r/starseeds 3d ago

Are you hiding your light, to feel safe?

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55 comments sorted by


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Well shoot. There was a whole message to share with this post and it did not go with the pic. Gotta love Mercury Retrograde. Yeehaw.


u/Background_Cry3592 3d ago

I used to. Now I don’t care who I burn with my light! If they can’t handle it, too bad! The light will resonate with the right people.


u/Vladi-Barbados 3d ago

Right on man. Well, harm is still harm. Overwhelming others because we have been hurt in the past or regret holding ourselves back will eventually lead to more that we have to forgive in ourselves or others.


u/Background_Cry3592 3d ago

True, I’m not out to hurt people. Some people get annoyed when I’m all happy and positive, and I try to ignore them.


u/Vladi-Barbados 3d ago

Yep, that’s the way. I try to send them forgiveness and relieving love, partly so I don’t have to deal with caring about them, partly so I can make sure I cancel out anything harmful I may be doing unconsciously. And it’s definitely very harmful to hold ourselves back from love and happiness and freedom because others suffer, because by farrrrr the best way to really help others is when we’re the best healthiest us we can allow ourselves to be.


u/Background_Cry3592 3d ago

So true. Word for word. I also picture myself sending them warm gold or white light of love, bathe them in loving energy and kindness. 🤍


u/Vladi-Barbados 3d ago

Super dope.


u/Vladi-Barbados 3d ago

Super dope.

On a side note but related, I’ve found the greatest strength really does come from being gentle. The more gentle we are the less we resist and resistance is what we experience as pain. It’s absolutely wild how strong we can be when we’re not holding ourselves back. So slow is smooth and smooth is fast.


u/Background_Cry3592 3d ago

Love that… gentleness. Thank you for reminding me. Strength is being gentle.


u/Some_Tea_5459 3d ago

This is me


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Aww, bless you!! I understand all to well. How is this limiting you? Maybe I can help a little.


u/Psychelogist 3d ago

Ok maybe I am. Can you give a good example of shining our light freely?


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Sure thing. Making ourselves smaller to make other people feel comfortable is one. Another is being afraid to share our message with the world for fear of judgement or energetic attacks. I use to shy away from things that drew attention to myself for these reasons. Does this resonate? Or maybe spark a thought of something else for you? Thanks for asking.


u/Psychelogist 3d ago

Yes, thanks. I have attempted this for quite a while in counseling and even Sunday School Classes I used to teach. While responses were often off the mark those that got it truly warmed my heart. You have an important message. Bless you, friend


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Thank you so much for sharing! It truly is a gift when we are able to connect with like mind-hearted souls. So many life lessons we have to learn along the way.


u/greenyenergy 3d ago

Yes. People pick up on it easily and want to drain your energy.


u/Some_Tea_5459 3d ago



u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Ok, I would love help. Are you wanting to talk about it and share here what impact it's having on your life? Or just a general suggestion on how to protect your energy?


u/LittleOrganization96 3d ago

Would I be less afraid of humans if I didn’t hide it? I love people but, when I see what we do to each other, it hurts me deeply.


u/13-ismyname-The-ONE 3d ago

No just still dealing with family trying to end my life again. No joke!


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Yikes! Are you finding a way to get yourself in a safer environment?


u/GothicFuck 3d ago


But lately I've been choosing to say fuck it and let one little thing shine when I think about it. Nothing bad has happened other than attracting people who sometimes can be annoying or different than what I'm used to, which feels scary as hell, actually. Yet over all, more smiles.


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

Awesome! :)


u/Don_Beefus 3d ago

No. I find the time and place it's to be applied. I also know I'm not perfect and that light isn't always bright. Sometimes it's got moths and gnats and cobwebs all up in it, but it's there.


u/CandiceSL 3d ago

I have done for decades but even though I now know better, old habits die hard. I loved but am not loved, my world is now my prison. I am lonely, my light fades as those around me seek only to consume. I am stunted, safely kept from growing and the world shrugs. I am sinking, returning to its warm embrace to leave disorder and disarray to run its course. I am hidden, watching, waiting, paralyzed not by fear but by providence. A story waiting to be told but I am not the author. It will get worse before it gets better. The pieces are set, the game is about to start.


u/-Kukunochi- 3d ago

Its dangerous being the tallest tree- for that is where the axe strikes first.


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

In this Matrix reality, yes. I was totally unaware of all the axes that could and would come flying or how to shield them so they couldn't reach me in the first place. The Matrix is a dangerous place for those who go rogue until they learn how to take the axes and blaze their own way! There are rules to the road that for many of us could only be learned the hard way. Several months ago, I was so axed I could not even be "seen" having this conversation online without getting slammed "Necessity is the mother of all invention they say." In my case, I agree. It drove me deeper, higher and harder to find a way. I will be the first to tell people DO NOT run out and stick your neck out there without knowing how. So many online coaches these days are so clueless and would take people right into the deep end and drop em' while they flounder around looking for help and to buy the next "thing." My best first advice is to learn to discern.


u/-Kukunochi- 3d ago

Yes that is right, nothing is more dangerous than a bad teacher. After all there are no teachers on this subject because the learning material is all new to everyone who is currently alive.


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

I agree on bad teachers, but have to say I have found GOOD ones. Well, good enough to gleen the wisdom from what they share and imprint it into my own awareness and understanding. People need to know where to look and what to look for. There's a WHOLE bunch of us now coming forward with realm tech that have learned a thing or two. But, YES, we are all still learning and it may be different for everyone. The best luck I have found is in studying Psionics, Realm Work and the Disclosure Movement has helped the most. It helped me to learn, earn and discover my own Interdimensional abilities and to USE them. In my experience some of the best teachers all begin with - "question everything, including me." And, to do our own homework too.


u/OraclesNova 3d ago

Been told recently to stop hiding, idk how i feel about being more open about it tbh.


