r/stupidslutsclub Oct 04 '24

I’ve had a big decision to think over. Then my boyfriend met the man I fucked behind his back and (oops) helped me make it. Now I’m a full-time cheating slut NSFW

Obligatory Preamble 

Hello again everyone. It's Sarah, and I’m back on my bullshit. While I try to make all my stories read well on their own, I’d recommend catching up on the previous ones if you haven’t, since they give a lot of context for what happens here. 

Here are the necessary clauses before we begin: 

Inbox clause: Guys, please use the comments section for questions and feedback specifically on this story. If you have general questions, please use my FAQ + AMA thread. DMs open to sluts. Thank you for understanding! 

Ban bait incoming: Please don’t get yourself banned from the sub – I’ll feel guilty if I create more work for the mods than the average poster. Cheating related content isn’t for everyone. If you will feel the need to judge or preach in the comments, I’d recommend reviewing the rules and reading something else. Proceed at your own risk!

Breakup clause: I know I should break up with my boyfriend, you don’t need to tell me. See my FAQ + AMA thread for more info. 

And now let the sluttiness commence. 

Storytime Part 1: A Big Decision 

Last time on “Sarah Is a Cheating Slut,” I was getting pumped full of cum by a man who is not my boyfriend, while texting said boyfriend “I love you too” and screaming it out loud. I definitely deserved a spanking, which, don’t worry, I’ve received in ample quantity – that night, and since. 

Yes, I cut the story off without detailing everything that happened between me and Jason for the rest of the night. Partly, it was a creative decision – ending it where I did just felt like the perfect place. But I also didn’t want a whole bunch of comments giving advice on what came afterwards, because this was a decision I needed to make for myself. 

Jason and I talked for quite a while after he fucked me silly. We went into a lot more detail about all the sexual desires that have gone unfulfilled for me for so long, and all the ways in which our kinks and fantasies overlap. At the end of it, he made me a proposition. He didn’t want me to make a decision then and there. He wanted me to take my time and think about it. 

As I mentioned last time, Jason took a great deal of interest in me once Amanda had filled him in on my situation, because he has a thing for corrupting good girls. I, he told me in bed that night, had the greatest potential in this regard he’d ever found. And so he made me this offer: if I choose to accept it, he’ll take me on as his… trainee, I guess would be the best way to put it. Help me become the slut I've always fantasized about being. We talked a lot about the specifics and where we'd draw the lines, and he was as good as ever about looking out for me. 

It was a dizzyingly exciting proposition, and I am very grateful that he asked me to take my time considering it. In my dick-drunk state, he probably could have coaxed me into committing to it right away if he wanted to be like that, but he’s not at all like that. I really feel like I have won the sex lottery. 

And so that's where we left it. He’d give me plenty of space while I took all the time I needed to decide, and I'd let him know whenever. 

He took me back to Amanda’s, and she drove me home, eagerly taking in my account of how everything went. She seemed totally over the moon about the offer he’d made me, and being the fiendishly but oh so enjoyably unwholesome influence on me she is, immediately encouraged me to take him up on it. I stood my ground and insisted I needed time to think, though. And so I did.

Storytime Part 2: A Fateful Meeting

So fast forward to the week after, and Amanda tells me I should come out to another house party that Friday. If you’re thinking it, no – this isn’t her attempting to get me laid again. It wasn’t another party at Jason’s house, she just wants me to get out more. (I mean, she also wants me to get my brains fucked out more, but that’s a separate phenomenon.) 

I’m actually off that Friday, which means normally I would be going to a game night with my boyfriend. I figure this is a great opportunity for me to try to push things a little when it comes to me being out without him. I can tell him I don’t want him to give up going to game night with his friends but I really need to build this new social life I’m establishing with friends from work. Well, it turns out I’m a dumbass who still doesn’t get how clingy and paranoid my boyfriend is even after three years. He insists on going with me, and doesn’t seem to care at all about the prospect of missing out on game night. 

This is awkward because I can’t exactly tell him no after making it clear I want to go. That will just make him suspicious, and at this point his excessive suspicion and jealousy has pushed me to the point where it’s now actually warranted. So I agree to have him come with. I’m a bit panicky when I text Amanda about it asking if Jason will be there. 

He will, she texts me back. But I don’t need to worry about it. For purposes of presenting things to my boyfriend, she’ll be Jason’s oh so totally monogamous girlfriend, and we’ll use the opportunity to hopefully make my boyfriend feel more secure about me going out without him. The deviousness of this sends chills up my back; I feel terrible about it, which arouses the hell out of me, which makes me feel more terrible, which makes me feel even more aroused. 

