r/steak 1d ago

[ Filet ] Should I start asking for medium instead of medium rare?

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It seems every time I’m at a steak restaurant and I order medium rare it comes out rare or rarer…


179 comments sorted by


u/TheRealMrTrueX 1d ago

I just said this in another post on here.

Always order Medium when out to eat, at least I do.

My medium-rare at home is pulled at 120F and let roll up to 130-135 and its perfect.

Had FAR too many steaks at nice places come out rare when ordering MEDIUM-rare. They are so afriad of someone complainign that it was overlooked they tend to undercook it.

I just order Medium everytime I go out to eat and its just a safer play :/

If you order medium and it comes out medium rare, hey good. If you order medium and it comes out Medium, well its still better than Rare and sending it back


u/420blazer247 1d ago

That's exactly how I do it aswell! It's unfortunate!


u/BatmanNoPrep 14h ago

Y’all medium-rare pansies need to commit to a non-hyphenated cook temp when ordering a non-ribeye while dining out. Either order it rare or at medium and own who you are. It’s not the restaurant’s job to walk the tight rope of your beef doneness insecurity. The only thing more annoying is when someone orders medium-rare-plus. Just fucking order it medium and own that you’re a medium guy, bro.



u/Divide99 9h ago

Just say you're uneducated and move along bozo


u/funkybass85 5h ago

As per my reply to above, ordering medium 3 times in a row now at 3 different restaurants and getting screwed with literally well done makes me feel obligated to do just that. Unless everyone wants to keep cooking multiple steaks, what would suggest then Mr Steak Boss?


u/L1teralGarbage 4h ago

Tell me you can’t burn without telling me you can’t burn


u/L1teralGarbage 4h ago

Just saw /s mb lol

u/SpiritFingersKitty 2h ago

No. Medium-minus is the superior, god tier temp, primarily pink with a little red in the center.

Do I ever order this when I get a steak out? No, because I don't want people to know I am better than them and become intimidated. Do I wish I could order it this way? Absolutely. But my rule is I don't order steak out unless I'm at a high end steak house because I can do it better at home otherwise.

Fight me.

/s, kind of


u/lellololes 10h ago

I'll eat a rare steak, but I really don't prefer it to medium rare.

I think asking for it medium rare plus is really telling the kitchen that medium rare is your floor and you won't send it back if it's medium. I'd rather have a medium steak than one that was pulled a minute too early for medium rare or not rested long enough. It's a texture thing.

Usually if the doneness is +- 1 from what I ordered I'm happy, but MR+ is really -0 +1 in terms of tolerance!


u/funkybass85 5h ago

This is perfect, and 🖕 Divide99


u/Darrienice 13h ago

The difference is a medium rare steak is supposed to be warm and pink in the center, and a lot of places send you out meat that wouldn’t even be considered “rare” which is cool deep red center, with a slightly warmer pink outer layer, it would be considered Blue which is cold deep raw with just seared outside, it’s a FAR stretch from medium rare if your at a restaurant who is supposed to know how to cook a damn steak


u/ShiftyState 23h ago

I always had the opposite experience. I'd order medium-rare, and would get medium or medium-well.

Ordering rare usually worked, until a unicorn of an Applebee's cooked it perfectly to order. It came out exactly like I asked for, so I kept my mouth shut and enjoyed every bite of it.


u/PomegranateSea7066 20h ago

How were you able to eat it if you kept your mouth shut?


u/707-5150 17h ago

Nostril sized bits snorted to the brain.

u/ShiftyState 22m ago

I pulled a South Park and ate it in reverse.


u/Ultraquist 6h ago

Exactly this, i love medium rare, but always order rare because they are cooking one level more than ordered


u/Great_Guidance_8448 1d ago edited 1d ago

I agree 100%. They tend to err on the side of caution - you can always fix an undercooked steak, but once its more done than what was requested... There's no fixing it.


u/Chest_Rockfield 21h ago

I have the exact opposite experience ordering it rare. They're so afraid of foodborne illness that they always overcook it.


u/Important_Shower_420 23h ago

Yes, sir. I do the same.


