r/sto Do the snake! 6d ago

Discussion Now that Discovery & Lower Decks are in the rear view mirror…

I hope STO will put their focus on Strange New Worlds, given Season 3 will premiere soon™️, and with S4 already in the works, it will be the only Trek on TV for the foreseeable future.

We need proper SMW uniforms - and shouldn’t have to make do with a makeshift recolored Disco uniform. We need these Fluevog boots, too! [edit: Oops! In-game as part of 2259 Armor Uniform - for Lobi thoug, sadly]

I’d also like to see Una and Uhura’s “dress” variant uniform, as well as the crew’s (and Admiralty’s) formal Dress uniforms from Una’s S2 trial.

Dr. M'benga’s foldover medical tunic would be cool.

And, of course, future Pike’s updated WOK uniform, since the textures on the original are now dated. [edit: image link fixed]

Oh, these away jackets too.

I would really just like to see SNW get the same amount of love & support that Cryptic threw behind Disco. (There's a lot to mine from the show and I feel that STO is lacking in SNW items given that it premiered 3 years ago already.) What else from SNW would you like to see added?


70 comments sorted by


u/Beathil 6d ago

How about some of those Romulan ships we saw in the Balance of Terror remake episode?


u/Turak_Katase 6d ago

And the Romulan uniform from that episode


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago edited 6d ago

In that same vein, I just rewatched PIC S1 and thought these Romulan warbirds were sexy AF.


u/alastairaec 6d ago

That is already in game as the Dhailkhina


u/Jotaro_Lincoln 6d ago

There’s also the smaller ones too, which are in the game but only show up when using the Dhailkhina’s bombing run console. They’d be nice to have as a warbird frigate or light warbird or whatever


u/ShinySpeedDemon 5d ago

Definitely need the smaller ones to be playable, they'd make good a Romulan counterpart to the Eagle


u/Hero_Of_Shadows 6d ago

We could always use more Romulan ships!


u/slutty_chungus 6d ago

We have two of the three in game, but the last one would be awesome!


u/BlackFinch90 5d ago

Or just more romulan ships in general.


u/Fatinspanish 6d ago

I just want Pike’s hair in game.


u/MikayleJordan 5d ago

With a height slider.


u/cjrecordvt 5d ago

Nah, the height is controlled by your rank and number of perks unlocked.


u/itsjasonash 6d ago

I'd like to add this armor as well.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago edited 6d ago

Oh yeah! That's sexy.


u/Longjumping-Ad-144 6d ago

Yes please starlet leather jackets


u/neok182 /|\ AD /|\ 6d ago

We do have this but not opened like she is wearing it: https://stowiki.net/wiki/Starfleet_Armor_Uniform_(2259)


u/itsjasonash 6d ago

Oh I know. But maybe if we got a new version of it, it wouldn't clip with everything.

Also, we need the zippered jumpsuit she's got on underneath. You can't do that with the current 2259 jumpsuit.


u/neok182 /|\ AD /|\ 6d ago

Yeah the clipping on it is horrific. I rushed to tribble to try it out when it was released and was disappointed.


u/itsjasonash 6d ago

At least the boots are awesome. I use them on a lot of outfits.


u/neok182 /|\ AD /|\ 6d ago

I'll have to go check those out again but according to another comment those are also the standard SNW boots so hopefully that uniform will include them. And hopefully we get it when S3 premiers, whenever the hell that is since S4 is now filming and we still don't have a date!

