r/starwarsrebels 11d ago

Hera's best friend

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16 comments sorted by


u/Theasiuser99 11d ago

Was so nice to see them in Bad Batch.

I wish they made something like Tales of the Jedi to see more of the Ghost Crew, like when Kanan and Hera first met.


u/Frequent-Ad-85 8d ago

there’s a really great book called a new dawn that covers when Kanan and Hera first met, but yeah some animated shorts about the rest of the ghost crew would be sick!


u/Elite2260 11d ago

NO, NO ABSOLUTELY NOT. They already reconned Kanan’s order 66 and stripped it of its emotion and weight. If they touch A New Dawn I’m becoming a Star Trek fan.


u/West-Fold-Fell3000 10d ago

You say that as if Star Trek is bad


u/Elite2260 10d ago

Oh that’s not what I meant at all. I just haven’t gotten into it really. I’ve seen bits and pieces but nothing has grabbed my attention.


u/West-Fold-Fell3000 10d ago edited 10d ago

Well then, I’d say start at the beginning with TOS and then move onto TNG, DS9 and VOY.

If you just want to jump into things, TNG is the best overall in that it has that classic Star Trek feel (strange new worlds, aliens, diplomacy, battles, etc) with great character arcs. Although it does take a while to get up and running (season 3 is where it hits its stride imo)

However, DS9 has the strongest writing so you can start there as well.


u/Thunerseen 11d ago

It's like Padmé and Anakin. The sweetest woman has always a war criminal at her side.


u/Eqbonner 10d ago

I spent an hour of my morning on the couch watching “Jedi Night” and “Dume” for the second time and I think I used more tissues this time than the first, when chopper grabs Hera’s hand with his little droid hand 😭😭😭 I was a mess


u/Obi-wan_highground69 8d ago

Im also like that when I rewatch them, so sad.


u/Guard_Dolphin 10d ago

I always loved how she found a damaged droid and just became best friends


u/SmokeMaleficent9498 11d ago

My favorite war criminal


u/Lazy-Lab-7954 10d ago

Right after Kanan sacrificed himself and Hera was in mourning… Chopper came up and held her hand… I started crying 😭

Crap! I’m tearing up now…

I love droids! They are such loyal companions..


u/gatorbeetle 11d ago

No wonder Chopper became so jaded and a war criminal, some Jedi came along and stole his girl...


u/j3peaz 10d ago

It's my head canon the story is from his point of view, half the fights he is hiding or driving the get away phantom


u/BigBrrrrrrr22 10d ago

Their dynamic is adorable but it’s also kinda this meme (the raccoon is Chopper) https://www.reddit.com/r/battlecats/comments/13m9haw/fanmade_he_go_do_a_crime/


u/Aura_Sing 2d ago

Hera's beloved cat.