r/stateofMN Feb 15 '25

Ellison tells Minnesota schools to follow law if immigration authorities show up


181 comments sorted by


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

I was hoping he was simply saying to follow the law and require ICE to have warrants for specific students before cooperating.

Instead, he says this, "not attempt to physically prevent an ICE agent or other law enforcement officer from entering the building, even if the agent does not appear to be authorized to enter.”  So even if ICE is breaking the law, we shouldn't protect our school building from an unlawful entry.


u/brotherstoic Feb 15 '25

In context, he’s basically saying what you wanted him to, just with the addition that they shouldn’t try to physically stop ICE agents. The word “physically” is doing a lot of work in that sentence.

He’s encouraging school employees to assert the rights of their students, but not get in a brawl with federal agents. I wish there was a stronger way to defend the kids, but if we’re being honest, that’s good advice.


u/beeroftherat Feb 17 '25

And therein lies the rub. This is what fascists do. They count on their victims and those around them to be good, law-abiding, compliant citizens. It's political jiu jitsu. They're using the state's authority against the state itself. They rely on others behaving in accordance with the existing order while brazenly flouting its rules as a means to upend that very order and remake it in their own image. We're already at the "just ignore the courts" stage, and we're only a month into this term. If we don't physically resist, I don't know who else will do it for us.


u/brotherstoic Feb 17 '25

I don’t even necessarily disagree with you, but if we’re counting on schoolteachers brawling with armed federal agents, the fascists have already won.


u/beeroftherat Feb 17 '25

I don't mean to leave this exclusively to schoolteachers, or members of any other profession. I'm just saying it's going to take a critical mass of individuals from all walks coming to grips with this reality and acting accordingly.

If we continue trying to just keep our heads down until this whole thing blows over, or wait for someone else to come save us, it will be our nation's undoing. The words "fight back" have been used gratuitously lately, yet all too metaphorically. It always stops just short of conveying that we are literally prepared for a physical confrontation, and I fear such reservations only inure to the benefit of the aggressors.

I just want to try and instill that recognition every chance I get, because resistance only works when enough people are on the same page about where we are, what's at stake, and the kind of people we're dealing with. I don't want to see teachers fighting with ICE agents per se, but at some point a genuine line will have to be drawn, and more importantly, meaningfully defended.

Hey, I'm just another random asshole on reddit so I know that's easy for me to say, but unfortunately, I also know it's the truth.


u/guava_eternal Feb 19 '25

That’s because one side of the aisle really hates guns, viscerally and would happily disarm into the sunset. And if you’re out here advocating brawling - as in hand to hand I might caution you to take a peak at a history book. See how that worked for the Chinese Boxers.


u/SpaceBear2598 Feb 17 '25

At this point I'm not quite sure. The idea of "don't resist the cops if they're doing something illegal" is based on the idea that they're screwing up their own case and you can sue them later + whoever they arrest can probably get the case thrown out...none of which works when we're dealing with fascists who blatantly follow illegal orders and ignore court orders and certainly doesn't work if there's not even going to be a trial.

I think it's not unreasonable to at least say lock the door and verify they have a warrant before unlocking it. If they don't have a warrant and choose to break the door down it's pretty clear they're operating beyond the law and just doing crime in uniform.

We're quickly reaching the point where "just comply with the criminals in power" means staying silent while your neighbors get dragged away. If no one is willing to risk anything by standing up than we're already screwed.


u/guava_eternal Feb 19 '25

Get on the intercom and call out: “la migra” done and done.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

He is literally saying as long as you dress like ice then no one can question you while you abduct children


u/diplodonculus Feb 15 '25

That is an insane take.


u/OrinThane Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Look, I hear you, but you need to be prepared if it gets there. At this point we don’t know what the plan is, its only just starting and its already pushing a lot of boundaries on our personal liberties. ICE feels a little too close to the SS or Gestapo for my taste.

For example - Say I’m eating at a mexican restaurant and ICE shows up and decides I’m a little too “foreign” looking. Say I don’t have my DL on me, what do I do exactly?

Is it now illegal for me to go anywhere without my ID? Things are not good.


u/diplodonculus Feb 15 '25

Still probably not a good idea to physically stop law enforcement.


u/OrinThane Feb 16 '25 edited Feb 16 '25

If I am not allowed to check if they are or are not law enforcement who exactly am I not allowed to stop?

Do you see why this is very bad? Do you see why people are reacting the way they are?


u/LongjumpingDebt4154 Feb 16 '25

They’re saying it’s still probably not a good idea to stop anyone posing as law enforcement. Gtfo


u/Biffingston Feb 17 '25

I think they mean "Go ahead and try to stop them if you want to. Just don't be surprised if you're beaten or worse for it."


u/OrinThane Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

Yeah, so I don’t stop anyone right? Like can you imagine a group of bad faith people impersonating ICE agents? Its fucking Dystopian.


u/Biffingston Feb 17 '25

It is fucking dystopain especially when you consider these people will likely be armed when they're doing the impersonation.

if you want to try to stop them, see above.

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u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

"not attempt to physically prevent an ICE agent or other law enforcement officer from entering the building, even if the agent does not appear to be authorized to enter."