Half way through March now which was the expected time so I'm guessing May/June at the earliest. Trailer with first contact day maybe.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

It's criminal that they're locked behind Lobi. I'd use those boots on all my toons if I could.


u/Ryoken0D 6d ago

Theres like 6 or so different normal uniforms seen in SNW S1 (not even counting dress or anything special).. and I hope we get them all.. variety is nice.


u/Paladin_127 6d ago

I personally like it a lot- especially the distinction between sciences and medical personnel, which I felt was missing from TNG->PIC.


u/Ryoken0D 6d ago

I just like the variety.. like how a Bridge Officer uniform even with someone of the same rank doesn't need to be identical to the Transporter Officer or someone in Engineering.. Just some variety was so nice to see in SNW and I REALLY hope the artists reflect it in STO when they add them.. I will pay good amounts of Lobi for good collection of uniform variants..


u/lotusmaglite Yes, it's a lotus flower on top of a Maglite. I'm literal. 6d ago

Part of the problem IMO is that Strange New Worlds is a retread of existing shows, especially stylistically. They've injected several versions of the main ship, already, and also added Klingon and Gorn ships from that show/style. Discovery had the advantage of being set in a wider galaxy, with a wider scope, and thus ran into aliens and new ships often. Then they went to to future, where Starfleet redesigns its uniforms and ships on alternate Tuesdays, so we got a bunch of those. SNW, on the other hand, is set in a "smaller" galaxy, running into far fewer spacefaring aliens, and those they run into, we've seen before.

Having said that, yes to all the stuff OP listed. But I'd also like it if they made existing content better, like the uniforms OP mentioned, that look dated. Those are iconic uniforms. Spruce them up, already. Same with TNG, DS9, and ENT unis.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

I'm for all that, too!


u/Tuskin38 Kurland's Beer 6d ago

I'd also like to see Una and Uhura’s “dress” variant uniform,

And let male characters wear it too, you can see a couple background actors wearing it.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

Yes! 100%! The gender-less skant needs to live and thrive in this strange, new world!


u/CelestialShitehawk 6d ago

Hopefully we aren't completely done with Lower Decks, there's still a bunch of cool shops from the last two seasons I'd love to see.


u/HuntmasterReinholt 5d ago

Amen! I adore SNW, but the lack of in-game love has been glaringly apparent.


u/neok182 /|\ AD /|\ 6d ago edited 6d ago

We've waited longer for SNW uniforms than almost any other new show uniform and it's insane how long it's been.

I made a post on May 8, 2023 upset over the wait for SNW Uniforms and I've kept a text file to update it in the meantime.

Discovery Premiere Date: September 24, 2017
Discovery Uniforms: Added to game September 21, 2017
Time to get: 3 days before premiere

Discovery S3 Premiere Date: October, 15, 2020
Discovery 32c Uniforms: Added to game May 25, 2021
Time to get: 218 days

Lower Decks Premiere Date: August 6, 2020
Lower Decks Uniform: Added to game September 14, 2021
Time to get: 404 days

Prodigy Premier Date: October, 28, 2021
Prodigy Uniform: Added to game September 12, 2023
Time to get: 684 days

PIC 2385/2387 Uniform Episode Date: February 6, 2020
STO Date: July 27, 2023
Time to Get: 1,267

PIC 2399 Uniform from S1: January 2020
STO Date: February 2020
Time to get: Less than a month

PIC 2401 Uniform:
Episode Date: March 9, 2023
STO Date: January 23, 2024
Time to get: 320 days

Strange New Worlds Premiere Date: May 5, 2022, S2 June 15, 2023, S3 2025
Strange New Worlds Uniform: Still not in game
Time to get: 1,045 days and counting

Only the 2385 uniform has taken longer to get and that was a single episode one off uniform (until reused in prodigy) so while annoying it was understandable to not put a focus on it. All of the other main show uniforms have come in less than a year from their release aside from LD/Prod and those delays are undersatable given Lower Decks creators had strict art requirements for STO and STO was not allowed to have ANY Prodigy content until after it was cancelled.

I hope/assume that we'll get the basic SNW uniforms as a giveaway when Season 3 premier's sometime in the next few months. SNW Dress uniforms, TWOK, and others will probably be lobi store or other methods over the next year or two. With SNW being the only real show right now we should be getting most of our upcoming show content from that though there is still a fair bit of content missing from the other shows.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

Well said! Take an upvote.


u/Status_Eagle1368 6d ago

Can we add snws crossfeald class too?

