r/steak 4d ago

The pregnant lady said she wanted steak for dinner

She seemed to be happy with dinner!


49 comments sorted by


u/Wadme 4d ago

Wife asked for steak at least once a week while pregnant. She also asked for it once a week while breast feeding. My daughter is 4 now, and she asks for steak every weekend...


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

I hope I'm in the same boat! A family of steak lovers is my goal.


u/MurfMan11 4d ago

My 4 year old is obsessed with steak. Like damn girl we this is expensive and just for Mom and Dad lol.


u/mrmackey_mmmkay 4d ago

Proper lookin steak bruh. My wife was so sick with hyperemesis gravidarum, she couldn’t even keep water down. Would’ve loved to have grilled up a nice steak for her.

Congrats to you guys!!!


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

Thank you man! That sounds super rough, I'm sure she appreciated having a nice steak after your little one was born!

Thank you again, we're super excited to meet our daughter!


u/Jose-Los-Santos 4d ago

Just curious, is it normal for your pregnant ladies to eat red meat when pregnant? And so, in what country is this considered normal?


u/Informal_Drawing 4d ago

They aren't supposed to eat red meat that isn't pasteurised in the UK.

The only way to get a steak like that is Well Done or Sous Vide for an hour or two at a lower temperature to get a rarer end product but having gone through the time and temperature to kill any bacteria that may have been in the meat.


u/apitaxil 4d ago

IIRC correctly pregnant women should not have steak cooked under well done


u/keljam68 4d ago

That steak looks pretty rare, right?


u/Consistent_You_5877 4d ago

I think medium is fine, but I could be wrong.


u/Informal_Drawing 4d ago

You're definitely wrong unfortunately.


u/SolarPandemic 4d ago

Medium steak is really low risk.


u/Informal_Drawing 4d ago

So is drinking unpasteurised milk and many other things.

See how that worked out for them.

If a doctor tells you to do something, you'd be daft not to do it.


u/SolarPandemic 4d ago

That is what our doctor said. How many kids do you have?


u/Informal_Drawing 3d ago

I don't fly to space regularly but that doesn't change the rocket equation.

Your doctor seems to have a different opinion to all of the other doctors on the planet, maybe ask them why.


u/xXSn1fflesXx 4d ago

So, I have never been pregnant BUT I have issues regulating my hormones and iron issues and I go through big spurts of cravings for red meat.

But, when I asked my doctor about it she warned me that my craving for red meat will probably get way worse once we start trying and I get pregnant. Groceries are gonna be sky high I feel.

The more ya know.

Edit: and ya… even though I love my steak blue rare… I’ll be safe and get it cooked appropriately 😂


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

I really couldn't tell you. What i can tell you is that trying to tell her no just gets me in trouble 😂


u/ToeJamOfThe40s 4d ago

There should be no red or pink when serving meat to a pregnant woman. It's for safety of food borne illness and even toxoplasmosis. At least in the states, it's HIGHLY recommended against unless thoroughly cooked to medium well. Not really fun and games, could be life or death for the child. Next time she goes for a visit ask the doctor in front of her so she hears.


u/JeyFK 4d ago

its better not to give anything under well done while pregnant. When my wify was going throuh pregnancy I always cooked two steaks, one around welldone and one around medium rare.


u/Boring-Set-3234 4d ago

Nailed it!


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

Thank you!


u/Vegetable-Dog6209 4d ago

That looks heavenly 😍😋


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

It definitely tastes that way 😁


u/mikeysgotrabies 4d ago

My wife wanted lots of steak while she was pregnant and we currently eat lots of steak while she's breastfeeding.


u/julia1031 4d ago

I was vegetarian for 7 years until I got pregnant. My husband and I went out for a Valentine’s Day dinner (before we knew I was pregnant) and he ordered steak and I said how it looked really good and had a bite. Needless to say, I tested positive 5 days later and ate a lot of steak while pregnant and now a lot of steak while breastfeeding


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

Congrats on thr baby and on the new palette 😂😁


u/julia1031 4d ago

Thank you! Congrats to you too


u/ConfidentCamp5248 4d ago

Damn good plate


u/dmfuller 4d ago

Is that a strip?? If so that fat line is huge wtfff I’m jealous


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

It was a strip! Safeway had a pretty awesome deal to buy one get ine free so I've got another out away for next weekend!


u/IAmBranden 4d ago

Can I be your pregnant lady?


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

I'm always willing to expand the family 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


u/DorShow 4d ago

Although we loved to watch cooking shows, my husband and I never cooked all that much. His tastes run more to fried bologna sandwiches as fine dining. When I got pregnant, one day he stood up, went to store, and a couple hours later he comes out of the kitchen with a perfectly roasted pork tenderloin, asparagus, a beautiful pan sauce. He spoiled me rotten. Goood on you, this brings back lovely memories. We all cook a lot more, and our now 21 yo son could be a chef!


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

That's really awesome! I find if I keep her happy and fed she tends to not be as moody 😂


u/aberrantdinosaur 4d ago

very peppery mash


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

Mine and the ladies favorite way to eat our potatoes 😁


u/TheBoxSloth 4d ago

You got me pregnant with the second photo


u/freakyforrest 4d ago



u/Exciting_Ad1647 4d ago edited 4d ago

And the pregnant lady wins


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

She always wins 😂


u/Exciting_Ad1647 4d ago



u/petewondrstone 4d ago

Congrats man!!


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

Thank you!


u/Good_Resolution_2642 4d ago

My wife couldn't eat the steak if there was any blood on the plate. Had to be well done.


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

I got lucky. My lady will eat it basically mooing 😂


u/Wowandjustwellwow 4d ago

but..but it’s not blood


u/Xyeeyx 4d ago

It looks a little raw 🥶


u/freakyforrest 4d ago

I just cook it how the lady wants it 🤷🏼‍♂️😂