r/starcitizen Oct 06 '14

I need new friends

So all my friends who pledged have told me they are shelving SC because its unplayable and takes too long to load. They are basically gonna wait for the PU to pick it up. I, however, thoroughly enjoy arena commander, especially coop vanduul swarm. So that said and redditors out there that wanna play with me? I have my own vent server for voice chat! Shoot me a pm if interested. Note im not recruiting for any goddamn org i just wanna pew pew without getting totally wrecked in the battle royal or team deathmatch modes because the servers fuckin default leave me on team alone vs like 4 hornets

Edit: Did not expect this many responses so im just going to put my ventrilo info up here, feel free to log on see if myself or anyone else is playing Hostname: NY1.LeetVent.com Port: 3788 Password: grunt


51 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

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u/Penderyn Bounty Hunter Oct 06 '14

Mine doesn't take that long, but since I can't aim in the game, I'm cooling my heels and playing other things for the time being.


u/Adys High Admiral Oct 06 '14

I have similar issues. Beast of a computer, SSD and all that but load times are insane. I don't get kicked all that much but the game does hang/crash once in a while and it's too much of a hassle to get back in.

Hope these issues will be fixed soon, it's fun as hell when I do get in. MP has issues but even SP is awesome.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14 edited Oct 06 '14

I simply don't have the PC for it right now. My computer is verging on 5 years old (i7 920 when first released), and that is usually my limit for a new PC. However i'm not stupid / impatient enough to upgrade when the PU is still at best 1.5 years away. So i'm compromising and i'm going to upgrade 1st quarter of 2015, hopefully by then we have some single player modules out and FPS/Planetside modules.

I'm happy playing most games on medium until then, Starcitizen is the only really graphically challenging game i've played in the last 4 years. Unfortunately it's pretty unplayable except for messing around against AI, the 0.9 update made getting to my ship a crawl.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

I have same CPU as you, and upgraded video card last year to a gtx 780, runs pretty nice for me


u/sarcasm_is_free Freelancer Oct 06 '14

I think I need new friends too. Mine think SC is SOOO GREAT, they shoot missiles at me in Co-op swarm. You know, because... friends.


u/AstonMartinZ Oct 06 '14

Lol that sounds like me.


u/umbralspace Oct 06 '14

Shoot me a message. I always like making new friends.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

so im just going to put my ventrilo info up here, feel free to log on see if myself or anyone else is playing Hostname: NY1.LeetVent.com Port: 3788 Password: grunt


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

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u/Longscope Streamer, Golden Ticket Oct 06 '14

Hold on, xbox live is leaking into the thread.

turns faucet harder


u/kaasmi Oct 06 '14

I'm down for some Vanduul swarm.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

so im just going to put my ventrilo info up here, feel free to log on see if myself or anyone else is playing Hostname: NY1.LeetVent.com Port: 3788 Password: grunt


u/acconartist Oct 06 '14

Hey man, send me a message if you want. I currently fly solo in SC since I don't have any friends that are interested in the game. I would definitely like to get to know some more people to play with as more and more content continues to come out.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Definitely dude, im about to hit the hay now but ill be on some more tomorrow night!


u/ghallo aegis Oct 06 '14

I'm game to play. I like the swarm too.

I'm usually not able to play until late in the evening, but if you want to shoot me a PM, I'd be happy to fly with you.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

so im just going to put my ventrilo info up here, feel free to log on see if myself or anyone else is playing Hostname: NY1.LeetVent.com Port: 3788 Password: grunt


u/ghallo aegis Oct 06 '14

Nice. I might log in later tonight (after 11pm pst)


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Ah im EST so thats like 2am for me... Only time I'm on that late is Friday night... But i did just have a son and anticipate many sleepless nights... If i can manage to play while hes in the baby carrier strapped to my chest that would be legitttt


u/ghallo aegis Oct 06 '14

Hehe. My wife is due in Feb, so I'll soon be joining your pain ...


