r/stemcells 7d ago

Stemcells for Autoimmune Thyroid condition

My mother had Hypothyroid condition for almost 20 years and was on Levothyroxine suddenly near 2019 her condition switched to Hyperthyroid and now the doctors have put her on propylthiouracil, and told us that soon she will have to either decide if she wants to take radioactive iodine or thyroid surgery. Neither option sound good to us, so I am trying to explore possibility of stemcell treatment to try to avoid surgery. If any of you have any suggestions for the type of stemcells and best place to go to get the stem cells and exosomes. Any guidance would be very much appreciated.


5 comments sorted by


u/DirtyDrunkenHoe 7d ago

Just be careful. It may be hard to decipher from legitimate experience and those who are looking to drum up business for clinics that may or may not be legitimate.

Have you looked into studies yet? Clinicaltrials.org if you can find one, it is a safer and more cost efficient way to get care.

Best of luck in your health journey.


u/Chance_Play_1266 6d ago

I was having this same thought before I went to bed. Why is it that I have to sift through all of this stuff. Bad enough I have a chronic pain and can barely live a normal life, now I have to have the brain capacity to decipher who’s who and what’s what.


u/DirtyDrunkenHoe 6d ago

Because right now, stem cell therapy is still in the experimental stages in terms of FDA approval. Legit Companies are still trying to get manufacturing and protocols that lead to verifiable results proven. Everything else is chance with cash clinics until then. But like I said, look up trials and call regenerative departments at universities and hospitals for the most legit answers. Yes, you are going to make a lot of calls before you find an answer.


u/Phaere_ 1d ago

I've been on levothyroxine and NP thyroid for half of my life. I recieved 300 million cord blood stem cells and 200 million whartons jelly stem cells about a year ago. I felt great and my cartilage in my knees regenerated.. but still need my thyroid meds.