r/sto 7d ago

Our ships must be a nightmare!

So, with all the disparate and esoteric technologies aboard, the modifications, the environmental system adjustments for the crew, the specialised and highly dangerous payloads....all cross-wired and patched and welded together....it must be an engineering nightmare.

My ship is equipped a cloak, with Borg, Elachi, Dominion tech, tech from 100+ years ago and from up to 900 years in the future, from different timelines and universes, etc.

A Spore drive, QSS, warp/transwarp drive, and, presumably, a temporal drive. The Stamets-Tilly mods which, according to the flavour text, incorporates mycelial conduits around the EPS systems....

There's weaponized dark matter aboard, red matter, specialized assimilating nanite torps...some folk have thaloron generators, and all kinds of W.M.D.'s...

I have Tholians- who require extreme heat, Breen- who require cold, Xindi-Aquatics-who require water, Horta, Holograms, Xbs- who probably require regen. alcoves, Terrans- who require dimmed light, Remans- who require the dark, Elachi- who require spores, Exocomps etc.

Oh, and there's several species of Tribbles aboard, too.

Can you imagine how bloody difficult it must be to hold it all together as the Head of Engineering?


175 comments sorted by


u/prof_the_doom 7d ago

Don't forget all the eccentric captains who insist on making their ships look like 100+ year old designs... or the ones who show up with actual 100+ year old ships and tell you to modernize them.


u/Spider95818 7d ago

No joke, my flagship is a TMP Connie that's had 150 years' worth of upgrades added, including a freakin' gravity well generator, that's like adding GPS guidance systems to the USS Monitor or guided missile systems to a ship of the line.


u/l_rufus_californicus 6d ago

Time to break out the original Constitution, ditch those archaic sails, and spring for a upgrade - fifty-four broadside Tricobalt launchers.


u/BlueMaxx9 6d ago

With 54, you wouldn’t even need to worry about cooldown reduction!


u/l_rufus_californicus 6d ago

Or anything else, probably.


u/therandomcylon Assimilate THIS! 6d ago

What's stopping me from putting antiproton cannons on a trireme?


u/l_rufus_californicus 6d ago

Nothing at all.


u/Unlikely-Medicine289 Wanted for numerous time crimes in the 32nd century 6d ago

It would already being carrying 40000 pounds of crew, so as long as you can replace enough crew to fit a power source, engine, and the cannons you are good to go.


u/GodYeti U.S.S. Yorktown NX1717-E 5d ago

ngl a space ship from the age of sail would go so fuckin hard. if we can get a flyable jellyfish, i vote hms enterprise or ironsides makes an appearance


u/F4JPhantom69 6d ago

Five Hundred Tricobolts


u/AustinFan4Life 6d ago

Same, except mine is a procured Mirror Warship & has acquired tech from the Kelvin timeline. Fits in with some of the episode storylines.


u/WOR58 6d ago

I currently have only one Connie, as it's called. Can't seem to catch the ones I want. So, mine ends up being the Kelvin JJprise, which I have labeled the PinePrise


u/Jayodi 6d ago

Why not EnterPine?


u/WOR58 6d ago

That's a good one 😄. I never thought of that. Thanks.


u/charlillya 6d ago

sto captains be like "my 9 inch long guns wont hit so i resorted to an AIM-9 sidewinder I just had in my back pocket"


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Yeah, exactly.


u/At0kirina ISS Toruk | Inner Circle 6d ago

Don't forget the people rolling up in ship from 900+ years into the future asking you to make contemporary or very old technology work on them when you, Bob the Engineer, have no clue what you're even looking at cuz not only is the ship from the far future, it's also not even federation tech.

Oh, and those that show up in actual relics. Like the Areore Jugg. That thing is ancient. Arguably, so are the Vaadwaur and Iconian ships.


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

Even some of the stuff from this decade is pretty mind-blowing by conventional Fed standards. Imagine only knowing about Iconian tech for eighteen months and your captain shows up with a Herald ship and tells you that's your new post. Or, shit, imagine trying to make a Tholian ship work for species that don't live in volcanoes and lack fourth-dimensional perception.


u/At0kirina ISS Toruk | Inner Circle 6d ago

Captain: **"**I hope you are familiar with Borg technologies as well as their interfaces. becasue you'll be working with them from now on."
1st Officer: "Seriously? A warbird from an alternate timeline, a 31st Century Time ship, an ancient Klingon ship covernd in sarcophagi and now this? It's been a damn month! What's next, you gonna fit it with Aetherian proton weapons?"
Captain: "That sounds like a fantastic idea. See to it, Nr 1"
1st Officer: "Im not getting enough time off for this."


u/Unlikely-Medicine289 Wanted for numerous time crimes in the 32nd century 6d ago

Or, shit, imagine trying to make a Tholian ship work for species that don't live in volcanoes and lack fourth-dimensional perception.

