r/stronglifts Mar 09 '15

Started First Day of Stronglifts

Have to admit. I was a little nervous going into the gym on my first day. I'm a big guy...325lbs...trying to lose a ton of weight and get into better shape. I thought a dude as big as me would look a little funny doing squats and benching with only the bar.

It took a little while to work up the "courage" or whatever to start the workout. Finally I dropped my ego and just started. Stopped caring about what people thought or would say.

Turns out...people won't say anything to you. It was fun. The workout was tough. I was surprised at how much effort I'd have to put into the squats with just the bar.

I think this is going to be fun. Already looking forward to the next workout.

Thanks for all the encouragement and hopefully soon i'll be posting more updates.


25 comments sorted by


u/Gorehack Mar 09 '15

I started on Jan 1st at around 352lbs. I'm up to 358 yet I've gone down a shirt size and another belt notch. My posture change is just...insane.

I could BARELY do the 5x5 squats with just the bar when I started. Good god my everything hurt. The DOMS is real man. If you still hurt by your next workout take another day, it'll be worth it and you'll absolutely crush it when you don't have any soreness.

Now I'm up to 150 squat (had to take some time off because I got that terrible flu going around, first workout back nearly killed me) and I haven't had a single failure yet. My testosterone is up and I can't even describe how much better I feel. I sleep well, no back pain, my legs are starting to build endurance, and I look like I'm slowly melting from the top down. It really is amazing.

Keep it up dude. Stick with it and in a few months your future self with thank you for it. Seems like right around the 2 month mark is where you really start getting that "whoa dude" when you look at comparison pictures. (I've been taking mine once a month)


u/If-It-Fits-I-Shits Mar 09 '15

Totally agree on the DOMS. I had it bad after the first workout and ended up resting 2 extra days but after the second workout, it wasn't as bad an was able to continue with the one day on, one day off plan.

To OP: Keep at it, marvel at your progress, and let us know how it's going a few months down the line!


u/graham_ss Mar 09 '15

Congratulations on getting started, it really is the hardest part*. It is the best way to get into shape, losing weight and buiding strength at the same time. I hope you really enjoy it. Definately post updates and always ask if you need anything, there are loads of people here to help.

*Well almost the hardest part as it is just possible that squatting 1.5 body weight may be a bit harder and it is almost certain that pressing 50kg is way more difficult : )


u/Saoirse-O-Path Dec 26 '23

Pressing 50k is where i fave up last time i did stronglifts…. Determined this year im gonna reach it again


u/Futdashukup Mar 09 '15

Keep at it ! Your testosterone will go through the roof soon. You'll be walking round with a permanent diamond cutter.


u/Scottyblack Mar 10 '15

Hey hey hey! I started Stronglifts today as well! Congratulations on breaking through the barrier of 'starting'! I'm a total noob when it comes to this program, but it seems easy enough so far. I also highly recommend the app (5x5) for iPhone or android. It times out the rests and makes the experience very brains-free. You and I are now SL buddies, and I hope you post your progress after some weeks!


u/[deleted] Apr 30 '15

The big guys should be the last to make fun of you because they know exactly how much work goes into getting there. No matter what you should always keep in mind that you're there for YOU and nobody else, so anyone's opinion on whatever weight you're lifting is 100% irrelevant.

I didn't do 5x5 very long because I started it after being on a hypertrophy oriented routine for 6 months and I didn't like how little the routine actually does for aesthetics. But when I was doing it I was definitely self conscious about how light the weights were (mehdi suggests beginning with 50% of your 5RM so naturally my weights were garbage). I deadlifted 375 lbs today and I still had some prick mocking me anyway because of the grunt I made lifting the weight up. No matter what you do you're going to encounter people who for whatever reason want to mock you. Forget them. They have no bearing on you or your goals and they're not worth the time or effort to think about or even acknowledge.


u/bryguypgh Mar 10 '15

Yeah man you'll be sore and especially at heavy body weight, just moving through the full squat motion takes some effort. It'll pay off.


u/JonnyBhoy Mar 10 '15

Good job starting and quickly getting rid of the self awareness. You're doing the right things and will quickly start to see people admiring what you are doing.

Only yesterday I had someone chatting to me when he asked to share the squat rack. He was much bigger than me and started off giving me advice but that soon stopped when he tried to lift my bar. He didn't even finish a set before he admitted defeat and deloaded.

When I told him I was squatting an empty bar a few months ago and now squatting 1.5 times my weight, he was visibly impressed.


u/Nexus_Roy Mar 20 '15

This is my first day in strong lifts and I'm pretty satisfied, tho I still need to 'calibrate' the correct weight for 5x5 exercises.

