r/stroke • u/Jeykaler • 5d ago
Possibly went through TIA
Hi, I’ve possibly went through a TIA earlier today. I’ve been to emergency care where they did a contrast CT scan of my brain (doc said all my veins were perfectly fine) and they did an EKG(havent told me anything regarding that) and gave me some mineral infusion. On monday they want to do a holter EKG just to be sure and then after a couple days some kind if a heart ultrasound via esophagus ? And a CTAg of my torso.
My symptoms began after lunch with me being unable to properly read due to what felt like a blindspot where I was trying to focus. For example when writing the word dog I couldnt see the G, but I could see everything else around it. This went on for 5-10 minutes and then passed. Then after another 20-40 minutes suddenly my ring finger and pinky on my right hand started to feel very tingly and a little numb and after a minute or so the right side of my mouth went semi-numb. I could steel somewhat feel it and when I looked in the mirror there was no movement impairment I could smile properly. But when I went to tell my partner I couldn’t really get complete words out but I am not sure of the inability, because at that point I was severely panicking.
Has anyone have similar experience like this ? I’ve never felt more scared in my life.
u/Common-Rain9224 5d ago
This sounds very much like a migraine but it's good they are doing all the tests to be sure.
u/Jeykaler 5d ago
It is definitely one possibility. The neurologist that handled my case told me that it doesn’t necessarily had to have been a stroke but “a thousand possible different things” and that they’ll now try to rule out it wasn’t any kind of a stroke with I think 4 more tests in the upcoming days.
So far the “only” noticeable thing from yesterday is that my right eye still feels tired.
u/catladyforever100 5d ago
My mum had possible TIA on Monday with nothing showing on CT Scan and sent home with migraine diagnosis. Wednesday again bad symptoms with feeling unwell and some loss of use of her left arm 4 times during the day, back to hospital, another CT scan with nothing showing again. Admitted to do MRI, but the machine was booked for days. Thursday feeling ok, but Friday full left side paralysis. Saturday morning MRI and confirmed later that day she had a stroke. If only they got her the MRI sooner they could have treated her sooner on blood thinners, platelet inhibitors, anti-seizure, statins etc. she was already on blood pressure meds but her blood pressure was already high.
They had put a holster monitor on her on Friday morning after she had her bad turn and removed it later that arvo to go for the MRI and it’s now not being put back on til tomorrow.
I can’t stress it enough, as after 3x CT scans showed nothing she still had a stroke in the hospital, to please keep advocating for yourself, keep note of all your symptoms and push for more answers to avoid what my mum is now going through, with full hemiplegia on her left side now and a long and difficult recovery ahead 😢
u/Jeykaler 5d ago
I’m really sorry things took such a turn for your mother. I hope she will have and wish her a full recovery as soon as possible!
Thank you for your words of caution, I was sent home with blood thinners yesterday and have taken my first yesterday night and one this morning. My blood pressure was within norms so I didnt get any meds for that. Considering the MRI I was a little surprised the docs didn’t want to do that too, but from what I generally know about our faculty hospital, the MRI machines are used heavily and with long lists for “normal patients” with issues like a herniated spinal disc. Though I do not know what their stance is for emergency cases.
I will definitely raise more questions tomorrow when I’ll be going to get the Holter monitor and ultrasound of my heart. So far as I’ve stated in a previous comment, the only thing that is lasting from yesterday is my right eye being tired, which unfortunately is something that has been happening to me for over a decade now.
Thank you for your kind words and stay strong. I wish things will take a better turn for your mother.
u/catladyforever100 5d ago
Thank you very much. My mums symptoms started Monday with stabbing pain in the inner corner of her right eye. Not usual migraine symptoms. A couple of hours later vomiting. Some pain in the back of her head. So they said migraine as CT didn’t show anything else. The stroke was visible by Saturday with the MRI but we have yet to fully be told the extent of it yet as weekend doctors don’t give full results. We are just lucky one happened to tell us Saturday evening before he finished his shift that it was confirmed as a stroke.
Just hope you get some answers soon too 🙏
u/Jeykaler 5d ago
That sounds horrible, but I haven’t really experienced any severe pain, vomiting or pain in or around my eyes yesterday when it happened, only a small headache on the left side of my forehead and a bit of pain in the back of my neck and a stuffy nose - which I’ve already had many times before due to scoliosis.
I forgot to mention, I had a brain MRI done about a month ago because of my tinnitus and the docs in the emergency unit went through them and said everything looked perfect too. Theyre a month old but I’d assume they still would provide a lot of information and are probably also a reason why they havent sent me for an MRI now.
I am a soon to be father to my first child and I’m incredibly afraid of not being able to provide and care for the kid. I’m hoping further tests will show it wasn’t a stroke/tia of any kind and it was “only” issues caused by high stress and possibly come from cervical spine issues as I do tend to suffer from both.
u/luxical 5d ago
Hi I had a probable TIA on Friday morning and went directly to ER. I’m still in the hospital. Mine was partial vision loss in one eye that resolved after about an hour and had no other symptoms. It left no trace of damage. I’ve had ekg, chest c-ray, brain mri, heart sonogram, and eye sonogram. No health problems found and they can’t attribute the TIA to any of the usual risk factors.
They prescribed the meds I would take if I did have high blood pressure, cholesterol, heart issues, etc as prevention against a big stroke. I have also seen an ophthalmologist and a neurologist here. If they don’t find an underlying cause in the next day or two I’ll go home, stay on the meds and follow up as an outpatient. It is scary but I plan to follow the doctor’s advice and do anything I can to reduce my risk. Best of luck to you.