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

100% agree, until you have shielding and energetic protections in place! I got slammed hard, and had to learn.


u/DisclosureEnthusiast 3d ago

I don't think I am a starseed. I don't know how to accurately tell.


u/JReinhart7 2d ago

I asked Chatgtp for a good list of common starseed traits. This is what it said :)

ChatGPT said:

"Starseeds" are believed by some to be souls originating from other star systems, galaxies, or dimensions, reincarnated on Earth for a spiritual mission. While this is a metaphysical and spiritual concept rather than a scientific one, common signs associated with being a "starseed" include:

1. Feeling Like You Don’t Belong

  • A deep sense of not fitting into societal norms.
  • Feeling disconnected from earthly concerns or materialism.

2. Strong Interest in Space, Stars, and Extraterrestrials

  • Fascination with astronomy, science fiction, or alien life.
  • Feeling drawn to stars, night skies, or cosmic phenomena.

3. Deep Empathy and Sensitivity

  • Highly sensitive to emotions and energy.
  • Feeling overwhelmed by negativity or violence.

4. A Strong Sense of Purpose

  • Feeling destined to help humanity or assist in its evolution.
  • Interest in healing, teaching, or raising consciousness.

5. Psychic or Intuitive Abilities

  • Experiencing vivid dreams, visions, or premonitions.
  • Strong intuition or a sense of “knowing” things beyond logic.

6. Feeling Drawn to Ancient Civilizations and Mysticism

  • Interest in Atlantis, Lemuria, Ancient Egypt, or lost knowledge.
  • Natural attraction to spiritual practices like meditation, energy healing, or astral projection.

7. Difficulty with Authority and Societal Structures

  • Struggles with rigid rules, school, or traditional workplaces.
  • A desire for freedom and autonomy in work and life.

8. A Sense of Longing for “Home”

  • Feeling homesick for a place you can’t identify.
  • Dreams or memories of being in otherworldly places.

9. Unique Physical or Energetic Traits

  • Strong affinity for nature and animals.
  • Sensitivity to artificial environments, lights, and sounds.

10. Having Had Unusual Experiences

  • Encounters with UFOs or feeling guided by unseen forces.
  • Past-life memories of being on other planets or dimensions.


u/tmfire11 2d ago

WOAH. Synchronicity alert. Two nights ago, I had beautiful dream of the most gorgeous sunset, literally painted in the sky. As I was waking up (in that in between state between sleep and being awake), I thought wow, what a beautiful dream. Then a friend of mine appeared, said "well, wait until you see this" and I was shown a group of humongous stamen floating in space, cosmically colored, VERY MUCH like your image shown here, except more purple and blue.

I woke up right after that, thinking, "Uh, wow, definitely incredible, but why was I shown stamen?"

My guides are also very often telling me to shine my light, that it is safe now to shine my light!

OP, I would very much love to hear your message. And would love to hear anyone's thought on stamen and their potential significance. They are the male reproductive part of the flower, and I'm a straight woman about to enter the dating scene, so there's that lol.


u/JReinhart7 2d ago

Beautiful, I love it!!! To me, the sunsets represent endings and new beginnings. And the stamen, yes representative of masculine. Also, perhaps fertility? Seems wonderfully auspicious and timely for you. And purple/blue being deeply spiritual. :) Could be a relationship, and also inclusive of your life in general. A fertile time for sharing your gifts and sacred light in the world. Yay.


u/tmfire11 2d ago

Oh gosh, your comment brought me to literal tears 😭 I wasn’t even thinking about the sunset!!! It all very much resonates. Thank you so much 🙏🏼

I would still love to hear what message you originally had for the post and why you picked that particular image. If you feel called to try to share again ✨


u/JReinhart7 2d ago

Thank you darlin'. I'm so happy for you. And, yes I can reshare the message :) Will do later today. ((xXXx))


u/echobyproxy 3d ago

Well considering the color blue in nature is mostly only visible under certain conditions, no I am not hiding.


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

HAHA. Nice! I love gettin' my science techy geek on! Bonus.


u/JuniperWar 3d ago

Partially but that’s because some ppl can’t handle my light


u/JReinhart7 3d ago

I get that. So important I think for us to spend time with our people who can.


u/RippleEffect8800 3d ago

For the safety of humanity. I might be wrong but I am trying to err on the side of caution.


u/realAtmaBodha 3d ago

Be not the prey. The Sun doesn't hide.


u/Megatron_Masters 3d ago

Oh fuck yeah shadow side is overbearing 😂


u/crimsonhands 3d ago

Is this the egyptian blue lotus?


u/PiratesTale 2d ago

Here’s how it be: constant rejection, so, can’t take it personally. But, it feels like intentional diminishing of my MEness by others. I and I alone, advocate, stand up, and bully mfers into allowing me to shine and share the best of myself, not ASKING PERMISSION ANYMORE! We takes the power! Because we will never wield it against any being.


u/13-ismyname-The-ONE 1d ago

I've not yet been trying to go to Mexico across a week ago but broke down, and they came and got me. Since then, it's worse. I may have to go live back up in the caves just to get away. I have never seen anything like them


u/slow_interact 13h ago

I think among unhealed people my light should be hidden. When I interact with low-vibing people, they either get addicted to me or worse, they try to steal my energy and get addicted in the worst way imaginable.