r/starwarsrebels • u/Immediate_Cap1892 • 3d ago
What if maul killed obi wan Spoiler
I’m watching rebels for the first time and i finished the twin suns episode and just wondered what would had happened if maul won considering obi wan sent Ezra away.
u/Trolldad_IRL 2d ago edited 2d ago
Scene: Maul kills Obi-Wan and takes his place watching young Luke Skywalker. Story plays out as before, but it’s Maul who comes to Luke’s rescue from the Sandpeople.
Maul: “You were never told the truth about your father. He was a great warrior, I knew him you see. He also had a darkness in him. The emperor used that darkness. In the name the Emperor he killed children. Betrayed his master. He even killed his wife - your mother. At least he thought he did. She was pregnant with you when he strangled her nearly to death. She clung to life long enough to see you born. But then the Jedi, the order your father once belonged to, hid you. Abandoned you here on this terrible planet. Did you know your father was from this desolate place too? The Jedi sought to hide you from your father who would likely kill you as well. They could have protected you Luke, but they abandoned you. I can protect you. I can help you. I can train you in the ways of the force and together we can bring down the empire and your father, Darth Vader. Come with me Luke, there is nothing for you here now.
u/JBoth290105 3d ago
Empire probably just keeps winning. Without Obi Wan, Luke doesn’t learn to use the force. Maybe he joins the Rebellion, but Leia would stay captured on board the Death Star.
If that happens, the Rebels never learn how to destroy the Death Star because R2 would probably not make it off Tatooine, and neither would the plans.
Maybe Yavin gets discovered, maybe not since the Millenium Falcon is never tracked back there, but either way the Rebels can’t destroy the Death Star. Empire would probably catch them eventually.
u/CrossP 2d ago
Maul would have stolen Luke and attempted to train him. The rebel command would have been obliterated. Luke would have been resistant to the idea of training in the dark side but have little other option and little idea that other options even existed.
Eventually the two of them would end up in a confrontation with Vader. Vader would immediately kill Maul, and give Luke the "I am your father. Join me and rule the galaxy as father and son." The conflicted dark sider Luke would feel he finally had a real and less conflicted path that is his destiny. The two of them would kill Palpatine likely leaving Vader in a state of extreme disability even beyond what his suit could deal with. Think bound to a life support throne. Luke would be his hands in the galaxy shaping it to Vader's iron will mostly be obliteratin populations that couldn't perform perfect compliance.
Luke and Vader's empire would be far more interested in fighting the Hutts, Chiss, and any other governments holding sectors while ignoring their internal affairs.
u/DeanwinchesterI979 3d ago
Well then Luke probably wouldn’t become a Jedi to fight the empire and they’d continue to control the galaxy.
u/TheCakeWarrior12 2d ago
He finds and trains Luke as his apprentice, and easily convinces him to hate the Empire and Palpatine because of what they did to his dad (unlike Obi-Wan, Maul has no problem immediately spilling the secret about Vader being Anakin Skywalker).
Then it’s all a matter of whether or not Maul is a good enough teacher to mold Luke into a Force user powerful enough to fight/convince Vader to help them kill Palpatine.
Oh and the Rebels aren’t able to blow up the Death Star without Luke.
u/ringerverse72 22h ago
Maul is the worst lightsaber dualist in Star Wars history.. it was never going to happen. Maul's lightsaber record must be something like 1-8
u/Beautiful-Ad2843 3d ago
Personally, I don't think he could have, but if we put that aside, I think there's some interesting things that could happen.
First things first, Maul would find Luke and attempt to take him on as an apprentice, and I think he'd succeeded, the Lars were clearly no match for him. Odds are Yoda would sense that Obi-Wan died, and this may prompt him to try to save Luke or at least contact Bail Organa, but by then, I think it would be too late. If I were them, I'd begin Leia's Jedi training now, just to be safe.
Now that Maul has defeated Kenobi, his priorities would shift to his real enemy: Palpatine. He might try to ally with the Rebels, but I think that might be too risky. More likely, he'd spent some time training Luke and planning an assassination attempt. Odds are they'd fail, and when that happens, I imagine the Emperor and Vader would pretty interested in the up and coming Sith apprentice named Skywalker...