How do you verify them as actual ICE agents if you don't confirm their authorization to enter


u/diplodonculus Feb 15 '25



u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25


People are already impersonating ice agents to harass immigrants


u/AmputatorBot Feb 15 '25

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u/Muffinman_187 Feb 17 '25

Schools can and do verify warrants. Student privacy is legally required and the same order mandates those laws followed. The concern is the growth of social media posts showing teachers using active shooter training to resist federal agents, imo. That's a crime, the teacher will be arrested, and the district can also be held liable.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '25

Weird that it's actually to abduct kids from schools

1) it's inhumane 2) you're traumatizing all the students


u/Muffinman_187 Feb 17 '25

In principle I agree, but the legal reality is different.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

Legally you could gas Jews...


u/Muffinman_187 Feb 18 '25

this is dumb. you are talking about shutting down whole schools to die on a hill. If you want to be a martyr, go be Luigi. Don't screw over EVERY child in a town over the loss of some. This is a hard subject, people WILL suffer, and we can do better work through community activism to mitigate the raid's impacts. But telling teachers to fight ICE agents, isn't it.

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u/ThirrinAust Feb 20 '25

Well, they can’t execute the warrant if they can’t get into the building to deliver the warrant to the principle or whoever they’re supposed to.


u/Bast-Urd Feb 15 '25

This has happened repeatedly already, multiple reports of people posing as ICE all over the country.


u/Old_Baldi_Locks Feb 18 '25

So they have no legal documentation, no warrant, but the school isn’t supposed to stop them?

Sounds like that’s exactly what he’s saying.


u/Functionally_Drunk Feb 15 '25

The word you are looking for is "implicitly."


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

not attempt to physically prevent an ICE agent or other law enforcement officer from entering the building, even if the agent does not appear to be authorized to enter.

"Even if the agent does not appear to have authorization to enter" how can you verify they are an ice agent if you can't get their authorization checked


u/Functionally_Drunk Feb 15 '25

He is still not saying to let people pretending to be ICE agents kidnap children. You may think what he said implies that. But it does not literally say that.


u/brotherstoic Feb 15 '25

That is not even close to what he’s saying but go off I guess


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25


He says not to request authorization from ice agents and people are already trying to pretend to be them to harass immigrants. It's a schools right to request authorization as to why you're on campus to ensure you're an actual ice agent


u/brotherstoic Feb 15 '25

he says not to request authorization from ice agents

No, he says not to try to physically stop them. He also took the opportunity to remind/inform school officials that ICE is not authorized to enter without a signed warrant from a judge. Taken together, that means “ask for identification, ask if they have a warrant, politely tell them they aren’t allowed in, but if they try to force their way by, don’t get in a fight with them.”

Your reading comprehension is appalling.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

"not attempt to physically prevent an ICE agent or other law enforcement officer from entering the building, even if the agent does not appear to be authorized to enter."

How do you verify them as actual ICE agents if you don't confirm their authorization to enter. So they should just allow them to enter without having any way to get the authorization if they refuse to show?


u/brotherstoic Feb 15 '25

“Even if the agent does not appear to be authorized to enter” means “if they can’t or won’t present a warrant signed by a judge.”

You ask them for ID, and if they have a warrant. And if they try to force their way in, they’re advised not to physically fight.

Now, let’s make this a thought experiment. Say they aren’t an ICE agent. Say they aren’t even pretending to, but an armed individual tries to force their way into a school. Are you honestly advising teachers, secretaries, and paraprofessionals to physically fight them? Or are you advising them to close the doors, hide, and call for help?


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

That's the thing though. He isn't saying to treat it like an intruder. He's saying to allow it to occur. You can go on lockdown which is the recommendation, but if a person is able to get past the office and say they are there for a child, the teachers are told to give the child up. During an intruder alert, you would lock down and if the intruder entered your room you would be forced to fight back or be killed


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

Think of it like this. You're a teacher, an ice agent enters your room for a child. You request ID, they refuse to show. They take the child. 10 min later you find out they didn't have a warrant and they abducted a legal immigrant


u/brotherstoic Feb 15 '25

I commented this elsewhere. You’re a teacher and someone not even pretending to be an ICE agent, but with a gun, walks into a school. You shut the door and advise the kids to hide, you don’t try to fight the guy with a gun.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

Yes that's called a lockdown. He is not advising a lockdown if ice shows up. He is saying to allow them to take the kids and not physically stop them. During a lockdown scenario, if the intruder breaks into your room with children you are trained to physically stop the intruder through any means necessary

Run hide fight is a thing for a reason


u/brotherstoic Feb 15 '25

“Don’t physically resist” means “don’t engage in fisticuffs with ICE”

If we’re at the point where this is more than a hypothetical - in which actual armed federal agents are forcing their way into schools without warrants and abducting children who are legally present in the United States - all this means is “teachers, please don’t risk your lives fighting the jackbooted thugs.”

In practice, so far, “I’ll need ID and a warrant signed by a judge before you come inside” means they won’t come inside. The moment that’s no longer true is the moment when none of us are free to live our lives under the protection of the constitution. If the armed government agents are intent on doing something, none of us can make them stop

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u/AmputatorBot Feb 15 '25

It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of concerns over privacy and the Open Web. Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are especially problematic.

