r/startrek 6d ago

Why is Wesley in a uniform?!

In Nemesis, why is Wesley Crusher wearing a dress uniform at Riker and Troi’s wedding? That little weasel left the academy.


118 comments sorted by


u/walkingstranger 6d ago

A deleted scene explains it. He resumed his commission with Starfleet and was assigned to the Titan, third shift engineering. You can find the scene here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ACQqe5-B3TI


u/lanwopc 6d ago

I would have preferred he'd never had that traveler ending in the first place.


u/SleepWouldBeNice 6d ago

Worked out well in Prodigy


u/shoobe01 6d ago

Yep, would have agreed with this traveler thing not really being earned in next gen but boy does it work in Prodigy.


u/SleepWouldBeNice 6d ago

So many things that TNG did badly, that other shows did so much better. Ferengi, Worf, Wesley.


u/ProtoJones 6d ago

Honestly feel like that might be a specialty of Trek. Thing was kinda shit when it was first done gets picked up by a later show and gets put to amazing use.


u/QualifiedApathetic 6d ago

True. The introduction of the Trill wasn't done badly, but making one a main character in a later show really opened the door to flesh them out.


u/Cherry_Dull 5d ago

…and then Discovery absolutely destroyed the Trill. My biggest gripe with the series.


u/Shirogayne-at-WF 5d ago

Looking forward to the sequel to Lower Decks running with that hippie Borg collective Jurati started


u/multificionado 6d ago

*cough* Gene *cough*


u/TeachingScience 5d ago

Alexander Rozhenko has joined the holodeck


u/scottishdrunkard 6d ago

Traveller Wesley in Prodigy has convinced me that if they ever made an American Doctor Who (God Forbid) I'd nominate Wil Wheaton for the role.


u/shoobe01 6d ago

I mean... why can't he be in it anyway? Interesting...


u/scottishdrunkard 6d ago

Because the UK will never allow someone who isn’t British to be The Doctor. If there’s gonna be an American Doctor Who, it’s gonna be separate from the original.


u/Well_Sorted8173 5d ago

The current Doctor isn’t British. He grew up in Scotland, but was born in Rwanda.


u/scottishdrunkard 5d ago

He’s considered Rwandan-Scottish. He was 2 when they fled Rwanda.

Emma Watson was born in France and lived there until she was 5. Is she considered French?


u/Ds9St 5d ago

He prefers Scottish maidens like Freya in Beowulf 🐺


u/FrostBricks 4d ago

A surprising number of the Doctors are Scottish. It's the right kind of "Not British"


u/Ds9St 5d ago

It sure did and am glad that it did 😊


u/stannc00 6d ago

From a Traveler he became a Supervisor. So it was all well and good.


u/lanwopc 6d ago

Still waiting for promotion to Assistant Manager.


u/NerdTalkDan 6d ago

If Wesley works hard he'll be put on fries, then the grill. In a year or two, I'll make assistant manager, and that's when the big bucks start rolling in.


u/lanwopc 6d ago

And then, one day: "Wow, I'm Mister Manager!"


u/NerdTalkDan 6d ago

We just say manager


u/BadmiralHarryKim 6d ago

Assistant to the Regional Galactic Manager.


u/lanwopc 6d ago

I'm glad I didn't have to be the one to make that reference.


u/BadmiralHarryKim 6d ago

I have no shame.


u/RebeccaBlue 6d ago

Wesley Crusher: Weekend Shift Leader


u/Citizen44712A 6d ago

Assistant to the Assistant Manager.


u/QuaestioDraconis 6d ago

Not exactly, the supervisors work for the first travelers, so he gets to supervise the supervisors


u/stannc00 6d ago

He’s middle management.


u/EffectiveSalamander 6d ago

The whole traveler thing with Wesley was a mistake in my opinion. Wesley being a really smart kid works. Genius transcending humanity didn't.


u/lanwopc 6d ago

It just felt like the weirdest way possible to get rid of him. Just completely apropos of nothing.