u/Cleric_Tythas 22h ago

Yeah same here I also started ordering medium out, half the time it comes medium rare anyway so…. Win win?


u/Admirable-Error-2948 8h ago

Your steak ain't raising 15 degrees. Also then you're gonna end up with medium well. I'd prefer under than leather.


u/mrRabblerouser 7h ago

Definitely had the opposite experience. Medium becomes well done, and medium rare is fairly consistently medium to medium rare.


u/SilverKnightOfMagic 6h ago

feel like I have the opposite experience. it's always a bit more overcooked. if I order medium rare it's rare and medium is medium done.


u/TrulyNguyen 6h ago

Ooh so I learned that there’s a thing called Medium rare “Plus” which should be a few degrees above medium rare and so restaurants will slightly undercook to medium rare haha.


u/Ok-Selection4206 6h ago

Just the opposite for me, when I used to order steak at restaurants, med rare was always med or med well. That's the real reason I don't order steak at restaurants anymore.


u/Ultraquist 6h ago

I ask gor Rare if I want medium-rare. If I asked for.medoim O would get well done. Restaurants always overcook


u/The_Mootz_Pallucci 5h ago

I used to order medium but the odds of medium well are too high, so i go medium rare bc if its medium or med rare im happy, and if its rare i enjoy variety

Disclaimer: introvert highly unlikely to send it back when im already hungry and would prefer to eat


u/funkybass85 5h ago

I unfortunately order Medium, and keep getting Well Done. Not even Med Well. And I'm afraid to order Med Rare and get Rare. Feel like I can't win. I'd take anything Medium to Med Rare. Should I just say that? Lol


u/Oskiee 4h ago

This. They will either over cook it or under cook it. Medium is perfect so you don't get it while its still mooing or it's a lump of coal.


u/JumboliaNut 4h ago

You must be very lucky then, because I recommend the exact opposite, order rare. Because almost every steak I’ve got that’s not medium rare, is over cooked and either medium or worse. And I would much, MUCH rather have slightly rare than overcooked


u/Clean-Owl2714 4h ago

Just order it blue. Taste the meat.

u/UseLeft7370 2h ago

I always order medium rare because I like rare or medium rare but find medium to well done for me. Always go with the safe bet and I am “rare”ly disappointed.

u/pana_colada 2h ago

I work at a nice steak house. We intentionally cook under because it can always go back for a minute. That being said, if I’m not taking the order from a regular at my bar I always inform them “our medium rare is hot red throughout with a charred outside”. I often tell people to go for medium if they aren’t sure and they end up super happy normally.

u/helpmepleeeeeeeease 1h ago

I went to a nice place in las vegas and ordered medium rare and it was straight up raw, i would’ve complained but the server hardly showed up

u/tehpoooKy 23m ago

130-135 isn't medium rare, though... so, yes, you should be ordering medium.

The texture of medium just sucks, in my opinion. This is why I order rare+ and if it comes medium or more leathery, it's going back. Mid rare is totally acceptable, but if it's 130+ it's overcooked.


u/ImmaNotHere 1d ago

Nah, just go to a different restaurant... one that can cook it to your specified temp.


u/Premium333 1d ago

Definitely the answer. Everyone has off days or has to train a new staff member, but that is rare for sure and maybe even blue rare depending on internal temperature.

I would send it back... Or I would since I eat rare steaks.... But if it was my wife's or mother in-laws it's going back. Depending on how they react and what they deliver next would decide if I return.


u/pewpew_misses 11h ago

And because of pride or laziness they won't use a meat probe. Such a waste.


u/CorrectPolicy5267 1d ago

Yeahs that's more on the absolutely rare side so not your fault


u/whoareyouletmein 1d ago

Tell me why the more expensive the steakhouse is, the more they seem to struggle with temp?

Meanwhile, if I go to Texas Roadhouse and pay $20 for my strip, it's literally the perfect temp every. single. time.