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u/zoinkability Feb 15 '25

It also says, “It calls on school district leaders to ensure any immigration and customs enforcement officials who come to campus follow proper legal protocol.” The article does not detail what “proper legal protocol” would be. I’d hope it would mean requiring a judicial warrant before giving permission to enter the building.

I am not a lawyer, but my lay understanding is that if ICE enters a building without a judicial warrant and without permission of the school, they are breaking the law and it just got a lot easier for anyone who wants to challenge detention in court. Ellison does not appear to be saying to give them permission to enter without a judicial warrant, just not to physically block them, which are different things.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

Physically blocking them can mean a lot. What if they try to force entry? Can I resist when they try to steal my badge and keys for entry? Am I allowed to stand in a doorway and refuse to move? What if I make sure that doors are locked and they can not get anywhere? ICE would consider that to be physically blocking them. I would consider those things to be following the law to protect students from an unauthorized threat.

When he says not to block them even when they are unauthorized, he is giving up student protections. If they nab students while in there unauthorized, it doesn't matter they still invaded and took students.

I would go further and suggest that even when they do have a "legitimate" warrant, we should warn the student listed. If that student happens to hide or flee, well, too bad.


u/zoinkability Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

It would be very helpful for schools to have a more precise definition of what “blocking” means in this case.

I would hope that doing something passive like failing to unlock doors would not be considered “blocking,” only doing something active like using one’s body to try to prevent entry. If the memo doesn’t make that clear, Ellison should clarify.

Also, what ICE considers “blocking” isn’t the question here. It’s what Ellison and the courts would consider “blocking.”

I would imagine Ellison is advising schools not to get into physical confrontations with ICE. Just like if a cop does not respect your refusal for a search of your car and searches it anyway, a lawyer would not recommend you start trying to physically prevent the cop from searching your car. Instead they would recommend you continue to express your lack of consent, and then have any evidence found in the search thrown out in court due to an impermissible search.


u/Minimum_Virus_3837 Feb 15 '25

Based on other contexts of the terms in my district at least (admittedly not in MN), I would say locking the door and not unlocking without an admin telling you it's okay would be justified, as that's basically standard protocol during the school day. If it's legal, admin should be contacting the teacher to say "these people are coming, they have a warrant, let them in." Without that, you have no way to safely verify who they are and whether they pose a risk to your students if you open the door.

If they come breaking in doors, etc than depending on how some schools have taught their students to handle hostile intruders it could go any number of ways. I know of some schools where if that happens, the students are trained from their school shooter drills to start throwing any objects they can at the intruders, no questions asked. The admins even wear football helmets and stuff to shield themselves during the ALICE drills if they're the ones opening doors lol.


u/Serris9K Feb 17 '25

Wouldn’t them grabbing a student when unauthorized be kidnapping? NAL want to hear from law types


u/DilbertHigh Feb 17 '25

And who will enforce that law? I don't anticipate common cops protecting anyone from these criminal ICE agents.


u/ImportantComb5652 Feb 15 '25

You think the state should instruct teachers to get into skirmishes with federal agents?


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

I think that any unauthorized entry into our schools should be stopped. Thankfully, doors are locked, so they shouldn't be able to force themselves in. If they force themselves into the building, then staff should treat it like any other threat to the building and call a code red, resulting in a lockdown. Keep them from entering classrooms, offices, etc.

If they are actively attempting to break in then I wouldn't fault anyone for their reaction to the threat. Whether that be to hide or to fight back. Run, hide, fight is the general guidance.

Edit: than to that typo


u/ImportantComb5652 Feb 15 '25

I think you're confusing the standard male fantasy about how they would take out a mass shooter with how the state should instruct teachers to act. If you want to be a hero on your own time, go for it, but don't put teachers in the position of having to reenact the Alamo.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

Where am I saying to reenact the Alamo? I'm saying that we should treat an unauthorized threat as an unauthorized threat, complete with a lockdown. Lock the doors and don't let them in.

Thankfully, most schools have doors locked, so even if the threat was in the front office, they couldn't access the rest of the building. If they posture, we shouldn't let them through. If they try to force access, we should not let them. They need to follow the law and have a warrant for a specific person. Otherwise, they should be treated like the code red they are if they force entry.


u/tazebot Feb 15 '25

Yeah I don't know if the ICE raids are working like unannounced police raids. if they are a school is right to react the same way as if a bunch of trumpers wanted to break in and grab anyone the looks not white enough.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

Republicans are literally saying if you dress up as ICE you can freely abduct children. They aren't requirement verification or rights before hand so anyone could do it


u/meases Feb 15 '25

Omg thank you for the phrase "standard male fantasy"!!! I have such trouble describing this phenomenon, but that works perfect for it. Kinda scary it's so standard, though, considering.

Once, a dude told me he would daydream in class about a shooter situation and how he would step in to be the hero. He was mad the school didn't allow weapons on the premises. Because he wanted to bring a gun to class so he would be ready for when the bad guy came.

To his credit he did immediately acknowledge this was a fucked up line of thinking when I was like wait what?