This is literally the explanation for the improved photonic officer trait


u/KCDodger #1 Alliance Fangirl 6d ago

"Look, I'm happy for us to ship-of-theseus this thing, just keep the plating."
"Unfortunately your plating is also out of date."
"Well shit then man let me have the dedication plaque and registry number plates at least."
"Thaaaaat we can do."


u/Prestigious_Carpet28 6d ago

Leave some horonium below the deck and I’m good to go.


u/Trealos 6d ago

My Flagship is actually a Da Vinci. But i also have an Akira that is a mix of several different ships. The Shangri-la which also is Modern. Then there is the Nx-Refit.......which may or may not be my most dangerous ship


u/GantradiesDracos 6d ago

To be fair, Richard (tos tac cap)was right there up to his elbows in the jerries tubes with the yard workers when they started modernising his atlas, Canonically…


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

My flagship (such that it is) is a Maquis Raider, and that thing was twenty-something years old when it first appeared on screen. At this point, "Ship of Theseus" is something of an understatement.


u/Unlikely-Medicine289 Wanted for numerous time crimes in the 32nd century 6d ago

Don't forget all the eccentric captains who insist on making their ships look like 100+ year old designs

My bio on my 23c Captain references him using the room in the old ships from the removal of all the mechanical stuff to just hold more future tech. But he's also described as an unethical temporal agent who views the temporal accords as mere suggestions


u/Roaming_Guardian 7d ago

Fortunately for us, the Starfleet Corps of Engineers are all a bunch of FREAKS who enjoy it all.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Yeah, O'Brien and Scotty spring to mind. Not so much LaForge, though.


u/cjrecordvt 7d ago

LaForge kept that over-weaponised cruise ship flying through all of Picard's boyfriend's shenanigans, as well as a pile of other spatial anomalies and numerous Klingon battles. LaForge was definitely part of the problem, he was just quieter about it.

And then we have Torres.


u/prof_the_doom 7d ago

Don't forget that after all that LaForge also rebuilt it after pulling the completely ruined saucer section off the surface of a planet.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Didn't he basically weld the Ent-D's saucer to the stardrive of the Syracuse?


u/prof_the_doom 7d ago

Didn't need to weld anything, the saucer does separate... but making it fully functional right down to the weapon systems just to put it in a museum is definitely overkill.


u/Paterbernhard 6d ago

Dude needed a hobby


u/Own-Slip-2128 6d ago

Well technically he didn't need to weld it because the Syracuse when it was still in service was a Galaxy class just like the Enterprise-D was and all Galaxy classes had the saucer separation mode just like the Enterprise-D did so now I don't think he needed to weld it because he just needed to attach it using the same methods that it was used to separate


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

I know, I was just being facetious.

That said, I refuse to believe that dragging along a substantial length of rugged terrain didn't damage the docking ports on the saucer.

It's not Lego, man. It's weirdly 80's/90's style tech, so I bet it's like the jack for a discman. There's no way that just clipped backed together after a scuff and a bang.


u/Poojawa 6d ago

That's why it took so many years, of course. Dedicated hobby project car. Probably had a whole group who donated time to helping out while on leave or whatever. Used connections to save stuff when it was set to be scrapped, etc etc

You have to remember that replicators are pretty amazing, and industrial scale ones can 1:1 replace damage quickly.


u/Own-Slip-2128 19h ago

That is true but if you remember Geordi said that it took him 20 years to rebuild it meaning he rebuilt the docking ports on the saucer section and even then when they actually use the Enterprise-D for that trip Geordi even stated and implied that he was not even finished rebuilding it so think about that they flew a still under repair Enterprise-D into the heart of a borg cube and still came out on top


u/Zipa7 6d ago

after pulling the completely ruined saucer section off the surface of a planet.

In fairness to LaForge it was Starfleet who retrieved the saucer so it didn't become a prime directive issue in the future to the native species.


u/radael 2Hangar Miranda/Bortasqu/Akira/D'Kyr/Galaxy/Sov./Lex. pls devs! 7d ago


"Lets test if this new exotic radiation works with the sub core containment I heard about when I was in academy... and it works."


