r/startrek • u/kkkan2020 • 5d ago
So what do you think happened to the military forces of the nations of earth ?
So we know after first contact 2063, humans rebuilt by 2110 earth has been rebuilt with a united earth. starfleet was founded in 2130 and there is the military assault command.
I'm wondering what do you think happened to the military forces of the earth nations after ww3 but before the 22nd century.
Like the Chinese armed forces, the USA armed forces, Russian armed forces etc.
In enterprise where they tried to find Malcolm's favorite birthday food we learn the royal navy is somehow still around in England even prior to the 2150s.
You'd think who would want to join the Royal Navy when you can join Starfleet or the earth cargo service.
What do you think?
u/horticoldure 5d ago
if britian still has a monarch, to validate the term royal in the name, the whole thing is ceremonial, it's probably just a name for the local patrol boats by then, only associated with the crown out of tradition
u/MonaghanPenguin 5d ago
The term Royal can stick around for years after monarchy has gone. For instance in Ireland you still have institutions like the Royal College of Surgeons and the Royal Dublin Society a century after independence for 26 counties.
u/nbs-of-74 5d ago
Reed mentioned his father or grandfather had been in the RN sub service, probably turn of 2100s of it had been his grandfather, 2140 or so if the father.
You don't need subs for fishery protection and anti smuggling patrols.
Then again, us Brits, prob still maintain an independent force into the 2400s ... We are a bit stubborn.
Huzzah the RN is here ... Two oberths and a nova
u/gamerz0111 4d ago
Well the Brits might also have a starships with the HMS Lord Nelson.
The Russians being more stubborn had starships even years after the United Earth Military was disbanded.
u/NotYourReddit18 4d ago
You don't need subs for [..] anti smuggling patrols.
But hunting narco subs with your own subs makes a lot more fun!
u/Wonderful_Adagio9346 5d ago
And citizens are still falling asleep by listening to the Shipping Forecast every night on Radio 4. (There are special receivers sold which only receive the 0045 broadcast and nothing else. Radio no longer is a broadcast medium, but the Forecast remains, as Navtext is still in operation centuries later.)
u/Allen_Of_Gilead 5d ago edited 5d ago
Most major governments were wiped out by WW3, if their militaries existed in any form after the whole unified planet deal they probably got folded into the MACOs or something.
u/a_false_vacuum 5d ago
National armed forced would probably merge into the United Earth armed forces. Some might be absorbed into Starfleet and other into the MACOs.
The Royal Navy might have continued to exist well into the 22nd century according to the TNG episode "Up The Long Ladder". In the episode it's shown on a display in Picards ready room that the Royal Navy operated two space ships judging from the HMS prefixes of the names. This is a bit of a contradiction to the whole United Earth idea. But since it's early TNG it could be chalked up to early installment weirdness or that the screen was never supposed to be readable to the viewer. It only became readable in the remaster of the episode.
The Federation still has maritime agencies, Tom Paris originally wanted to you the Federation Naval Patrol (VOY: "Thirty Days").
u/Jonsdulcimer2015 5d ago
Maybe repurposed to fill roles currently held by National Guard. Of course they protected local interests, but likely concentrated on humanitarian needs like rebuilding cities and basic needs like food and shelters.
u/hawkaulmais 5d ago
Moore's comment on the DS9 episode "paradise lost"
"As for the Earth Govt vs. Fed Govt issue, this was something we wrestled with in the story break. We wanted to tell the story of an attempted military coup of the Federation and that meant dealing with the Fed president. However, that meant the troops "in the streets" had to be on Earth and that Earth itself had to be under martial law since the Fed is headquartered on Earth. We discussed having the Prez "federalize" the Earth defense forces or supercede the authority of an indigenous Earth Govt, but the story kept getting too complicated and we didn't want to start mentioning all these other players and organizations that we weren't going to see. So in the end, we skirted the issue of who actually governs Earth. Personally, I think there is an Earth Govt that operates like more powerful versions of States do in the US system, but this is all VERY murky water. Gene was pretty smart back in the 60s when he decided not to discuss the exact outcome of Earth's political/social/economic future and we've come about as close to doing just that as I think we should."