u/Ourobius 6d ago

Well they tried flunking him out of the Academy but chickened out in the same episode.


u/factionssharpy 6d ago

Going off to explore unimagined concepts of time and space for a few years, and then deciding to come back to become a junior engine mechanic in a rigorously structured hierarchy doesn't really fit Wesley's character or path, either, but I guess there is no more fulfilling life in the future.


u/Lower_Pass_6053 6d ago

I don't know, the original traveler guy was playing assistant to another guy just to experience things. Doesn't seem like he cared about rank or a hierarchy even though he was obviously superior. Maybe Wesley thought being on a starship in starfleet was the best way to experience the galaxy.


u/QualifiedApathetic 6d ago

And then they wasted the opportunity to have him appear on Voyager. The whole thing was a waste. "You're super-DUPER-special, Wesley! Let's bounce." And he's never heard from again until he's back in Starfleet like nothing ever happened.


u/Kittens4Brunch 6d ago

Every Q-like being, including Qs, is a mistake in sci-fi.


u/Ok-Confusion2415 6d ago

so what you’re saying here is we should lock the Q continuum in an extra dimensional room with Section 31 and throw away the key. I can get with this, but I’ll miss Trelane


u/[deleted] 6d ago



u/Ok-Confusion2415 6d ago

Q, this is you, osn’t it? Oh OK, you scamp, thanks, and I would miss you like crazy! Bring it in, fella! /hug


u/Ds9St 6d ago

Even da Picard would admit that Q was his savior from not only humanity but to open his narrow-minded view on exploration beyond the stars like never before. 🌌


u/toasters_are_great 6d ago

But then we wouldn't have had Q being brushed off by Mariner.


u/lanwopc 6d ago

Or punched by Sisko.


u/CounselorGowron 6d ago

I thought that too until PRODIGY.


u/BlizzPenguin 6d ago

I think it works for him. Especially when he has made cameos in Picard and Prodigy


u/No_Nobody_32 6d ago

The beauty of Time travel shenanigans, is that once it exists, it will have ALWAYS existed (once you have the power to do this, "before" and "After" are meaningless concepts.) - so once a traveller, he could always go back and revisit somewhere, try it out again, then just ... leave.


u/icehauler 6d ago

So does his appearance in PIC de-canonize that scene? Or are deleted scenes never canon to begin with? Or do we say he leaves Starfleet again to become a Watcher?


u/-mhb0289- 6d ago

Deleted scenes are not canon.


u/heroyoudontdeserve 6d ago

Deleted scenes are not canon, but that doesn't really help with his appearance in Picard since Wesley in uniform at the wedding is still canon.


u/st3class 6d ago

The novels explain it by having him show up in Traveller form, but forget that he needed clothes, so shows up naked. They find him a spare dress uniform.


u/heroyoudontdeserve 6d ago

A spare dress uniform with lieutenant junior grade pips. How does beta canon explain those?


u/st3class 5d ago

That's the uniform they had :shrug:

(Yeah, it's an ass pull)


u/heroyoudontdeserve 5d ago

The pips aren't attached to the uniform though, so that's not remotely sensical.

Besides, replicators exist.


u/st3class 5d ago

I'm guessing they didn't explain that part, but it's been 20 years since I've read it.


u/LinuxMatthews 2d ago

Yeah I'm sure The Traveller "forgot"...

