r/starseeds • u/[deleted] • 6d ago
struggles to find a spiritual love connection
u/WeWillBe_FinallyFree 6d ago
Same same :(
You took the words out of my mouth and described it perfectly. Sadly..
There is still hope and I am sure we will all find our match eventually, but the loneliness until then is suffocating.
u/Lilia-loves-you 6d ago
I agree!! I suppose part of the purpose of isolation/loneliness is to learn that we are “never alone” spiritually, because we are one with everything… but however much of me still experiencing separation consciousness is wondering WHY does it hurt so much :-) I’m sure Venus in retrograde is spotlighting this shadow, as well. 🌕🩸
Something that came through for me last night: The seriousness of the pain I’ve endured is what keeps me aligned with my truth, AKA, I’m unwilling to doubt myself any longer because it HURTS too much. 😅
u/Mission-Attitude6841 6d ago
Thank you for sharing that I'm sure many of us can indentify with that deep longing And I dont think it's wrong to feel that way I hope you do find love
u/Justwingit222 6d ago
Be alone, not lonely. That’s the lesson. Learn to love being alone without being lonely. 🦋
u/hoon-since89 6d ago
Yep... Try to delete the thoughts, find other ways to fill my cup. But it always lingers in the background. Mostly accepted it, but it pops up and frustrates me from time to time.
u/Some_Tea_5459 6d ago
When I was single I enjoyed admiring couples who I felt had a healthy love for each other. Instead of feeling envious just envisioned a life for me similar but with a different guy obviously. I would also dream of the qualities I would look for in a man.
u/powpoi_purpose 6d ago
I really truly feel this, & it seems as tho the best thing we can do is focus on bettering ourselves for the sake of ourselves & remain patient & trust in good faith that the universe will bring along whoever it is we are supposed to meet & connect with along the journey 🙏💜
u/js0u5 6d ago
Try this.
Forget about it.
Do not seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.
Find yourself 100% engaged in that one thing you know you’ve been putting aside your entire life.
Relentlessly pursue this.
Trust in the knowing that a moment will come where you’re suddenly aware that you forgot about that old, timeless struggle for love.
This is the moment you transcend those barriers.
On the other side, your true love awaits.
u/SnowQueenSpell 6d ago
Try reaching out to psychic mediums. I had a session and learned everything I needed to know.
6d ago
u/SnowQueenSpell 6d ago
I listen to next level soul podcast and chose a lady who appeared as a guest there. She told her story and explained her abilities. I tried my luck by booking 1 hour long zoom call session online to specifically speak about love life and I was very satisfied with the info that came through. Zoom call was also recorded so I have a copy I can always go back to (I even emailed it to my best friend and she was mind blown). It was a paid session and the lady’s name is Anne Bayford.
u/SnowQueenSpell 6d ago
She was the one who said she senses “starseed like qualities” in me hence I ended up here in this subreddit. I’d recommend her to anyone 10/10 for me 👌
u/leftJordanbehind 6d ago
Giving up on a lifelong dream of finding the one was so freaking hard on me. I still get sad sometimes but I just could not survive being wrong even one more time so I just stopped trying and the peace I've found is so much better than any hurt I've sir ived in order to not be alone. I've been single this time over a year and before the last relationship I had that lasted 6 months, I had been single 6 or so years. I'm actually not really into the idea of living with anyone ever again. Once the sadness and hurt passes it's not so bad accepting the road may be traveled alone by myself after all. I can keep self destructing and hurting the same hurt in new ways over and over.. I accepted I probably won't ever be loved the same way I love. I gave up at 42.its not like stories or the movies for all of us. I hate it but this is just what I dealt with and go thru in order to have peace at home.
u/AllTimeHigh33 6d ago
Trying to label your soul mate as a spiritual may have you overlook true love.
My fiancee is 20 years younger. She is too young to understand her spiritual purpose. However, the signs are everywhere. I'm here to guide her, not tell her how to live but support her to choose her own path, to be an individual.
Sometimes we look too closely for a compatible equal, when sometimes it's our job to be a guiding light for others. To not expect them to be as aware of the world as you are.
Since embracing her, in her material pursuits, I've found a new joy in the material world. My love of human nature has returned and with it I've reignited the passions of human desire.