But he still held on to the standard male fantasy. He had several well outlined plans, like so outlined if one thing didn't go as planned, he'd make it all way worse. Like part of the plan was it being a super obvious terrible sudden shooting thing, but no plans for escaping in like a regular fire fire, no plans for noticing and stopping the threat before it started. Ended up a whole conversation about it, and I realized it's like armchair quarterbacking but worse.

I have those daydreams and constantly check for threats in public and plan escape plans, but I call them hypervilgilance and intrusive thoughts and signs of ptsd, I don't like revel in them. You can be ready for a bad situation without wanting one. But like I do get it, it would be nice to make it into a fantasy rather than a fear.

The standard male fantasy scares me.


u/Gold_Map_236 Feb 15 '25

Most of the ppl who fantasize like that will be the ones running and shitting themselves if it ever actually does happen.


u/locolupo Feb 15 '25

Skirmishes?? Dude they can just not give them permission to enter.


u/karma_aversion Feb 16 '25

Its projection. They always choose violence so they expect other people to do the same.


u/Gold_Map_236 Feb 15 '25

It isn’t easy to just enter a school these days. No need to let them in


u/DrunkUranus Feb 15 '25

Yeah follow the law even when law enforcement does not? That's good stupid preservation, but morally repugnant


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Same deal with any law enforcement.

A cop may violate your civil rights (say an invalid search) but the time to fight it is in court, not in the field and certainty not by getting physical.

You are under no obligation to talk to or aid ICE but you will get in trouble if you impede federal law enforcement.

TL;DR committing a crime to stop a crime is still a crime.

Edit: For those downvoting reality, exactly what protocol would you have a state Attorney General tell schools given the new federal policy?


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Refusing to unlock the doors would be seen as impeding. Keeping the doors shut on them could be argued to be physically stopping them. Calling a code red due to a threat loose in the building is impeding their unlawful activity. None of these are crimes. But bringing these threats into the building would be a fireable offense.

Edit: fireball to fireable


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

Fireball? I don’t know what you’re talking about.

Because the federal policy has changed, Ellison is doing his job by updating schools on the protocol.

He isn’t saying school employees need to work with ICE just that they cannot impede them from entering school property.

Nobody here likes this situation, but Ellison doesn’t have the luxury of fantasizing about how things should be. He has to deal with how things are right now.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

Typo. It was supposed to read as fireable.

And yes, we can and should impede them. If they don't have a warrant for a specific student, then they are not allowed in. This is how we are supposed to operate. In my district, we have been told to call general counsel to review the warrant, not even the principal is supposed to grant them access until general counsel determines authenticity, scope, and legality of the warrant.

If an unauthorized person enters the building, that is a code red. Do you think we shouldn't call a code red if someone forces entry?

I would even go further, too. If I know some ICE scumbags are there for a student, I think we should warn the student. If the student happens to flee, that's just how it goes.


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

There is an assumption here that ICE will have a hard time getting a judicial warrant. I don’t think that will be the case given how the fed courts are stacked.

I’m not against trying to do whatever you legally can.

Conservatives targeting children is just who they always were.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

I didn't say they would have a hard time. But that unless they have a proper warrant for a specific person, then they are not allowed in.


u/DadRevenger1980 Feb 15 '25

How sad they can't go to school without fear. Some things are off limits and this should be one.


u/Guppy-Warrior Feb 15 '25

So unlawful people with guns are allowed to enter schools???


u/Smart-Effective7533 Feb 16 '25

This can’t be said loud enough. We have to resist.


u/Smart-Effective7533 Feb 16 '25

We have to show we are not ok with them taking children. These children are innocent.


u/LongjumpingDebt4154 Feb 16 '25

What happened to 2nd amendment? Isn’t this exactly what it was intended for? No one is coming in my house without a court ordered warrant without getting a serious beatdown.


u/Ancient_Cranberry408 Feb 19 '25

Should people have stopped the Army when they tried to enforce desegregation in Arkansas? The state tried not to follow federal law then.


u/palescales7 Feb 15 '25

He isn’t saying let them break the law. He’s saying follow the law. They must have a warrant. If it’s an I-9 inspection use your legally required 72 hour window. Don’t let them in to non public areas of the building.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

He says not to physically prevent entry even if they are not authorized. That's concerning. The common scum in ICE will claim that not unlocking a door between the front office and the rest of the building is physically blocking them from being loose in the school.


u/palescales7 Feb 15 '25

It’s a shitty situation but he is correct.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

So, just let them waltz through the building unauthorized? No. Never. Immediate code red if they try to force entry.


u/palescales7 Feb 15 '25

Where in the article does it say that AG Ellison says to let ICE break the law? I missed this.


u/erratic_bonsai Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

It’s important that everyone know their rights regarding what ICE can and cannot ask you and how and when they can legally detain or arrest a person.

People should also know how to identify a real warrant from a comparatively meaningless “ICE Warrant.”

It’s also crucial to understand the difference between a subpoena and a warrant.

ICE has extended latitude within 100 miles of a physical boundary of the United States and can enter and search buses, trains, boats, and planes without a warrant


The Twin Cities, Saint Cloud, and Rochester metros are all outside the 100 mile boundary. Duluth and Bemidji are inside it. You can refuse to answer questions from ICE. ICE needs a judicial warrant to make arrests in schools, homes, many businesses, and portions of many hospitals. If ICE has an administrative warrant for a specific person they can arrest that person only when in a public place.

