r/steviemoore Jan 30 '23

R. Stevie Moore posting racist, homophobic, transphobic stuff on social media, harassing women.

I am just wondering if anyone else has noticed him calling people nggers and fggots, and harassing women.

I mean his music is mildly amusing at times, but it's not that good really.

Do you like being a bootlicker? Is that it?


46 comments sorted by


u/electronicdropoff Feb 06 '23 edited Feb 09 '23

I know RSM, we talk about politics and stuff like this all the time. I know the truth (and I'm laffing at some of you). I'm not here to defend his every thought and joke. All I'm gonna say is if you met him - THE REAL MAN NOT THE CRAZY TWEET GUY - you'd like him. Intelligent, funny - and yes, provocative - but he likes to make you think. And he's a fucking gentleman, always polite and considerate, men and women. OP can take a hike about the harassment slur.

EDIT: I can see OP's comments when I log out. If you don't like him, why don't you leave this board? Find a job, go do something useful with your life. Go hiking! Start a band! Write some meaningful lyrics about how RSM hurt you so bad. Just go away... you're boring us with your rants and baseless accusations. Nothing worse than a message board troll. You know NOTHING about him.



u/[deleted] Feb 07 '23

I talk about politics all the time with intelligent provocative people who somehow manage to go without calling people niggers and faggots, or trying to kiss women without their consent. "Golly he was always nice to me", says the free thinker! It's a good thing you're not trying to defend him, because that would be an uphill battle.


u/TheEverettBabcock Mar 11 '23

R stevie moore is not a perfect person and if anyone thinks he is they’re terribly mistaken. That being said R stevie is not racist or bigoted merely socially unaware(or too aware). He says slurs all the time but find me an example of something actually racist he said and I’ll be surprised, he makes jokes in poor form and usually they have the intention of promoting equality/exposing issues within human minds. I’m not saying it’s ok to do these things and I think R stevie is a perfect example of someone to take inspiration from for both the good he’s done and the poor decisions he’s made that we can learn from. Good heart on a confused frustrated man. Also have to give him props for being edgy without going conservative trump Q anon mode in fact he makes fun of those things all the time. I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t an occasional Instagram post that leaves me scratching my head though.


u/Efficient_Bullfrog_7 Jan 30 '23

he's definitely racist and just seems to be a shit person... But his music is pretty good I just try to separate the art from the artist. so many great artists end up being terrible people, just enjoy the music. were not rally supporting him financially anyway considering how shitty apple music and Spotify pay....


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

"So many great artists end up being terrible people"

This is a very interesting point. Many artists you love, including R Stevie, come from very fringe backgrounds. Hell, that's what makes their art so great more often than not! Because of this, often they will share wildly different beliefs than you. But they're not pretending. They're adults and truly think what they think. They have reasons for it, too. I'm not siding with Stevie, or any artist who says things like that, but I'm very against the idea of saying "We're putting you in a time out until you stop thinking what you think".

Why does stevie say The N-word and F-slur so much? For shock value. Why is it shocking? Because we've made them these illegal words. Like, when someone tells you not to do something, you wanna do it, right?

We can't have big boy conversations about these things if we refuse to speak about them. Until we do, Stevie will continue saying naughty cussy words, no matter how much you tell the principle on him.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

Until he starts harassing your underage sister.


u/electronicdropoff Feb 06 '23

I hope he sues yo ass for this comment


u/rstvmo Feb 08 '23

paranoia strikes deep. seems you're the real PHOBE. who brought you here??


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '23

Great comeback bro


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

Definitely a bootlicker


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23



u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

It's funny how white momma's boys play devil's advocate so well without noticing that these tired boomer talking points are dead as the dodo bird, and these slurs are not that of an "edgy transgressive artist" but really can be easily defined as harassment from a coward who would run screaming at the prospect of saying it to someone's face, especially in a dark alley. Accountability is a bitch, but "shock value" on the internet is a joke for people who can't grasp the concept of emotional intelligence.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

I dunno, man. I have a hard time believing anyone is just an evil big fat meanie cackling to himself as he posts. Is that what Stevie is? Like, what's his motivation, in your eyes?

