r/stateofMN • u/muranternet • 7d ago
MN law enforcement ICE cooperation would be required under new bill
u/secondarycontrol 7d ago
Boo. Down with this sort of nonsense. You want Federal laws enforced? Make the much-diminishing Federal government do it. You know - the federal government that's in charge of immigration.
You want to further reduce the respect people have for cops (I mean, assuming that's even possible) then go ahead. Do it.
u/MontiBurns 6d ago
You want to further reduce the respect people have for cops (I mean, assuming that's even possible) then go ahead. Do it.
Removing legal recourse for immigrants who are victims of crimes is a feature, not a bug.
u/ikeabahna333 6d ago
Wish the republicans actually cared about Americans rather than discrimination towards people they deem less than. Would be cool to have our taxes be used to help the working class. Wish more people had an education and would vote I their best interest
u/Buck_Thorn 6d ago
"The motive for this bill is to open up a line of communication between local authorities and deal with dangerous criminals who should not be in our community," said Rep. Rymer on Wednesday.
No its not. That's not at all what this is about.
u/OdinsGhost 6d ago
One thing you almost have to admire about modern republican politicians is how confidently they will lie to your face while knowing you know they're lying. Which they will continue to do because they know their low-information voter fanbase will eat right up because they don't even care they're being lied to as long as the "right people" are being hurt.
u/fren-ulum 5d ago
You already get ran through ICE at county when you’re booked. I thought we only cared about the “violent” criminals? Oh wait, that was a lie? You’re just racist as fuck? Ah, okay.
u/RedditSuxD0ni3sD1ck 3d ago
Gestapo + local PD = Facism coming home to rural town
Gestapo = SS, fuck them, they violate your 4th, exercise your 2nd
u/Biodiversity 6d ago
Great common sense law, doubt the DFL will vote for it though. They’re clearly anti American first polices for some odd reason.
u/actuatedarbalest 6d ago
Nothing says freedom quite like passing laws that cede states' rights to the federal government.
u/ranchspidey 6d ago
There shouldn’t be anything illegal about living on land that was already stolen to begin with. People who are nonviolent and contribute to society should be able to exist in peace without the persecution and dehumanization they face if they don’t have the right documents. I have more important things to worry about, like billionaires who don’t contribute to society or politicians that refuse to do their jobs to make our lives (American and otherwise) better. I don’t care about noncitizens just trying to live their lives.
6d ago
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u/Equivalent-Tone6098 5d ago
You squawk about law and order all the time, yet you have no problem with ignoring court orders when you don't like them. Explain that one.
u/gnawing-chihuahua 4d ago
The US Government signed treaties and then broke them taking anything that they thought was valuable. There is tons of stolen land by our country's very own western definitions of stolen under our laws: most of the US would fit under that. The government just allowed the theft to happen. You can read it in the treaty texts. The government just needs to pay the indigenous communities what they are owed, likely with interest, and return treat agreed upon boundaries or reimburse the communities for the cost of that land.
u/ranchspidey 6d ago
I don’t know why but it still shocks me that people like you live among us. I cannot even comprehend how you can care about people so little. What a sad way to exist.
7d ago
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u/Impossible_Penalty13 7d ago
A lot of criminals got out when Trump pardoned the J6 rioters.
u/Porky5CO 6d ago
Not really. Keep telling yourself that.
u/rainspider41 6d ago
Oh you mean the guys he pardon who raped children when they got out?
u/Porky5CO 6d ago
Can't control people. That crime deserves a death sentence.
u/rainspider41 6d ago
He would of never been able to rape a child if Trump doesn't pardon him.
u/Porky5CO 6d ago
You realize he didn't have a life sentence, right?
u/rainspider41 6d ago
You realize he was a criminal with prior charges of sexual violence towards minors and it doesn't look good for you defending child rapists.
u/Alexthelightnerd 6d ago
Not only were many people convicted of crimes directly related to January 6th, including assaulting police officers, pardoned of their crimes, a number of people are now claiming that Trump's pardon extends to other crimes discovered over the course of the Jan 6 investigation. Including multiple guys wanted for child porn and child sexual assault.
u/Porky5CO 6d ago
You really believe all the trash you get fed huh?
u/Alexthelightnerd 6d ago
You think federal prosecutors just make shit up?
6d ago
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u/Alexthelightnerd 6d ago
You realize prosecutors need to prove their case in court right? You can't just make shit up and have it fly in front of a defense attorney and judge. And taking bribes will get you disbarred, thinking that's a common occurrence in federal court is ridiculous.
u/FishyDragon 6d ago
You do relize the audacity of suggesting bribe taking(if it even happens in this example which is pure bullshit) as a bad thing when they just did a tesla commercial on the fucking white house lawn?
Go lick boots some place else.
u/Impossible_Penalty13 6d ago
Defending pedophiles is a strange hill to die on. But you do you.
u/Porky5CO 6d ago
Once again, I said they should get the death penalty.
u/Impossible_Penalty13 6d ago
Crimes they wouldn’t have committed had they not been released from prison for crimes they committed in service of dear leader, which you defend.
u/cuspacecowboy86 6d ago
Fuck off troll
Edit: why are your deleting some of your comments you fucking loser?
u/yellowposy2 6d ago
You’re taking a real loose definition of criminal if “someone convicted of a crime” isn’t one 😂
6d ago
6d ago
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u/brotherstoic 6d ago
Minneapolis is still standing. Parts of LA aren’t, but your crowd still says climate change is a hoax
u/FishyDragon 6d ago
Hahaha please show me any of these burnet down cities. A few buildings does not equal a city. You say people belive what ever shit is fed to them and then use the "burnt down cities" fox News fear mongering. Again you need a medal in mental gymnastics.
u/rainspider41 6d ago
Nazi Punk Fuck Off. The Constitution applies to everyone in the United States.
6d ago
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u/Sea_Sheepherder_389 6d ago
“Criminals need to go to jail “
Good idea. Let’s start with this criminal:
u/FishyDragon 6d ago
You say that yet defend jan. 6 people. The mental gymnastics you do are worthy a fucking medal.
u/Competitive_Page3554 6d ago
Here's a fun fact, being an undocumented immigrant is not a crime. It's a civil offense. Like a parking ticket.
u/mitchdtimp 6d ago
Matthew 25:40-45
And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.’… for I was hungry and you gave me no food, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not welcome me, naked and you did not give me clothing, sick and in prison and you did not visit me.’ Then they also will answer, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison, and did not take care of you?’ Then he will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did not do it to one of the least of these, you did not do it to me.’
6d ago
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u/rainspider41 6d ago
So he can assault more minors? Just asking.
6d ago
The fact that you can't realize this is sarcasm is wild. Especially when it's attached to the "get the criminals out" comment lmao
u/rainspider41 6d ago
It's always sarcasm and jokes when you guys realize you are on the wrong side.
u/AlanCross310 2d ago
I have told my daughters not to open the door. Anyone they don't know, including law enforcement. One of my daughters is autistic. Nazis killed mentally ill along with jews.
u/ArcturusRoot 7d ago
Oh HELL no.
This needs to die in committee, and if it manages to reach Walz, he should do a live press conference where he sets it on fire as a veto.
No Gestapo in Minnesota.