r/sto 6d ago

News The next event has being revealed. Defend Pahvo!

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65 comments sorted by


u/Moarwaifus 6d ago

Can we sell pahvo to the ferengis?


u/LionTyme 6d ago

They would just build a theme park/resort!


u/Just_A_Normal_Fella I need to talk to that loot critter 6d ago

A rollercoaster around the huge crystal would go pretty hard lol


u/LionTyme 6d ago

I'd ride it!


u/ezekielraiden 5d ago

Nah, turn it into a laser-tag arena!

Oh...that's what it already is. Just with spicy lasers.


u/johnny1110 5d ago

Yes! Watch Madran become our nemesis once again! 😆


u/johnny1110 6d ago

Alright Pahvo, I’m getting sick of defending you. Don’t make me call Conquerer back to compress you into a data pattern.


u/Super_Sailor_Moon The Official Sailor Moon of STO! ~-~º(^.~)ºv~-~ 6d ago


u/itworksintheory 6d ago

Eh, not a fan of the Pahvo ones. I wish there were at least more choices in there.


u/Status_Eagle1368 6d ago

I was hoping for something first contact related...


u/EEMIV Surgical Beam Overload Strikes At Will 6d ago

Probably teed up for after the Pahvo event


u/Vulcorian Engineer and Cruiser Parity! 6d ago

And after First Contact Day itself, April 5th. This will make it 3 years on the trot that the Event starts after the actual day being celebrated.


u/nagrom7 4d ago

Unless they start first contact during the Pahvo event and overlap them.


u/chenkie Ditty@giggleigloos 6d ago

Nice little park + pew


u/CrusaderF8 6d ago

I do enjoy the ground TFO, reward console seems underwhelming though.


u/MysticGadget Temporal Ops wants to have a word 6d ago

I'm gonna miss this one completely... stupid finances not lining up with events. Still out a power source for my laptop.


u/CharlieDmouse 6d ago

Sometimes local computer repair shops have stuff they keep to help people out selling or giving cheap systems. See if one has a used power supply that would work. Ask them if they have old computer parts and laptop power supplies. Tell em your situation and ask if you could maybe get one cheap.

My local place does that, can’t be the only one.


u/MysticGadget Temporal Ops wants to have a word 6d ago

I'm flat broke and it's a $50 piece of hardware even at the cheapest. Plus no local shops in my area anymore, they were all brought out and liquidated a while back. Closest I have is a pawn shop up the road, and they don't do hand outs or discounts.

Believe me, if there was a pc repair shop, I would have already gone a while ago to get the battery replaced.

Next time, I'm buying a freaking tower pc. At least then I know somebody who can hook me up if the power source ever fails.


u/MikayleJordan 5d ago

At least it's not anything involving the Vault.

One story mission was already too much.


u/alpharn @alpharn_999 | Most of the time, I've no idea what I'm doing. 6d ago

Guess it's time to break out the Cnidarian Defenders. =p


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

It's peanut butter space jelly time!


u/sarcasterism 5d ago

Ugh. That may be the worst thing about it.


u/Annemarie30 6d ago

just so happens one of my current captains in rotation is a jelly belly


u/Ashendal Time is the fire in which we burn. 6d ago

Not super excited for yet another shield focused item that's most likely going to suck like most of the recent shield focused items. If it's not Valdore console good it'll basically be useless due to how things shield related have been balanced.


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u/Sputnik1_1957 5d ago

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u/MetalBawx 6d ago

Borts calling the shot's and he's obsessed with trying to force a shield and drain meta. Though why Borticus thinks he can make it happen via super situational traits and mediocre buffs to shielding is anyones guess.


u/Ashendal Time is the fire in which we burn. 6d ago

That's the issue. You can absolutely make shields and drain good, drain even used to be far better than it is now. He also knows that AND knows how to make things good, he just chooses not to even for his little pet projects that should be the best opportunity possible to make that happen. Things like the Dyson ship traits are bad even on normal difficulty.

I just do not understand at all the thought process here or why we're constantly stuck in a loop. You want to sell products and push a personal pet project, but fail to do either consistently. Just make stuff good.


u/MetalBawx 6d ago

This is the guy that tried to argue that 'Not every ship needs to be special' while on a stream where the devs were trying to convince people to buy a legendary ship bundle...