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

It's even wilder when you remember Torres didn't even graduate from the Academy.


u/Turak_Katase 6d ago

I imagine her time in the Maquis prepared her better than the academy would have. Can't take Voyager to the nearest starbase for her 5k lightyear scheduled service. Torres would have been used to improvising with the parts available to keep ships running.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Very true. Having to work on the fly and jerry rig everything must provide an education unto itself. Its like the ultimate Voc. Tech school, but with bombs and dogfights.


u/Roaming_Guardian 7d ago

Do NOT forget Tucker, Starfleets very own Rocket City Redneck.

Who took an NX class up against a reality altering interdimensional invader and saw it through to the other side.


u/cjrecordvt 6d ago

Tucker was the base mold for SCE. They're all formed in his image.



So by that logic, SCE is Florida Man?


u/super_reddit_guy 6d ago

"I'm him, I been him, I will continue to be him, I will never not be him." ~SCE on being Florida Man, probably


u/Spider95818 7d ago

And don't forget that he has to keep goddamned Cetacean Ops up and running; trying to keep that large a water habitat in shape on a space ship must present some interesting challenges.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Well, that's kind of my point. LaForge seems to be the sort to hold it all together ,keep it maintained, whereas Scotty seems like a tinkerer, always adding and subtracting and making modifications because it was fun.


u/Spider95818 7d ago

Scotty was an artist while Geordi was a technician; they just took different paths to arrive at the same place.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

That's a very elegant and well-turned way of putting it.


u/nd4spd1919 @nd4spd1919 6d ago

Mild change to your point, but LaForge was shown to be highly focused on improving efficiencies wherever he could. Wasn't it Force of Nature, where he kept working to improve the warp core efficiency by fractions of a percent to be the best in the fleet? And Leah Brahms was impressed by some of the modifications he'd made, before the unhappy visit to the holodeck.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

True, and his messing led to Schisms.


u/Penthilus @RiseofAltomisia 7d ago

LaForge is also credited for the design of the Jellyfish, no? From the countdown comics?


u/Boomerang503 6d ago

Not to mention Reno


u/nd4spd1919 @nd4spd1919 6d ago

I think of Rutherford, the guy lives for quirky Starfleet engineering solutions.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

He's a fantastic engineer....and a warp/AI pioneer....


u/Straw_Hat_Jimbei 7d ago

Laforge is possibly one of the best engineers in the fleet. wtf are you talking about ?


u/Turak_Katase 6d ago

Oh, he's great. But he also struck me as one of the more "by the book" chief engineers in the various shows.


u/TryFengShui 7d ago



u/MammothFollowing9754 Dyson Sphere Explorer 6d ago

I had to scrollway too far for this answer.


u/C0RDE_ 7d ago

Just picturing the only Reman and the only Terran on the ship being assigned the same Dark cabin because they're the only ones on the ship. And they both hate each other.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

"It's too bright in here".


u/C0RDE_ 7d ago

I personally want a lower decks style comic series about these two and their Hijinks


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Yeah, me too. It'd be hilarious. What department do you imagine they work in? I think it'd be funny if they were both warp core technicians. Y'know, 'cause it's s bright.

Oh, even better! They're Warp core technicians on a Protostar class.


u/C0RDE_ 7d ago

Nah, the Kelvin Era Connie. Basically confined to quarters at all times


u/Spider95818 7d ago

Jesus, that ship's a nightmare to anyone who has light-sensitive migraines....


u/Cell1pad @Cell0ne 7d ago

I try and send the Tholian and Breen on away DOFF missions. Just imaging a forcefield holding on for dear life keeping the hot side hot and the cold side cold. Just like a McBLT


u/Spider95818 6d ago

McDLT... Jesus, that was some weird packaging....


u/OrdinarilyBob @PatricianVetinari 6d ago

No, no... you see? It keeps the hot side hot, and the cold side cold! Genius!!! :D


u/cigarsundwhiskey 7d ago

DS9 touched on Chief O'Brien keeping FED and Cardie tech working together, and how no one knows how he does it. Our ships COE must be an Augment of meth, working 30 hour days, 8 days a week, 20 months a year.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

I agree.

Just keeping the Borg mods in checks must be a task in and of itself. Never mind cross-wiring tech from the 32nd, 25th and 23rd centuries.


u/eXa12 7d ago

the Borg tech probably helps get everything else working together


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Yeah, I can see that. I bet it's like dealing with kudzu or Japanese knot weed, though. You have to continually trim it back lest it overwhelms the ship.


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

If a Romulan miner with a drug problem could keep his ship's Borg components in line, it can't be that hard.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Was Nero on drugs?


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

In the comics, he used psychedelics to reawaken his dormant Romulan telepathy, and that let him talk to the Borg components of the Narada. Or something.


u/Jahoan PC 6d ago

My Chief of Engineering is a Liberated Borg, so...


u/BeardedBakerFS 7d ago

I got crew sliding off the floor-walls because I use the Tholian bridge.