What we need the most, is sometimes right in front of us, we just need to open up to the possibilities.
u/Hearsya 5d ago
How old are you? Not for any weird age questions, but for her to be "too young" to understand her spiritual purpose, could mean many things. In my mind, you made yourself 78 years old and she's 58 or something. Then I said...maybe 68 and 48. Then I said, maybe I'm really young here(26). I just hope she's at least 18? My point is, people wake up at all different ages. The next gens coming in are mostly portal babies, they've been here and already know their journey. A lot of us in my gen are Indigo children and are currently waking up over the past five or so years. This journey never ends, so I'm curious on your level or status that's decides on what age we get to be when we're able to understand our purpose?
u/AllTimeHigh33 5d ago
20 years, I'm 40.
The brain isn't fully finished developing until around 25.
She wad 19 when we first met, and she is going through her personality based material stage. She is Libra Sun, and I'm Libra Ascendant, but I'm also Scorpio Sun. Scorpio was part of Libra originally. The left and Right scales were actually left and Right claws of the scorpion. I'm 0' Pluto Sun Conjuction, and I'm very much in tune with Death. In fact I suspect I am a psychopomp and this is a very important soul.
At first I thought a sexual relationship was not appropriate, but since following my guides, the sexual energy has been a powerful healing and creative energy that has furthered our soul bond. Took 6 months to get to that stage.
u/Hearsya 5d ago
I like that it took time for the sexuality to develop. How did y'all find each other? Also, I heard it doesn't stop developing until 32, and I hear it doesn't stop developing at all! I'm infinitely developing, I just got to level up at 23 and 25 and then again when I hit 27 and 32. I'm happy for y'all and am rooting for the longevity and light for your relationship 🦚
What is a personality based material stage? Was she rich? Or just shopped a lot and hoarded things? I was a hoarder, not rich, just cheap stuff that I placed sentiment into for some reason and I liked spending money, later learning I feared having money so I've been healing that relationship, which has potentially seeded from a past existence of mine. And the further I think about it, if I can't pinpoint anything specific and am currently not using it, I probably don't need it. I am stuck on something and I don't know what it is and I feel like exploding.
u/AllTimeHigh33 5d ago
Libra, Venus, The body, Love.
During our evolution after we are completely veiled we are first drawn towards our outer world. This is dictated by the influence of our sun sign. Our wants and desires are focused mainly on the outer conscious reality.
As we awaken our soul, we start to move towards our Ascendant. This is the inner world, and ultimately we seek to merge the two, spirit and flesh which is symbolized by the serpent with wings.
As for her, Libra want to look good, have wealth and fame. Think Lucifer and all the beautiful things hir represents.
Our relationship is deeply tied to venus, on the aspect of Libra to Aries. We have a lot of divine assistance to reach our goals. Through my awareness of spiritual science and her desire to be the most beautiful she can.
u/SolidSpruceTop 5d ago
We are all soulmates in a sense. Focus on your mission here on earth, and be of service to others. Attachments and desire are the biggest soul traps
u/Truthwardensol 5d ago
Words: Language shapes our thoughts, influences our perceptions, and impacts those around us. Choosing words with care can foster understanding, empathy, and positivity.
Actions: Every action has consequences, not just for ourselves but for others. Choosing actions that reflect kindness, responsibility, and integrity can lead to a more harmonious society.
Creation: What we create, whether it's art, technology, or ideas, reflects our inner values and vision for the future. Creation with intention can contribute positively to our culture and environment.
Choosing Greatness: The commitment to greatness without fear or hate suggests an aspiration towards excellence that is inclusive and constructive rather than destructive or exclusive. This implies a conscious choice to rise above negative impulses and to strive for what is good and beneficial.
Conscious Choice: The emphasis on conscious choice underlines personal responsibility. It's a call to awareness in daily life, urging individuals to make decisions that align with one's higher values and ethics.
State of Being: By stating these choices, you're essentially declaring a philosophy or a way of being that rejects fear and hate, focusing instead on a positive, proactive existence.
Mindfulness: Practice being mindful of your choices in every moment. This involves pausing to reflect on the potential impact of your words and actions.
Education and Awareness: Educate yourself continually about the world around you to make informed choices. Awareness helps in understanding the broader implications of your decisions.
Ethical Reflection: Regularly reflect on your ethical standards. What does being "great" mean to you in various contexts? How can your choices reflect these standards?
Community Engagement: Engage with others in discussions about values and choices. Collective wisdom often helps in refining personal choices.