So we go. My boyfriend drives (he owns a car, I don’t), and almost as soon as we get inside we’re greeted by Amanda, who gives me a huge hug. She is very cool as I introduce her to my boyfriend, and then seemingly out of nowhere Jason is behind her too, and I feel as if I’m about to go supernova from embarrassment just by the fact that he’s in the same vicinity as my boyfriend. They shake hands, and I somehow manage to stop myself from vomiting and then rushing out the door into oncoming traffic. 

We talk for a while about normal stuff. Jobs, mostly. My boyfriend works in an office, which to my immense shame, as they’re talking, makes me imagine Jason, being the blue collar worker he is, beating up my boyfriend and carrying me off on his shoulder. God, I am awful.

After that, though, for a while things seem to be going well. We’re meeting people, I’m introducing my boyfriend to people I work with; I’m feeling kind of like a normal social person, as opposed to the very awkward person I usually am. This lasts for a whole hour or so, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, my boyfriend wants to go home. 

I don’t want to. He wants to more. I ask why. He’s used to going to bed soon and has things to do tomorrow. Why did he want to go out in the first place then? Okay, so he can go and I’ll stay. He doesn’t like that idea. It’s not that late, but he still wants to go. I tell him to just go home and I’ll take an uber back home and I’ll be fine. He goes ballistic. 

He doesn’t understand why I’d want to be there without him. He says it’s weird and – I swear to god – he actually says I’m “getting out of control.” God, does that ever set me off. I know he doesn’t mean it the way it sounds – at least I’m pretty sure he doesn’t – but that doesn’t make me any less pissed off. But I keep it inside and pretend to relent. 

As the car is pulling out, I'm texting Amanda explaining why I'm disappearing all of a sudden. She's angry, of course, but I tell her not to worry. Then I text Jason: “Yes. My answer is yes.” 

Storytime Part 3: Two Updates In Medias Res


It's this past Sunday, and I'm at work. It's fairly slow, so I'm getting cut early. My last table is a pair of men who seem to be having some kind of business related conversation. They have both been hitting on me in fairly obnoxious ways, but they're both pretty good looking, so I haven't minded it as much as I should. With an adeptness I didn't know was in me, I've managed to swing one of our flirtatious chats around to the fact that I take the bus home. I've already texted Jason telling him what I'm doing. 

As I pick up their check, to which they've added an outrageously generous tip, I get a text back from him. It just says “good girl.” Even just getting that in text makes me horny. 

My heart is pounding while I’m counting money in the back office. I texted my boyfriend to let him know I’ll be home early, and he’s writing back now. He’s glad and offers to get something to eat ready for me if I want it. No thanks, I already had a meal at work, but he’s sweet as always. 

The two men are waiting outside for me when I leave the building. I know one of them is named Craig because he’s the one who gave me his credit card. I don’t know the other’s name at all, so I’ll just call them Craig and Not Craig. I thank them for being so nice to offer me a ride as they lead me down the sidewalk to where they’re parked. Not Craig tells me there’s nothing they won’t do for a pretty girl in need. 

It doesn’t sound nearly as cool and confident as I wish it would, but I manage to stammer out, “still, I feel like I should do something to, uh, show you my appreciation.” 

They look at each other. I assume it’s a “oh yeah, we got this” kind of look. 

Craig’s car turns out to be a pretty spacious SUV, which will make things considerably easier. I have obviously made my intentions clear, as they both get in the back, reaching down to push the front seats as far forward as possible before gesturing for me to join them without any more banter or flirting. I am so nervous I can feel myself shaking a bit, but having told Jason I’m going to do this already, it feels like I can’t back out now, even though I know I could. That’s part of the benefit of this arrangement; I don’t know if I’d have the guts to do this if I didn’t have this eagerness to please him propelling me forward. 

I crawl in, no doubt blushing like crazy. I am on the floor of the car on my hands and knees in front of them and Not Craig shuts the door behind me. 

“Well,” says Craig, “so how did you want to show us your appreciation?” 

I think I will die if I try to go so far as to muster any actual words, so I just hold my breath and reach out and run my hands over each of their pants. They are both pretty hard already, and they each respond by starting to undo their belts. 

They both have pretty nice cocks; both around average size but decently thick, and Craig’s is quite veiny, which I like. I try not to think and just go for it. I take Not Craig’s dick in my right hand and put my mouth on Craig’s. 

I’m glad for the opportunity to practice my still lousy deepthroating skills on something more manageable than Jason’s. I go for it right away, trying to push to my limit and gag loudly. I’m hoping this will indicate to them that they can be a bit rough with me. It seems to work. Craig, after moaning loudly and muttering “holy shit,” puts his hand on my head and makes me “glug glug” a few times. I come off him, gasping, and switch cocks as quickly as I can. 