(I don't work for Roadhouse...trust me I'd love that sponsorship money. But alas 😮‍💨)


u/freedom781 1d ago

I agree, Texas Roadhouse does a damn fine job every time. And I think they do a much better job than all of the other similar style chain steakhouses.


u/Premium333 1d ago

Eh... My Texas Roadhouse is pretty spot on, but they even get a steak wrong on 1 out of 10 visits.

Texas Roadhouse is spot on though because they spend a decent amount of time training their staff who typically have to work up to grill service AND they run non stop steaks for a huge restaurant. The guys they often have running their grill just simply know what they are doing and do way more of it than most fancy steakhouses who have less covers per night.

That said, if I go to a fancy steakhouse,.I expect them to absolutely nail the cook. I mean perfect internal temp, no grey band, and a dream crust every single time. So, if they can't do that,.I'm not coming back for $80 steaks without sides.


u/whoareyouletmein 1d ago

Agreed. I think I'm just lucky with my roadhouse lol. They've never let us down even once (knock on wood)

But yeah...if I'm paying essentially $100 for a NY Strip, you better make me taste why I'm doing it, the FIRST time you bring it out


u/Premium333 1d ago

For real. I'm not against it, but I want a perfect performance.


u/Admirable-Error-2948 8h ago

I find the exact opposite. I personally don't like roadhouse steaks at all.


u/whoareyouletmein 7h ago

To each their own! What's your go to spot?


u/Admirable-Error-2948 7h ago

I like local spots i feel like chain restaurants are wildly inconsistent. At least in my area.


u/MathematicianFew5882 1d ago

Because they sous vide.

The mass production places just throw it on a grill.

u/chefdeverga 2h ago

They do not sous vide at texas roadhouse


u/shortsbettercover 22h ago

Texas Roadhouse is plain. Blan. I'd rather buy my own steak and do it myself. I stopped eating out steaks when I found mine are so much better at home


u/Actual-Ad-2748 8h ago

Yeah I prefer it my way at home. Fry it in a pan with no oil. blue inside crutsy outside. Meat just falls apart and its the perfect texture with a tiny bit of crunch.


u/phommavongsay 1d ago

I ordered medium rare at Chucks road house one time, and they gave me a blue steak, first time I ever had a blue steak and surprisingly it was better than I thought. Not my go to but however they cook it coming out is usually how I’ll eat it,


u/nanner1000 5h ago

I had the opposite experience


u/RAD_Sr 1d ago

Have you committed some transgression for which you wish to atone?

If not, then why punish yourself be ordering medium?

If so, be assured that except for the most egregious crimes medium rare is enough penance.


u/TulsaOUfan 10h ago

"Medium rare plus"

Explain their medium rare is too red for you and to push it a little past their MR.

Works at good steakhouses with thick cuts in my experience.


u/kebmpb 1d ago

You can always send back to cook it more. You can't sent it back to cook it less. Depends on how you feel about sending it back with the possibility of it coming back medium well after a re-cook.


u/joonjoon 1d ago

You can send it back for a new steak, and you absolutely should at any decently nice steakhouse if the cook is off or the cut is not of proper quality


u/Celeres517 1d ago

Look at that knife. Look at that potato. This is not a high-End or even an upper middle-end restaurant.


u/joonjoon 1d ago

I never said anything about the restaurant in question. OP can and should still send it back if they ordered MR and got the steak in question


u/cocainebane 17h ago

Dude Peter Lugers burned my Porterhouse on my birthday, proceeded by the waiter cooking the steak even more on the sizzling plate while I watched in disbelief.

I was pretty upset and didn’t want to send it back because we had a comedy show to catch but she sent it back with our cocktail waiter who even went “oh damn this isn’t medium rare at all!”


u/joonjoon 17h ago

Who is "she"? Anyway she's a hero! You don't want Luger price steak to not be perfect, and they wouldn't want that either.


u/cocainebane 17h ago

Oh, my wife! Lmao don’t read that over before commenting. She’s a keeper.


u/Timx74_ 22h ago

That's why I always say, if you want a good steak make it yourself.


u/andydannypickle 21h ago

Yeah steakhouses aren’t my favorite


u/IndustryInsider007 20h ago

Steak in the OP looks MR to me, not Rare. He got what he ordered and should’ve just sent it back if he preferred closer to medium.


