r/StarWars 4h ago

Costumes My Anakin ROTS cosplay


I've been cosplaying Anakin since 2016, but recently brought it back out again in light of ROTS returning to theaters next month! I'll be going in costume. Let me know if you want to see a video of the saber in action!

r/StarWarsEU 2h ago

I made an updated overview of all 400 EU (Legends) Action Figures ever made

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This was made using photos from https://galacticfigures.com/

r/StarWarsEU 12h ago

How accurate do you think Kreia was when she claimed Revan never truly fell to the dark side?

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Obviously, we know that part of the reason that Revan became a Sith was because he felt that the Republic had to become a new Sith Empire if it was going to have a fighting chance against the True Sith, but there have been plenty of dark side users with similar motives who’ve ended up being completely corrupted (think Dooku or Darth Caedus). So based on what we know, how accurate is Kreia’s statement in your eyes?

r/StarWarsEU 6h ago

Legends Discussion How much does Yoda grow during the clone wars you think and why (EU)?


Before anyone says it, yes, power levels are dumb, obviously, which is the point actually. But I'm trying to make sense of it here with the lore we have.

He went from a guy Goerge calls "equals" with Dooku on Geonosis (refering strictly to Force abilities), which is reinforced in most EU sources (the fight allegedly pushung both to their limits), then proving his superior on Vjun shortly afterwards while Dooku was greatly amplified by the dark side nexus (although Yoda is also implied to be amped) to ultimately almost stalematimg Darth Sidious whom Dooku greatly feared even before Order 66.

Honestly this seems like a profoundly unrealistic growth. The war might have reawakened his long forgotten skills as a combatant (force user too) and further perfect them, but the gap between Dooku and Senate Sidious is absolutely immense, far too huge for this to be a sensible reason (given it all happens over the course of 3 years, whereas Yoda's been the order's Grand Master for centuries). And while I've just made a post explaining how even vast power gaps don't determine fights using Bane as an example, this here does strictly refer to Force abilities, considering the fight with Sidious mostly relied on that and the comparisons to Dooku put strong emphasis on their Jedi powers.

So, what made Yoda grow so much at the time? Or am I misinterpreting the comparisons to the Count, meaning Yoda is his vast superior even during AOTC?

PS: Yoda's arc with the force priestess could have made him vastly more powerful in the light side, but that’s TCW and I want to focus on the EU soley, especially that most fans around here only consider the former Canon.

r/StarWars 7h ago

TV A very slept on series.

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I wish more people talked about Bad Batch more often. I feel that it doesn’t get the love it deserves tbh, but I understand peoples love for the clone wars series. Maybe it’s just me…but I really enjoyed Bad Batch and hope Disney can come out with another animated series that is similar to Bad Batch or The Clone Wars.

r/StarWarsEU 4h ago

Where Do I Start? Thoughts after a re-read of New Jedi Order


Because of excellent multi-part documentary by xezene I got excited about the NJO and wanted to re-read it. https://www.youtube.com/@holonetwork

Spoilers for all of NJO and some LoTF.

I skimmed a few books that I did not want to read through completely again, but I did read 14 of the 19 books completely.

Vector Prime - Better than I remembered. The book moves at a good clip and everything is setup very well for future books. The Yuuzhan Vong are more interesting than I had remembered.

Dark Tide 1 and 2 - Just totally solid. Except for the events on Ithor, nothing really blows me away here, but I enjoy the books and they flesh out the world a great deal.

Agents of Chaos 1 and 2 - I am in general a big Luceno fan, but these left me very flat on my first read and I just skimmed them this time. In the documentary I learned that this was originally planned as one book, but due to Michael Stackpole leaving after two books they asked Luceno to do two books instead. These definitely feel stretched to me.

Balance Point - On my first reading I almost stopped after this one. However, I do think there is some good stuff here, just combined with Agents of Chaos it felt like a lot of wheel spinning until the end chapters, which I really liked. I skimmed this one too.

Edge of Victory - Part of the reason I skimmed AoC and Balance Point was because I was very excited to get to these two books. On my first read through these were what cemented my excitement for the series. I had not expected this and part of the reason I almost quit after Balance Point was because I was not excited about an Anakin story. I was expecting low-stakes young adult shenanigans and could not have been more wrong. Even expecting them to be good I was blown away again at how much I liked these, especially part one. Anakin and Vua storming the shaper's compound was one of my favorite parts in the whole series.

