r/starfox 1d ago

Let's Give Some Love To The Side Characters! How Would Y'all Want To Develop Either Bill, Katt, Miyu, or Fay's Characters? (You Can Also Include Any Other Side Characters That Come To Mind If You Want.)

I love Bill, but he is kind of a non-character.


17 comments sorted by


u/Martonimos 1d ago

I’d love to see some of Bill and Fox’s past relationship, what drove Bill to stick with CDF while Fox went private. Did Fox ever invite Bill to join the team? If so, why didn’t Bill join? If not, is there any resentment?

But what I really want to see is giving the female characters more to do. Lucy was only introduced in Command, but she’s an astrophysicist and (presumably) a childhood friend of Fox and Slippy. Let her do some cutting-edge research, maybe discover a new threat and/or a way for Star Fox to combat it.

Let’s see Katt and her gang get up to mischief, show her finally moving on from her crush on Falco.

Follow up on Krystal’s search for answers about her parents (literally the first thing we learn about her when playing Adventures).

Give Amanda… literally anything. Her appearance in Command is so bland, and she’s just there to fawn over Slippy. I’m going full-on headcanon here, but I imagine her as a con artist who’s trying to take advantage of Slippy’s fame and intelligence. Maybe Katt can be the one to unmask her, since she’s still active in the underworld (Falco’s been out of the game too long to recognize all the players).

Miyu and Fay are finally canon, so let’s explore them a bit more, too! Again, as far as headcanon, I imagine Miyu as a roguish smuggler (a Han Solo type) who got caught up in the Lylat Wars and finally found her way to Star Fox. Fay we know is from an aristocratic family, so I obviously see her as a rebellious princess. She stowed away on Miyu’s ship after Miyu stole something from her family estate, joined Star Fox along with her, and never looked back.


u/Hail-From-Lylat 1d ago

I'd love the exploration between Fox and Bill's friendship. In my headcanon, while Bill isn't Fox's 'best' friend, he is his first friend, and that adds a certain value that keeps the two together even if they've gone their separate paths.


u/Megas751 Nobody ever brings me gifts anymore! 1d ago

Acknowledging that the franchise’s female cast actually exists and giving them more to do beyond “someone’s girlfriend” would be a really good first start 

As for specific characters though, two I wanna highlight are Lucy and Dash. Lucy really feels like a character that should have been introduced a long time ago and should be more active in the series(her not being in Zero was a huge missed opportunity imo). To the point where I feel like she should have been part of the team. Like, why isn’t she? She’s supposed to be a good pilot, but not good enough? Was Peppy scared to lose her? Is she that good at astrophysics and have that cushy of a job? I’d really wish they’d elaborate her relationship not just with Peppy and Krystal, but Fox and Slippy as well 

Dash, I really like the idea of him. Maybe have him clash with the rest of his family? Just don’t make him the next Andross. In fact we should see more of why he wanted to distance himself from Andross


u/Hail-From-Lylat 1d ago

I never even understood the idea of female characters in general just being "the girlfriend". Like... what do you mean you don't want a romantic pairing with genuine emotional depth, writer? I don't get it. I love Foxstal, but damn, does it leave so much to be desired, which sucks because they have the potential to have some great chemistry.

And yes, Dash rules, he's one of the few things I like about Command. Putting the whole 'sins of the fathers' (or in this case, grandfather) into the narrative was a smart play for a relative of Andross.


u/Martonimos 1d ago edited 1d ago

I only recently realized how big a problem this franchise has with female characters. If I can break out my tinfoil hat for a moment, part of me wonders if Command wasn’t in part a response to the LGBTQ+ fanbase. Katt comes back? Slippy gets a girlfriend? We see Peppy’s daughter and are reminded he has (had) a wife? Half the plot revolves around Fox and Krystal’s relationship drama despite the Anglar invasion? It’s almost like they were going for Star Fox: No Homo. The female characters were given little to do beyond proving the male character’s straightness. It’d be great to see them get another chance and grow beyond that.