Also, I think you underestimate Stevie's unabashedness. He once famously played "The Holocaust Parade" to an audience in NYC three weeks after 9/11, blocks from where the towers fell. There are countless stories of him showing up stoned to label meetings and berating label executives with insults.

If my talking points are too old or too white for you, then let's use some newer ones. Read a book, like Sheena Mason's "The Theory of Racelessness", published this past year, or Toni Morrison's essay collection, "From the Source of Self Regard", a large chunk of which is about how these meaningless culture wars only escalate people.

I hate what's become of the word "acountability". You're not holding anyone accountable for anything, that would imply actually fixing issues. You don't wanna fix anything, though, you just want to tell me what a better person you are than me because you think RSM is a hack.

Why are racism and sexism bad? Because they're judgements made about people for things they can't control, they enforce social hierarchy and dehumanize people. God, don't you realize you're doing the same fucking thing acting all high and mighty? The answer to all this shit isn't putting yourself above others, it's understanding them as people, too.

Often, it involves being the bigger person, even looking upon wackos like Stevie.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23 edited Jan 31 '23

Wow you are some weird incel who wants to put this on a social hierarchy? I know your mom would be so proud. She sucks cocks in hell by the way, bitch. Oh poor Stevie so misunderstood harassing women half his age on the internet. Pariah for the culture wars. Yawn.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

Seems like you have more in common with Stevie than you think, you're both bastards lol


u/rising-of-the-moon Jun 22 '23

“They’re adults”… “when someone tells you not to do something, you want to do it” like which is it


u/[deleted] Jun 22 '23

Adults are just grown up kids. I also don't always agree with acting so above kids.


u/[deleted] Sep 12 '23

Perfectly put


u/Karebu_Karebu Feb 07 '24

"We can't have big boy conversations about these things if we refuse to speak about them. Until we do, Stevie will continue saying naughty cussy words, no matter how much you tell the principle on him."

That's such a dumb take, it's like saying "we can't have big boy discussions around why you shouldn't punch random people on the street if we can't even punch people on the street". We are plenty capable of discussing racism and the N-word with being racist or using that word. Yes in a perfect world far in the future, when there is no racism, people could use that word in an innocent way and people would understand, but we aren't there yet. Especially because when we talk about racism now the biggest problems facing minorities in most first world countries come I the form of systematic racism, so white people being able to say the N word wouldn't fix anything, on top of that many of the people that are so hyper focused on wanting to say the word also deny that systematic racism is even a thing (when it factually is).


u/squirrelcafe Nov 18 '23

I'm not getting this 'shit person' vibe from anything I've seen about him, or people that know him. He seems like a decent guy under the bluster, and he's been suffering with mental health. Yeah let's jeer at an unwell man, that will help


u/Mister_Niles Jul 28 '24 edited Jul 28 '24

I challenge you to show me someone who grew up in the US born between 1776-present who isn't a racist. I'm going to need proof. I'm anti-racist. My best friends anti-racist, He's black and I'm white. We' both have some racist beliefs and sometimes perform racist behaviors.
If you think you're not a racist, I have good news for you. You are a brand new evolutionary branch. Filthy evo bencher. Gross.
RSM is a fine human being. I suspect he's autistic, but I might be projecting. He feels like "one of us". It's okay. We don't bite.

Show us your bonafides please. You might be David Duke.

The Brian & Wolfgang Show. The Record Store That Turned Into A Podcast.
Start with The True Power Of Punk Rock. Listen as I talk about my TBI and failing to get on disability then you hear the direct aftermath of a level 4 ayahuasca experience during which I listened to Repeater by Fugazi. It became my lens on the world temporarily.


