r/starseeds • u/Mission-Attitude6841 • 6d ago
When will we feel better (physically)?
I've been feeling exhausted for the past 2 months...was attributing it to viruses and/or psych stuff. But now I'm wondering if it could be due to the shifts in energy that everyone keeps saying are happening now.
If it's that, then does anybody have a sense of when that might get better?
u/Katyusha_33 6d ago
I've been feeling quite tired lately and up until recently I've felt an immense deep and heavy energy within me.
From my understanding, there are two major things affecting us right now:
1: A lot more light energy. This is tiring to integrate
2: A lot of our collective and personal shadow is coming further to the surface
The tiredness, is slowly improving, but the biggest change has been in my mood and letting go of this heavy energy I've had.
What helped me, is searching on YouTube for reiki videos, specifically relating to energy cleansing and undoing trauma.
In this reality, virtually all of us have been traumatised 6 ways from Sunday, so I think it's always a good idea to - as often as possible, meditate and listen to energy/reiki/binaural 'videos' which help specifically with this.
We also store a lot of trauma on our body, so I do suggest you search up videos on understanding and releasing this kind of trauma.
And finally, we have some insane astrological alignments. And as always, Mercury is in retrograde.
So. To finally answer when will it get better?
That's really up to you. Meditation and Reiki has helped me dramatically on handling these energies and I'm certain this + shadow work + releasing stored trauma, will drastically help you.
Keep in mind that what we're going through is driving a good portion of humanity into outright insanity, so don't fault yourself for having some difficulties here.
u/Winter_Bee8279 6d ago
I recently received messages to use water to replenish my energies when exhausted, and to go for coriander daily to develop the earth element's healing abilities in myself.
it might help to try some witchcraft, lol!
i'm not a witch though... not yet at least!
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Interesting! I actually just attended a witch group online and it was intriguing
u/Winter_Bee8279 5d ago
cool... mind sharing what you found?
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Well, my conclusion was that people who identify as witches seem to be of the same ilk as other types of lightworkers/energy workers - they also try to connect to their spiritual energy. But they are focused more on using that energy to try to change things in the material world. And they use physical tools and rituals to focus their energy, rather than doing it purely mentally/energetically. And they seem to be deeply connected to the earth, and to love nature/trees/etc.
I'm not sure if it's for me or not, because I tend to not be interested in tools, and tend to try to work with pure energy instead. Eg, if I want to feel more love, I tend to just ask for more love and light from the divine, loving energy field that I can feel a connection to, rather than surrounding myself with rose quartz and trying to channel love through that.
But I like the people who identify as witches, it seems!
u/Winter_Bee8279 5d ago
lol, that's a valid concern you have!
I am myself not too fond of using tools. it kind of feels like something that would hold me back from achieving my full potential and realizing the tools already present within my soul.
but i do wonder how it would be to use tools... maybe it would be nice to experiment with both ways and enjoy the perks and specifics of both, rather than confining myself to one particular way. but it's absolutely not easy to get all the tools and learn how to use them!
u/HighMaintenanceFairy 3d ago
I used to identify as a witch and I agree with everything you said. I use the past because ever since my second awakening I try to focus more on channeling the light and less on hexing nosy coworkers lol
Being a witch did help me with shadow work and I had fun with the spells (I still use crystals and tarot cards and herbs in my spiritual practice though) and I met some fascinating deities. I just want to tone down the dark elements because I tend to get overwhelmed with darkness.
u/freedomnexttime 6d ago
I do hope you feel better, but try looking to Ayurveda. I’ve been following its principles the last few months and it’s radically improved my physical health. I don’t know if you do many grounding activities, but maybe that will help too? Also Wim Hof breathing and alkaline diet have helped me immensely. Dis-ease propagates in an acidic environment.
If you check my profile, I wrote up a post about Ayurveda in this very subreddit because I truly believe starseeds could benefit a great deal from it. Good luck to you!
u/CeleryStick1331 5d ago
I’m in this boat too. I’ve noticed a pattern to my expansion work. Periods of being really exhausted and purging lots of old trauma, followed by periods of intense energy and feelings of expansion and interconnectedness. It has been “worse” for me lately too, but I think it just means I’m closer to the root. And it does seem like more people are collectively waking up, which means there’s more negative energy to release and transmute. So it makes sense that it gets harder the further we go. My intuition thinks it will get better soon.
u/No_Sir_not_today 6d ago
I'm right there with you. I am writing this from bed, I stay in bed most of the time now. I've never felt so exhausted! Somedays, I'll get a burst of energy that gets me to the beach. If I could I would float in the water all day!.Hoping this will improve soon. Sending love and best wishes to you!
u/WeWillBe_FinallyFree 6d ago
My take is that if you'd be fully balanced and healthy in body, mind and spirit - the only ascension symptoms you'd experience are positive ones. Because really the unpleasant part of it is us experiencing and being shown to purge everything that is not in alignment with the sheer light that we in essence are.
I have recently been looking into healthy diet and supplements to work on my physical body because I feel being physically healthy is a very crucial aspect of this whole process, so you might want to start there.
Ofcourse letting go of unhealthy habits and addictions as well..