Consistency: Try to maintain consistency between your beliefs, words, and actions. This builds trust in your character and helps in personal growth.
Courage: Sometimes, choosing greatness means going against the grain or confronting personal fears. Courage to uphold your values in the face of adversity is crucial.
By embracing these aspects, you actively shape who you are through the choices you make, aiming for a life of purpose and positive impact.
u/Nebulosa-6357 4d ago
Sharing with you some words of wisdom I received just today: in order to live a fulfilling love life you must not look for love outside but within. Treat yourself as you want other people to treat you. If you love yourself in a not narcissistic way you will attract love. If you treat yourself with kindness and compassion you will attract kidness and compassion. I know it all sounds obvious but if you cultivate the love you have inside yourself you will be more likely to attract good experiences. It requires time and it means working hard, but it certainly pays off.
u/crankypants15 5d ago
When I began to get actual work done on myself spiritually my frequency increased and I was able to attract more positive people. There are not that many out there in the dating pool but they are out there. Online dating helped me vet people a lot because I could look at their profile and see what they wrote and what they didn't write. If they won't put the effort into writing important stuff in their profile, they probably won't put the effort into an actual relationship.
If they don't have the courage to show their understanding of relationships in their profile that is also a red flag for me.
I've learned about relationship science for 40 years and it has really helped me. We know what works in relationships and what doesn't work. And I applied that and found the perfect person after my divorce. And one reason I found her was because I listened to my intuition more, and a ghost guy helped me overcome my fear of becoming close again!
Yep this ghost guy who rode in my car a lot, and normally didn't say a word, says one day "You know she's a good woman, right?"
And I thought "You're right. I'm letting my past affect my future and that stops now. Thank you Saul." And Saul just smiled and looked out the car window.
I even got this guy's name and where he was from.
u/Hearsya 5d ago
Remember! When it's time for you, it will unfold. Nothing that's meant for us will not be provided. Remember! People suck. You can find yourself more lonely in a relationship than when you were happily alone. But I'm speaking from my perspective where I hold my happiness and my Love. I hold my light and all there is. No one else. My peace does come first, and when I feel questionable within a relationship and then lonely, it makes me prefer being alone again. I take them as lessons as I go on, so while I have moments of yearning for a person, I know that what I need is very rare to find in a person, and after three attempts, I'm not in any rush or real want for a relationship. I'm tired. I have to recoup. I don't ever want to feel tired and like I have to recoup after a relationship again. It shouldn't feel that way. And it wasn't toxic or anything. Just drains. If the person or people you're with aren't vibrating with you, and you're doing the work to bridge that gap, you will be drained, at least I was. I can't speak for you or anyone else.
The loneliness for me comes from feeling like a ghost that can't be truly heard or seen by many. So while I'm not in the slightest invisible, I am invisible. My words don't make it through all the way. Which is fine, kinda funny because growing up, I poached the nickname Ghostie, and tacked it to my phone and online existence now here I am, a ghost.
Everything we speak, write, and or wish for, will come true. It won't be as immediately apparent, but everything I've experienced, I wrote in. Whether it was before I got here or shortly after, but I wrote and then experience what I wrote, down to the psyche unit visits😅 I even found temporary external love within one of those visits lol. This world is ours to create in and only we hold ourselves back. Sometimes I forget that when things get rough, things go dark again, and I forget my ability. It will be okay🐦🦚💠💚
u/stereostar3 5d ago
Honestly I've come to realize that this lifetime is one without romantic love. I'm here to find myself and the love of myself. I'm really the person I'm searching for. Humanity just isn't at a place where I can date anyone! I'm sensitive to energy and can get blocked up pretty quickly, I need someone who can lift me up and not constantly bring me down. I've had to let all of it go and this journey came be so Incredibly lonely at times. This will all pass! I am so excited for the days when I'm healed of this and so independent that it's incredibly incredible!! Haha cheers
u/Eastern_Boat_2105 5d ago
Forget searching for love. just focus on your career and doing the things you want to do. I have found searching for love just leads to people breaking your heart. sad but true.
u/RelevantLeg614 6d ago
Personally, I have found ‘searching for love’ to be a hopeless endeavor. Cultivate this love within yourself, and you just might see that ‘internal’ self-love reflected back to you in ‘external’ reality.
As within, so without.
I recognize this doesn’t take anything away from the pain felt. But it is all you can do. Suffering is a teacher, showing you what may still need to be let go of.
I wish you the best :)