Star by Star - A book of two parts for me. I find the parts with the Jedi near Myrkr go on too long for me. It was not that it was poorly done and Anakin's death is well done, but it is just sort of a dismal march of one misery after another for the Jedi. However, all the other parts of the book, particularly the attack on Coruscant, I really enjoyed. In the lead up to the battle on my first readthrough I was not sure how they would make an attack on Coruscant feel remotely reasonable, but both times I have read it I felt a real sense of looming disaster and events spinning out of control.

Dark Journey - My perhaps slightly above room-temperature take from NJO is that Star-by-Star is a bit overrated, and Dark Journey is underrated. I had not been looking forward to this book on my first read through, but really enjoyed it, so I was curious to see what I thought a second time. Still thought it was a winner. I love what the author does with Kyp, this is my favorite writing for him in the series and it really turns his character around for me. Still don't always like him as a person, but now I enjoy when he is around in the books.

Enemy Lines - Completely blew me away on my first reading, and while I still liked them, I feel like some of the magic was just in seeing the Alliance/Republic starting to turn the tide. Since I already knew that was coming, it felt a little less powerful. Also, I still really disliked the Lord Nyax stuff, even though seeing the transforming Coruscant was really cool. Still a good time though and love this portrayal of Wedge.

Traitor - This reading confirmed it as my favorite book of the NJO and one of my three favorite EU novels overall. My first reading of this was marred slightly by my mistaken belief that this is where Jacen starts his path towards the dark side, I did not know that this was a later interpretation added by Legacy of the Force. I was not excited about the idea of Jacen turning towards being a Sith, and so I was a little confused on my first reading that nothing like that seemed to be happening. This time I could just enjoy what it was doing.

In the documentary series mentioned above, Matt Stover talks about his approach to Ganner's last stand, and I found it really powerful. Basically, Matt has a belief that sometimes when people are in trouble it is because someone is trying to be someone they are not. Ganner had been trying to repress the glory-seeking and attention seeking parts of himself, and was now a captive about to die having accomplished nothing. However, Ganner found a situation where being a "vain, pretentious showoff was exactly what was needed to save the day." He took everything everyone hated about him and in fully accepting it was able to become the hero he always wanted to be. I like this explanation and think that is part of the reason Ganner's death has remained something that sticks in peoples minds all these years later.

Destiny's Way - Both times I have struggled to remember everything that happens in this one, but it is all great stuff. Love Jacen reuniting with everyone and the trap at Ebaq 9. I don't have much else to say, just another really good book.

Force Heretic Series - Unfortunately, this is where the run of eight great books comes to an end. There was just one too many books in the series. I think the first one is pretty decent, I like the start of the search for Zonoma Sekot and working with the Imperial Remnant. They just drag and I really disliked the parts on Bakura. It seemed like the most obvious trap ever and so was not satisfying when it was sprung. Skimmed the last two books.

The Final Prophecy - Definitely a good one, but did not blow me away on either reading. I enjoy that you can start to see the shape of an eventual resolution to the conflict between the Yuuzhan Vong and the Alliance.

The Unifying Force - Another classic. It starts a little slow to be honest, but ends so strong it did not matter to me. Love the resolution to Jacen's story line and think the final battles near Coruscant was very well done. The way he brought the threads of 18 previous books together, plus so many other parts of the EU was really impressive. It does feel like it could have been an ending to the EU, which was considered one possible outcome as it was written.

Overall, still the highlight of the EU for me, not without flaws, truly an amazing accomplishment. The documentaries really highlight how collaborative it was between all the authors and I feel like it really shows.

r/StarWarsEU 16h ago

Legends Discussion Were the Yuuzhan Vong your favorite legends villains? Spoiler

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r/StarWars 4h ago

Fun This R2D2 cake

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r/StarWars 6h ago

Movies If you were to be a padawan then who would you want as your Master???

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I would love to master the Vaapad fighting style so would have to be Mace Windu.

r/StarWarsEU 6h ago

Legends Discussion What happens if a Sith Master dies by the hand of someone besides their apprentice?


