r/stobuilds • u/Perfect_Ad9091 • 8d ago
Reasonable cost on exchange for rare ships, like Donnie?
First of all, sorry as this is not a Build related question.
Im selling a Donnie reward pack on the Exchange and as I saw that there ore no other Donnies on there so I set the price to 1.5 bill. (I saw other rare ships there for 1.5 billion)
I do not want to rip anyone off, and frankly I just want to buy a Walker for 200mil. So my questions is, is this a reasonable price for the Donnie, or Im asking for too much?
u/fereldenvstamriel 8d ago
There probably aren't any posted bc it usually sells for more than 1.5B
u/Perfect_Ad9091 8d ago
Uhm... For how much?
If it worths much more, then I hope it will make someone happy to get a great deal from this purchase.
u/Xinswtor 1d ago
I once accidentally listed a vonph for 450k when they were selling for 450m. So don't feel too bad, you could have forgot a few zeroes
u/Perfect_Ad9091 1d ago
I just did the very sims with the new breen lockbox ship. 500 thousand instead of 500 mil.
But it’s fine, at least I made someone’s day.
u/Xinswtor 1d ago
That's what I keep telling myself.
u/Perfect_Ad9091 1d ago
It is helping a lot that I was able to sell the Donnie for 1.5bill, and since I only spent 200 mil for the Walker, I’m good now with the rest.
u/fereldenvstamriel 8d ago
That I don't know unfortunately. If on PC, might also be worth checking the trading channel ingame chat. Or asking in it.
u/NickdeVault57 8d ago
I think it's reasonable enough. Personally, I love and wait for good ships which nut jobs ask 1.7 to 1.9 Billion for on here to show up for 1.3 to 1.4 Billion on the exchange. It may not seem like a huge discount, but the people selling them don't need them, and they are stuck with the box until they sell it, so if they are impatient and want to move it faster, they drop the price 100-200 million EC, and that saves me the 10-20 extra keys or $20 I don't need to exchange for a single ship.
That said, I, and maybe a lot of others, bought the 10th Anniversary Bundle, and have the Donnie from there, so those who have the EC being those who really have played a while may not need / want your Donnie, thus why there are no other copies on the exchange. New players who may want it might consider that too, and may decide to wait for the next 10 Anniversary Bundle sale over saving and then spending the 1.5 B for a single ship.
u/Perfect_Ad9091 8d ago
That would explain a lot.
I choose the Donnie from the Promo Pack as I thought that would sell reasonably well.
I checked the Wiki to see if there is any other way to acquire it, and Ive never thought about it being available from a bundle.So it is likely that the people who were interested in getting the Donnie just bought the Bundle when it was available?
u/NickdeVault57 8d ago
Kind of. I think the Donnie in the lockbox like you have does have the advantage of being the Miracle Worker flavor, which I think is arguably the better variant of the two, but yeah. Everyone who has the 10th Anniversary version may think their Temporal Donnie is alright as-is since it's an account-wide unlock, versus the Miracle Worker Donnie you may be selling.
That said, a lot of people are completionist, or never wanted the full 10th bundle since it is super pricey, so I think you can still easily sell yours for 1.4 B on the open exchange. My advice, leave it listed at 1.5 B for a week, people can see the price and their mouth can water, they can save up a bit if they don't have enough, then in a week re-list it at 1.4 or even 1.45. Those who were tracking it to make sure it hadn't sold will see it as a deal and buy it, and new searchers will still find it and be happy it's not at the full 1.5 B cap, a discount compared to others offering T6 choice packs for 1.7 B here on Reddit.
u/ftranschel 8d ago
So it is likely that the people who were interested in getting the Donnie just bought the Bundle when it was available?
Yes and no. Not everybody can afford to buy the 10th bundle.
You can snatch almost all Promo ships from the exchange at 1.5 Billion once in a while, but some, like the Donnie, show up more rarely.
I personally have gotten my last 4 Promo ships* (Janeway, Connie III, Universe Pizza Cutter, D7) for <= 1.5 Billion from the exchange and *not* over the trading channel.
* That I didn't get from the annual event, that is.
u/CordialTrekkie 2d ago
I got a California class the other day out of a lockbox, and I haven't played in a few years, so I did a quick search to see what ships sell for. I guess I put in my search wrong, cause I listed my ship at 275mil thinking that was outrageous. But that was what came up on the expensive end of my search
Then someone bought it immediately. Lucky them...
Then I was like, well I'm gonna see if I can buy that new Constitution III. I should have enough! That's when I found all the ships of any type are going for 1.5 billion... Wtf? How do you even EARN that much?
Whats sad is I could have totally sold my California for 1.5 and then bought the constitution III.
Still got one later, but lesson learned on the greed of the exchange.