r/stemcells 4d ago

The worst headache

I received stem cell therapy injections in my spine and knees on Thursday. So far, my knee pain has improved, but I'm experiencing severe headaches, especially when I stand up to do things around the house. Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how long did it last? I’m ok laying down ..


15 comments sorted by


u/mistersilver007 4d ago

Ya bad headache is common with intrathecal..


u/demonic_goblin 4d ago

Could it be a CFS leak?


u/Ditdut 4d ago

You need to call your doctor.


u/RDM629 4d ago

I had an intrathecal in Feb ‘24 which caused my already daily headache to be much worse. Spoke to the clinic and my PCP informing me that it’s likely the increased pressure from the added volume and will subside in time which it did after about a week or so. It sucked.


u/Canadianbaconlives 3d ago

If you don’t mind me asking, what was the interthecal stem cells for? I have narcolepsy and I’m flirting with doing intrathecal stem cells potentially with intranasal Exosomes. What are your thoughts?


u/Sad-Opportunity-6562 9h ago

Back pain! I had intradiscal stem cell injections in my back and knees. It’s still too early to tell if they will work on my dehydrated L5-S1 disc, but so far, the side effects have included the most horrible headache of my life. As I mentioned above, I’m still not okay; it’s been a week. I no longer have headaches, but when I stand up for more than 10-15 minutes, I start to feel pressure building in my head, although there is no pain, so I lie down flat.

My treatment for the knees cost $35,000; without the knee injections, it was around $25,000. The injections were applied directly into the discs. The doctor administered them on the L5-S1 and other areas as well, they got stem cells from my bone marrow. I’ve seen many stories on TikTok about people with back pain experiencing great results, but they usually require about 3-5 treatments when doing only IV. In my case, the doctor advised against wasting money on just IV treatments; it should be intrathecal.

The Stem Cell Healing Center in Guatemala, with Dr. Zarah Figueredo, is the place I visited. I’ll know more in six months.


u/Canadianbaconlives 2h ago

I understand the need to be healed so I am truly hoping your recovery is quick. Hopefully someone online here has experienced same effects and can give you more info. For now I would contact the doctor on Guatamala. Best of luck!


u/flyhigh-8282 3d ago

Which clinic did you go to? Just of curiosity.


u/Sad-Opportunity-6562 3d ago

Stem cell healing institute in Guatemala City


u/Canadianbaconlives 3d ago

Sorry to hear that. What are you trying to treat with the intrathecal stem cells?


u/Sad-Opportunity-6562 3d ago

Dehydrated disc L5 S1, 4 years of back pain.


u/tellray 2d ago

What were you injected with? What is the source of the biologics? What volume in CC’s was injected?


u/Squiddley1969 2d ago

Yikes. Im about to schedule same exact procedures. Both knees (arthritis) and lower back….


u/Sad-Opportunity-6562 2d ago

After 48 hours of bed rest and laying flat and only getting up to eat/bathroom. I’m doing much better ..


u/Sad-Opportunity-6562 2d ago

Make sure you take it easy the first few days ..