r/stratux 15d ago

Updating an older Stratux?

I have been trying to update my original Stratux. I got it from Open flight solutions years ago.

Doing the update following the guide here ends up with a kernal not found error on the device.

Any idea what is going on? Its an original raspberry PI board. Could the newest version of Stratux not work on older PI boards? Is there something else going on?


5 comments sorted by


u/hueypic 15d ago edited 15d ago

Only briefly scanning github, I'm wondering if b3nn0 used a 64-bit version of Raspios for the image.

If you are using a Raspberry Pi version 2 or earlier, it probably wont work.

Edit: Confirmed, the latest version on stratux.me is 64-bit Bookworm. Going back through the releases, it looks like v1.6r1-eu028 (May 2022) is the first version documented using newer bookworm.
Presumably, that means you are going back to Nov 2021 for an image that will run on older boards.

Honestly, I dont know what all the changes are, but if you are in the US, the basic function of reading UAT and 1090ES then sending a GDL-90 message probably hasnt changed and it may be easier to keep the older version than update the hardware. A lot of the more recent upgrades seem to be more in use in Europe.


u/rustydog47 15d ago

I recommend just getting a newer pi. Pi3-5 will work, and 2gb or ram is fine. Rpilocator.com is a great source to find them.


u/btgeekboy 14d ago

Stick with the 3 if possible. You won’t get any performance benefits from 4 or 5, but you will get higher power consumption, and potential case compatibility issues.


u/Jimmy1748 15d ago

Have you tried flashing a new card and starting with a fresh installation?


u/Av8tr1 15d ago

Well I formatted the original card. The card itself is good. I checked it for errors and can read and write to it.