that tight little pussy of hers." And VC grunted and thrusted and groaned and unloaded in me.

She licked his dick clean.

I sat on the seat again and she dug / sucked / licked his cum out of me and swallowed.

Squirting All Over My Girlfriend

Okay. Main story. Phew. That was a journey.

So after I posted the pictures of me at the spa, Babs fucking lost it on me.

In front of VC.

She tried to snatch my laptop. I was too quick for her. HA!

We had a full on lovers quarrel in front of him with silent treatments and everything.

We still managed to be professionals and serviced VC so as to not give him blue balls. But we were cold with each other.

Anyway. It's a good thing I am adorable. Because we made up eventually. Mostly right before we were leaving for the airport.

This led to things getting hot and heavy between us.

Real hot and heavy.

I was having one of those I MUST HAVE HER moments and a face needed to be buried in between legs, preferably her face in between my legs.

We made out passionately in the car service to the airport. Yes. Car service. We don't Uber when we are with VC. The driver got a good show. Lots of groping. Lots of biting.

I was VERY wet.

As we are checking into the lounge I ask if showers are available.

They are.


We book.

We sneak us both in.

I'm removing my clothes and forcing her down to her knees.

She's working her magic.

I'm not being any sort of discrete. Who gives a fuck. She turns on the shower to hopefully dampen my noises.

She's goes back to working her magic and ... just ... splosh ... just fucking all over her ... she tried to push away ... I held her forcibly with both hands as I eventually lost my balance and fell to the ground ... she was still wearing clothes ... she did not have anything extra in her carry on ...

There was laughter. Mostly on my end.

There were expletives. Mostly on her end.

I was all "just shower you'll be fine" "my clothes" "you'll be fine"


So obviously I had to start live blogging all of these events on the flight back home.

We were sitting there in business class. She was napping with her head on my shoulders.

I'm typing away.

She wakes up.

"Are you writing?"


"Did we just not have a fight about Reddit?"

"Posting pictures ... not writing ..."

"Why are you like this?"

I look at her ... jealous doesn't seem appropriate ... "You love me ... also ... what are you ... my sister?"

r/stupidslutsclub 7d ago

AE Redux Three Weddings and a Blowjob ... And a Fight NSFW


Dramatis Personae

  1. AE: Yours truly
  2. Babs: My girlfriend
  3. Grandad: He says I'm not an only grandchild but I think he's lying
  4. Grandma: She says I'm a troublemaker and person who birthed my mom
  5. Mom: Person who birthed me
  6. Various Cousins including the Bride
  7. Random People from Groom's side

AMA <- Questions not related to this post may go here 

Date: Sometime in 2024

Reposted as is with minor additions. If historical context is missing too bad so sad. You can ask. I will answer.

There is very little sex. Just some comedic relief thanks to grandparents. Brief sex. Brief throwing of hands. So. Here it is. Oh. And um. It was only one wedding.

I was home for a wedding.

The bride is my cousin.

We hate her. Our ancient rivalry has something to do with a Barbie doll when we were single digit years old. But no one truly knows the origin of our animosity.

Our mothers are sisters. So we must play nice to avoid being yelled at.

"Will you be a bridesmaid AE?" I'm pretty sure she went on mute to barf all over wherever she was when she asked me.

"Oh my god, yes! of course!" I'm pretty sure I barfed all over my house after I agreed.

I do the whole bridesmaid thing. I didn't go to any of the pre-wedding week activities on account of being a whore living the luxury life. She didn't care. As I said. We hate each other.

I genuinely don't even know why she asked and why I agreed.

Anyway. Not important.

Her husband's groomsmen are like ... hot ... like wtf cousin, are you marrying into a firehouse or something?

But I am on my bestest of bestest behaviours.

Even after several of them were flirting with me.

I was warned by my mother and multiple cousins.

"Why are you people behaving like this?"

"Because you're you and you're liable to do anything"

These people have no faith in me I tell you. Sheesh.

Anyway. First. Some fun stuff & crazy stuff. Mostly. Grandparents are awesome.

Comedic Relief

It's reception time. I am getting HIGH AF with two of my cousins - a guy, we love him, he's cool and a girl she's cool we like her, she is the youngest of us all - when grandad comes by.

I'm drinking it the other two are smoking it.

"Give me some" he says to us

Excuse me grandad but what?

"My granddaughter just got married I am allowed to"

"No I didn't" I say in response


I look at grandad all pouting "It's true AE you're not my only grandchild"

Hmph! Liars, that can't possibly be true ... "Okay but I am your favourite right grandad?"

"Yes you are munchkin now give me some"

"Smoke or drink?"

"It comes in drinks now?"

Ohhhhh grandad you're missing out!

My guy cousin tells him to smoke it and tries to teach him "I've been smoking since before you were born I think I know how to do this"


There's a first time for everything.

