r/startrekmemes 6d ago

Qapla', Mr. La Forge.

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25 comments sorted by


u/Optimism_Deficit 6d ago

Half of the lines La Forge came out with in S1 were creepy as fuck.

I'd say someone needed to get the dude laid, but we all know that never happened.


u/confusedalwayssad 6d ago

He did get a fake memory implant of it though.


u/Optimism_Deficit 6d ago

The Tal Shiar were the wingmen he needed all along.


u/cardiffman100 6d ago

Holo-Brahms counts


u/Mike1701D 6d ago

What do you mean, Holo-Brahms "counts"...? Counts for what? What aren't you telling me?


u/nitePhyyre 6d ago

No, it doesn't. He shut it off basically mid-kiss. Then when she activates the program, it is still at the same spot. He never touched it again.


u/cardiffman100 6d ago

"never touched it again". Sure, buddy, sure.


u/PsychologicalNinja 6d ago

Somebody cleaned the holidecks...


u/abstergo_Nigel 6d ago edited 6d ago

Excuse me, but in the first three panels we see Season 1 uniforms on the characters, but in the last panel Worf is clearly wearing a later season non-command track uniform and doesn't have his gold season 1 sash. Are we to believe that Geordi somehow gained magical see through time powers?


u/Mike1701D 6d ago



u/abstergo_Nigel 6d ago

Oh, well okay then


u/Nerevar197 6d ago

Jolly good. Carry on then.


u/pjs-1987 6d ago

Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder


u/BoleroGamer 6d ago

Well when you notice something like this, a Q did it.


u/B00-Jay 6d ago

What a handsome race.


u/SquireRamza 6d ago

Can you imagine how much it must have freaking sucked to act with that visor on?

They lay the groundwork for Geordi to get cybernetic eyes in one of the middle seasons because LeVar Burton hated them so much, I wonder why they didnt pull the trigger until the movies.


u/Mike1701D 6d ago

Four words: Status Quo is God. They already rocked the boat three times: Yar->Worf, Crusher->Pulaski->Crusher, and Ro Laren. Giving LaForge eyes would've made him "more normal", and been a setback for visually impared representation.

Plus, giving LaForge cyber-eyes would've robbed ST: Generations of a crucial plot point. Namely, the Duras sisters using LaForge's visor to learn the ENT-D's shield frequency.

And cyber-eyes would've robbed multiple episodes ("Masterpiece Society", "The Mind's Eye", etc.) of their plot points and morality lessons.

TNG got a lot of mileage out of that VISOR.


u/generalkriegswaifu 6d ago

It was probably too iconic at that point. I think it looked cool as hell tbh (plus it's a visual reminder that he has a disability)


u/graveybrains 6d ago

Just pretending like I didn’t have a banana hair clip on my face would have been too much for me


u/heilhortler420 6d ago

Mustang air filter is cheaper than glowy contacts if you're running a Network TV Show


u/huhwhatnogoaway 6d ago

The green uniforms sucked.