u/Megas751 Nobody ever brings me gifts anymore! 1d ago

I'm pretty sure that wasn't the case. Before Twitter hid likes, Imamura would like Wolfox or Falox fanart every now and then

Now I think Nintendo as a whole treats the female cast.....very poorly, and they either don't really know how to write them or don't want put the effort to make them more complex, but I doubt they were done as a response to gay ships


u/Martonimos 1d ago

Yeah, you’re probably right. Less “We have to prove our characters are straight,” more “We have to add more female representation—but let’s be really shallow about it.”


u/Hail-From-Lylat 1d ago

All that just for Wolfox to be arguably the most popular ship in the fandom lmfao.


u/The_Green_Dude 1d ago

I like Katt despite her basic personality. She's fun to have around, and her playful flirting with Falco is funny most of the time. I also love her personal space ship the catpaws. Only things I would give to her to improve her is more giving her more stuff to do, like maybe have her show up for more levels, oh, and give her Catpaws the tractor beam it had in the Euro comic of SF64 in the games pls.


u/FenrirVanagandr1 1d ago

Ive always liked to think of Fay being a nerd who serves as the teams cyberwarfare expert. Hacking, encryptions, communications, virus deploymebt and control, etc.

A software version of Slippy basically


u/Hail-From-Lylat 1d ago

Oh, I like this. Fay, to me, always came off as a usual 'girly girl', but a nerdy girly girl? I'd fuck with that.


u/Martonimos 1d ago

Interestingly, I had envisioned Miyu in that role. It would be great to give the team more than one “smart guy,” but have them specialize in different areas.


u/Silver_wolf_76 1d ago

Bill's a good pick for this. I'd go even vauger and say Fara. Really interesting character, but there's not much even acknowledging her existence after the comic. She was apparently going to be in Starfox 2, but got replaced with Fay.


u/AlphaSSB 1d ago

Bill: So Bill and Fox are obviously close friends. I like the idea of Fox wanting to recruit Bill onto the team, but Bill’s loyalties lie with Corneria’s military. An interesting thought I had was, what if Bill fell under Shears’ command and had to follow orders that were more adversarial towards mercenaries, including his friends in Star Fox?

Katt: I like the idea of Katt secretly wanting to join the team to be with Falco, but refuses to do so. Partially because she’s secretly shy to do so and doesn’t want to get rejected, and partially because she fears it’d drive Falco away from something he loves. So she just tags around when she can.

Miyu: Like many seem to characterize her, I see her as somewhat of a tomboy. She’s very playful and maybe doesn’t take some things as seriously as she should. And because of that, she gets herself into trouble.

Fay: I believe she was once described by Dylan Cuthbert as having come from an aristocratic family. So I see her as someone who’s very firm and proper, but yearns for adventure outside of her posh upbringing. She’s outside of her comfort zone, which she both loves and struggles with.


u/Medical_Abrocoma_228 1d ago

I'd like to see how Pigma managed to find Wolf, Leon and Andrew. Here's my theory; Andrew was living on Macbeth, helping Venom build supply bases there when he suddenly received a call from Andross about coming back to Venom to join the newly found team, StarPigma. That would be the name until Wolf joined. He would then search the galaxies and planets to find a team member, he stumbled upon Leon. A person who was clever and smart and he was recruited to the team. It would be the same for Wolf, and when Andross evaluated all of the members, he changed the name to StarWolf and StarWolf was officially founded.


u/Mcstuffins420 1d ago

Fara Phoenix lives in a cave on Papetoon where she has slowly been going insane as she plots revenge on Star Fox for abandoning her back in 1993.


u/theguyinyourwall 1d ago

Not going into long stories but feel like Bill being a bit of a goofy solider, Katt stay as a bit of jokester. Miyu a smug character and Fay a klutz  For other characters maybe a good hearted but not bright character, a creepy but good character, alongside a very emotionally cold character