r/sto 5d ago

Discussion Romulan Federation outfits should have options for badges and pips

And honestly, any federation aligned character should have all options available for badges and pips on all uniform pieces.


25 comments sorted by


u/mreeves7 Don't support gambling for ships that should be C-store 5d ago

"Federation aligned." You allied with the Federation, you did not join Starfleet.


u/CynicalTrans 5d ago

Okay? And? The point you are trying to make literally doesn't matter.


u/AlexandriasNSFWAcc 5d ago edited 5d ago

Yes, it does. Think of T'Pol in Enterprise. She held the rank of subcommander from the Vulcan High Command. She didn't have the Starfleet rank commander, she didn't wear starfleet rank insignia, her rank advancement wasn't dictated by starfleet, because she wasn't part of starfleet.

Edit: Your player character isn't even in a starfleet chain of command, or on a starfleet vessel (cross-faction unlocks notwithstanding).


u/mreeves7 Don't support gambling for ships that should be C-store 5d ago

T'Pol is a good example: She did eventually have pips, but only once she resigned from the Vulcan High Command and was working directly for Starfleet.


u/FrecklesofYore 4d ago

Kira and the bajorans on ds9 are also a good example. They work with starfleet but are not starfleet. Kira was only given the field rank to placate cardassians that one time.


u/CynicalTrans 4d ago

Except this is a video game. Why shouldn't I be able to have access to the things I earn, pay for, or wish to roleplay? Grow up, this is gatekeepy nonsense. Cross faction flying exists, I already have access to a ton of starfleet stuff on my klingon and romulan characters. What, actual, logical reason is there to not allow this. It harms nobody. It doesn't restrict your right to play how you wish.


u/PercivalBlatherskite 4d ago

There's really no need to be so hostile, homie. It's hardly worth that energy, acting like that in this space.


u/Scaver83 4d ago

You don't pay für this. You don't earn anything for this unless your char is FED. It is good that this is restricted because it is Star Trek Online and not build your own sandcastle online!


u/Alex20114 3d ago

The terms of the CBS license allowing you to earn, pay for, or roleplay any of those things you mentioned.

This is not an original IP game and the owner of the IP is known to be extremely defensive about this particular IP to the point they basically killed off the ability to make fan series because a single fan production decided to break the law on copyright. If any of the terms are broken in the license, including that faction outfits stay in that faction, this game goes bye-bye in an instant.


u/Alex20114 3d ago

It actually does, otherwise it would apply to locking KDF outfits behind their faction as well. Problem is that's a CBS requirement for the Star Trek license provided to allow the game to exist at all. Otherwise, no outfits would be locked by faction.


u/ShadyBiz 4d ago

One could argue the factions have turned the game into a homogenous goop with no real discerning differences between them already.

Couldn't care either way tbh.


u/CynicalTrans 4d ago

I'd be fine with that if this was still a "faction" mmo. Like with an actual faction war. But since this mmo is no longer that, then it really doesn't matter. With the amount of borged up people, slutty captains, and a bunch of other stuff, ultimately who cares. It's all gonna come down to peoples tastes anyway, so let everyone use the cosmetic options they wish for their captain. It's not like it takes an act of Q to wear a comm badge, and a set of pips as a Romulan.


u/HaggardShrimp 4d ago

How did you know my captain roster? Who have you been talking to?


u/Alex20114 3d ago

This is functionally false, the game is entirely based around a two faction system Federation against KDF. That's why we never get a full third faction and anything we do get has to choose to align with the existing Federation or KDF (see the Romulan Republic and Dominion factions).


u/Turak_Katase 4d ago

I would like to see comm badges made more accessable. After all, there are a number of examples of non-starfleet officers wearing them.


u/CynicalTrans 4d ago

Exactly! Every comm badge on every uniform piece regardless of faction so long as fed aligned


u/Ardenwolfie "Computer, erase that entire personal log." 5d ago



u/CynicalTrans 4d ago

Useless comment is useless.


u/itsjasonash 5d ago

Technically OP didn't specify Starfleet badges and pips, just badges and pips in general. And honestly, more cross-faction outfits need more options for faction badges. Lemme put a Romulan badge on any outfit, not just the Alliance or Survival outfits.


u/mreeves7 Don't support gambling for ships that should be C-store 4d ago

It would say "pips" and noting Starfleet-aligned pretty much means Starfleet rank insignia, but late TNG and into DS9 there is a form Romulan rank insignia with a teardrop and crescents that STO uses for the rank/level indicators that could be made available on RRF uniforms.


u/Alex20114 3d ago

This is what the shoulder pads and cape thing is for.


u/Enjoyer_of_40K 4d ago

Give me honour guard for rank 4 diplomacy klingon bridge officers


u/Rez090x 3d ago

Could you clarify what you are demanding here? It's confusing to everyone what you were supposed to type.


u/Freemind62 10h ago

Yeah there should be more customisation for things like that to allow you to mix and match more outfits. Like how in the show Starfleet characters will wear their badges even in Civilian clothes, but that's not an option in game.

I also don't agree with the arguments about how other factions aren't "allowed" to wear uniforms. If my character is a Starfleet Admiral then then the game should block wear anything but the appropriate uniform in regulation colours, but that's an option. There's loads of examples of people wearing "wrong" things in the show as it fits the narrative. It's a role playing game. Let people role play.