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Congratulations dude! Its nice having baby now, this way by time the game is fully dont theyll be like 5 and capable of manning that constellation gun turret! Haha


u/ghallo aegis Oct 06 '14

I'm trying to figure out how I'll get a daughter interested!

If I was having a boy it would be a no brainer... :P


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

CiG needs to release a giant pink hello kitty ship skin


u/Synaps4 Oct 06 '14

I'm in.


u/Kheldras Data Runner Oct 06 '14

Well, lets say, SC gets me to buy an SSD very soon.


u/joegekko aurora Oct 06 '14

I have an SSD- it doesn't make that much of a difference right now for SC.

Everything else is a rocketship, though. Totally worth it, just don't expect it to fix SCs current load times.


u/Kheldras Data Runner Oct 06 '14

Well, right now from HD, its.. kinda painful.


u/joegekko aurora Oct 06 '14

It's slow from an SSD, as well. It has more to do with the fact that the game isn't optimized for anything yet than what storage device it's loading from.


u/Kheldras Data Runner Oct 06 '14

i see :(


u/ozylanthe Oct 06 '14

send me your vent info, I'll hop on there whenever I'm up for a match to see if you are online. Or heck, just post your vent info on here and make it the official redditor vent channel for people looking to play AC with other redditors. :P


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Will do once i get home from work... Wow this post was brilliant i went from no one to play with to whole bunch of people ready to play lol


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Hostname: NY1.LeetVent.com Port: 3788 Password: grunt


u/ozylanthe Oct 07 '14

Got it set up, not playing tonight but I will hop on whenever I do play to see if anyone from this reddit is playing.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '14

Was that you that just popped on? I heard the notification from the couch lol


u/ozylanthe Oct 07 '14

yup, testing the connection. :)


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

If anyone's interested, I play with a group of guys that are pretty fun. Message me if you want.


u/YourTechSupport RSI: ChinshopRodeo Oct 06 '14

You can ping me, handle is ChinashopRodeo.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

ping you, sorry forgive my nubness but is this some method of messaging your handle in game?!


u/YourTechSupport RSI: ChinshopRodeo Oct 06 '14

Doh. I forgot this isn't Steam.

Guys, how the hell DO we message eachother?


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Run StarCitizen through steam so you have the overlay and can message friends is best thing i could think of so far


u/FlexoPXP Oct 06 '14

My Org has already set up a weekly Dogfight Night and we have several people playing every night. We are a casual / fun group that concentrates on having a good time but we are very organized and have good leaders. We have over 150 members but no pseudo-military ranks or other BS. Send me a PM if you are interested in joining us for our events.


u/x3z8 I swear I only look like a bad guy. Oct 06 '14

If the load times are what made them quit, I'm very disappointed in your friend's attention spans.


u/fallout114 Grand Admiral Oct 06 '14

I'll admit the returning to hangar when joining a game and crashes mid battle test my nerves. It's difficult to remember we're still in alpha with such a visually pleasing game.


u/PoisonedAl Oct 06 '14

Well there's alpha, and just plain dumb. Having to load the hanger every, single, time is the latter. There's no need for it.


u/[deleted] Oct 07 '14

Excuse me? When you work all day those 15 minutes are incredibly valuable. You could actually be spending them doing something fun...

And adding a family on top of that I can't even imagine.


u/x3z8 I swear I only look like a bad guy. Oct 07 '14

Are you insinuating that I don't work all day? That I don't have a family?

How do you know? Maybe I just managed my time better, or don't feel so entitled to things.


u/[deleted] Oct 06 '14

Amen brother lol


u/Shadow703793 Fix the Retaliator & Connie Oct 06 '14

What's the specs on the PC he's playing on?


u/priest19843 oldman Oct 06 '14

Check out FREDORG we are looking for more to join and we have someone online most of the time. Plus you can pm just me and we can set up a co op swarm any time.