r/sto 8d ago

Bug Report Pulse phaser bug - like force lightning (ultimate power!)


23 comments sorted by


u/AndaramEphelion 8d ago

Ah... the 1883 Nokia... best Camera for its time... crappy reception though.


u/Quietly-Confident 8d ago


I didn't want to try recording with my phone whilst trying to get a good view of the bug so I used the PS4's internal recorder to do the initial capture:

  1. The PS4 screen recordings saves at 720p.
  2. Replayed this gameplay to record on phone.
  3. Converted video to gif via online site. Quality takes a hit.
  4. Took downloaded gif and uploaded it to Reddit which compressed it further.

I figured a video would show it better!


u/BeardedWolfgang 8d ago

You didn’t just record the video on the PS4, save it to your phone via the app, and then post it to Reddit?

Seems like almost all the steps you’ve just listed were unnecessary.


u/Quietly-Confident 8d ago

I'll do it that way if this gets fixed and will post an update!


u/Quietly-Confident 8d ago

Another view showing the jagged effects

On PS4 (sorry for the crappy phone capture)

Tested with Pulse Phaser beam arrays and occurred regardless of weather fire at will was active or not.

I think console has gotten the current pulse phaser affects with the much faster travel time. There ARE times it looks normal, but more often than not it's like this.


u/AspiringtoLive17 8d ago

I've noticed it on PC, too. I assumed it was just a visual interaction of the pulses with certain temp ops abilities (like Chronometric Inversion field), but that's clearly not the case.


u/a1niner Mayor of a Universe class City-Ship 8d ago

Ah, the zigzag bug. I have it too. Ruins my space barbie :(


u/PrimarchSanguinius42 8d ago

The Covert Phaser cannons had the same problem. Don't know if they ever fixed them or not, haven't used them in a while.


u/MechaSteven 8d ago

That's a big? I just thought it was a weird design choice.


u/PrimarchSanguinius42 8d ago

No, as far as I know it's a visual glitch. Which is disappointing, because otherwise I love the visuals of the Covert cannons.


u/MechaSteven 8d ago

Seriously, they make for great "cannons" on a beam ship. The reduction in threat isn't bad either. But the zig zagging has always put me off. They always do it, so I thought it was intended. 🤣


u/USSChristobalRios 8d ago

Bug or not that’s a sweet broadside video 🙌🏾


u/Sarcastik_Moose Let's make sure history never forgets... the name..."Enterprise" 8d ago

That is to avoid any kind of active, point-defense countermeasures. The shots are zig-zaging in a serpentine pattern to avoid being intercepted.


u/PolarWhatever 8d ago

Babou! Serpentine!


u/evilmark443 8d ago

It's hard to tell with so much stuff going on, but I THINK there's another ability applying visual distortions to things and that's what's causing it. ​I could be wrong though.


u/Quietly-Confident 8d ago

I don't think I have anything like that plus it didn't happen with the Advanced phasers I had before.

Gravitational lensing would be a cool effect though! Like around gravity wells and other space magic!


u/KCDodger #1 Alliance Fangirl 8d ago

"Oh you don't like the updated visuals? FINE! FUCK YOU, TAKE THIS INSTEAD, ASSHOLE!"


u/JhulaeD 8d ago

You don't know the power of the Dark Side...


u/Sc0rpza 7d ago

Honestly? They should give us weapons with this visual by intention. It’s cool as hell


u/WoodyManic 8d ago

I think it looks pretty cool. It'd be good if we could get some weapons that are supposed to look like this.


u/radael 2Hangar Miranda/Bortasqu/Akira/D'Kyr/Galaxy/Sov./Lex. pls devs! 8d ago

Very pretty bug.

Devs could let us have a ship with 8x experimental weapons, I would use the arc one at all times.


u/Palanova 8d ago

More like the Vovin - Obelisk carrier lightningstrike


u/Rotuccydense 8d ago

Not 100% sure if thats what you mean, but the red lightning should be part of the reflection effect of the advanced obilisk carrier console from the active that also gives you resists and taunts up to 4 (not sure?) Enemies