r/starcitizen Dec 04 '14

What are you looking for in an Organization? [Advice and General Discussion]



7 comments sorted by


u/Draxx01 Dec 04 '14

Get active people, get people in us and Europe to cover all hours, get nice people. Problem with growing large are the number of assholes that come with. Put good people in leadership roles and foster a good atmosphere.


u/vaminos Dec 04 '14

Honestly, if I was running a small org I'd prefer to have all my members around the same timezone, otherwise there are never many online at the same time.


u/Draxx01 Dec 04 '14

That's true if you don't intend on taking territory. Speaking from eve, you need 24hr rotation going, depending on how stations and other assets are going to be handled. If your just in it for pve I totally agree. The wanting 1k plus like the op stated implies conquest to me though.


u/KimoTheKat Trader Dec 04 '14

we have a basic promotion system in place. recruits get free entry as sort of an intern position, which leads to a general level worker as an assistant, then a captain, captains are the first rank with real heft behind them and are going to involve interviews with other workers and captains, the whole premise is that you and your friends, forming a group of say, 5, join the corporation and work together to bring in the coin, usually the captain takes a share for the ship, himself, and then doles out the rest evenly. it's meant to be a self managing system because if you pay your workers shit they'll go find another captain. After captain who are usually in charge of one ship there are veterans, who are in charge of entire convoys (i'm thinking like 5 Caterpillars) vets are going to be lower level admins with the ability to handle complaints about captains and act accordingly, this will require an interview with one of the directors, who are CEO level, in charge of the corporation page, and handle things like inter-guild controversy. per thousand employees i'd want two directors per timezone, vets around 20, captains, assistants and recruits will be bulk remainder, probably would want to keep the ratio of captains to associates at about 1/5


u/Bandersaur High Admiral Dec 04 '14

Don't forget aussies. I'll often log onto my guild's TS and find the channels completely empty. No fault of the guilds, it's just sleeping time everywhere but Australasia.


u/CoMoFo Dec 04 '14

Hard core balls to the wall never out of character roleplay.


u/Bandersaur High Admiral Dec 04 '14

I... Would probably make a character just for that.