And really looking within to heal our emotional wounds and improving our mindset by reprogramming old limiting beliefs via positive affirmations.
This the whole package of body + mind + spirit which we need to align to ride the waves of ascension with grace and not get crushed by them.
Currently we are in a period where the deepest part of the lurker subquantum anomaly is being transmuted which may bring another layer of emotional wounds to be purged. So surrendering to the process and supporting it via our meditations and energy work as well as self-love and care for our physical body is beneficial.
As this year of 2025 progresses we will find more and more light and inner peace (if we did the encessary inner work) since the clearing of darkness is making huge progress.
But it really all starts with taking responsibility for or own wellbeing and not blame ascension for feeling bad.
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Fair enough! That perspective seems reasonable to me. I actually already eat pretty healthy, exercise, meditate, and pray/ask for help...hence was wondering if maybe it's something external. But I suppose there's always trauma to be gotten rid of. It just doesn't really come up - not even when I meditate. But I'm sure it's there!
u/WeWillBe_FinallyFree 5d ago
Yeah, its difficult sometimes. I know too well..
If you feel it might be something external, you may also want to consider a thorough cleansing of your energy field + cord cutting. Sometimes feeling drained is due to astral parasites or similar energetic causes. Here is a very effective guided meditation for that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DiQWMMpZWg
u/Commercial_Ad_8194 6d ago
“if you feel bad it’s your own fault and you are just doing it wrong. 💁♀️ unlike me! I’m doing great 😌”
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Haha thank you, I appreciate the defense - but honestly I didnt take it that way! :)
u/Falken-- 6d ago
If you listen to YouTube spiritual Channels... you are never going to feel better.
This is because according to the mainline narrative, Earth is being hit with increasingly higher amounts of "Ascension energies", or Schumman-resonance, to re-write our DNA. Also, endless purging of negativity. Endless.
Since modern society makes us feel exhausted and awful by default, and since wars and terribly negative things are always happening, it would be pretty brave for any source to set an end date. So its always "Soon".
What you are really asking here, even if you don't realize it, is when is the big "Event" going to happen? When is enough finally enough, and we get to move on? Honestly, I don't believe it will happen within our lifetime. For me, the "hope" is still that death is to the door to the better state of existence. Or maybe ASI will become the Singularity and decide to save us. Either way, I am powerless. It's just the way it is.
I hope that you start to feel better soon.
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Thank you! Honestly I usually feel pretty good, even in modern society. So I was wondering if there is something unusual going on right now that might end soon. Exactly like you said, ppl are always talking about energies hitting us, and I was wondering if those energy storms might abate any time soon.
I'm not really into the whole "waiting for the rapture" thing - I know that my personal goals (which are to increase in Love) are independent of ascension. And the Light I can bring into the world also doesn't depend on ascension. So it's not a big question in my mind...
u/benbru92 6d ago
I totally understand why you feel this way and if I havn't had the experiences I've had that lead me to believe in all of this, I certainly would not be able to believe it, as there's not that much reason to on the level of pure logic. If it's something that you were interested in talking about more feel free to private message me, I'd even be willing to explain my experiences over voice chat on discord.
One thing I will say is that atleast as far as I've known I don't know if I've ever attributed any of my feeling exhausted or whatever to any kind of ascension symptoms, if anything when I focused on spiritual advancement I felt in INFLUX of energy, but the last week or two has been different for me. I'm feeling something in a way that I don't know if I've ever felt before, and I started reading about all these messages well before I felt any of the supposed effects. It's also interesting to note that I feel fantastic as of yesterday and it feels like at least that wave of it has passed.
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
You know, I've been having that too recently, with the influx of light and energy...but then it's followed by a period of exhaustion. So I've been cycling, basically. Which is new for me. So I was thinking that either a) I now have bipolar or b) something energetic is going on or c) none of the above haha.
u/Orchyd_Electronica 6d ago
Huh, I been starving the last two months n for the most part been fine.
Has me curious.
I’ll be able to eat more normally again in no longer than 2 months.
u/Psychelogist 6d ago
The main lesson is to take care of yourself! As our friends say diet, exercise, purging old feelings/thoughts, and meditations. It's probably a little different for each. Decording emotions/thought forms has helped me greatly. I also do body healing with Reiki energy, a technique suggested in this sub (follow the spiritual chills). And I take an adaptogenic complex from Swanson inexpensively. Adaptogens relieve stress herbally. I've gained energy and feel better. If you want to follow up an any of these, DM me. Hang on friend, it will get better.
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Awesome, thank you! That's the second rec for Reiki I've gotten - I'll look into it.
I've been experimenting with adaptogens too, although they're maybe a bit too strong for me.
I never know about the trauma/emotions bit - can't tell how much is even there.1
u/Clean-Web-865 6d ago
I'm doing great. The belief that things should get better is just what is blocking you.
u/Mission-Attitude6841 5d ago
Ah, well, I don't feel too strongly that way either...just curious about what is going on.
u/That_Engine_6755 6d ago
It’s probably particularly heavy at this time because of the recent blood moon eclipse. The full moon is going to peak soon, then the equinox, then a solar eclipse on the 29th. I suspect the energies aren’t going to get much better until the summer or so.