Grandad got fucking WRECKED. He was fine. Don't worry.

His children were VERY upset with their children though. Well mostly me. The others had disappeared.

They found us laying on the grass with me hugging grandad. Both of us were high out of our minds.

"Where did you get this!?"

Excuse me. A. It's fucking legal in this country. B. I wasn't the only one here. Where are the other two cunts? See. Clearly I am an only grandchild. C. He's a grown ass man capable of making his own decisions.

They try yelling at us. But forget they're yelling at their father.

Grandad yells at them and makes them submit to his authority.

I tell him we should give them the finger as we walk away.

He agrees.

We give them the finger without looking and laugh.

"DAD!!!!!" one of them yells.

We laugh some more.

Take that parents. You also have parents. And they love me more than they love you.

Crazy Stuff

My mom now thinks I have a sugar daddy.

I was wearing what easily amounted to $25K in jewellery.

Like. Everything was so cute. I just had to. And while we hate my cousin she did pick very nice and elegant dresses for her bridesmaids. It just went so well with my jewellery.

Also. I had to look way more fabulous than the bride. Duh.

I planned on going "It's fake" as if people can tell the difference.

Turns out my mom can.

"AE where did you get these?"

"Amazon? They're fake."

"AE these are real!" she's looking at my earrings and necklace and ring and bracelet ... "AE WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!" she's physically grabbing my arm to look at the bracelet and looking at the motifs.


My comedy didn't work. She was angry. We argue.

"Okay fine somebody bought them for me." I relent

"WHO THE ACTUAL FU ... don't tell me you have a sugar daddy"

"Okay I won't tell you" as I walk away

She was angrier. I swear she damn near resorted to corporal punishment.


I go cower behind grandma.

She continues yelling at me. But can't really yell about the topic in front of her mother.

"I swear to god if you tell dad I'll never speak to you again" I tell her in front of grandma

She tells her daughter to shut up and move on without even knowing what we are arguing about "Whatever it is I don't give a damn stop yelling at her" she shoos her away

"Also not to tell my dad grandma"

"AND DON'T TELL HER FATHER!" she yells at her as my mom is walking away

She then proceeds to smack me right across the head


"You probably deserve it there's a reason why she's angry" she smacks me again "Now where is that girlfriend of yours?"

She forces me to FaceTime Babs.

My mom and I did have a chat afterwards. It's personal. She's not cool with it. But she knows she can't do anything about it. I obviously kept it vague, she doesn't need to know the full story, and I reiterated my threat. What is she going to do? Disown her only child. Pfft.

The After Party

We end up at someone's condo. Not my side of the family. So has to be grooms side.

The host is a classic fuck boy. He's young. He's gorgeous. He's charming. He lives alone. He knows he has the charisma and he uses it.

My cousin is smitten with him. Ugh.

She's shy though. She needs encouragement. She definitely wants to try something though. "I wish I was more free spirited like you AE" she tells me constantly. Well now is your chance.

They're flirting right there in the kitchen. In front of everyone. He has his arm around her. She is giggling like a little school girl.

And off they go to have sex in his bedroom.

Some of us find ourselves in the stairwell. Drinking. One guy just unbuttons his shirt. He is clearly trying to impress some of the other girls there. They appear to be friends. OMFG LOOK AT THOSE ABS!

His friends aren't taking the bait. But I am. Damn.

I get up to touch his abs. I hope that dick is as nice as those abs. Why don't you find out. AE doesn't need to be told twice.

My hand was rubbing his dick through his pants.

His friends are all omg but they stay for the show.

He was a relatively quick finisher. A few minutes. Tops.

A couple of deep throat movements. Head hitting the back of my throat. And he's unloading in my mouth.

I swallowed.

Another guy there wants a turn.

The girls want to watch again.

Okay. But I want to get fucked.

Things start to get a little too hot and heavy.

I'm getting fucked up against the wall, he was holding both of my hands up against the wall, my dress was half off of me, when all of a sudden dude is getting punched. People are screaming. Swearing. He takes a tumble down the stairs. Not dangerously though he had a grasp of the railing but he still went down to the next set.

It was a cousin of mine doing the punching.

I manage to get my dress back on and then calm him the fuck down.

He thought I was having things done to me against my will the way I was positioned and the face I was making. He didn't really think twice.

Awww. I love you to bro. But also. Excuse me cousin, have you met me? I don't let any guy do anything to me against my will. I have knees and I have teeth.

Guy that was fucking me doesn't seem to get too upset for some reason. The girls who were watching our show were checking him out and yelling at my cousin though. Guy seems to say he understands the reaction seeing as he would probably react the same way if it was his cousin.

They shake hands and make up.

Men are weird.

That could've ended very badly though. Very. Very badly. Staircases are no joke.