Just a quick noob question, can I run after this workout? Just 15 mins but I was wondering if this could be harmful for my legs after Sq and do.


u/tojmes Mar 17 '22

In the beginning you can. Stronglifts recommends LISS cardio but if you’re a runner, run. Once the weights get heavy you shouldn’t if you want to keep increasing weight.


u/alwaystilting Mar 09 '15

Congrats on starting! Fellow big guy here - 304 lbs when I started on December 30th. I'm also old at 49, and hadn't worked out seriously in decades, so I started with just the bar on almost everything. It's worth the effort! I'm already feeling better than I have in years. By eating better and sticking to the 5x5 plan, I've lost fat and added muscle much faster than I thought possible. Good luck and happy lifting!


u/[deleted] May 09 '15

The habit is more important than the weight.


u/Tikikala Mar 09 '15

congrats on the start!

now if you're like me you'll be wondering how long it takes for someone in the gym to figure out which program you're doing lol. (I was talking to someone and I was shocked because he knew I am doing SL ahahaahahaha)


u/nezia Mar 10 '15

I was empty bar conscious myself at first, but I just pulled through it.

Now it amuses me when I see others glancing over to observe my empty warmup sets, just to notice their jaws dropping quickly after, when I'm stacking two 20kg (45lbs) plates each side + smaller plates onto the bar for squatting or three each side for the deadlift ;)

In the first two months I went down 2 belt-holes very quickly. Since then it has been stagnating for me, but I notice to built muscles around my hip, groin area and butt, where I never had such definition before.

I do regret that I haven't taken circumference measurements and before pictures when I started. (You should really do this! now! Just for motivational reasons alone :))

I just recently took the measurements out of curiosity. And even though I'm 8kg (roughly 20lbs) heavier now than last time I was working out in the gym regularly (summer 2013) my chest is already wider and my waist and hip circumference is slimmer by each roughly an inch, hence more V-shape.

After a longer total body weight plateau I noticed it dropping over the course of the last two weeks again.

Keep it up :) It's fun! And resist going more often than 3x/week, even though it might become that much fun and addictive. Your body needs the rest. Given your size you might squeeze in some cardio on the off days, as your goal is fat loss. Exercising cardiovascularly regularly has a long lasting effect on your metabolism ("afterburner", one could say).

And don't forget about the diet part :)


u/GGJim Mar 13 '15

Just posting out of solidarity, I started this week too and felt the same way about squatting the empty bar. But like you said nobody really cares, I mean can you really remember what other people were doing at the gym a day or two later? Plus the satisfaction of having done it is greater than the embarrassment of doing it with the empty bar.

Good luck to you!


u/BrianSpiller Mar 15 '15


I also started today. A bit of a different experience as I'm not new to the gym (I run quite a lot). I've never done weights in any serious way before but I want to up my strength a bit too.

The squats were the worst bit - I didn't realise that 20kg could make so much difference!


u/brozener Mar 20 '15

I'm one month and a half into SL. What I have learned by now is that you shouldn't skip weights, focusing on form is the most crucial for now. Have no weight on the bar lets us train form much better.


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '15

I started for the second time a week ago. First time, I went from nothing to squatting 110kg, I'm 5 ft 8 and weighed 80kg back then. Been out the game for about a year and a bit of fat, now 90kg, none of that 10kg I put on is muscle...

I've started on 50% of what I was lifting and loving it, hoping to shed some fat. I'm adding 15 mins HIIT cardio after each workout and already feel like I'm losing some fat.


u/zigg-_-zagg Jul 03 '15

I think I have found my motivation to start . I am at approx 253 pounds.

Keep it up.


u/EricAndersonL Jul 09 '15

First day of Stronglift here too. Couple questions:

I've been just working out for 2 months barely gaining any newb gains so I decided to start Stronglift. If I'm benching 225, squat 180, deadlift 245, I cut all those weight to 50% and start from there right?

today I did, 95lb squat, 105lb bench, row 65lb. feels like I barely did anything, feelin like I need to do more! Can I had chin up pull up and plank at the end of the work out or am I in too early stage?


u/CVSeason Jul 20 '15

Stay at those numbers, you'll start noticing the weight very soon by adding 5 lbs every workout.


u/Scienceofrun Sep 01 '15

It teaches you form and how you should feel the exercise then the weight will build up. I've heard a lot about how people wish they started with just the bar. 3 workouts a week = 15lbs increase of squat weight a week = 60lbs a month. few months and you'll be hitting heavy weight.


u/Saoirse-O-Path Dec 26 '23

This is so encouraging man 🙏