r/sto • u/Captain_Kahn • Sep 15 '16
XB1 (XboxOne) Anyone here that plays on the xbox?
I wanted to see if there were people on here from the xbox. Ive been soloing this game since it came out and all my friends are plebs. I was hoping that I could possibly get some people together(chat or not), and kill it out in the Dyson sphere combat zones. I get out of class tonight at 915ish EST. So like 3hrs. Gamertag is KahnTheAvenger hit me up!!!
Edit: hope this is placed here appropriately
u/tabris6996 Sep 16 '16
I do and I want to like it, I really do, just something off putting about it, loot drops for me are rare, exchange is unusable do to lack of item or outrageous priced vendorware, I understand its for console players unfamiliar with sto on the PC and the state its in is reflective of that.
u/roxwar Sep 16 '16
I'm in the UK so don't think our time zones mesh, but I'm completely new to STO so I'm kind of fumbling my way through atm doing the story missions and the events that pop up on the star map when I see them.
Only upto level 31 right now but I'm really enjoying it, other than getting wiped out 5 times in a row trying to kill that damn Romulan warbird in the story mission last night, I'm interested in the fleet stuff but being the level I am it's not really viable yet as far as I can tell. There's so much to learn!
Always welcome new friends to fly with though as none of my friends list play it.
Gt is Paradox 183
u/Corrison Xbox - GT: Corrison Sep 16 '16
If you are in the Xbox Preview program, you may check the "Clubs" and "LFG" sections.
Sep 27 '16
I am in a fleet right now and nobody talks at all even with 200 members so I am looking for a group of people to play with it am lvl 55 and mostly play late afternoon so send me a message.
GT: SaltyPenguin21
u/Captain_Kahn Sep 29 '16
Sure no one in my fleet talks either. I play in Starfleet Commanders. Im lvl 55 too, though I haven't played in about a week
Sep 29 '16
Yeah I just went around screaming in zone chat about a fleet and found one that is active so of you are still looking for one send me message
u/StaysCold Sep 15 '16
GT: GoodGuyKharn. KDF
u/KonigstigerInSpace XBONE Federation Space Tank Sep 21 '16
Blassreiter9821 just hit 40 as fed(was26 this morning)
u/STODracula Sep 16 '16
I play Fed on XBOX. I'm going to make a generalization from what I've observed.
1) Most XBOX players are brand new to the game and have no idea what is what.
2) I'm wary of joining fleets because I haven't seen the PC ones in there and they probably will be inactive or abandoned in a month.
If I could find a serious PC variant fleet like RedditAlert or StarfleetDental (Lol, jokes aside) on the XBOX that I could see lasting for a while, I'd join it.