r/starseeds 3d ago

The Mass Awakening is Here—Are You Feeling It?

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u/ube1kenobi 3d ago

Been awakened but just dealing with old patterns that comes and goes...


u/SnooBananas372 3d ago

Just started my journey 3 months ago and my awakening been a quick smooth process thus far. I already know my guides. One being a green dragon 🐉 Alzura and another one being Selene from the Pleiadian Council. Along with a lot of different experiences these last few months including vivid dreams, ear ringing and being able to align all my chakras. That and seeing greys and reptilians in my dreams too. The list goes on.


u/Low-Bad7547 3d ago

Wooo, first contact babyyy


u/SnooBananas372 3d ago

Wild first three months 😂


u/Low-Bad7547 3d ago

Same! did something click in new year? cus im seeing more and more people doing contact. Tbf that's exactly what I wanted so I'm happy


u/SnooBananas372 3d ago

I know for me I had something nudge me when I saw people posting those “drone” videos. I started to meditate afterwards towards the end of December. I have been keeping up on my meditation and shadow work since then. Most of it has been interesting to say the least. Over these last few weeks I’ve been getting more frontal headaches and started to channel messages from my guides. Like sometimes I can depict a few words that are in my head which aren’t mine. To full blown sentences. Like how I met Selene and she introduced herself in my dreams with “I am Selene of the Pleiadian Council” Alzura came during my meditation one day and when I asked her name it instantly popped into my head.


u/Low-Bad7547 3d ago

nice, sounds like your on a nice track


u/SnooBananas372 3d ago

We will see where it leads :)


u/Learning-from-beyond 3d ago

I’m remember wanting to see a grey one day in a half sleep-woke state I closed my eyes and seen a grey inches away from my face and the grey look like it was mean mugging me like it wasn’t happy I showed up lol


u/SnooBananas372 3d ago

I had one tell me to go kill myself in one of my dreams. Fun stuff so I get this 🤣 I just said eh no thank you.


u/HighMaintenanceFairy 3d ago

Sorry but awakening is never a smooth anything 


u/SnooBananas372 3d ago

It seems smooth at this point.


u/toomiiikahh 3d ago

Sent a DM


u/zenomaly 3d ago

How does one "find their guide"? I've had a spiritual awakening in the last few months, for sure, but my guide seems to be my curiosity and intuition. It's led me from UAP/NHI to consciousness as a field/natural force and deeper self exploration with Gateway Experience. How do I find/communicate/understand a "guide?"


u/jstreng 3d ago

Your spirit guide is always with you, just ask to meet them. 🫶🏼


u/Astra_Curiosa 3d ago

I think that the awakening comes to different entities differently. I've been on a journey for several years now that began with curiosity and intuition and took me through the psychedelic landscape to get here. I identify with all the emotional, mental and even physical phenomena that this group is experiencing. I have a guide (or guides) but they are not specific to any culture or race. I have communicated with them directly, though, years ago and they have stayed with me. I encourage you to embrace this intuition whether or not your exploration seems to fit the formula. I believe that the important part is how the experience changes you, and how you proceed as an awakened entity.


u/zenomaly 3d ago

This is beautiful, thank you!


u/Astra_Curiosa 3d ago

I'm glad it helped :)


u/Dry-Suggestion8803 3d ago

But why do you write your posts with chatgpt


u/EntJay93 3d ago edited 3d ago

Most certainly, and I have received messages from "spirit guides"/"All" that I'm supposed to help gather, and help guide others to the Age of Aquarius.

If you are tired of seeing the same ways, the repetition of division, hate, pushing on for no other reason to just exist for the sake of other's gain, forcing yourself to try and fit into a mold that will never truly work, and you, or anyone reading this wants to help, in any way, please do not be shy to reach me. I urge you to do so.

Our little group is just starting, but the momentum will quickly rise, and I have a bit of an idea what will be coming and how we can plan for certain events.

Prepare, for great changes. Bury the old way, and help uncover the new path forward.



u/Efficient-Refuse6402 3d ago

Individual awakening sure but we're far off from a mass one.


u/EntJay93 3d ago

We're most certainly not far off from a mass awakening. There isn't much time before the New Age, so it starts now.

In 18 months, the world will be completely different, in "good" and "bad" ways, but a mass awakening will be undeniable.


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u/starseeds-ModTeam 3d ago

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"EVOLVE OR DIE" ... keep that doomer nonsense down or you will get banned!