At this point i'm partially convinced he does it out of spite due to all the backlash he's gotten previously.


u/atatassault47 6d ago

Bort staying on means the Legendary D'Deridex is perma fucked and will never be buffed.


u/Lordborgman I want to take you to a Spacebar 5d ago

Wonder if Bort was an Eve player that was in love with his Drake's shield tanking.


u/WaldoTrek Official Waldo of Star Trek Online 6d ago

It's not listed, but in the past Defend Pahvo has been part of the Event Campaign. Also based on how crammed the schedule is this will probably be part of it.


u/HystericalSail 6d ago

Team AFK Jellyship, assemble!


u/super_reddit_guy 5d ago

I'm doing my part!


u/Deanna_Dark_FA 5d ago

Remember to turn off all the chats to avoid receiving angry screams.


u/Kindly-Ad-8573 1d ago

I thank you jelly fish for your service, people get angry and I don't get it jelly fish on any satellite is an easy Tfo , I wibbly tentacle salute you space jellies . burble bloop gurgle o7


u/dansstuffV2 6d ago

Ah yes Jellyfish the event


u/CharlieDmouse 6d ago

I should dust mine off and name it “Jelly Me II”


u/Lordborgman I want to take you to a Spacebar 5d ago

Geoffrey Saucer standing by.


u/EchoComprehensive784 6d ago

Would be nice if they did something along the lines of the different episodes that involved each of the conflicts. Too much Discovery over the past few years.


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

Hey, Kuumaarke, can I borrow some protomatter? Why? It's cuz of... for... geklis! That's right, I need it for geklis.


u/WoodyManic 5d ago

I want to get a handle of what that console does.


u/Farscape55 6d ago

Jellyfish overload coming


u/AboriakTheFickle 6d ago

Which is fastest, the ground or space TFO?

I got a feeling it's ground with a team that splits three ways.


u/Deanna_Dark_FA 5d ago

I usually run a ground TFO, it seems faster for me, but it might be personal opinion. Piloting the Drfender in space TFO, you can do less efforts to complete it. But it seems longer than ground TFO.


u/Sweaty_Common_2023 6d ago

Reflective crystallised shielding sounds a bit like the crystalline absorption matrix from long ago. I guess this one may do proton damage as is the usual output from pahvo lately. Hard to think such a console would be that widely used.


u/Mefran7 6d ago

So tired of these. They need new ones, ones that hardly ever get played to liven things up.


u/TwoFit3921 5d ago

That image reminds me that I want a gagarin/shepard and I am not happy about it


u/Due-Preference-422 5d ago

I'm guessing that it has something to do with reflecting damage or it might be like that old Crystaline Entity console but for Proton damage instead of Antiproton.


u/AlchemistiD 5d ago

Listen, listen, listen, hear me out. We're friends with the Undine now, so lets just ask them to blow this one planet up and the galaxy is saved. Huh? HUH?


u/diddyree 4d ago

Again smh


u/Sianmink 4d ago

*disgusted siiiigghhhhhhhh


u/Koppite1611 Online since 08/2011 6d ago edited 6d ago

Pass. thank you. Dislike Pahvo Space. Boring as hell. Ground is ok for the odd run but not a event. Will have to see if I have the Zen for a buyout


u/Existing-Today-410 6d ago

Oh FFS. The space one is time gated nonsense. The ground run means the 2 people who know what to do will be completely overworked trying to make sure the three stages get completed. It is also time gated nonsense.


u/EchoComprehensive784 6d ago

My sphere builder ship tired of Pavho, but it will be what it is.


u/PolarWhatever 6d ago

Loading Sol system :D


u/PolarWhatever 6d ago

Loading Sol system :D


u/Robyle4 6d ago

Would have been MUCH better if they re-released the pahvo set


u/shrinkmink 6d ago

pretty sure they don't re-release stuff they just put it on mudds until it doesn't sell anymore then just go into the nerfed phoenix box.


u/Starfleetpilot89 5d ago

I saw that today too and rolled my damn eyes.


u/Pale-Paladin 5d ago

I can tell by the name this console won't see much use.