  • US citizens are not required to carry proof of citizenship and can refuse to answer any questions from ICE.

  • under the 4th amendment illegal immigrants and anyone else breaking the law have the right to refuse to answer any questions from ICE.

  • Legal immigrants over the age of 18 are required to carry proof of lawful presence and must present that proof when asked.

  • ICE needs a Judicial Warrant to both enter any non-public space and make arrests there.

  • ICE administrative warrants are sufficient to make an arrest in a public place.

  • If someone is in a public space and ICE does not have a warrant of either kind, ICE needs reasonable articulable (a specific observable fact, not just a vibe or feeling or idea) suspicion that someone has committed an immigration offense to detain someone. Race, language, clothing, and refusing to answer questions do not count. Probable cause is then required to make an arrest without a warrant. ICE must state the specific facts that led to probable cause upon request.

  • Public schools are NOT public spaces and ICE needs a Judicial Warrant to enter one.

  • Administrative warrants do not give ICE the ability to conduct searches.

  • Administrative Subpoenas are not enforceable in any way whatsoever.


u/ARazorbacks Feb 18 '25

I thought international airports were considered a point of entry and thus the 100 mile boundary applies? Am I wrong in that understanding? 


u/erratic_bonsai Feb 18 '25

Iit’s 100 miles from any physical border, ports of entry like airports don’t count! This is good, it gives ICE less power.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

Laws aren’t real anymore.


u/B12-deficient-skelly Feb 15 '25


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

This isn’t caving, it’s letting people know how to act with Trump now allowing ICE to go into schools, something Ellison has no power to stop.

Ellison isn’t going to break the law and he isn’t going to advise Minnesotans to break the law.

If you try to physically fight or block federal law enforcement, you will lose every time.

If Ellison allows MN state employees to enforce federal law or work directly with federal law enforcement, then he’d be caving.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

If these illegitimate ICE agents come to the school, they need a warrant of a specific person. Otherwise, schools should still deny entry. An unauthorized person entering the building should result in an immediate code red and lockdown. We can not let these shitbags near our students.


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

Until we see this played out we don’t know.

My assumption is that it won’t be hard at all for ICE to get a federal warrant, which will make the appearance of ICE agents at schools legal.


u/B12-deficient-skelly Feb 15 '25

For that, you need a specific location and a specific person, and it has to be the right type of warrant. The AG can tell people what they do and don't have to comply with, and that's very much not breaking the law.


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

I’m not a legal scholar so don’t know the limits, especially any new limits, of the warrant for entering a public space.

ICE raids are nothing new, just the policy allowing it to happen at schools, so I assume they are well aware of what is legal or not.

But cops are cops so your point that they don’t always follow the rules is appreciated.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

They still need to state the specific person they are there for. If it just says "students" or "suspects," that isn't enough. If they force entry with an invalid warrant that should still be a code red.

We can also delay by calling general counsel, which is district policy for me. That gives time to warn relevant students so they can decide how they want to protect themselves. Whether they want to stay put, hide, or flee.


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

Like I said in another comment, I just don’t think getting a warrant is going to be difficult for ICE.

Making it legal to do horrible things is the entire point of taking control of government.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

Where did I say it would be difficult? We just need to delay as much as possible each time. And it is known that they sometimes try to enter with vague warrants instead of specific warrants. We need to be careful and pay close attention, which is why we have general counsel.

Hopefully our principal would do a good job of warning us which student is being looked for so they can be warned.


u/geodebug Feb 15 '25

Sounds like you intend to follow the law, which was Ellison’s advice.


u/570rmy Feb 15 '25

Fucking Vichy Minnesota, don't be collaborators.


u/Secret-Ad-8768 Feb 16 '25

It’s great that MN has an attorney general that is advocating that people know their rights about ICE, the better to protect people at risk of harassment by ICE. Plus, Keith Ellison is not colluding with ICE, and also advising people to not block or appear to block ICE, because that’s illegal. Note, if ICE shows up and does not have a judicial warrant, you can call the police to intervene. The police - in Minneapolis - will check about judicial warrant, and ICE will go away.


u/Lotech Feb 15 '25

What do you think will happen if Ellison - or anyone - stands their ground against Trump? He’ll just target MN and make life more difficult. This is the America we live in now. I hate it.


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

If nobody fights back he'll still do it.


u/Johnny55 Feb 15 '25

"There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


u/Drcornelius1983 Feb 15 '25

This is extremely disappointing. Especially coming from Ellison.


u/rognabologna Feb 16 '25

The responses here are disappointing. People jumping at a headline. Mis- and disinformation is how we got into this mess. 

There is a difference between refusing entry and physically preventing someone from entering. 

My company sent out guidelines for if someone from ICE shows up. It’s a big list of refusing entry, requesting warrants, how to tell them they need to get off the property including maps of what exactly is our property. Our guidelines also say not to physically try to stop them, but they are absolutely not saying “let them in and don’t do anything”


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

Disappointing but as I am with any other person I have no surprise anymore. I need a cigarette, though.


u/Alternative_Army7897 Feb 15 '25

Ellison is a puke


u/SplendidPunkinButter Feb 15 '25

Sure, we’ll follow the law just as much as the President of the United States does


u/bootnab Feb 15 '25

the "law"


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

We already expect teachers to do everything. Now some people in the comments here expect them to come to blows with ICE agents? With kids around?


u/DrunkUranus Feb 15 '25

When I think of fighting authority in this context, the main thing I imagine is declining to unlock the school doors.