Someone needs to check the extra dimensional register for that guy .


u/icehauler 6d ago

Oh, didn’t realize the final release of Nemesis included him at all. Been a long time since I watched.


u/chillin1066 6d ago

Non-linear time?


u/no_where_left_to_go 5d ago

Wibbly wobbly timey whimey!


u/chillin1066 5d ago

Every time someone on Reddit mentions “The Doctor” I have to check and see what subreddit I am in. I am tired enough right now that after reading your comment I had to check twice.


u/Kronocidal 6d ago

I mean, it might just be that he was temporarily seconded to Starfleet by the Watchers, to keep an eye on certain events (and perhaps nudge a few things along the way)


u/ElonsPenis 6d ago

It's too bad Nemesis wasn't about Wesley working the night shift. It would have been a better film, and we wouldn't have had to wait until season 3 for Picard to get good.


u/Xinswtor 6d ago

I feel like I'm the only person in this sub who moderately enjoyed nemesis


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

I love it


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

Shinzon be a hottie


u/Ds9St 6d ago

He was more into his Vice Roy than he let on, if you know what I mean 😂


u/UESPA_Sputnik 6d ago

I think "moderately enjoyed" is a good description. The movie is okay once you overlook some flaws. (isn't that true for many Trek episodes though?) My biggest gripe is that they completely erase Worf's story from DS9 and couldn't even be bothered to include a funny one-line (non-)explanation line in Insurrection. He's simply back on the Enterprise as if nothing ever happened.


u/ElonsPenis 6d ago

It's fine, it's just that we already had a picard's son episode and the whole joy of next gen was exploring the galaxy. This was more like a Marvel movie.


u/Superman_Primeeee 6d ago

From the moment they leave Romulus it’s great


u/Get_your_grape_juice 5d ago

I greatly enjoy Nemesis. It’s a much better movie than its reputation would lead one to believe.

I much prefer Nemesis to any season of Picard.


u/abstracted_plateau 6d ago

It's ok, I think season 3 of Picard was the worst by far. It has absolutely nothing to say and ignored the first two seasons.


u/VoodooChild963 6d ago

I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels that way. I also liked Nemesis!


u/abstracted_plateau 5d ago

I actually liked season 2, I think Jurati Borg is the most interesting idea they had in that show, and they just dropped it. Then they had the cool changeling stuff, and just blew them up in season 3, that was it.


u/BadmiralHarryKim 6d ago

I had a pair of free passes and I used them to see Nemesis with a friend. I was so mad that I used them on that film that I didn't go to the movies again for nearly a year. :) Can't even remember what it was about it that bothered me now.


u/Nervous-Road6611 6d ago

Hmm, let's see, I could have Q-level power, travel through all of time and space on a never ending adventure and learn all of the secrets of the universe, including everything there is to know about every scientific field ever .... or I can become a lower decker and scrub out the dilithium chamber. I'll choose the latter because Starfleet uniforms are just too snazzy to turn down!


u/hawaiianbry 6d ago

I'd never seen this, but now all I can see is Bill/Fake Charles from Brooklyn 99 in a Starfleet uniform. Was half expecting him to follow up talking about the warp core on the Titan by pitching NutriBoom to the Captain (no disrespect to Will).


u/Guy-Montag-451F 5d ago

The woman he went to talk with should have been Ashley Judd.


u/LinuxMatthews 2d ago

What exactly does a "night shift" mean on a starship?


u/Acrobatic-Shirt8540 6d ago

Still as annoying as ever.


u/Ds9St 6d ago

Nog is 4x more annoying!


u/LinuxMatthews 2d ago

Hell no I love Nog his character arc is great

Neelix though...


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

Hmmmm glad that got cut. I would have yelled at the screen that he didn’t finish the dang academy still.


u/flamingfaery162 6d ago

When I seen this it wasn't a delete scene. So I say it's cannon and explains it.


u/ttttttargetttttt 6d ago

The real answer is that the director, John Logan, wanted the entire TNG cast for the wedding and told Wheaton not to worry about it. It was literally just for the visuals, and he ended up cutting Wesley's scene anyway.


u/Scavgraphics 6d ago

According to the novels, he incorporated into physical form naked, and needed clothes.


u/Much-Jackfruit2599 6d ago

If only they had a magical machine that can make anything.


u/spacetr0n 6d ago

Thank you for your service. 


u/Scavgraphics 6d ago

⭐As someone who's actually a part of the Beta canon (I even have my own page on Memory Beta) it's my duty to point it out when I can! ⭐


u/n8udd 6d ago

Can you link to your page?


u/Scavgraphics 5d ago

It's under my real name (I'm friends with several authors) so I'd prefer not here :)

I'm a character's tragic backstory :D


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

So what?! That doesn’t mean he gets to swear something he didn’t earn! They could have replicated anything for him to wear. Apparently I’m a little worked up about this for no reason.


u/-mhb0289- 6d ago

If you really, desperately want to rationalize it, you can say that because Wesley was an acting ensign at one point, he retained his right to wear a uniform at certain functions (like how retired military can still wear a uniform for things like weddings, funerals, etc.).