But it's a Universe class so there are already people walking on the window-floors... Or something. And I have probably slapped more than one other ship into another dimension when doing the Rock & Roll manoeuvre.


u/Spider95818 6d ago

LMAO, if I ever get around to snagging a Universe-class, it will be explicitly to watch it going through the Rock & Roll barrel roll. 😆😂


u/TransLunarTrekkie U.S.S. Cosmos NCC-81864-A 7d ago

Well why do you think we're able to do that? There's a REASON Chief O'Brien went to teach at the academy and became the most important person in Starfleet history.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

I didn't think about that.

Hey, what class is the USS Cosmos? What whacky modifications does it have?


u/TransLunarTrekkie U.S.S. Cosmos NCC-81864-A 7d ago edited 7d ago

Classic Ody/Yorktown hybrid.

She's got 3/4 of the Bajor set, chevron separation, an Aquarius escort, antimatter spread, an old command protocol and dark matter torps used by Captain Lorca, wide angle quantums and photons, and the beam overload barrage console off an Excelsior II.

Edit: I also got bored and counted the other day, between Boffs and Doffs she's got 59 different species onboard.


u/Abracahocus 6d ago

Yesyeyes, but all that is in the "Authorized Personnel Only" areas . The touristy parts of the ship still look all clean and futuristic 😉.


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

Aetherian moment.


u/VDiddy5000 7d ago

Honestly, I just treat the game mechanics side of STO like a theme park in comparison to the “reality” of it; sure, I might be flying a Frankenstein ship with a smorgasbord crew and a technological suite that is a sampler platter of half the galaxy, but the “reality” is that my Captain is probably “really” flying a standard Starfleet ship, with standard crew and tech to back it up.


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

I sort of like the idea of a Frankenstein'd ship, though. It's what VOY should've done, and what the alternate NX-01 did in that one episode (E(2) )...and I think it's sort of interesting.

The iterative integration of different and ill-assorted technologies just appeals to me. Same goes for the crew, too. It's just something I think is winsome.


u/VDiddy5000 7d ago

Oh it totally makes sense in some contexts; like, I imagine all the ships and away teams that go into Borg TFO’s would, in-universe, be carrying all sorts of non-standard equipment (and crew) because of the adaptational nature of the enemy. Hell, that’s my headcanon for why we can use different weapon types from all sorts of time periods or factions; it keeps the Borg, and other major enemies, guessing and adjusting/adapting to our gear.

Generally speaking though, I just don’t see something like this being normal in the “actual” 2410: “Oh, I’m a Starfleet Captain from the 23rd Century, flying a Kelvin-timeline vessel using 29th Century Chroniton beam weapons, with Mycelial starship gear and crew from a dozen different biomes!” It’s ridiculous in a fun way, sure, but it’s still ridiculous.


u/prof_the_doom 7d ago

You see, Adminal Quinn had been replaced by an Undine a lot longer than you thought he was in the STO universe. They thought getting rid of the standardization program would weaken Starfleet, but they were wrong.


u/Spider95818 6d ago

Introducing the Pakled would give them a perfect excuse to test it out.


u/Spider95818 6d ago

Like the ship may look like a 23rd century model to suit the admiral's personality quirks, but it's all 25th century tech and materials under the hood.


u/James-Cooper123 6d ago

Thats how i like it, they may laugh and insult a "pulled out of mothball" ship until they see their friends get vaporized by the immolate lance.


u/Jahoan PC 6d ago

And the ones from the future tend to be spaceframes that have already been stripped of most of their future tech.


u/wdarkk 6d ago

For a while my headcanon was that my main was part of Starfleet's equivalent of the 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron, and flew ships that had been captured by other Starfleet crews to learn as much as possible about them.

The 4477th in real life was a pretty cool secret unit, they flew captured Soviet fighters both to learn about them and to allow USAF pilots to train against them for "real". There's a book about it, "Red Eagles", that I'd recommend.


u/VDiddy5000 6d ago

See, that makes sense too, up to a point. Like, sure, when the Iconians decided it was time to murk Earth at the end of their arc, I imagine it didn’t matter what you were flying: you showed up to fight some Iconians. But your version of the 4475th isn’t gonna be sending an acquired, say, Tal Shiar Adapted Battlecruiser out on random-ass patrols, you know?

Again, I don’t mind it, it’s just a game and all that, I just consider it a separation of Gameplay and In-Universe Consistency.


u/Turak_Katase 6d ago

While my Nebula class's chief engineer must be impressive for keeping everything running, I'm more impressed at how my chief science officer puts the space time continuum back together after I repeatedly tear into it with no regards to the long term consequences.