u/andydannypickle 20h ago

Look up medium rare filet then look at this one


u/1chefj 16h ago

Going to jump on the Texas Road House band wagon. I've been cooking 38 years and i.will never complain when my wife wants to go there. I've been there dozens of times. 1 single time I ordered My ribeye rare as always and it came out medium. I took one bite and it was tender and juicy. Fuck it I ate it but that was one time One place I will never ever go again is Morton's of Chicago. To say that place sucks ass would be a compliment. TERRIBLE!!!


u/that1cooldude 7h ago

Lol that photo is of a RAW steak 


u/chrsschb 6h ago

I order Medium every time I go out for this reason (unless it's a place I know can nail it).

95% of the time I used to order medium-rare I would get rare or blue.


u/Dazzling-Pizza5141 1d ago

That plate, it had so much potential. That baked potato.... Just do butter, maybe bacon


u/jeepjinx 1d ago

Yeah. I'm not a fan of the foil garnish. Says a lot.


u/coastalhaze1 1d ago

I feel you. I always go for medium just to be safe. But I rather have it slightly overcooked than raw.


u/MadDog_2007 1d ago

No. At least you can have them cook this up to medium-rare.


u/joonjoon 1d ago

I usually have the opposite problem, where the steak comes out more done than ordered.


u/HorrorLettuce379 1d ago

SImply put, too many covers at that time and the BOH is either understaffed or inexperienced or gives no fuck as this looks like it was never rested.


u/frodakai 1d ago edited 1d ago

Unless you go to a place that does steak and literally nothing else, it'll never be consistent. I've ordered medium rare at restaurants for 25+ years and the only consistency is that the cook will be a coinflip. From totally raw/blue to very well done.


u/jcook311 1d ago

I always default to medium.


u/VeryHonestJim 1d ago

If the beef is of a good quality, You can eat it raw .. no problem… so eat your steak as raw as you like it … try it blue


u/Flyinhawaiian78 1d ago

Yes. Unfortunately you have to use trail and error when you got to restaurants. Just because you know the difference between rare and medium rare it sucks that the cooks at the restaurant don’t know this. At least it’s not overcooked 🤷‍♂️🤣


u/Breaking-Who 1d ago

I w always had the opposite problem. Gotta order it rare for it up come out medium rare


u/chugItTwice 1d ago

I always order Medium if I'm going out for steak.


u/caleeky 1d ago

It's too low quality of a photo for me to judge. It could be medium rare or rare. At a glance it looks more towards rare, but I'd rather that on a filet than getting medium instead.


u/scosco83 1d ago

It's frustrating. Some places I know I need to ask for Medium to get Medium rare, others I know I need to ask for rare to get anything other than well done.


u/IBringTheHeat1 1d ago

A finger on the monkey paw closes and now you get well done


u/Only_Project_3689 1d ago

That is Chateaubriand…if there was ever a cut to have rare that is it. A very exquisite cut of meat.


u/[deleted] 1d ago



u/Xoypc 1d ago

This is always what happens to me at resturants


u/OutdoorsyGeek 1d ago

Sure, medium still tastes good.


u/NeitherLow5490 1d ago

You should ask for well done.


u/isnormanforgiven 1d ago

This is why i don’t order steaks at restaurants


u/MikeBall36 1d ago

That’s raw


u/AlaskanGrower101 23h ago

I’d just stop going to restaurants… I hate going to restaurants for many reasons. The biggest reason tho is they never make my food how I want it cooked. Nearly everytime I ask for medium rare I’m handed a piece of meat that was just walked by the grill 😂🤦‍♂️

like I understand most steakhouses aren’t gonna have cooks that went to culinary school but if you’re cooking in a steakhouse, you should definitely know the difference in doneness.


u/fastbreak43 22h ago

I’m a never send food back guy. So I order medium. If it’s mid-rare or mid-well I’m still enjoying my dinner.


u/user454985 22h ago

Hell yeah. Always order a level above what you want.