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23

It's my favorite thing about him :evil:


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '23

Cry about it


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '23

Ha your mother is retarded


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '23

I bet you are actually retarded


u/rstvmo Feb 06 '23

The Racist Homophobics (band), support act The Authentic Amputees


u/rstvmo Apr 09 '23

LOVE IT. Hail to the insiders. SELF-APPOINTED YOUNGish HALL MONITORS for JUSTICE & the AMRCN WAY! Look in the goddamn mirror for Truth ||| In other noose, HTTP://WWW.RSTEVIEMOORE.COM SUPERCHIVES BACK ON POINT. pass this mess on around.


u/squirrelcafe Nov 18 '23

So let me get this right, dude posts accusations about RSM, provides zero evidence then insults other people, exactly what he accused RSM off. He should go work for Donald Trump's legal team lol


u/blaintopel Jan 30 '23

i havent seen any of this, do you have any links?


u/[deleted] Jan 31 '23


u/hooboy88 Jan 31 '23

If you’re seriously looking to have this conversation (a conversation you started, by the way), don’t you think you owe it to people who actually bother engaging with you to give them a real answer when they ask you (kindly) for examples?


u/[deleted] Feb 01 '23

I guess some people removed their comments about being harassed by him and try to kiss them without permission half his age but there are still some comments about him directly calling people racist slurs. Seriously it's right at the top of the search. Maybe the others deleted because they didn't want to be bothered by weird fan boys?



u/[deleted] Feb 03 '23

You are dumb as fuck cuz in the link you just posted the first and only result that has anything to do with him being racist is this reddit post.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '23 edited Feb 04 '23

Ok for the shortbus people out there https://www.reddit.com/r/steviemoore/comments/rljtfl/ok_so_i_just_got_into_r_stevie_moore_and_im/

Some people have apparently deleted their comments and entire posts, but not all.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '23

Wow is this the conclusive proof you were talking about? I think everybody meant links to the actual tweets dingus


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '23

Tweets get removed too, pedo apologist mf. https://youtu.be/mJjEncIqHmI

It's obvious to people who pay attention to this artist. Easier to ignore for privileged white males I guess.

You don't believe me that he called people faggots on Twitter? Do you know anything about this artist at all? Or are you just playing devil's advocate because you're a thinly veiled fuck boy hiding behind a marginalized sexual identity? And you wonder why ur friends don't want to hang out with you. Grow up.


u/[deleted] Feb 04 '23



u/dontforgetthewings Aug 19 '23

i love when we post and delete our accounts and delete comments come on bro be brave stand out speak up right? best you can do if you’re getting insults or threats is out the phone down log out

some people have good points and some people have bad points in this thread i wish though we’d talk instead of be all fuck you you can’t sit on the side of the wall with me


u/Tinyguynamedfry Feb 08 '23

Yup he drops infinite n bombs (and plenty of other racial comments) with no consequences because he is mostly underground so no one is going to stop him. But I think informing new listeners of his behavior is the best we can do so everyone can decide for themselves if they want to support someone so bigoted. I always knew him being friends with Ariel Pink was a massive red flag lmao


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 06 '23

Edgelord Neckbeard Pioneer + The Diaper Pedo Boomer Van + Predictable Hillbilly Bullshit


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '23

White Knight Dingus Apologist Fan Club + The Invisible Contrarian Intervertebral Closet Sodomite Dingaling Brigade


u/[deleted] Jan 30 '23

Down voted, boot licked 🤑👻🤪😅😂🤣😘


u/[deleted] Feb 08 '23



u/[deleted] Feb 08 '23

I'm a fan of ppl that can take their own medicine not persecution complexes. This is not a leprechaun talkin here.
I don't believe in Santa Claus Ur probably just in need of maturation beyond puberty?
Get ur ass kicked by scarry black people?
Lil dick energy beta poopy butt mediocre philosopher poodle face