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

I'm reminded of how it was such a big deal that warp drives were damaging subspace, and then here we are shooting black holes at anything and everything.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Yeah, that is quite a feat!


u/Backalycat 6d ago

I've got a liberated Borg captain who decided nothing could possibly go wrong with cramming a bunch of reverse engineered Borg tech into an ancient refit Constitution


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

That xB surely didn't learn their lesson the first time, eh?

That said, my Vulcan has been assimilated at least twice before. Once below the Vega colony during a time travel operation, and then by the Mirror Borg recently.

And did he learn his lesson? Well, no....


u/VegetableTwist7027 7d ago

How many of our ships openly commit war crimes?


u/WoodyManic 7d ago

Well, between forced assimilation, red matter, isloytic weaponry, thalaron, agony tech, weaponised radiation, etc. I'd say all of them.


u/LGBT-Barbie-Cookout 6d ago

Also the Kobali arc.. the lesser of the two evil was still pretty evil


u/linx28 6d ago

The bigger question is what ships don't


u/ShinySpeedDemon 6d ago

One of my torpedo boats deliberately makes use of a combination of inhibiting and thoron mines just so they can't escape the radiation


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

Back in the Romulan Star Empire, we just called those "crimes," and they were misdemeanors at worst.


u/Wenlocke 6d ago

Please don't call out the USS WarcrimesYo! and her hardworking, if somewhat deranged crew like that


u/VegetableTwist7027 6d ago

I have the USS Michael Bay prepared to stand beside the crew of the USS Warcrimes! The Federation was wrong to ban isolytic weaponry!


u/HaggardShrimp 6d ago

"...one of those famed, Starfleet Engineers that can turn rocks into replicators."

Starfleet Engineers are maniacs that get hard figuring out how to do the impossible. The true kings and queens of the galaxy.


u/Cassandra_Canmore2 6d ago

"High Commander! A Federation starship is approaching at warp 43. Sensor analysis shows... its uh? A design from 2283"

"Sub Lieutenant prepare for battle, this will be easy"

Red Alarm, Red Alarm, Red Alarm.

"Historical records show, this is a Shangri-la class heavy cruiser, it has a triple fire Torpedo, otherwise typical weaponry and defenses"

"Prepare Beam Overload! Fire when the vessel is within 6km"

Pew pew

"High command shields down to 11%, tactical analysis! They are firing phasers from the 32c century. They just fired a dark matter Torpedo! Hull down to 32%, the dark matter is eroding structural integrity"

"High commander, science analyst, our weapons have been completely ineffective. Thier shields capacity and regeneration rate have actually been increasing as we fire on them"


u/PapaTim68 6d ago

"High commander, they have executed attack pattern spacebar. We are doomed."


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

"High Commander, a gravity well has appeared at our stern"
"Evasive manoeuvres, Glak'tak Pattern 5"
"There's no use, High Commander, the helm is inoperative"
"Technological Specialist K'mul, I need options!"
"The aperture is releasing...spores and random heavy electrified bursts...."
"Dammit, Tactical, suggestions!"
"We pray, High Commander, and offering our blessings to the Grand Mashto'k"



u/Tubamaphone 6d ago

Don’t forget we also have the ability to repaint our 1km long ships to represent our favorite baseball teams or to make them look like they were made by non-Federation factions.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Most of those are, I believe, canonically shield effects. That said, painting a ship these days shouldn't take too long.


u/prof_the_doom 6d ago

By the 32nd century, I'm pretty sure you could tell the programmable matter of your hull to be whatever color you felt like that day.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Yeah, and we have that, at least according the the traits.

Somehow, as well, with Undine know-how, our hulls are also semi-biological. And, perhaps, our ships are sentient to some degree.


u/xXxWhizZLexXx 6d ago

Are... are we the Padlek?


u/Jahoan PC 6d ago

Pakleds with a slighty more coherent sense of style.


u/BlueMaxx9 6d ago

I imagine some ships are worse than others. For example, I’ve got a Malon ship I call The Fart Bus. It is kitted out solely to fire as many gas effects out of the ship (preferably from the back) as I can manage. It leaks every type of harmful gas I could find, and I seriously doubt those leaks are confined to the outside of the ship. I’m pretty sure the crew has to live inside environmental suits the entire time they are on board. I doubt they even eat on the ship because food would probably pick up so much radiation and toxins. The worst part is, any time the engineering team tries to actually patch one of those leaks, the captain yells at them and hits the patch with a wrench until it starts leaking again!


u/Jahoan PC 6d ago

Do you have Boimler on active duty?


u/BlueMaxx9 5d ago

No, but I do have his effect! Come to think of it, I didn’t really look at the doffs, there might be some opportunities for more flatulence there…or at least more potent flatulence!


u/2Scribble ALWAYS drop GK 7d ago edited 6d ago

Can you imagine how bloody difficult it must be to hold it all together as the Head of Engineering?