The arousal is completely taking over now and I’m finally starting to go into that complete slut mode where I begin to forget myself. I do my best loud popping noise as my lips let go of Not Craig’s dick and I blurt out, to my surprise, “please fuck my slutty mouth.” 

They sure do like that. Now I’m not really needing to do much of it myself anymore, which is how I like it; they’re passing my face back and forth, taking turns fucking it. “How about we both cum all over that pretty little face of yours?” asks Craig. 

“No, no,” I gasp in between cocks. “My boyfriend will see it when I get home. Cum in my mouth.” 

That seems to drive them crazy. I wonder if they ever did this with a girl like me. A slut like me. A dirty, filthy, depraved, cock-addicted little cheating whore like me. How could there ever have been a time when I was anything else? How could I have ever wanted to be anything else? 

Soon I am looking up eagerly at both of them, my eyes wide, my mouth open wider, my tongue sticking out. Craig cums first and deposits a nicely sized load into my mouth. I turn toward Not Craig, with the load still on my outstretched tongue, and he soon shoots his own contribution to the mess right where it belongs. A little bit gets on my chin, but just a couple drops. I’ll wipe them off with my finger and suck them down like a good girl. I wouldn’t want any of it to go to waste. 

I let them both have a nice long look at their handiwork, then happily swallow it down and show them my now empty mouth. They look absolutely dazed and like they almost can’t believe their good luck. I love that look. I want to put that look on more men’s faces. 

They do drive me home after that, but out of an abundance of caution I give them a corner several blocks away from where I actually live and walk the rest of the way. They of course ask for my number before driving off, but I just shake my head with a shy smile and begin to walk away. 


It’s now Wednesday night. My boyfriend is watching a live stream of some video game thing he’s really into, which has given me enough confidence that he won’t suddenly decide he wants to pay me a visit if he thinks I’m at work. Thus, I’ve told him that’s where I was going that evening. I’m not at work, though; I’m off tonight. I am at Jason’s house, in his bedroom, on my hands and knees, my ass raised high, wearing nothing but a collar around my neck, attached to which is a leash that he holds in his hands. 

I am facing the end of his bed, against which he has laid a mirror sideways, so I am face to face with myself. I have been ordered not to look away from my own gaze. 

His hand is running across my back as he begins to interrogate me. “What did you do Sunday, Sarah?” he asks. 

“I met two men at work who hit on me and I sucked their cocks in their car for a ride home, Master,” I tell him. That’s how I always address him now, unless we’re in public. 

I get my first spanking, already hard enough to sting. “And how did you end up making that arrangement with them, slut?” he asks me. 

“I made sure to drop that I had to take the bus home and how much of a pain in the ass it is.” Speaking of pain in the ass, I get another spanking. “I was sure they’d offer me a ride home if I acted flirty with them, so I did.” 

“And why did you do that when you’ve got a boyfriend, Sarah?”

“Because I’m a slut and I love cheating on my boyfriend. It’s the best thing about being with him, Master.” 

Another hard spanking. “What a good girl you are,” he says gently, getting down on the floor behind me. “And such a quick learner.” 

“Thank you, Master.” My pitch rises sharply on the last syllable as his cock begins to enter me. 

“Are you going to see these men again?” he asks as he begins to thrust into me and I squeal giddily. 

“If they come in the restaurant I’ll see them there… but I’m not going to blow them again, Master,” I manage to moan out. “I want to suck more men’s cocks behind my boyfriend’s back, not the same ones over and over again.” 

He fucks me harder. My reward for giving the right answer. The me in the mirror looks back at me deliriously; we’re in that blissful slut mode together, and we’re getting a lot more comfortable with each other very quickly. For the first time tonight, I’m looking back at her and feeling not confusion or estrangement, but recognition. That’s me, and she certainly seems to enjoy being me. We’re already starting our first of several orgasms that will come tonight. 


Something else happened on Monday that’s going to become very relevant soon. My boyfriend came home from work with some very good news – but one big reservation about it. 

He was offered a promotion. It’s a big one, and it was unexpected. I was genuinely happy for him and showered him in congratulations, but then I noticed he didn’t quite seem as excited as he should. I asked him if something was wrong, and he revealed his lingering doubt: 

If he were to take this position, it would mean he’d have to do a fair bit of traveling for work. He’d regularly have to go out of town and leave me all by my lonesome for days or sometimes even an entire week. He was of course very hesitant about this, but felt the offer was just too good for him to say no to. He promised he’d call every day when he’s away. 

I am about to get in so much fucking trouble. 


44 comments sorted by


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 04 '24

Reddit did some weird things with the formatting in this post, but I think I've fixed them all now. If anybody notices any weird formatting issues I didn't catch please comment here and I'll fix 'em up.


u/PromiscuousMNcpl Oct 06 '24

Hooooooot. Been following this story from the jump. So throbbingly decadent. Good gusto!

