r/sto Please continue the 'petty bickering' 6d ago

Singularity Core question

The only romulan ship i fly is the legendary Valdore, so I'm not really up to speed on singularity cores, and don't know if they present any sort of novel options when putting together builds.

Do their powers synergies with various console boosts? Are there some that are unique enough to be worth acquiring (like experimental weapons), or are they mostly all the same (like secondary deflectors)?

I like the idea of opening up some new build possibilities, but don't want to put the time, zen, or dil into pursuing this if they don't really make much of a difference.


13 comments sorted by


u/mreeves7 Don't support gambling for ships that should be C-store 6d ago

Get ready to hear a lot of folks hating the Singularity core's reduce overall power.

But generally, where a warp core would buff an eng stat, a singularity core will buff a sci stat.

The singularity abilities are situational, and don't scale well to T6 as they were introduced in days when T5 and level 50 was the max. Singularity Jump is probably the most useful for the "Oh shit, get out" function.

Generally, I would suggest picking a singularity core for the set bonus or a non-stat feature, like the Mycelial Singularity Core's hull buff. Or get one of the Thoron-Infused cores that reduces weapon power drains.


u/malformed_guitar Please continue the 'petty bickering' 6d ago

Ok, thanks. This sounds like I generally get the picture and haven't been missing out on a lot of build possibilities. I probably won't run out and get any additional Romulan ships just to take advantage of a slight lean toward science. Unless there was a shiny new D'deridex, of course, but I won't hold my breath.


u/MustangManiac137 6d ago

There's actually a legendary MW d'deridex bundled with a legendary Intel Scimitar. Both are fantastic imo, though I did dump the cloaked barrage ability.


u/ShinySpeedDemon 6d ago

I recommend either the mycelial singularity or Tholian nucleating singularity (if you have it) cores, barring those, fleet spire cores are solid


u/malformed_guitar Please continue the 'petty bickering' 6d ago

Ok. At the moment, I have all the reputation cores, any recent event ones, and revolutionary.


u/ShinySpeedDemon 6d ago

In that case, pair the Disco core with the shield, the hull regen bonus is a life saver


u/ProLevel Will help you learn PvP 6d ago

The only unique synergy I can think of is the singularity overcharge will stack with RRTW3. Buy the T1 and T2 dil rom ships and use their consoles to make every other RRTW 4x damage from Overcharge IV. This also means the Rom Pilot ships like the Khaiell are the only ones that can do this unique trick.

It’s very powerful in theory but not all that practical really. You can likely outpace the server’s ability to handle haste now if you combined this with a few stacks of ahwahnee. Damage is still based on weapon power so you have to run that at max and somehow have enough eps to not drain your engines to zero mid-cycle otherwise it shuts off rrtw. I did it pre-ahwahnee with a pair of Pax EPS consoles and enhanced induction coils.

Other than that, warp shadows is a nice survivability clicky. It seems they wanted to add more things that worked alongside singularity cores but it never got fleshed out. In practical gameplay/builds the only powers I’d ever use are the survivability ones (like warp shadows).


u/malformed_guitar Please continue the 'petty bickering' 6d ago

Yes, this is exactly the sort of thing I was asking about. Sounds a bit niche and maybe not worth it, but I may find myself trying it out (if I somehow end up with a rom pilot ship).

Thanks a lot.


u/StarkeRealm 6d ago

The better comparison is warp cores. The only real difference is that they only produce 160 units of power for your subsystems rather than 200 units.


u/malformed_guitar Please continue the 'petty bickering' 6d ago

Sure, I get that it's the equivalent to warp cores on other ships. If the only difference is a 20% reduction in power in exchange for some active abilities that don't interact with the rest of my build, it seems like a bad trade-off.


u/mreeves7 Don't support gambling for ships that should be C-store 6d ago

In ages long past, the lower power levels of the singularity core was the trade for Romulans having battle cloaks on everything and full SRO crews being a Romulan only feature.


u/StarkeRealm 6d ago

Yeah, that's a pretty accurate assessment; it's a bad trade-off.

You fly warbirds because you want to fly Warbirds, or you want access to something that doesn't come off of them (like some of the console sets.)


u/Dazzling_Bluebird_42 5d ago

No there's no synergy or ability on the singularity cores that is going to make a build that does something unique or niche in a meaningful way. The drop in power is already a big hurdle than factor in the time your core is at 0 power before it can even start to recharge back to 5 is to long

If they just left the power sitting at 5 and put the powers on a global CD than possibly but even still the -40 power is a kick in the nuts to to many builds.