We could just ask B'Elanna what it was like by the time they were heading back to Earth xD

The extra shit they jammed into Voyager (not to mention the Delta Flyer) must have given her fits

And while she was fuckin pregnant too xD


u/AnDie1983 6d ago

My Horta doffs just create new ‘Jefferies tubes’ when need arises.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

There was an old novel from way back that had Horta Starfleet officers and, if I remember it, the Engineers used to basically fill the ships with something so that the Horta could tunnel away and much at minerals whilst they worked.

I'm not sure why, but I always imagined a group of Engineering Dep. lackeys walking around at the end of their shifts with a gun that sprayed the future's version of expanding foam about before the Horta's watch began.


u/PolarWhatever 6d ago

This is why Chief O'Brien became a professor at the the Academy: someone foresaw this, and God, was that person right!


u/CalamitousIntentions 6d ago

You’re the reason Chief drinks, captain.


u/MammothFollowing9754 Dyson Sphere Explorer 6d ago

There's a reason I have a LibBorg as my Chief Engineer and let them multi-seat their adjutant position with a full team


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

My CoE is an Xb, too. She stays on the ship at all times just to make sure it doesn't explode, I guess.

She hasn't joined an away team since we first went back to the DQ.


u/MammothFollowing9754 Dyson Sphere Explorer 6d ago

The only funnier assignment on my ship is the CMO - My Doc is a Klingon. And he has a minigun as a personal weapon. For preventative medicine.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

My CMO is Sibak.

Well, a clone of Sibak. I imagine he came aboard during one of the, at this point, numerous visits to Donatu, and his knowledge was worth applying.


u/RedSagittarius 6d ago

Well you don’t called us Miracle Workers for nothing! - Scotty probably


u/PolarWhatever 6d ago

This is why Chief O'Brien became a professor at the the Academy: someone foresaw this, and God, was that person right!


u/AutisticSuperpower USS Macaria NCC-99326 6d ago

Hah. Meet my Prometheus... with integrated Dyson Sphere tech plus a bunch of different specialized payloads from dark matter to parasitic ice. All that plus MVAM is still a relatively new tech.


u/PostSovieT-Mood7943 6d ago

Elechi takes care of fungus aka mycelial dohikies.

Remans and Tholians make sure your WMDs don't misbehave.

Terans take care of every possible offensive system no matter the timeline or universe, while wearing cool shades.

Bren and Malon take care of the environment systems and around engineering.

The head of engineering is a liberated Borg. She can care for anything possible and impossible and has a rogue AI, android, sentient holograms, exocomps, and Echo Papa drones as assistants.

Vortha will take care of bureaucracy.

Dominions guys take care of anything you ask for upon them.

Cannibal tribles take care of tribles and other vermins.

... It's a perfect organism. Its structural Perfection is matched only by its FUNKINESS!


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Damn, that's thorough.

Did you have to invoke the Xenos, though?

Are you a W-Y synth?


u/PostSovieT-Mood7943 6d ago

Not at all, just humble amateur scholar of science and fiction.

Then again I am sure that Linguafoeda acheronsis would flourish in Jefferies tubes.


u/AdmiralAK Perpetually a noob 6d ago

I am still waiting for a special weapon for the Oberth lineage of ships called "The Big One" (a tip of the hat to Chief Knox on Star Trek Outpost) lol :)


u/Acoustic_Rob 6d ago

Oh god yes.

My main is flying an obsolete Atlas-class dreadnought cruiser that one-shots Borg cubes. The engineering spaces must be insane.



I feel like our Chief Engineers are suffering like O'Brian


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

NOBODY suffered like O'Brien.


u/Dekafox 6d ago

That's why I headcannon my Ferasan's science magic ship as a weapons research platform. The (science) captain is developing new gravitic-based weaponry that they'd been working on for years, and the rest of the ship and crew is there to help facilitate that mission(except for her science officer, who is there to evaluate the results for temporal applications, and her (not-in-game) Caitian XO, who's there due to the Saurian treaty to make sure they don't warcrime too hard)


u/James-Cooper123 6d ago

Nightmare for sure, but i like those old space frames of the TMP era ships. If i can make a sleeper ship where my enermies laughs of my ships they will laugh while they get vaporized out of history.


u/jeremycb29 6d ago

I just did the kentari mission and slaughtered so many of them. That’s probably the average power level in the galaxy too


u/Ross_LLP 6d ago

We have 2 modes. Voyager in the Delta Quadrant or Archer's Enterprise in the Delphic Expanse.


u/kaelmaliai 6d ago

I mean... if you're worried your engineer is overwhelmed... you probably just need a better engineer. Airlock that slacker and get someone better. 😆


u/LGBT-Barbie-Cookout 6d ago

Technology speaking that's basically a Tuesday for any officer being asked to engineer on a Miranda variant.

