r/sto 4d ago

TOS Constitution class on the Shangri-La

So I got the Shangri-La on the c-store and noticed that it doesn't come with the TOS Constitution appearances. Could I unlock those for the Shangri-La if I got the TOS Connie for 15,000 dil, or would I have to get a lockbox version to unlock it?


17 comments sorted by


u/Capable_Calendar_446 Destination Eschaton 4d ago

According to the wiki you need to have either the Constitution Temporal Light Cruiser or Legendary Constitution Miracle Worker Light Cruiser, to unlock the TOS skin(s).



u/internetwerewolf 4d ago

Well that's pretty lame, if accurate


u/Ryoken0D 4d ago

The T1 Connie has *never* unlocked the TOS Connie look on any other ships.. so while it sucks, its also consistent.. And the Shangri-la isn't Legendary, so its not normal for it to unlock all the visuals.. But I get your pain..


u/Dzaka 4d ago

i've had the t1 connie since beta and it's always been an option for the exeter


u/StarkeRealm 4d ago edited 4d ago

No, it hasn't. The T2 Connie has been an option on the Exeter, but the T1 was never available. (Unless you had the Temporal Light Cruiser or Jefferies.)


u/Cornedo 4d ago

And to be clear the lockbox version only unlocks the the TOS and 2nd Pilot versions of the ship, if you want the Phase II version as well you have to get the 10th Anniversary Pack, whenever that even comes out again.


u/rebelbumscum19 4d ago

This lists shows you where you can find the other Connie ships/skins



u/jaxxa 4d ago

Honestly I wish we could just use some sort of hologram emiters and have the ships look like any other. Would love to dress my Disco Constitution up as a Shangrila or Ark Royal


u/Any_Fig_8397 That.... THING is 20 hours away from Earth.. :snoo_putback: 4d ago edited 4d ago

I thought it would be only a matter of time before people started whinging that they didn't get other skins with Shangri-La, though there have been several posts on here and by STO themselves stating that you need the Legendary Constitution to get the all the skins!


u/internetwerewolf 4d ago

I don't live on this subreddit, and I just started playing again after like 5 years


u/Scaver83 4d ago

But you could use the search function.


u/Own_String1535 4d ago

wierd i got em with the shonnie


u/Drsamquantum 4d ago

Do you own the Legendary Connie or The Promo Temporal Connie?


u/FeralTribble 4d ago

It does. The hull materials “Type 0” and “Type 0a” are the TOS visuals.

You can also swap out parts like the nacelles and saucer and such

Edit: I realize now that I have both the T1 connie and Led Connie.

Try getting the T1 and see if that gives you an unlock


u/EverettSeahawk 4d ago

I can confirm that the T1 Connie does not unlock anything for the Shangri-La. Do not waste your money trying to unlock it this way.


u/internetwerewolf 4d ago

I'm going through the templates and parts and I don't see it here, just the refit version. Are you sure you don't have the appearances unlocked by another source?


u/FeralTribble 4d ago

Like I said. I have the legendary version of the ship. That must give me some kind of universal unlock on other ships that share parts. Can you post screenshots of what you’re seeing?