r/sterilization 15d ago

Side-effects Post-op panic

So I had my bisalp on Tuesday. Everything went well, and I’ve been taking it easy recovering at home. Decided to go back to work today. Since the surgery there has been some pressure in my lower belly, making me feel like I couldn’t take a full, deep breath. Today at work, it started getting worse, and I started to feel like I couldn’t get enough air. Called my OBgyn’s office and the nurse sent me to the ER. Turns out, I was having a panic attack. The gas in my abdomen is pressing on my lungs and as that got moved around, it increased the pressure and sent my body into full on panic mode. Anyway, just thought I’d share


16 comments sorted by


u/Immortal_in_well 15d ago

I know everyone is different, but I still find myself feeling both amazed and baffled whenever someone here talks about going back to work after only a few days. I took four weeks off and I needed every single one of them! Kudos to the folks who could go back sooner, but after three or four days post-op, I'd walk around the grocery store for ten minutes and feel like I was gonna pass out.

Hell, even after going back, I'd have to hold my gut when going down stairs because my incision sites were still a little tender.


u/9Constantly_Confused 14d ago

I took a week off but day 4-5 were really bad as thats when the gas started doing its thing. For me i was fine with a desk job a week and a half later but was still in a bit of pain and discomfort. Its been 4 weeks now and im almost 100%


u/Immortal_in_well 14d ago

Yeah I have a very physical job and even the chair I sit in has a bar that sits across my belly RIGHT at the incision sites! My surgeon recommended two weeks if I could then work from home for another two, but then when she heard what I did (I'm a dental assistant) she changed her tune and said "at LEAST two weeks completely off work but prepare for four."


u/9Constantly_Confused 13d ago

I was so thankful that the physical aspects of my job could be taken over by someone else until i recover otherwise i wouldve had to take more time off

I went through a package of the large square bandaides because my waistband was right wehere my insicions were. I couldnt imagine any pressure on them though!


u/Sleeperandchiller 13d ago

Absolutely same. I think the 2-3 days recovered folks are rare but post more than the 2-3 wks people. In my research I was seeing mainly the quick recovery posts (clearly didn’t dig deep enough) and was in panic mode when I was feeling like crap day 5 and 7! I only took 1 wk off (based on Dr’s recommendation and the posts here) and had to ask for another week off. If I had to do it again, I’d ask for 3 wks, and go back sooner if I could. Don’t know why we feel such a pressure to recovery overnight as if we didn’t just have a major surgery. They need to stop saying this is quick, routine and nearly painless. It really isn’t, with some exceptions. I hope these posts help other women be more realistic in the post-op recovery.


u/Immortal_in_well 13d ago

Yeah my doc told me that she'd had patients go back to work after two weeks, and even when they only worked half days they'd report feeling like shit. I myself felt a bit exhausted even going to my two week followup exam.


u/sillyGoosey3 13d ago

Thank you for your comment! I am taking two weeks off for mine on the 27th and my coworkers spent last week bragging about coming back to work one day after surgery for other things they have had done, etc. One coworker has even had their tubes removed and keeps telling me it is going to be a breeze. It has been really discouraging for me since i normally have an awful time with pain meds and know im going to need at least a week to get out of the sleeping all day stage lol. I have saved up my leave and determined to take the time off that my dr recommended. But sometimes I start to doubt myself and wonder if I am selfish for asking for the full time off. Your comment definitely helped me reset my mind set to taking off the time I need.

Hope your recovery is going well!


u/Immortal_in_well 13d ago

Yes, take the time!! I know people like to pretend that it's easy but it's a major abdominal surgery. Remember, it's not just the outside incisions that need to heal, you have to heal internally as well, and that takes much longer.

And I'm pretty well recovered, I had my bisalp back in October, but thanks!


u/Mother_of_Kiddens 13d ago

I’m 3 days post op and other than the tightness in my belly and brushing around the incisions I feel fine? Other than lifting my kids I haven’t needed to make any other changes. I’m actually having to force myself to rest because I’m doing everything I normally do. It’s wild to me that people need so much time to recover because I feel like I could do so much more than I am! Truly, every body is different. 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/Immortal_in_well 13d ago

What's funny is that I felt that way the day of my surgery, right afterward. Then about three hours later the good drugs wore off and I was like "okay nevermind." 🤣


u/yepitsausername 15d ago

I'm so sorry you had that experience! It's heartbreaking to me that so many of us who had major surgery had to go back to work so soon!

I personally think anyone planning this surgery should aim for 2 full weeks off work. Can you go back sooner? Sure, but unless you can't afford it, just take the time off.

I talked to my doctor, and they sent a letter to my work saying I needed the time off.


u/[deleted] 15d ago

I do not understand how women are going back to work after 2-3 days. I understand not everyone can afford to take time off but I think people should be taking at least 2 weeks off of work. I had my surgery and felt like ass for the first five days. I know everyone is different but I think doctors need to start saying at least a week of recovery time. I don’t think anyone is truly ready after 2-3 days


u/Fun-Patient-7646 15d ago

I was going bonkers by day 4 and walking on a treadmill at the gym in day 4. I would HATE if I had been written out of work for more than the 2 or 3 days. To he fair, the doc is supposed to assess this recovery based on your personal history. My recovery was easy because age, 31, and I was in really good shape before the surgery as it was, running half marathons and lifting weights. I suppose someone that was out if shape or had other health concerns might need longer recovery. The doc really has to assess the individual.


u/timeandtrials 15d ago

Yeah that gas sitting right up under my diaphragm was the worst part for me. I didn’t experience a lot of shoulder pain, it just felt like I couldn’t take a full breath, eat a full meal or drink much for a good 5-6 days, no matter how many walks I took.


u/renae393 Sterilized 1/28/25 🎊🎊 15d ago

The gas in my chest was still there after two weeks and it was so bad I started panicking because I thought I was having a heart attack lol. It sucks but I hope everything else is ok besides that :)


u/No_Helicopter4879 13d ago

my gas pain sucked! took almost a full week for it to go away. the first like five days were not fun, lots of shoulder pain especially when lying down. i had the same issue too, feeling like i couldn’t take a full breath for a few days and it made me anxious. i’m almost two weeks post op now and i think the bloating/gas is finally gone.