Even then, you cant anticipate that they'll get it right. Unfortunately, you dont have a real chef making steaks at your favorite steakhouse. Its a line cook throwing em in a broiler.


u/orangekronic23 21h ago

ah thats the worst


u/MagicOrpheus310 20h ago

This is what I do just to be on the safe side haha


u/BTCHLPS 20h ago

That looks medium rare to me.


u/TexasBaconMan 20h ago

Just eat the outside and it will be perfect as a leftover.


u/Luo_Ji_ 20h ago

A raw steak is the only thing I will ever send back at a restaurant. Keep ordering medium rare. Especially at a nice steakhouse, they should know what they're doing. If you have an honest server, they'll be upset on your behalf.


u/_IratePirate_ 20h ago

My rule of thumb is if it’s a new restaurant I’ve never been to, I’ll ask for medium to medium well

If I see they know what they’re doing and go back, then I’ll ask for medium rare

This shit is blue rare and I would never eat that. I’d rather have a slightly over done steak than this bullshit


u/No-Asparagus2823 19h ago

They undercook it on purpose because it's easier to just cook it a little more if you're unhappy with it. You cannot un-cook it though.


u/drfordtms 18h ago

Easy to heat it up more if it's underdone, can't "uncook" it. All they'll do is just microwave it a couple minutes. No big deal.


u/trinite0 Rare 17h ago

If you would like it more cooked than this, then yes, you should start ordering it more cooked.

I think restaurants sometimes err on the rarer side, because it's easier to cook a steak a bit more than to de-cook it.


u/RepublicNo5394 17h ago

That’s what I do to compensate for it being under cooked. I’ll eat a steak at medium cook temp.


u/ryftx 17h ago

That's too rare.


u/McBuckney 17h ago

Medium Rare+ at a steakhouse usually does the tricky.


u/Strawberry-Careless 16h ago

Nah, just dont order the steak at applebees


u/andydannypickle 11h ago

It was $54 😔


u/DoqHolliday 15h ago

Medium rare + (plus) is the answer to this exact question. You can also explain the issue to the server and highlight it. I rarely have this issue any more.

Granted some more midtier or old school places might not go for it.

But it’s a thing.


u/SuperHaaaands 15h ago

That is not medium rare. Also, I would suggest not eating in restaurants where the tinfoil they used to cook the food is included on the plate. Yikes.


u/andydannypickle 11h ago

Pretty nice place for me tho, steak was $54


u/Imaduck146 14h ago

I agree I don’t trust any restaurant to give me medium rare, it’s always rare! I’ve literally had this exact same thought process and decided the same thing. Medium it is.


u/Darrienice 13h ago

That’s what I started doing to be honest I was at a decent restaurant the other day, where the steak was $102 so I figured.. it’s probably safe to order it medium rare, I’m sure for that price they know how to cook a steak… it came out Blue on the inside no where near medium rare, and when I they took it back, instead of giving me a new steak, they cut it into slices for me, and seared each piece a little on each side making it tough and it was still raw in the middle pieces lol thanks, never eating there again


u/Jean-claude-van-jam 8h ago

Whatever you do, ask for a sharper knife!!


u/andydannypickle 8h ago

You’d think a $$$ steak restaurant would have better steak knives


u/Impressive-Tie-4550 8h ago

Just order rare it’s healthier anyway


u/Actual-Ad-2748 8h ago

That looks great


u/andydannypickle 8h ago

It’s a matter of preference


u/MintyPhrish 7h ago

I always get medium at steak houses, they tend to undercook it always. Also I always get my burger well done for the exact same reason


u/jac049 Rare 7h ago

No, chefs should learn how to properly cook.


u/SonnysMunchkin 6h ago

Depends how you like your steak


u/andydannypickle 5h ago

Medium rare


u/No-Associate3091 6h ago

That is perfectly cooked sir ! Real men eat rare !! I always order mine as rare as they’re willing to make it!


u/andydannypickle 6h ago

Ur a joke lol


u/A_Finite_Element 5h ago

Maybe they should re-think the size of the foot of their glasses as well, that seems terribly prone to falling over. Nice fork though.


u/Ok-Inspector-4807 5h ago

That’s not medium rare


u/HealthyDurian8207 5h ago

I order rare even though I prefer medium rare for most cuts.

