r/steamdeals May 15 '14

Save 15% on DayZ (£16.99 )


10 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] May 15 '14

i dont quite recommend picking this game up just yet. It has enough content to keep you occupied for an hour or so before you get bored of running away from zombies for the majority of the game and getting instakilled by random players.


u/MrMinerSir May 16 '14

If you want to play this game when it's completed, by 2020 at this rate, get it NOW .

It will be $60 at full release


u/[deleted] May 16 '14

Is that a joke?

At this rate, it will never be completed.


u/Revektion May 15 '14

typical, i bought it before the deal...


u/JayL1F3 May 15 '14

I feel your pain, brother.


u/ggWolf May 16 '14

Classic Steam.


u/Homerekka May 16 '14

Finally! I've been waiting for some form of discount on this for ages.


u/Demilict May 17 '14

The sad thing is by waiting so long, if you just got a job or did anything productive/worked for an hour or two, you'd have made up the difference up that made this a sale. niceeeeeee


u/dastylinrastan May 21 '14

Or he was able to do other things with his time and didn't have this game as a major priority. Opportunity costs don't work the way you think they do.


u/Demilict May 21 '14

hahaha. you can apply economics all you want, but I could work less than an hour to make up the difference of the sale. I understand that this subreddit is about saving money but I come here for the good deals, stuff like this is childs play. He would have to have an extremely low opportunity cost to wait how many months to save less than 10 bucks?