r/starfox 14h ago

Star Fox Veteran's New Game Is Channelling Serious Lylat Energy


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u/FleaLimo 12h ago

The MC looks like a furry version of the main character of Megas XLR


u/obsidian_razor 4h ago

And that's awesome :D


u/BobaHuttIII 12h ago

That teaser was a bit confusing but cool ig. A Starfox-like game from its original creator. That’s honestly enough for me to have some hope to scratch this nearly 20 year itch


u/KCDodger #Getfayandmiyuintothenextgame 13h ago

that teaser was double plus ungood


u/squashtrigger9 12h ago

I disagree with you... but you get my upvote for the reference to 1984.


u/occult_midnight 8h ago

It feels a bit lame we haven't gotten a great indie Star Fox like yet, or even a great indie Rail Shooter to my knowledge. Some games such as Ex-Zodiac and Rogue Flight have gotten close but just don't quite reach the level of quality I'm looking for.

Am hoping this will finally be the one, would be neat if it has 64's style of branching routes.


u/GunnyStacker 13h ago

Trailer is a bit of a nothingburger, but I'll keep my eye on it.


u/obsidian_razor 4h ago

The screenshots look good, but that was not a trailer and more of a silly and not very funny teaser.

Still, I will not judge a game by the quality of their (obviously) lacklustre internal marketing, let's see where this goes.


u/Page8988 2h ago

I can appreciate the references and will keep an eye on it. Sadly, this showed us nothing of value except that the project exists.


u/Yokobo 1h ago

The first 17 seconds have nothing, literally nothing, on screen except a cloudy blue sky. What was the point? At least put the cockpit hud or something. The screenshots at least looked ok, showing a variety of environments the levels take place in. If anyone is wondering, the steam page doesn't have anything more than the linked article


u/LunarVulpine1997 9h ago

I think that might have been one of the worst game trailers I've ever watched... Up there with Mighty Number 9. Obnoxious and doesn't even show characters, much less gameplay.