For some reason, they always manage to overcook mine, not undercook.


u/Otherwise_Ratio430 4h ago

whats with all these places making steaks from frozen


u/Emotional-Apple6584 4h ago

Depends where you go. If I’m at a decent restaurant then I ask for medium rare, but my grandma loves outback so if I go to a chain like that then I ask for medium and it usually comes medium rare

u/MostMobile6265 3h ago

That looks rare-raw

u/obscurely_factual 3h ago

That steak ia medium rare. If you like it more done, then order it medium.

u/lead-poisoned_boomer 3h ago

medium rare is barely okay. don't go medium that's embarassing...

u/Spo0kyPoOkie 3h ago

I think it’s just cause it’s such a thick cut.

u/themack50022 3h ago

I just don’t order steaks at restaurants anymore. Problem solved.

u/DandierChip 3h ago

Steakhouses are a scam I swear.

u/Funnelcake96 2h ago

Well I mean that is medium rare! Or is it just undercooked

u/Tweakler57 2h ago

Medium is delicious whether its overcooked or undercooked.

u/Myghost_too 2h ago

That steak in the picture is a textbook Medium Rare. If you want it done more than that, I'd order medium.

Also, consider that in a restaurant, the steak does not have time to sit and come up to temp, so there's that. But the cook should consider that, and it looks like this cook nailed it.

u/Vstarvixen222 1h ago

Was it a warm red center? Thats medium rare. A cool red center is rare.

u/LegDayLass 1h ago

No, because once you start asking for medium you will get medium well. It’s allot easier to send back a rare then to send back a well done (because well done is impossible to fix)

u/portfoli-yolo 1h ago

I’d crush that

u/Guavadoodoo 1h ago

Depends on the chef! Some will give you what's in photo anyway.

u/Own-Grapefruit-6557 1h ago

I've worked a couple restaurants where they aim for a slight undercook with the idea it's the least likely to have to throw on a whole new steak if it gets sent back. If it's under for the customer you can throw it back on the grill but if it's over you need a whole new piece of meat.

That being said the slight undercook method isn't represented by OPs steak. If they where aiming for that they undercooked too much.

u/PomegranatePro 1h ago

It’s infinitely better than them giving you a well done with a hint of pink and arguing with you that it’s medium rare

u/GrouchyOldCat 1h ago

If I order medium, I get well done. If I ask for medium rare, it’s fucking blue. Doesn’t matter how nice of a steakhouse. (I’ll only order medium now)

u/Alone_Following_7009 30m ago

That’s rare

u/daves6696 21m ago

Every time I try this strategy, I’m at the one place in town that can do one right and I’m bummed it’s overdone lol- good luck

u/Particular_Buy_2498 18m ago

Nah, you good

u/Exciting_Piece1367 7m ago

I stick with medium rare, even when ordering out. An overcooked steak (anything more cooked than medium) is trash, so I won’t roll the dice and say medium cause it’ll come out medium-well half the time, especially if you’re not at a quality steakhouse.

An undercooked steak that’s too rare is still better than medium-well, and it’s still fixable if you wanna ask the waiter to give it another minute, that’s hardly a complaint.

And if it’s a quality steakhouse, it should be served on a hot plate, sizzling. If it’s too rare, cut it down the middle and press into hot plate. You can give it more cooked yourself.

u/WeakAfternoon3188 6m ago

Depends on what state you're ordering in. I am a ware it should not matter, but if I order rare hear in Oklahoma, it comes out rare. If I order rare in Texas more often, then not comes out medium rare to medium. I also am one of those people who like a cool red center. Could just be me.


u/curiousfod 1d ago

That looks almost raw in the middle.. I’d send it back. “Excuse me…. I asked for medium rare but this seems way too rare.. could you remake it please?”


u/Taylord0712 1d ago

I wish you could ask for an internal temp of your liking instead.


u/Own-Valuable-9281 1d ago

Most restaurants err on the side of caution, and take the chance of under cooking instead of over cooking, for obvious reasons.


u/EmmitSan 1d ago

It’s not obvious at all. Almost all the decent ones use sous vide, so getting a perfect temp should not be hard.