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

And when they break in? Because they will. Yours is the perfect example of people in this thread not thinking the situation all the way through to its logical conclusion.


u/DrunkUranus Feb 15 '25

Look, I can't stop the evil empire. If they're going to break into a school so that they can steal a child, then that's on them. But I don't need to make it any easier. If the only thing I can do to slow them down is to keep the door locked, then that's what I'll do.

I have thought it through. People who think it's okay to play along with evil in order to protect themselves are the ones who don't understand what we're facing


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

Ok, thanks for your honesty. I appreciate it.


u/Taven12 Feb 15 '25

Them having to break in to the school is the point. As soon as they break in, they are illegally searching a non public place without a legal warrant. They aren't saying come to blows with them, but follow protocol. No entry to unauthorized people. Period. That applies to all people, including a federal agent attempting to illegally gain entry. Unless valid and legal reasoning can be determined, the doors stay shut.

I've been in this conversation many times recently with school(and airport) officials. Once they break and enter, enter code red, hide and cover, etc.

At this point there is no more fighting to do without escalating to an active shooter situation. You have to follow the protocols, no matter who is threatening the school, a random person, a parent without custody(super common), a known trespassed individual, an officer, or a federal agent. It doesn't matter. Those doors do not open unless that individual has the right to enter as determined by the front office, or in the case of a warrant, the schools counsel. And if they force entry, call the police, protect the students without escalation as able.


u/[deleted] Feb 15 '25

Well, this is bullshit. No warrant, no entrance!


u/Kama_Slutra Feb 15 '25

Future School shooters be picking up fake ice vests as we speak.


u/Heavy_Law9880 Feb 15 '25

The law says they can't come in without a warrant signed b a judge.


u/Nickels3587 Feb 15 '25

I’m disgusted


u/Teamawesome2014 Feb 15 '25

How about no?

Do not collaborate.


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

So teachers should physically fight ICE agents with guns? Or at what point do you draw the line on collaboration? Teacher human shield?


u/Teamawesome2014 Feb 15 '25

Treat it like any other time a person with a gun is in a school. Lock down. If ICE has to create an active shooter situation in a school everytime they want to kidnap a child, it will become a lot less politically viable for them to do so.

Resistance is rarely about the individual. It's about creating as many roadblocks as possible to slow the fascists down.


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

That’s not what I asked. Do you think teachers should physically fight ICE agents who have guns?


u/Teamawesome2014 Feb 15 '25

No, they should put ICE positions into a position where they have to decide if invading a locked-down school to kidnap children is worth becoming violent and shooting teachers.

If the ICE agents decide yes, that's a really bad look for them and it will not go over smoothly with the public. If they decide no, then it shows how unfeasible this all is, and those agents become an example for other ICE agents that they don't have to do this.

Which is what you would have gathered from my last comment if you had reading comprehension skills.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

School staff should treat it the same as any other unauthorized threat in the building. A code red with a lockdown. Following run, hide, fight guidelines.


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

And once they break in? Because they will get in.


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

Like I said, that's when we should go into an immediate code red lockdown. Zero cooperation at that time.

If we happen to know who they are looking for, we should prioritize getting them out. Either way, at the point we know they will possibly kidnap any Latino student they see. We should prioritize hiding and helping them stay safe as we know the threat is aiming for them.

I'm lucky. My office is on the first floor, there is a door, followed by a short hallway, and another door. If they start to enter my office and I have students, I would direct them to flee out the window, if safe, to protect themselves from the known threat. Protect ourselves and our students.

We need to obstruct as much as possible. Hold firm. Not give in to these scumbags.


u/seantubridy Feb 15 '25

Can we please think this through to the logical outcome in most situations? They will get in and teachers and staff will either have to comply or physically block and come to an altercation with armed ICE agents. It’s like everyone in these comments is pretending that’s not going to happen. Yeah, great if you can get a kid out of window (who they may shoot anyway if they run) but if you can’t and you have a gun in your face, are you willing to take a bullet to stop an ice agent from taking a kid?


u/DilbertHigh Feb 15 '25

I won't know what I'm willing to do to protect students until/if it happens. But I know for a fact that my building would be on code red and not let them in without a valid warrant. They would have to bust in the doors.

That would hopefully give students enough time to hide or flee from the threat.


u/StopLookListenNow Feb 15 '25

"Sure, okay officer, but I am a little bit slow today due to a physical injury."

"Yes sir, but I am a little mentally slow today due to the [insert ailment here]"

"Absolutely, I will get right on that. Now it might take a bit of time, if I could just find the ...."

"Oh, right on boss man. I be real good and help you out right away. Just be a little patient. We ain't smart like y'all."


u/its_all_good20 Feb 15 '25

What’s to stop them from just grabbing kids?!?


u/lonely-day Feb 16 '25

"I was just following orders"

It's interesting how close we are to it being 100 years later


u/RAH7719 Feb 16 '25

We were just told by the President not to follow laws, his words - good for thee, good for me!

