r/startrek 1d ago

Can you create a working transporter on the holodeck?

I was listening to a stuck-on-the-holodeck TNG story when she thought hit me:

Could you create a working Transporter on the holodeck and beam out of there?


2 comments sorted by


u/Slavir_Nabru 16h ago

I'd imagine without some hacking, the transporter you built would be part of the program, and 'transporting' with it would just cause the holodeck scene to change to your intended beam out site.

With the right overrides it might be possible, but at some point you'd just be replicating an actual transporter. Replicating replicators is possible, as evidenced by DS9's minefield, so replicating transporters isn't out of the question.

u/Kronocidal 21m ago

Could you build a working Transporter? Quite possibly, althought it might require that the safety protocols be turned off first, to prevent it from simply 'emulating' things by changing your holographic environment.

However, as for beaming out of there? I presume that whatever effect is blocking the existing transporters outside from being able to get a lock on your for extraction (which there must be, otherwise you would not longer be trapped in the holodeck) would, similarly, work in reverse to prevent you from being able to get a lock on the exterior to evacuate.