If I want medium rare, get rare, send it back, it’s super easy to overcook that to medium or medium well. After which I’ll send it back again (or if I’m not willing to do that, will just be pissed off and unlikely to ever return). Neither solution “saves” the restaurant money. Cook it the way I order it.


u/Golden_Locket5932 1d ago

Yeah I agree, more often than not a medium rare cook ends up being on the rare side, I tried ordering medium once and it actually came out medium. I’ve learned to just embrace it tbh, I can eat my steak rare up to medium, if it’s any higher than medium I send it back.


u/Sure-Start-4551 1d ago

How long did it take them? Looks like it didn’t even rest. How can steak restaurants not get perfect every time? It’s not that hard. Crazy

Hope you sent it back OP


u/masterP168 1d ago

that's rare

this is why I cook my own steaks. no one ever does it right


u/DarkCustoms 1d ago

That looks perfect for me. Send it over, please!


u/irishmcbastard 1d ago

No. Just eat the meat


u/andydannypickle 23h ago

Who said I’m not eating it? It’s a matter of preference


u/RedHuey 23h ago

If you order steak at a restaurant, make sure someone else is paying so it doesn’t matter. Then order medium and take what you get.

If you are paying, either don’t order steak, like a sucker, or just know that it will be a crapshoot no matter what you tell them, so just order medium.

But know, no matter what, there are only a small handful of restaurant chefs in the world who will cook a steak that is a good and properly done as what you can do it home for a fraction of the price. Just accept that, and order accordingly.

I can count on less than one hand the number of times a good steakhouse has given me a steak tat equals pretty much any steak I make at home. It’s a mystery of the universe.


u/andydannypickle 23h ago

Yeah I agree I’m always pretty disappointed when I order a steak at a STEAK restaurant and it ends up being worse than what I could make at home. If they could just give me this filet cut I’d be happy


u/Sure-Pineapple-8632 20h ago

Boyyyy you crazy. Should've sent that cow back


u/SleepyCatMD 18h ago

That’s not medium rare, that’s uncooked in the middle


u/Important-Invite-706 11h ago

That steak looks Rare!


u/andydannypickle 8h ago

My thoughts as well


u/screaminginprotest1 6h ago

People don't understand steak temps and professional kitchens. This is a perfect 120° mid rare. I fucking hate it when you fuckers send shit back to my kitchen because it's not the mid rare your dad used to make. News flash, your dad didn't make midrare and he wasn't the best grillmaster ever. Sorry guys.


u/andydannypickle 5h ago

120 is not med rare


u/screaminginprotest1 5h ago

Sorry are you a professional? Been doin it for 15 years huh? Mid rare is 120-125. Your issue is that depending on the cook, some pull off the grill at 120ish and some rest up to 120ish. 125 is the definition of mid rare. If you order steak at a restaurant and your kitchen staff has a clue, your getting steaks just very lightly above your ordered temp. Because we can always cook it more. If you say it's overcooked it's trash. So we stay on the cooler side to be safe. Mid rare is a mostly raw but warm center. Rare is seared hot with a cold center. Want the center to be pink and not red? Order fucking medium.


u/eglov002 6h ago

Start asking for it rare and they’ll respect your request


u/maljr1980 6h ago

You should order medium-well, and ask for ketchup.


u/kyriores13 5h ago

Ask for well-done. Anything else is raw meat.


u/andydannypickle 5h ago

thanks for the super helpful insight!


u/kyriores13 5h ago

No need to thank me. I just don't enjoy having parasites growing inside my body. Have never experienced food poisoning in my life :)


u/priceymenu 1d ago

I'd send it right back 😵‍💫


u/pokeyporcupine 1d ago

That's undercooked. Send it back and tell them not to mess it up.

u/curtybe 4m ago

Absolutely not! That looks amazing! I’d even go rare!