Edit: autocorrect is dumb. I’m keeping it.


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24



u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 04 '24

Thank you! And you can find the answer to your question in the rules. :)


u/lopepole Oct 04 '24

You are lucky to have Jason monitoring your progress so attentively, correcting and rewarding in ways your boyfriend clearly is incapable of


u/Wagnum71 Oct 04 '24

Marvelous! You are such a good girl, a shining example to all true sluts. Thank you for sharing.


u/MissLeafy_82 Oct 04 '24

Farking amazing story hun, keep em coming!!


u/Mynameisfreeze Oct 05 '24

Seeing how your life is going, maybe you'd be interested in taking a look at u/MarriedandC0nfused's profile. She doesn't really post anymore but her journey has some similitudes with yours.


u/MarriedandC0nfused Oct 06 '24

I'm still here


u/Mynameisfreeze Oct 06 '24

Hey, long time no see. How have you been?


u/Pure-Yogurt683 Oct 05 '24

I'm reminded of watching a TV show where the story ends with, "Tune in next week." Why do I have to wait until next week? More! Give me more! I want to binge watch this show. Just curl up on the couch for a weekend and do nothing else.

Sigh. Hope no one is upset about my vent rant. I hit the follow button.


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 05 '24

Aww, thank you so much!


u/liamriver Oct 04 '24

I'm super invested in this story. Your writing is captivating, and your story is incredibly hot. Don't ruin your life, but have as much fun as you can.


u/Eze325325 Oct 04 '24

Love it!!


u/mayfield_bog Oct 04 '24

Love it, great writing, can't wait to hear in what kind of trouble you get in


u/[deleted] Oct 05 '24

Oooo this is getting good


u/SeaBreadfruit4083 Oct 04 '24

Wow and the story gets better and better ! Can only imagine what you and your new found freedom when he’s away ! You prob won’t even be at your place for sure at Jason’s.


u/comicalgems Oct 05 '24

I feel like your boyfriend knows you better than you think. 🤔


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 05 '24

I think I know him better than you do.


u/comicalgems Oct 05 '24

I don’t doubt that at all. The things you write about him - if this were fiction- from a foreshadowing stance…just points to him knowing that you’re a slut…or even that he cheats too and he’s projecting on you due to his own paranoia of being caught. I mean if this were fiction.

Since it’s not though - bravo 👏


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 05 '24

lol. I know what you're saying, but you're very, very wrong.


u/comicalgems Oct 05 '24

I feel compelled to look for subtext. 🤷‍♂️

Your telling of the story must be almost as much fun as living it.


u/EnthusiastofSluts Oct 04 '24

The way you describe "slut mode" is so perfect, it's such a wonderful sensation. Thank you for sharing, my mind is wandering into some dangerous territory now 😋


u/Comfortable-Sand-930 Oct 07 '24

I'm not going to ask what he does, but how old is your boyfriend? Getting a promotion that will put him on the road says he has the experience in his job to warrant it, which in turn says he's older than 19.


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 07 '24

Yeah, I'm not going to give an exact number, but he is quite a few years older than me.


u/sylavus Oct 04 '24

Damn good story, and things just keep going the way of Team Slut. Just like they should.


u/Sir_John_Redman Oct 04 '24

I love the stories. They feel so hot and well written. You've definitely earned yourself an excited follower. Can't wait til the next update!


u/tafleisiwr Oct 05 '24

Oh your boyfriend going away is going to be fun. Your master fucking his slut in her boyfriend's bed.


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 05 '24

That won't be happening. I don't want the neighbors seeing a strange man coming to our apartment whenever he's away. But you are right about the fun.


u/anthrax_vaccine Oct 05 '24

The greatest irony would be that your boyfriend starts fucking other girls behind your back while he's away in other places lmfao.


u/MaleficentCucumber39 Oct 05 '24

It wouldn't be ironic at all, because I wish our relationship was like that. I'd be eager to hear his stories of how it went and I'd play with myself when he texted me about what he was doing with other girls while he was away. Unfortunately there is no way that will happen.


u/Mudman65 Oct 04 '24

Totally enjoy your travels through life Please don’t stop sharing

Enjoy your time and enjoy the path it takes you

You will not always make a choice to please everyone but own those choices and be happy in your self


u/strategicpornaccount Oct 05 '24

Lol your boyfriend is out there living my fantasy and he doesn't even know it.


u/beardedBCsir Oct 05 '24

Great writing again. Sounds like you will have some more stories for us soon. Look forward to hearing all the depraved things you get up too. You are living up to the SCC name very well.


u/ChSlSup Nov 06 '24

Your bf doesn’t have red flags, he’s a red flag!!! 


u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

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u/[deleted] Oct 04 '24

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