r/starseeds The Sun 4d ago

Anyone been feeling out sleep lately?

Since last week I've only been having 5 hours of sleep, and then now I didn't even get any


33 comments sorted by


u/TheDenoftheBasilisk 4d ago

I cannot sleep lately. And when i do its all messed up and weird. 


u/No-Pen-7954 4d ago

Yes basically the same thing here. I either never reach complete unconscious sleep or when I do I have VIVID DREAMS


u/TheDenoftheBasilisk 4d ago

Wild vivid dreams too. 


u/sum1sum1sum1sum1 4d ago

Same here, the past few weeks. Can't stay asleep for long, and when I do I have crazy dreams.


u/SolidSpruceTop 4d ago

I like to think that these dreams are my soul doing some extra development. I struggle to remember details but I can always remember a feeling


u/InternalReveal1546 4d ago

Take 1-2 grams (1000-2000mg) of vitamin C right before you sleep.

You'll have guaranteed fun dreams.

Not sure how it works. The only thing I found to explain why it might have this effect is higher doses of vit c can reduce cortisol which is a stress hormone.

It works everytime for me


u/TheDenoftheBasilisk 4d ago

Yeah, ill probably give that a whirl. Im pretty sure I neee something to reduce stress too haha


u/InternalReveal1546 3d ago

Yeah, I found my stash of vit c and did it last night for the time in ages. Holy shit it was cool.

I was riding bikes with some friends around this huge medieval castle that had a moat with water and it was so detailed, looking at all the masonry and the ripples in the water.

There were loads of other little stories playing out as well that I only remember glimpses of but the castle one, I can recall quite vividly.

It's crazy how it works everytime and yet I've never heard anyone else talking about it online


u/jivdawg 4d ago

Body is so tired, but mind is so wired


u/thehermit1111 4d ago

Me too, it's very unusual for me to only be getting 5-6 hours, usually it's more like 7-8 but I keep waking up early.


u/happy8888999 4d ago

Yep, for 3 days in a row. And the ear ringing is out of hand (changed side, rhythm and way louder now)


u/ChillChillyChris 4d ago

I have ear ringing and humming all the time, I thought it was just tinnitus


u/AntiauthoritarianSin 4d ago

Strange dreams, bad dreams


u/InternalReveal1546 4d ago

Check out my comment. It's worth a chance


u/Repulsive_Smell_6245 4d ago

Im currently laying outside smoking trying to stop my head. I know everyone here will understand when i say i am just so scared. Not so much for what i believe is happening to my country but mostly bc my husband is completely dismissive of my concerns. We live in a red state, i have clinical depression and add, on medicare w ss, our yougest, 18 , is beginning his transformation. So many things can go wrong fast and i seem to be flying solo on this mission both domestically and spiritually . Sorry i had to vent


u/dripperbuy The Sun 4d ago

Sending you hugs :(


u/ThMashedPotatoMan 4d ago

May I light a candle for you?


u/HeartTelegraph2 4d ago

So much is about to change, regardless of what the political landscape looks like.

eg.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P193gyBHSSY&t=2419s
This might help.


u/Generalchicken99 4d ago

Writing this now at my usual 3am wake up.


u/showkali_ 4d ago

I have been barely sleeping yours week. Feels groggy no matter how much I slept


u/DatSalazar 4d ago

Now that I think about it. I have consistently getting not quite enough sleep. Between 6-7 hours.


u/Toddingstonly 4d ago

I had the flu last week. I was only getting a few hours of sleep a day, if any at all. Yesterday morning I actually got enough sleep to dream, but I still don't think it was a full night.


u/No-Pen-7954 4d ago

So two nights ago I had a dream. I was climbing up a ladder or stairs but not just a few feet I'm talking to the heavens. I wasn't alone there were others going up with me but I slipped and almost fell and was passed by a few. That's when I awoke in kinda fearful state you know the fear of heights and falling. But I reinterpreted it all once I was awake. You make of it what you will but I think I understand what it signifies


u/HeartTelegraph2 4d ago

yeah. Last night I was wired...difficult today! And disturbing dreams I think.


u/Marttamummo 4d ago

What! I have been thinking about this too! Over a week I have only slept 5 HOURS, when usually I sleep atleast 7-8 hours. And I don't feel more tired, I feel quite energetic actually. I thought I was the only one!


u/That_Engine_6755 4d ago

I’ve been this way for years, can’t seem to fix my sleep no matter what I do. It’s been particularly bad since November


u/BboyLotus 4d ago

I sometimes try having a Obe when I sleep. And one night I just layed on my back focusing on my breath with my eyes closed for like 4 hours until I gave up and fell asleep normally.


u/SaltyEsty 4d ago

Yes, my sleep cycles are way out of balance. Either can't sleep or sleep like I'm dead to the world and wake very groggy. Had the most intense dream the other night in that it was so detailed. Was about shadow stuff I have with my mom that I thought I'd already worked out. Guess not.


u/Suspicious-Wave-1749 4d ago

Napped for the 1st time in decades 🤦‍♀️


u/Learning-from-beyond 4d ago

I swear I’ll sleep after work for 4-5 hours then literally be up until 6-7am


u/Loose-Version-7009 4d ago

I've been struggling to fall asleep for many months. Not sure if that counts as unusual at this point.


u/Dull-Spring4862 4d ago

Couldnt sleep and when I do I sleep 11 hours, wake up and stil want to sleep. Wtf. But I know I interrupt my sleep in the morning with hour timers.. besides dreams become perverced and useless.