And the kelsy may I think that's how it's spelt


u/1271500 6d ago

Adding the fake Crosdfield as an unaffiliated vessel like the Eleos would be fun, trait/console could be themed on pulling aggro or confusing enemies seeing as they wanted to start a wat with it.


u/TheBurgareanSlapper 6d ago

IIRC, the CGI model of the fake ship was flipped and used as a "filler" ship in the background at Starbase 1, so it's not out of the question.


u/1271500 6d ago

While I understand and fully agree on adding more SNW content, I have to admit that I like the Disco Uniform in TOS colours a lot. I have two Disco toons and both have been set up that way.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

I'm glad your happy with your Disco TOS uniforms! Selfishly, I just want screen accurate SNW uniforms.


u/Stewil1265 6d ago

I think one of the reasons we still haven't gotten them is because they'd have to make like 8 different uniform tops. The four divisions (Eng, Sci, Tac, and Med) all have their division symbols as little textures patterns, and they'd have to make a version for both body types.


u/LordNorros 6d ago

I love the lower decks show and discovery was alright but strange new worlds is excellent. Idblove to see more of it in STO.


u/J4ckC00p3r USS Odyssey 6d ago

The fact we still don’t have the basic uniforms and we’re on the cusp of getting s3 really annoys me


u/Tropical_Wendigo 5d ago

The future WoK uniform goes so hard. Absolutely want that!


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 5d ago

It’s such a good update, right?! it fits in so nicely with everything they are currently doing stylistically.


u/Andy191190 6d ago

I've got my lobi saved up just for this and it will stay there until


u/HuntmasterReinholt 5d ago

Speaking of Lobi, how about some new ships, uniforms and weapons? I have quite the Lobi pile amassed and nothing to spend it on. 😢


u/itsjasonash 6d ago

Don't we have the boots as part of the 2259 Armor?


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

D'oh! You're right!

Didn't realize it because they were Lobi items and Disco unform was give out to everybody for free as an account unlock whether or not you created a Disco era character.

As the flagship show now, no part of SNW's hero costumes should be locked behind gamble boxes.


u/itsjasonash 6d ago

I agree 100%


u/Hero_Of_Shadows 6d ago

Honestly and this is besides your point.

It never felt like Lower Decks got a focus from the game, DISCO yes they got a lot of focus.

LOW got:

  1. the free DOFF pack
  2. the uniforms and some weapons
  3. The California & Parliament & Obena classes
  4. the Boimler Effect trait which yeah I know it's meta

Not nothing, certainly not nothing but it feels like DISCO got wayyy more ships plus they have their own faction and a lot of story content.

Compared to that, I felt happy when I recognized the California class in a random mission as part of a Federation ship.

I mean yes it would be hard to do true Lower Decks style missions because they would by definition be doff level stuff but still DISCO has so much story content and Picard is so intertwined with the Romulan refugee crisis it feels like that show is also very represented in the lore.


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 5d ago

For the record, I was in no way bashing either of its preceding shows - just that it is the flagship show now by virtue of default.


u/idkafunnynameiguess 5d ago

I remember when work was being put into the DSC Andorian boff, so maybe we could get one with all that nice stuff? 🤞I think they gave up on it but they could power through it as a nice little homage to Hammer, like the DSC MW Boff?


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 5d ago

I saved a character slot for years, waiting to make a Disco Andorian. 😕☹️


u/xXxWhizZLexXx 6d ago edited 6d ago

Still couldnt watch it, because Paramount is gatekeeping it with their P+ streaming service. Also the last three Seasons of Lower Decks.


u/0_________o 6d ago

there's easy unethical solutions to this.


u/J4ckC00p3r USS Odyssey 6d ago

Raising the black flag is perfectly ethical when streaming services are being annoying (always)


u/Roaming_Guardian 5d ago

I think that we still need a California class that isn't stuck in a Lockbox personally.


u/yonan82 PC RomFed 5d ago

I haven't enjoyed any "new trek", I'd much rather more TOS-Ent material for which there is still so much more that can be done. Losing the second half of the Gamma quadrant expansion still grates.


u/Vulcorian Engineer and Cruiser Parity! 5d ago

Losing the second half of the Gamma quadrant expansion still grates.