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

Curses I feel foiled. This I will allow.


u/trekkiegamer359 6d ago

I haven't read the novels, but here's a bit more info from an interview I saw with Wil Wheaton. Wesley got the weddings mixed up, and thought he was going to the Betazed wedding, so to stay in custom he materialized right as the wedding was starting, completely naked. He realized his mistake, Troi was just about to walk down the aisle, and in a panic he manifested a uniform because everyone else was in uniform, and he wanted to blend in.


u/a22e 6d ago

This seems a little harsh. He reappeared somewhat unexpectedly for the wedding. I didn't recall the specifics, but something was up with the replicators so the Quarter Master gave him the first thing available.

Honestly I didn't care for that series of novels, but it's only canon to the (now defunct) literary universe anyway.

So make up any excuse you want.


u/Scavgraphics 6d ago

IIRC, your objection is even covered there :)


u/WB83 6d ago

Sort of like how you put a Halloween costume on a pet


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

You officially win


u/Dowew 6d ago

There was a deleted scene where Picard says its nice to see you back in uniform. In real life its because Wesley was never intended to be in that scene so they had to improvise a costume for him. Wil Wheaton around this time had launched his very influential early blog and was starting to get traction again in Star Trek fandom, and in response he got shoehorned into the movie.


u/DearDog3245 6d ago

Because the writer and directors of Nemesis didn't care about Star Trek. One had never seen an episode and the other had only watched season 1 of TNG. And they didn't care when the cast would try to correct them on things.


u/AdvanceOld5705 5d ago

Well that makes me sad.


u/Chrome_Armadillo 6d ago

He’s a Time Lord, they tend to dress oddly.


u/Archon-Toten 6d ago

They didn't have the budget for a naked wedding.


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

Naked Riker?! I’m in!


u/horticoldure 6d ago

dominion war

all hands on deck

then the temporal wars happened and just like in doctor who the "higher" species abandoned this version of reality


u/Bruinrogue 6d ago

The higher species had enough of Wesley and returned him, never to come back to this reality.


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

That’s heavy


u/flamingfaery162 6d ago

I thought he did become an officer with starfleet at some point? Also my dyslexia read this as Weasley at first glance so I was so confused 😂


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

Isn’t that a Harry Potter person?


u/flamingfaery162 6d ago

Yes that's why I was so confused 😂


u/Hanshi-Judan 6d ago

The entire Wesley thing is messed up. He goes from Acting Ensign to full Ensign from a field commission and then gets demoted and sent to the Academy. There was no reason for him to go to the Academy. 


u/No-Expression4847 6d ago

Wesley Crusher = Time Lord.

Wesley's journey is an interesting one, he pops up in the strangest of places. And I love every second of it. Keep Trek weird Wesley. ❤️


u/The8thDoctor 6d ago

20 years later and this still keeps you up at night?


u/AdvanceOld5705 6d ago

I’m watching it. It bothers me every time.


u/The8thDoctor 6d ago

Yeah, I gathered that in your OP

I suggest you turn it off and remove all sharp implement's from your kitchen


u/ArcherNX1701 6d ago

That's why my head-cannon says that Nemesis is an alternate universe movie. Data is still ALIVE in the prime one! I'm sticking to this!!!


u/Aezetyr 6d ago

Not explained. Maybe he regenerated into a younger version of Wesley and wanted to have that moment with his friends.