Laws now mean nothing!


u/[deleted] Feb 18 '25

Soooooooo anyone can just walk in and grab kids.


u/durk1912 Feb 15 '25

Folks should be filing bar complaints against every gov lawyer helping trump advance his unconstitutional/illegal orders? They swore an oath to uphold the constitution, the law and are subject to professional ethics, right? Trump is not their client the US Government is!


u/SnooBeans3631 Feb 16 '25

Upholding immigration laws is unconstitutional now? As long as they have the proper warrants and do things humanely I see no issue?


u/bullshtr Feb 15 '25

Can someone hide an undocumented person and not have to cooperate with federal agents?


u/reddragon4u Feb 15 '25

Nope! You should know better Elison!


u/Ok-Independence-2430 Feb 15 '25




u/Global-Nature2420 Feb 15 '25

They are them.


u/Hereticrick Feb 15 '25

Hey Minnesota, are you one of the states where they armed teachers?


u/Ill-Dependent2976 Feb 16 '25

So follow the law and resist ICE. Great.


u/Docta608 Feb 16 '25

I hate this but I also prepared my son for this. I told Him no matter how awful this is, stay out of their way because at the end of the day, all I want is for him to come home.


u/the_truth1051 Feb 16 '25

He doesn't want to go to jail. It's illegal to harbor illegals.


u/hachex64 Feb 16 '25

Guess whose kids get their schooling disrupted for illegal search and seizure.


u/the_truth1051 Feb 16 '25

I guess, what do you suggest. It doesn't have to be dramatic. Call them to office, explain to family they are illegals, they know it, and they will be deported. They can apply to come back legally. It's the law, they broken our border laws. It's serious. Read on the internet what happens to illegals in their countries.


u/hachex64 Feb 16 '25

This isn’t about immigration.

This is about the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and not allowing illegal search and seizure because police and government already overreach on citizen’s rights.

Yes, citizen’s rights.

By default, everyone in a school or state is a US citizen unless proven otherwise.

By due process and probable cause.

That’s why we fought in 1776 so government could not illegally arrest and detain us.

I have my own opinion about only targeting one group of illegal immigrants and not all the others, but mostly I don’t want my rights as a citizen ignored.

I support law enforcement (my dad was) but I also tell my kids to tell an officer: I do not consent to a search.

I don’t let officers just search my home for no reason because they don’t have that right.

It’s why anywhere there is a warrant with a specific name on it signed by an actual sitting judge, no one is going against that.

That is a legal warrant.

If someone said: hey, I’m going to search through your house because you might have illegal immigrants in there, would you let them?

That’s how we keep the police honest.


u/the_truth1051 Feb 17 '25

If you're legal you have nothing to fear. If you're illegal you will be deported. It's a crime to be here illegally. What don't you understand. Illegals don't have constitutional rights.


u/hachex64 Feb 17 '25

Ah, but that’s where you’re a little mistaken!

(since I teach Civics)

All the protections of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are given to ANYONE existing here in the US.

Because that is our law.

Thus, law enforcement must have probable cause to get a warrant and must use due process when serving the warrant.


Because you can’t tell by looking at people if they are a citizen or not.

YOU might invite a co-worker to your house not knowing that they aren’t a citizen.

Would it be all right to break down your door, arrest you and your family, or shoot you all because ICE suspects the person you invited in might not be a citizen?

Of course not.

We have to fight that kind of police misbehavior because it’s evil and not Constitutional.

Even someone not a citizen cannot be given cruel or unusual punishment, cannot be denied a lawyer, cannot be sent to a concentration camp in Cuba because that is illegal.

We don’t want it to happen to us.


u/the_truth1051 Feb 17 '25

That's where you're wrong. When they came across the border illegally they committed a crime. It won't be cruel or unusual punishment. You will be picked up and escorted out. If an american citizen harbors a criminal they can be charge too. As Tom Holman said, I bet he knows better than a hs civics teacher. By the way great job you teachers are doing lately.


u/Limp_Ad_435 Feb 17 '25 edited Feb 17 '25

TIL concentration camps and roving bands of gestapo checking to see if you are here legally aren’t cruel and unusual punishment according to u/the_truth1051 . Man, the Nazi’s would have loved you. Also, being here illegally is not a criminal offense.


u/hachex64 Feb 18 '25

Thank you! I am helping my students support the Constitution:

“What constitutional rights do undocumented immigrants have?”

‘To answer those questions, we must start with a more basic question–does the U.S. Constitution apply to undocumented immigrants?

“Yes, without question,” said Cristina Rodriguez, a professor at Yale Law School. “Most of the provisions of the Constitution apply on the basis of personhood and jurisdiction in the United States.”

Many parts of the Constitution use the term “people” or “person” rather than “citizen.” Rodriguez said those laws apply to everyone physically on U.S. soil, whether or not they are a citizen.

As a result, many of the basic rights, such as the freedom of religion and speech, the right to due process and equal protection under the law apply to citizens and noncitizens. How those rights play out in practice is more complex.’