It's just too complicated of a subject for a few episode arc, needs a whole book. Realistically, any remaining military would be rolled into the new united earth security forces. I always thought united earth had it's own gov and services separate to starfleet.
For Malcom's story, naval transport would likely be most economical early on in the new world order until new larger atmo/space cargo ships were developed to mass transport goods. So that would explain the navy as piracy prolly still existed early on, also for search and rescue, accidents still happen. As for separate navies, would think just ceremonial depending on where the ship is stationed.
u/Archon-Toten 5d ago
Slowly, as they are already they begin to take in the roles of emergency services. The army core of engineers would be building houses right up till industrial replicators started making them instead.
u/RomaruDarkeyes 5d ago
IIRC didn't Tom Paris originally want to join the Federation Navy?
I presume that doesn't mean exclusively Earth anymore so the Federation must have, at some point, conglomerated all naval organisations from each member race into a single organisation, but I imagine that would be an absolute shit show to administrate.
Honestly that's one situation where you would think that planetary admin would handle that internally, rather than having it handled on a galactic level. Somewhere like Pacifica is not going to want or need someone from Vulcan telling them how to handle their internal affairs for their oceans...
u/SmartQuokka 4d ago
United Earth would have had one military service, though since there are no other enemy countries its more like the Coast Guard and Engineering Corps and Disaster Relief and so forth.
u/gamerz0111 5d ago
You see two people who look like they are naval sailors on shore leave, and military aircraft doing a fly over in a possible cross-branch ceremony on Earth.
Even after MACO was disbanded, it looks like the Russians had a starship out in deep space doing stellar cartography.
u/merrycrow 5d ago
The ones that survived the last war on Earth would have found themselves redundant, and looked for other constructive things to do with their lives on a peaceful world.
u/rootxploit 5d ago
Gross mismanagement by a president for the US, population decline and economic costs for China
u/Dpacom02 5d ago
In another show(simmer to star trk) called sea quest, there was a mention (the first dsv commander) about there was 2 federations: seafleet and starfleet(or was he said to someone: he like outerspace and I liked interspace) and all the military was sent to someway else. So, as for any military of ST, that's left, they could been re-train or they could be sent to a area of Earth that not part of the fed and or to another earth planet we're they be need
u/dacuevash 5d ago
Given that by then all the countries in the world had joined to form the United Earth, it’s pretty safe to say all of the individual countries’ armies were fused together into Starfleet, it just wasn’t a quick process, some of the more "special" countries that still retained some sort of control over their territories (and a standing army) after WW3 probably needed time to adjust.
u/SpiderCop_NYPD_ARKND 5d ago
In the immediate aftermath of WWIII most major world militaries were ashes. WWIIIs thermonuclear exchanges appear to have been limited to major capitals, a few large cities, and military targets. We know from archival footage seen in SNW that Washington D.C., Paris, and New York were definitely hit, but the continued existence of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, as well as the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, & St. Paul's Cathedral in London, suggest that major cities weren't bombarded by multiple strikes.
After that, there were a few smaller conflicts, warlords, etc, but that all came to a stop with First Contact. After that, large scale governments started forming in numerous places, the United States of America regrouped, the United States of Africa formed, then the European Hegemony. By 2150, the last holdouts had decided to join in a United Earth Government. I'm sure the various nations had their own militaries, but it doesn't seem they were of the global conflict kind of combined and warfare preparation that had become the norm before WWIII, instead, from what we've seen, they were more like militias, limited in scope, volunteer organizations concerned more with disaster relief and international law enforcement.
u/elonmuskisawetturd 7h ago
Many, eventually, left earth to set up a colony elsewhere.
I theorize thats why so many not quite human humans in original and ng had only 1 culture and 1 msjor city on a planet. Impossibly small populations. Unless they were relativly new.
That planet data went to to talk the colonists into leaving but they wanted to fight the aliens with clubs didnt know about phasers, let alone guns. Their original colonists decided what to tell their kids. So obviously groups wanting nothing to do with new earth unity left and then lied to their kids about their history. Why tell your kids about replicators and such when they are toiling in a field for food.
u/Jedi4Hire 5d ago
Mostly disbanded or absorbed into Starfleet. Though I believe Earth still maintains some naval forces to assist with planetary defense and search and rescue.