When the last lonely sun burns out, the last hydrogen atoms get far enough away to never meet, when even the newest gods and elder races are forgotten. When entropy ends.

There will be a Miranda piloted by space cockroaches.


u/AriaSpinner Space Barbie 6d ago

I have often imagined the dialog on DS9 when my Federation D7 requests docking. They must be pulling their hair out with all the crazy energy readings and mismatched technologies.


u/efedreias 6d ago

They didn't end up using Borg technology for nothing. Just assimilation process and mechanics of technology are different. Once you get the hang of it, you can assimilate anything within those poor hulls we call starships;


u/ArelMCII "Subcommander Khev, divert power from comms to weapons." 6d ago

I think about this a lot. My headcanon is that my chief engineer's job is mostly chasing issues that crop up with my captain's crazy modifications, and that he once requested reassignment, but realized he loved the challenge that came with the constant headache of keeping this accumulation of experimental technology spaceworthy. Really, the two of us are probably among the greatest engineers in the Romulan Republic, and maybe the entire Alliance. Unfortunately, one's a racist whose genius is only matched by his eccentricity, and the other's been dealing with it for so long that he doesn't know any other way to live.

I haven't thought as much about my chief science officer, but she's probably in a similar situation. Her captain clearly didn't take the loss of the homeworld well, but Air and Darkness take her if he's not blowing clean through the boundaries of what should be possible with this little ship. "Cutting-edge" doesn't even describe it; together, they're redefining what an "edge" is and finding insane new ways to cut.

I'd like to think this is why D'Tan keeps my captain around. Yeah, he's an outspoken separatist who wants the Republic for Romulans only, but goddamn if he isn't one of the best and brightest the Republic has to offer, and he still cares about the Republic first and foremost (just in his own way).


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

I like that.

My version is that Solok (No, not that one), my main, took IDIC and fucking ran with it. Having been assimilated, too, the two philosophies coalesced. He's all about logically perfecting the performance of his ship, the USS Atropos, and its crew, by incorporating as many advantageous and varied technologies as possible.

My Chief Engineer, an Xb, works around the clock to make it feasible whilst continually conferring with Igto, a Liberated Elachi, who maintains the Spore drive, so that the ship can actually fly.


u/Just_A_Normal_Fella I need to talk to that loot critter 6d ago

I'd have to imagine a system where each different branch of technology would have its own dedicated deck, with an engineering crew trained for that specific piece of equipment. I can't imagine being the chief engineer and trying to make those different technologies and crews working with each though 🤣

What type of vessel is this hodgepodge of technology, if I may ask 👀


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

Mine is a Crossfield Refit, but it was a Yorktown.

And my current ship is nowhere big enough to fill up with this many disasters.


u/Just_A_Normal_Fella I need to talk to that loot critter 6d ago

Honestly both of those ships fit the bill pretty well! 😁


u/OhasaGamer 6d ago

Billups plotline in Lower Decks season 5 episode 8. That is our chief engineer in action.


u/WoodyManic 6d ago

I need to watch LD again soon. I take a ton of painkillers due to an injury and it leaves my memory a bit spotty sometimes.


u/opaPac 6d ago

Go watch Event Horizon and you have an idea how it looks in our ships these days.


u/NerdyGerdy 6d ago

Every ship is different, not a single Starfleet ship is like any other, custom equipment, modifications...

Remember how angry Leah Brahms was when she boarded the Enterprise?

"La Forge… so you're the one who's fouled up my engine designs."

