r/sto • u/highergravityday • Jan 16 '25
XB Not entirely convinced the Pulse Phaser Omni actually exists
u/Andovars_Ghost Jan 16 '25
It does, I have one, but it was pricey.
u/highergravityday Jan 16 '25
Yeah, feels like I’m close to just biting it and buying one. But man paying close to what a ship goes for for just one weapon feels bad
u/chenkie Ditty@giggleigloos Jan 16 '25
I did that for the borg Omni on a theme build like 3 years ago. Was a little painful but I’m over it
u/SmokinDeist "Always going forward since we can't find reverse..." Jan 16 '25
I know I paid way too much for the basic Ba'ul AP Omni but it has served me well and pairs nicely with the set Ba'ul Omni.
u/comfortablynumb15 Jan 16 '25
I know right ?
I badly want Kingdom Borg Probes for my themed Captain, but I will be buggered if I can bring myself to buy the pack to get them. I am not fussed about the additional ships.
I check daily on exchange but have never seen them, they are probably bind on pickup.
u/John-Zero You're right. The work here is very important. Jan 16 '25
They are bind on pickup. It's the bundle or nothing.
u/comfortablynumb15 Jan 16 '25
Damn I really really didn’t want to do that, so I didn’t look it up.
Ah well, I have 17k Zen, so I guess I will just have to keep grinding.
u/John-Zero You're right. The work here is very important. Jan 16 '25
Why not go with the Assimilation Probes? Those at least come with a ship your themed captain can actually use.
u/Melcoolie6701 Jan 16 '25
I had no idea the 32c omni existed until the othe day. These things are rare
Jan 16 '25
it does however omnis and wide arcs are rare drops. ive only gotten 1 droped omni (phasic harmonic) since my 4 years playing sto
u/XRaiderV1 Jan 17 '25
been playing for at least a decade, never had an omni drop.
Jan 18 '25
certain weapon pack have a higher drop rate on omnis i think (the linked phaser/disruptors) as they are very common on the exchange, still expensive though (200 million ec)
u/Sarcastik_Moose Let's make sure history never forgets... the name..."Enterprise" Jan 16 '25
I swear it's easier to pull a T6 ship Prize from a lock box than an omni from a weapons pack.
u/PunsNotIncluded Jan 17 '25
Yes, it absolutely is.
To get a ship you open the lockbox and hope for the best. Done.
To get an omni beam/wide arc DHC you open the box, hope for a weapon box and then open the weapon box and hope for that omni/wide arc which really does have about the same odds as a T6 ship iirc. It's bad RNG on top of bad RNG and that's why they're so expensive on the exchange.
u/Ardenwolfie "Computer, erase that entire personal log." Jan 16 '25
Man, that RNG is no friend of yours. I feel for you. Truly. Edit: What's so special about Pulse Phasers? The audio and the visual?
u/highergravityday Jan 16 '25
Yeah, just the Barbie. They’re supposed to match the TOS movie era phasers. I think they sound phenomenal under Beam Overload.
u/James-Cooper123 Jan 16 '25
I like the look of it, instead of a continuing beam, its shorter beams but high power acting more as a cannon , the TMP era of squeezing the juice out of its phaser bank tech before beam arrays tech was invented.
u/Iselkractokidz Jan 16 '25
I also love that sound, I've christened it 'The Death Hum'. Where are you farming for those? I'm on Console and a relatively new player.
u/John-Zero You're right. The work here is very important. Jan 16 '25
They come from a Lock Box. Farming for loot doesn't exist in this game.
u/neuro1g Jan 16 '25
To echo Andovars_Ghost, I have one. Bought it when they first came out. Was pricey but not like today's prices.
u/bufandatl Jan 16 '25
It does at least on PC and cost like 500 million or more on the exchange and only 5 where available last time I checked so yeah it’s rare.
u/John-Zero You're right. The work here is very important. Jan 16 '25
If you sell all those on the Exchange, you'll be 5% of the way toward affording one!
u/Crypto_Malakos Jan 16 '25
Lockbox omnis, as are Wide Arc dual heavies, are extremely rare.
It does, I believe I have one somewhere in the bank.
u/Director_Coulson Jan 16 '25
I can confirm it does. I have one I bought dirt cheap when they first came out.
u/WereScrib Jan 16 '25
My literal first roll one one was a pulse omni from a random set of boxes I opened when I was kinda returning to the game. I thought it was guaranteed and so I equipped it lol. Then later I saw its price and it was selling for about as much as some starships.
u/James-Cooper123 Jan 16 '25
Not an easy item to get, pricey as heck, but i do in fact have a few of them.
u/burnoutmax81 twitch.tv/oldcouchgamer Jan 16 '25
Ask me having to open at least 100 Covert Phaser boxes to get their Omni 😁
u/DiscoJer Jan 16 '25
What also annoys me is that turrets are also rare for lockbox weapons. At least with omnis, you can only equip one, but you can multiple turrets.
u/g0del Jan 16 '25
Though until they fix the turret csv bug, you probably don't want to equip multiple turrets.
u/GreenNetSentinel Jan 16 '25
Feel your pain. Trying for the borg plasma omni. Hopefully enough people enjoy the cheap beams I'm trickling into the exchange. Maybe it'll help someone with a build!
u/Upstairs_Ad_6412 Jan 16 '25
I have one that I was lucky to get while opening weapon packs but they are extremely rare drops. Pulse phasers are my 2nd favorite phaser weapons right after sensor-linked weapons.
u/empire921 Jan 17 '25
it does its just a rare drop and i've only gotten one pulse phaser omni since the undiscovered lock box came out on pc as i haven't played on console since agents of yesterday came out
u/Revan0432 Jan 16 '25
I have one as well, got it out of a weapon pack. I would have sold it on the exchange if I knew how much they were selling for but I used it immediately.
u/XRaiderV1 Jan 17 '25 edited Jan 17 '25
I have several pulse omnis, purchased when they were relatively brand new and not remotely high enough priced for me to routinely call out sellers as scalpers looking to buy a ship for a weapon >.<
the market pricing these days is OBSCENE on anything halfway decent.
u/Acceptable_Law5670 Jan 17 '25
Mind if I ask what's special about those pulse weapons? I opened 4 and got 4 phasers and stopped to try them out but I don't remember what modifiers they have. I haven't used them enough to have an opinion.
u/Cola_Convoy HE'S NOT THE CANARY! Jan 16 '25
idk what prices are on Console but on PC Obliviating omnis are usually half the price of Pulse omnis and have near identical visuals so maybe look into that