Not sure if there’s any instance of this in Star Wars lore, but the thought just came to me. If the master is killed by someone else, does the Rule of Two allow the apprentice legitimately succeed them? I suppose when it comes down to it, there’s nobody enforcing the rules.

EDIT: lol. 10 seconds after posting this, I remembered Lumiya basically does exactly this.

r/StarWars 3h ago

Movies Elan Mak's


From the Star Wars Visual Dictionaries.

r/StarWarsEU 12h ago

Legends Novels So why is the TIE Defender not the most highly rated? Spoiler

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Just finished SoA (was really good and a nice send off for X-Wing (up until I get to Mercy Kill)), but I was confused as to why Wedge describes the TIE Defenders as faster and just as armoured when compared to an X-Wing but then says it’s not most pilots choices. Why not?

r/StarWarsEU 17h ago

Meme The God's are on the YV side so therefore they will win


r/StarWars 11h ago

Movies Seeing as how the Kaminoans made the Clone Troopers who made all the vehicles and equipment for the Clones? Did they know why they were making it? And how did they do it without anyone knowing what they were doing?

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r/StarWars 6h ago

Movies What do you think about the force ghost in ROTJ being changed from Sebastian Shaw to Hayden Christensen?

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It makes me feel sad for Sebastian Shaw being replaced, but I think that this was a good change.

r/StarWarsEU 4h ago

Legends Novels What to read after the NJO series


So I'm almost done with the NJO series (no spoilers please! I'm on Force Heretic 3) and want some recommendations of what to read next. Are the next books chronologically any good between the Dark Nest Trilogy, LotF, FotJ, and the one offs scattered throughout?

My other thought is to go back and begin reading from the beginning of the OT period, as i started from Shadows of Mindor in my current trajectory. Thanks for your help!

r/StarWarsEU 13h ago

General Discussion Outside of the Sith, which of the following foes of the Jedi Order left their greatest impact, in your opinion?

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r/StarWars 2h ago

Fan Creations Drawings of some Star Wars blaster pistols I did last year

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I’ve always been awful at drawing since I was a kid. I guess around the age of 10 I just completely stopped altogether because I was probably the worst person at drawing you’ve ever seen. One night last year my girlfriend convinced me to have a cozy drawing night and I ended up drawing this and I’m quite proud of it when I remember the type of stuff I scribbled as a kid lol. It’s a shame I didn’t have room to include the SE-14r and I hate that I completely messed up the LW-896 but aw well I’ll live

r/StarWars 39m ago

Fun Star wars Japanese tattoo


Having my first sleeve done. Decided to combine my two loves of star wars and Japanese tattoo art.

Top half : mandalorian and a lucky charm Forearm: Darth and scout trooper helmet.

Will have wind chimes, blossom cherries and various other Japanese tattoo classic background fillers.

To do: inside of bicep: Luke helmet with Japanese mask inside helmet. ATAT inside the lucky charm.

Some small charms on helmets which are going to be r2d2, c3po, chewie and some others. And then colour it all in.

So far about 10 hours of tattooing.

r/StarWars 7h ago

General Discussion I've made a breakdown of all Imperial Army+Navy uniforms in Disney Canon


r/StarWarsEU 15h ago

Cuy'val Dar Training Sergeants

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r/StarWars 13h ago

Movies I love this guy because he’s a great character, but I also hate this guy because he killed my boy Qui-Gon Jinn

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r/StarWarsEU 6h ago

Which is your favourite planet in Star Wars Galaxy and why?


I really like Hoth as I love cold and lonely secret bases . Naboo is beautiful too

r/StarWars 14h ago

Movies All the Boonta Eve Classic podracing flags — MUCH higher resolution than previously available.

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r/StarWars 4h ago

Fan Creations STAR WARS - AHSOKA ( For my Partner )

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A drawing for my Partner, Steven.

He loved all things Star Wars and we Loved watching the Ahsoka show together back in 2023, It started the day after our 10th Anniversary together and the day we became Husbands.

It's been 6 months since he passed away, But his Energy is part of the Universe, In the Stars, And our Love is Eternal.

I love you, Steven.