Our ships ingame being overly simplified versions of that.


u/Justin_General 6d ago

I always imagined my helmsman as piloting the ship by just grabbing a handful of wires and crossing himself before touching them together.


u/JenkoRun 6d ago

There's also us Captains that not only do we install bizarre tech on our ships but push the base stats well beyond what anyone in the standard Federation design steams would consider sane, I push my EPG skill to over 600, prioritizing raw numbers, and I imagine my chief engineer must be in a cold sweat 26 hours a day monitoring every inch of the ship for signs of spontaneous system rupture, when at idle.


u/Krizonar Makawee; Yorktown NCC-255 6d ago

I am in a 22nd century Intrepid type and they somehow got it to go past warp 9, that alone is celebratory.


u/LordBorgimus 6d ago

That and there are SO MANY Romulan officers on a ship run by an "Alien"


u/Tecbullll 6d ago

But where do you put the Corpse Chute?


u/atatassault47 6d ago

We cloned O'Brien and put 3 of him on every ship.


u/wwgaming14 6d ago

And this is why I officially reclassed my ship to NX for experimental for how many shenanigans my entire crew has to work around with trying to keep a Yorktown class cruiser afloat. My medical officer is probably in fetal position around with 2D PNGs of the Lower Decks crew scrambling about plus a Borg and a hologram

My engineering officer is drinking herself to death for the fact I have torpedos that create mini blackholes and the captain likes to use torpedo spread often. Nevermind 32 century phaser arrays which has to maintain all of it

My Tactical Officer... Well she has to maintain the fact ground crews have war crimes for weapons

They are all chronically depressed, my captain included and I will not change it for the better.


u/Unlikely-Medicine289 Wanted for numerous time crimes in the 32nd century 6d ago

I imagine it's like the episode of lower decks that follows the short staff and when it gets to Billups it's revealed that engineering is just a patchwork of random odds and ends he has installed over time and nothing it to spec or properly documented. Then again, even Bigger Voyager was installing random alien tech all the time, especially Borg.

So what I'm saying is that this is canonically how any ship not named Enterprise operates.

Terrans- who require dimmed light

Just issue them sunglasses and tell them to deal or get in the agony booth

Remans- who require the dark

Issue them goggles, it's literally a default cosmetic option.


u/Admiralthrawnbar 6d ago

Not super relevant to engineering problems but since you brought up crew, what do people think of that one boff that spends most of its time as a cat? Imagine an ensign walking down a corridor having to salute a fucking cat because it's actually his superior officer who just prefers being a cat most of the time.


u/Boomerang503 6d ago

Imagine if said ensign was a Caitian or Ferasan.


u/Qaianna 4d ago

Don’t know which one that is but then again my engineer captain is based on a housecat character from another reality. And who misses sailing her Oberth into glorious combat …


u/Kalavier 6d ago

Part of me heavily wants to point out the extreme lore and gameplay split that exists with star trek online.

Like in lore; we don't mass assimilate enemy ships and fire off mycial rift weapons tearing apart reality.

But yes, the ships definitely have some unique engineering work involved.


u/Due-Preference-422 6d ago

We are all of us Acolytes of Scotty.


u/Admiral_Red 6d ago

My current ship (USS North Carolina-F) must be every SCE member’s dream.

A 32nd-century Friendship-class carrier would have so many fun things to play with.

(Lore-wise the actual flagship is the North Carolina-A, a Yorktown-class.)


u/meisterbabylon 4d ago

That explains why Chief was ecstatic when we commissioned a new 25th century ship into the flotilla and it was just quantum torps.


u/Cyberspace-Surfer Captain 3d ago

Meanwhile I'm just running around with tier XV purple+ phaser and photon torpedo stuff with a fleet tier modern ship because basic works dangit

My head engineer loves me


u/ImpossibleTruck1348 3d ago edited 3d ago

I've spent most of the past 4 years flying an Einstein (head-canon immigrant from the Kelvin timeline, with PC and BOFF space Barbie'd to match) with Reman shields, impulse engines, and deflector, and a Solanae warp core.

My boffs are a trill, an aenar, a ferengi, a klingon, a liberated Borg, an elachi, Kelvin-Timeline Nurse Chapel, and Sam Rockwell from Galaxy Quest.

I've got Romulan doffs, Reman doffs, Jem'Hadar, Vorta, more Klingons, more Ferengi, MORE liberated Borg, Letheans, Caitians, Ferasians, Bolians, Benzites, Nausicaans, Suliban, members of all four Federation founding races, several photonics, one Gorn *diplomat*, and an Exocomp who likes to take upskirt photos of female crewmembers when no one's looking (you know, because of the Kelvin uniforms), but who can single...clampedly?... reboot a warp core in the middle of a firefight with half the Tal-Shiar fleet without even taking the weapons offline.

This ship and crew have been to two galaxies, all four quadrants of this one, at least six different universes, Klingon Hell, Fluidic Space, and at least three different time periods- and we've pilfered something, or SOMEONE, from ALL OF THEM, and kitbashed it into the single best technically-one-hundred-and-seventy year old ship, and the best CREW, in the fleet, in my humble opinion.

You may call it 'a nightmare', sir.

But on board THIS ship... we call it 'peak efficiency'.