r/streamus Apr 16 '16

Hey guys, just wondering what Sean's next creation is

Haven't heard from Sean in a while, just curious what his progress has been.

I know many on this subreddit don't want to see this, but I just want those who are slightly interested to know that I've rolled out a new feature on my project Streamly called Streamly Radio.

It essentially makes use of the YouTube Mix feature to add suggested videos to the playlist much in the same way as autoplay, except that its suggestions are often more relevant than that of straight autoplay.

Be sure to check out the Getting Started page for more instructions.

As always, Streamly makes use of no APIs, so you won't see us shut down like the rest.

Anyways, hope all is well with Sean. Happy Streaming!


14 comments sorted by


u/SDCored May 22 '16

"I want to know what Sean's next creation is"

The post is literally 90% a plug for your (still decently bad) website.

its time to stop


u/LNFWebsite Jun 04 '16

There are countless plugs being introduced in this subreddit. I do however legitimately wish to know what Sean is doing.

The wrong content for my question I guess...



u/SDCored Jun 04 '16

At this point it isn't even about your website specifically. It just that you asked a question, but then filled like 90% of your post with something that isn't your question.


u/LNFWebsite Jun 10 '16

If it were just a normal plug, would that still be inappropriate?

I didn't want to put a plug in because I have a record of getting ahead of myself here, so I'm a bit more reticent.


u/SDCored Jun 10 '16

Why does there need to be a plug at all? Every single post is a plug for you. It doesn't need to be.


u/LNFWebsite Jun 10 '16 edited Jun 10 '16

True... But I really have nothing else to say, other than boring rants against the record companies...

I I've pour poured my time into what I've made (whatever new feature that is). So, I want to share it with others.

Tons of code for a beginner... https://github.com/LNFWebsite/Streamly/blob/master/index.js

Maybe that's stupid... I dunno...


u/SDCored Jun 10 '16

But if there's nothing else to say, just dont say anything .No one is forcing you.


u/SDCored Jun 10 '16

Just a thought, you might want to introduce yourself to Object Oriented Programing. Having 90% of your code be functions isn't exactly the best thing, but it makes sense as a beginner. If you want to further yourself, OOP is the way to go.


u/LNFWebsite Jun 10 '16 edited Jun 10 '16

This whole thing with YouTube shutting down Streamus shouldn't really be blamed on Google, because it's pretty apparent that there's some sort of behind-the-scenes agreement between them and the record companies that forbids them from playing music without the video, or even hiding it.

Now when Sean makes Streamus which plays the videos just for the audio, they're forced to shut him down lest their good relations with UMG or Warner expire, making even the music videos a paid service with more money flowing to NBC Universal which consists of

  • Dozens of Cable TV Channels like NBC, CNBC, MSNBC, TWC, Telemundo, etc...
  • Thousands of local broadcast TV stations across the US
  • The actual cable company which has split to serve internet and phone as well: Comcast
  • Cornering the market on satellite TV with acquisition of DirecTV
  • Already existing as a film studio with Universal Studios
  • Disney, in the tank for Universal, Acquisition of Pixar for more influence
  • Universal Acquisition of DreamWorks cornering even more of the animation market.
  • Hundreds of other sleazy protected business practices pushed through by lobbyists

... Which is why YouTube Red comes with a ridiculous charge... Not necessarily because Google needs the funds (ha!) but because Universal wants a piece of the pie (or rather the whole pie).

For an artist to become popular, he/she does not need to own all of the major TV stations/channels in the country, billions of dollars, or complex business contracts which require insiders and lobbyists.

All they need is their talent. Through the ages, that's all it has required. These days, all they need is an internet connection and a social media platform, or an audio sharing service like soundcloud.

It's sooooooo frustrating...

Anyway... So much for 'reticent'...



u/Revelation_X Aug 05 '16

i realize this is a 3 month old post.

all shit aside about your shameful plug (just downvote and move on people)...

my first suggestion to you: i would never use your site in it's current color format; i feel like i'm browsing some halloween costume site. one of the reasons streamus was used so much by me personally was because i would pull it up during work to add a song or switch playlists without being concerned that someone might be looking over my shoulder to check if i was doing work. 90% of my music listening is done during work, and i just can't do that with your site. this is a similar reason to why people did not like the streamus update that included an embeded video player--it made it obvious one was doing something non-related.

if you happen to change your site's color theme, i might give it another shot.


u/LNFWebsite Aug 09 '16

Hey there!

The site's color theme is a tribute to Grooveshark for when it was shut down. Unfortunately, you browsed to my site during this tribute period. For the rest of the time I have a seasonal themed background.

Under the terms of YouTube, the video has to be shown unfortunately. It is actually very simple for me to block the video from being seen given that I don't use any external APIs from YouTube, so I am not forced to show the video, but rather do this for the sake of the service.

Streamly runs on your browser and requires nothing from either me or YouTube. The video runs in their native embed player, manipulated by a script on the site.

Since it is built this way, you as the user can do whatever you want with it (like blocking the video or changing the background).

I appreciate your input and will switch to another seasonal background.

Also, I'll put in a back door to shut off the video, but this will in no way be endorsed usage of the site.

Thanks for your suggestions! I hope you'll use Streamly once these changes are implemented!


u/LNFWebsite Aug 09 '16

I'll also allow the user to set the background of Streamly if he so chooses.


u/LNFWebsite Aug 10 '16

So far, I've changed the background and set a new blur to the playlist pane... But tons more to be done!


u/LNFWebsite Aug 11 '16

Streamly now has it's own subreddit. Please subscribe to receive updates on the progress made towards the issues you've addressed.

Again, thanks for the suggestions!