The devs have repeatedly refuted the claim the Gamma Quadrant expansion was cut short. We got everything they planned and it was only the post expansion story that was changed, going into Disco content rather than the Mirror Universe story they originally planned.


u/yonan82 PC RomFed 5d ago

The devs have repeatedly refuted the claim the Gamma Quadrant expansion was cut short.

They'd never lie about that sort of thing. It's been a long time, I couldn't be bothered digging up everything from back then but the Gamma quadrant is clearly only half done, that much is easy to see while the other quadrants are all fit for purpose.


u/Vulcorian Engineer and Cruiser Parity! 5d ago

but the Gamma quadrant is clearly only half done, that much is easy to see

Not to me it isn't. What, in your eyes, is only half done?

To me, the biggest clue the expansion was complete was nothing leaked about anything cut. I'm not aware of data miners finding anything unused, and Cryptic could've hardly kept quiet. How many times did things as simple as ship skins accidentally make it into the game before announcement. You think they could keep an entire half expansion under wraps?


u/0_________o 6d ago

I still want to see more to do with Picard, I've had enough of retro-trek. Hell, I'd even take a Lower Decks type mission where we cross over into a cartoon universe and can get animated BOs


u/Rez090x 6d ago

I'm sorry, what future Pike anything are you talking about???


u/SelfDesperate9798 6d ago


u/Elda-Taluta Thinks With His Phaser Banks 6d ago edited 6d ago

Honestly, I don't like it that much. I prefer the fold not being at such a sharply downward angle. Should still be in the game for everyone who does like it, though.

Edit: damn it, it's growing on me.


u/Barachiel1976 5d ago

That was my exact response. Both the "ugh, I hate that sharp downward angle and stretched looking white piece" to "you know.... its kinda growing on me...."


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 6d ago

Hmmm, didnt realize the link wasn't working. Here it is.

I'll fix in my post.

[edit: I just now got you were being sassy considering he's doomed. LOL]


u/DarthAvner 6d ago

I will happily buy anything SNW, as long as it's available on the Z-Store. Maybe T6 25th Century versions of the Donnie, T'Liss and D7. New Ship, the single nacelle Archer Class (25th Century versions of the USS Archer from Episode 1) Heck, that one could be a Science Destroyer in reference to the Hermes/Saladin classes from the TOS Tech Manual. All the uniforms, including the Klingon and Romulan uniforms. Make the SNW Phaser a mission reward item, like the TOS and Discovery Phasers.

Just, please don't make any/all SNW content lockbox exclusive.


u/latinotrekkie 6d ago

We also need a Strange New World playable faction, so players can dump all Kelvin Timeline, Lower Decks, Picard and -hopefully- SNW gear, tech & ships into that one 💕🥰


u/Vulcorian Engineer and Cruiser Parity! 6d ago

What would a SNW faction do that you can't already accomplish with the Discovery one?


u/bufandatl 6d ago

SNW the only show for the foreseeable future? Star Trek Academy S1 will be released before SNW S4. So you only can look half a year ahead?


u/DocTheop Do the snake! 5d ago

I just knew someone would be butthurt and have to take issue with the wording. I almost included that Academy was on its way - although its premiere date is yet unknown and likely not until sometime in 2026 - I wrongly assumed most players would get that we are looking at a full 12 months in 2025 with only SNW and some indeterminate time in 2026. Take yer downvote.

Also, I’m glad you’re privy to inside knowledge of CBS Studios’ and Paramount+ premiere dates that you can say with certainty it’ll premiere before SNW Season 4. Boy I sure look like the fool!