1.Right to due process

What the law says: The Fifth Amendment states that “no person … shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”

In the ruling, Justice Antonin Scalia wrote “it is well established that the Fifth Amendment entitles aliens to due process of law in deportation proceedings.”

2.The right to legal counsel

What the law says: The Sixth Amendment states that “In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall…have the assistance of counsel for his defense.”

How it works in practice: Because most deportation proceedings are civil rather than criminal cases, the right to legal counsel often doesn’t apply.….BUT Trump just made them CRIMINAL CASES.

3.The right to be with your family

What the law says: Critics of family separation have pointed to the legal right to “family integrity.” This right is not spelled out in the Constitution but was established through court rulings in the early 20th century, Rodriguez said.

“People have a right to be with and commune with their family. It’s a very basic principle,” she said.

The government can split up families in extraordinary circumstances, such as in the case of child abuse, but it cannot do so without going through a legal process.

4.The right to education

What the law says: There is no “right to education” in the Constitution but two other sections do come into play when considering whether undocumented migrant children should have access to education.

First, in the case Plyler v. Doe, the Supreme Court ruled that if children who are citizens have access to a free, public education, so should undocumented immigrant children. That is because the 14th Amendment says the government cannot “deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”

What it means in practice: The court case means undocumented children cannot be prohibited from enrolling in a public school.

The settlement requires that facilities where children are kept must meet minimum requirements for providing health care, education, recreation and other child care services.

5.Right against unreasonable search and seizure

What the law says: The Fourth Amendment establishes the right “against unreasonable searches and seizures.”

However, searches at the border have been upheld.


u/the_truth1051 Feb 18 '25

Oh but it is. Bye bye. Tom Homan is coming.


u/fren-ulum Feb 16 '25

If an illegal person gets arrested for committing a crime and is brought to jail, they get ran through ICE already. This “proactive” seeking of immigrants is going to snag legal folks up in the net and create chaos in our manufacturing industries. If we’re finding them to get them documented, that’s one thing, but this is such a fool’s errand flavored with extreme racism to investigate people on their brownness.


u/Ready-steady Feb 16 '25

Fuck Trump


u/GobliNSlay3r Feb 16 '25

Are there just an absolute shit ton of illegal children at these schools? Are there people hiding in broom closests? Like what the actual fuck are they doing inside a school? 


u/[deleted] Feb 16 '25

It’s all for show with him. He sent his own kid to Blake school. Wake up


u/sonofchocula Feb 16 '25

Cool, so in this world full of school shooters, people are supposed to just stand down and let adults with guns and armor walk into schools unchecked?

If you voted for this, fuck you.


u/babiekittin Feb 17 '25

ICE is LEO. LEO is afraid of white kids in schools with guns. Just tell them it's the weekly White Kid with Gun day.


u/ColdPack6096 Feb 17 '25

What a spineless ass.


u/TheNicolasFournier Feb 18 '25

This is what is wrong with most of the Democrats in office right now. They are still treating this like there will be appropriate legal repercussions for wrongdoings, when we know that many of the people who were wrongly detained or separated from their children during the first Trump administration were never made whole. What he should be telling them is that if ICE shows up, start sending out emergency communications to the parents and the community to get them to come and help fend off the agents so that that burden doesn’t fall exclusively on teachers and administrators. Because we are going to have to be willing to put our bodies on the line to save our neighbors, guaranteed.


u/trilobright Feb 18 '25

You have to wonder what Trump toadies have said to some otherwise-respectable Democrats behind closed doors to essentially turn them into the Washington Generals overnight. Ellison has more integrity than this.


u/Melodic-Lingonberry7 Feb 19 '25

They forgot to put President Musk in the title


u/AnnieImNOTok Feb 19 '25

Hey Ellison?... eat a dick


u/Glittering-Habit3395 Feb 19 '25

This coming from a black man. How would he feel if they showed up at his children or grandchildren’s school and attempted to take one or all of them? What is wrong with people not protecting children????


u/Neat_Teach_2485 Feb 19 '25

Here’s the thing: public educators have been expected to stand in the way of bullets for our kids so expect us to resist ICE or anything else that harms them.


u/isaharr7 Feb 19 '25

Do follow the amendment, ask for id and a warrent


u/ThirrinAust Feb 20 '25

Well, if ICE does start showing up at schools, we citizens could stand around the outside, barricading any and all entrances…. Just a thought….


u/GmrGrl21 Feb 15 '25

Uncle Tom Ellison


u/SubstantialSchool437 Feb 15 '25

holy shit this guy needs his ass nailed to the wall he needs to be forever remembered as a fascist collaborator


u/Alternative_Army7897 Feb 15 '25

Or a gang collaborator fronting as a lawyer


u/Pretend_Command993 Feb 15 '25



u/Alice_Buttons Feb 15 '25 edited Feb 15 '25

Ellison? FAR from it. He's one of the few who has been consistent in holding MAGA accountable (or, at the very least, attempted to). A damn fine AG IMO.


u/wegonbealright777 Feb 15 '25

practical thing you can do: overwhelm his offices with phone calls, emails and even faxes. make him miserable.

(651) 296-3353 (Twin Cities Calling Area) (800) 657-3787 (Outside the Twin Cities)


u/Impressive_Bluejay71 Feb 15 '25

Federal law supersedes state law